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5035289 No.5035289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Grab the book you're currently reading

Open it to page 162, find the 6th sentence.

What does it say?

>> No.5035301


>> No.5035302


You can´t go to a specific page on kindle, it only says the percentage of how where you are in the book. It´s fucking lame, i know.

But i´m reading American psycho atm.

>> No.5035310

It was easy to see, when this invitation was taken up, where Martin had acquired his own gift for mimicry.

>> No.5035340

Schooling has no more important task than to teach rigorous thinking, careful judgement, logical conclusions; that is why it must refrain from every thing which is not suitable for these operations - religion, for example.

>> No.5035343

They are more than the elements of technical compositions of the proletariat, and more than the aleatory and/or conjectural organizations of the oppressed: they are the actual moments of political recomposition and coagulates of the subversive production of communist subjectivity!

>> No.5035347

>i then plugged my dick into my sister phoebe against her own will

>> No.5035354 [DELETED] 

>No, he concluded, with a sigh, it won't do
Have a guess

>> No.5035357

>No, he concluded, with a sigh, it wont do
Have a guess

>> No.5035359

>Sie waren fast ganz entblößt und ausgeraubt.

>> No.5035360
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>> No.5035361

"I'm afraid . . ."

OP pic is appropriate, it's A Game of Thrones.

>> No.5035366

Crime & Punishment P&V version

because you have no taste and someone told you Russian lit is important to the Western canon

>> No.5035367


That's the 7th sentence, bruv.

>> No.5035370

I can't count.

>> No.5035374

Wrong book, try again faggot

>> No.5035410

Reading Crime & Punishment in Norwegian
Now, what do you think these clothes costs?

>> No.5035611


Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning.

>> No.5035617

Boy, was I drunk

>its from The Catcher, Im on page 140 and now I know he gets wounded and is bleeding and drunk on page 162, thanks a lot

>> No.5035619

Le hat wearing obese man

>> No.5035622

The HUMAN religion is only the last metamorphosis of the Christian religion.

>> No.5035626

Nothing. The book stops at page 159.


>> No.5035730

He realised he was the ringleader of a party, not the provider of funny.

>> No.5035737


>> No.5035748

"Im Töten überschreitet Raskolnikow nicht nur eine gesetzliche, sondern auch eine ethische Grenze, und in seiner Theorie vom Übermenschen versucht er, die Gattungsgrenze zu überschreiten."

Badly translated by yours truly:
"In killing, Raskolnikow overcomes not just legal, but also ethical boundaries, and in his superman theory he tries to overcome the boundaries of species."

Fucked if I know what the last part is supposed to mean.

>> No.5035772
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>> No.5035783

Don't look at me that way man, that's just the appendix to my copy of Notes from Underground.

>> No.5035925

A few edifying words summing up the situation were uttered by two guests of Nastasya Filippovna's, who decided to walk a little way.

>> No.5035939
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>> No.5035940

To have been Belshazzar, King of Babylon; and to have been Belshazzar, not haughtily, but courteously, therein certainly must have been some touch of mundane grandeur.

>> No.5035953

Having in his comings and goings along all of the routes in the world, drained all of the spiritual resources as well as all of the dough off of those stupid Aryans, so stupefied, cuckolded, inebriated, and driven to fanaticism by all of those shits! for all of those shits! as well as being in the shit!

>> No.5035954

>looked cheerful and interested in everything that was happening

>> No.5035961

The contour of his face was somewhat angular and harsh.

Protip, it's not Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.5035985

"Laleh began to search for some hidden treasure in her potatoes."

>> No.5035988

Sorry OP, I don't read books with more than 100 pages in them.

If you can't make your point in less, then you can't write.

>> No.5035992

They conserve the head or even the whole body of their enemies in their collective possession.

>> No.5036009


Sounds a cool book, mine is dull:
There had been a number of similar influxes in between, and while there was no single blueprint for how immigrants were to be treated, clear patterns emerge.

>> No.5036463

She had to get married, once I did.

>> No.5036471

"Why? Indeed. You seem most fortunate in having an employee who comes under the full-market price".

>> No.5036481

Categories are concepts which prescribe laws a priori to appearances, and therefore to nature as the sum total of all appearances (natura materialiter spectata).

>> No.5036485

The root point is that Aspen's political situation is so volatile- as a result of the Joe Edwards campaign- that any Freak Power candidate is now a possible winner.

>> No.5036490

Algo que podría muy bien denominarse terror se apoderó de los exploradores antes de llegar a ver otra cosa que no fuese roca, cieno o algas marinas.

Roughly translated:
Something that could be completely named as terror caught the explorers before reaching to see something that was not rock, mud or sea weed.

>> No.5036493

Hunter S. Thompson?


>> No.5036494

"The Bloomberg-Stanislouski, weeell... that's a different sort of test altogether."
for naked lunch, that could have been much worse

>> No.5036525

Oh I’m sure this trial of yours will turn out all

>> No.5036528

I just spoilered myself you jackass

>> No.5036530

Agia and Dorcas were coming down.

>> No.5036532

bad b8

>> No.5036557

>—but I didn't mean... Her hand closed tight, its prey swollen the colour of rage, she came up catching balance, reaching out for the phone

>> No.5036564


Book of the New Sun up in hurr

>> No.5036579

"Left click anywhere in the large color wheel to choose the color you want to use."

-Blender for Dummies.

>> No.5036712


Now he activated them, and the hull was suddenly alive with the night noises of the world above: the murmur of waves, the screeching of parakeets disturbed at their roosts, and the immense plop-plopping of something very close at hand.

>> No.5037215

Dawson blinked, opened his mouth, closed it again.

Yeah, I cannot get into this book. A friend recommended it, and stupidly I bought it. I'm just uninterested in it, but I feel like I must finish it. ;_;

>> No.5037250

"Ein Geruch von jungen Pilzen, von Schimmel, von alter, anhaltender Unbehaustheit durchdrang die Luft des Schlafzimmers, als der greise, von Sonne und Regen gebeizte Koloß sie ein- und auszuatmen begann."

>> No.5037286

"And so the grand-stands make a brilliant and wonderful spectacle, a delirium of color, a vision of beauty."

>> No.5037340

"Prince Andrei understood nothing"

>> No.5037356

War and Peace a shit

>> No.5037358

you a shit

>> No.5037377

I'm reading Infinite Jest and page 162 looks like a stream of consciousness with no periods

>> No.5037389

page 162 is completely blank. Page 163 says "Part 3"

>> No.5037397

In vague sacrificial or sacramental acts alone his will seemed drawn to go forth to encounter reality; and it was partly the absence of an appointed rite which had always constrained him to inaction whether he had allowed silence to cover his anger or pride or had suffered only an embrace he longed to give.

>> No.5037405

He was thinking hard as he entered his hut and lay down on his bed, and though he had been awake all night, he still couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Guess what i'm reading folks

>> No.5037412

He did not mean to kill the poor musician; he just struck out on the impulse of the moment without thinking, hardly aware of his strength.

>> No.5037414

>'I will tell you what,' said Jack heavily.

>> No.5037551

This sounds interesting, what is it from?

>> No.5037566

"Durante a famosa conversação sobre o riso, Berengário se referira ao "finis Africae". O que era?"

Will literally suck the dick of the guy who gets which book this is

Will literally suck the dick of the guy who

Tip: this is portuguese

>> No.5037568

Eight chairs stood around the big table where we took our places.

>> No.5037573

Faulkner doesn't have punctuation on that page.

>> No.5037602

oh faulkner

>> No.5037610

"Campbell was the inventor and commander of the unit, which was supposed to fight only on the russian front."

>> No.5037646


Absalom, Absalom!(?)

>> No.5037647

Andá a dormir, viejito

>> No.5037658

"To the soldiers already engaged in the service, he was constrained to leave the dangerous privileges and extravagant pay given by Caracalla; but the new recruits were received on the more moderate though liberal establishment of Severus, and gradually formed to modesty and obedience."

>> No.5037792

>Los aliados aprovecharían con pérdidas relativamente bajas la ventaja que ofrecía el desembarco mediante planeadores, con la posibilidad de disponer de pelotones de soldados en territorio enemigo sin dispersión sobre amplias zonas y, cosa importantísima, provistos de medios de transporte y armas pesadas.

>The Allies would harness with relatively low losses the advantage that glider-landing offered, with the possibility of having soldier platoons in enemy territory without dispersion over large zones and, very importantly, supplied with transport and heavy weaponry.

>> No.5037802

"The teachers understand."

>> No.5037810

"For if that God, whose hand the Puritan sees in all the occurrences of life, shows one of His elect a chance of profit, he must do it with purpose."

- Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

>> No.5037824
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"I engaged him as my reader, but the suffering which he had long endured from a liver abscess, and the resulting weakness, convinced him that his life no longer offered him anything worth the living."

>> No.5037850

The lust to rule: the earthquake which breaks and breaks open all that is rotten and hollow; the rolling, rumbling, punitive demolisher of whited sepulchers; the flashing question mark beside premature answers.

>> No.5037922

>But this, too, was tiresome.

Kinda expected better from The Political Animal.

>> No.5037933

"Not all of them will walk on four legs."

>> No.5037950

And in point of fact, there was nothing to complain about: iron would sooner catch a cold and start coughing that this marvellously fashioned landowner.

Guess what book

>> No.5037990

The lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other; and there you shall serve other gods, of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known

>> No.5037996

Being confined to the campus was not much of a punishment.

>> No.5037999

you might have misunderstood.

>> No.5038012

blades into the vent, so that any possible odor is blown through an outtake duct and expelled through a grille’d hole on the west side of the West Courts, a

>> No.5038028

"From Dunedin 'the Alert' and her noisome crew had darted eagerly forth as if imperiously summoned, and on the other side of the earth poets and artists had begun to dream of a strange, dank Cyclopean city whilst a young sculptor had moulded in his sleep the form of the dreaded Cthulhu. "

I may have cheated, since this is a compilation of several "books".

>> No.5038035

"In the man of action, in a Napoleon, let us say, the stupidities lie hidden, for action is a form of abstraction that crushes everything it cannot express."

>> No.5038065

I walked home with Dill and returned in time to hear Atticus saying to Aunty'...in favour of southern womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life"

>> No.5038106

To you, dear son, because you love me.

>> No.5038112

>implying science isn't just another religion you're supposed to accept without asking questions, with its own bullshit "truths" like climate change and sustainable energy

>> No.5038131

Capping - Suppose you're drawing a closed convex object (or several of them, as long as they don't intersect or enclose each other) made up of several polygons, and you have a clipping plane that may or may not slice off a piece of it.

Exciting. Guess which book I'm reading.

>> No.5038136

When the comedy season ended, and Machen went to Stratford, where the fortnight's Shakespeare Festival began in late April, he had at least eight lines to say in _Richard II_ and was drafted for other parts.

>> No.5038139

*tips barista*

>> No.5038142

>As pointed out in the last chapter, an army begins this process with the draft notice, which informs the subject that his body no longer belongs to him but to the government.

>> No.5038147

It was illuminating that the Center and the Marxists should have taken this measure, for if they had not undertaken this curtailment of "civil rights"-as the political equality of the soldiers after the revolution was called-within a few years there would have been no revolution, and hence no more national dishonor and disgrace.

>> No.5039366

162 is a blank page.

>> No.5039374

Striving hard I find you in a waking dream,
I stretch my arms out into the empty air
to fold you in a passionate embrace.

>> No.5039380


What are you reading Tristram Shandy or something?

>> No.5039386

No. It's just a book containing a bunch of short stories by Bierce and 162 just happened to be a textless page following the end of the previous story.

>> No.5039424

It's not his business, but I'll speak with him, if you want.

>> No.5039449

A helpful spectator, I would go up to that other child, and inhale her faint, musky fragrance as i touched her forearm and held her knobby wrist, and push this way or that her cool thigh to show her the back-hand stance.

>> No.5039487

The book I'm reading doesn't have that many pages.

>> No.5039504

>Ciò non toglie che il vecchio mascalzone avesse anche altro nel sacco, di forma simile, ma più duro e più pesante.

Unfinished Tales by Tolkien in Italian.

>> No.5039513

Only 5 sentences :(

>> No.5039521

These directions I gave each one separately, with orders that if they saw any other Christians there they were not to say anything to them except that I had directed them to wait at that spot.

>> No.5039540

"How many women have you slepth with?"
"a few"
"where they whores?"
"not all of them"

god damn Hemmingway

>> No.5039545

>reading tolkien in italian

>> No.5039548

what country is the book from

>> No.5039551

I'm reading this one, too. Any other of his book worth their time?

>> No.5039553

"I won't have grandchildren, but your grandchildren" he said to the passengers "will still fight against them!"

>> No.5039566

And because there is suffering in the willer himself, since he cannot will backwards - therefore willing itself and all life was supposed to be - punishment.

>> No.5039568

sun also rises and farewell to arms are def. worth the time

old man and the sea should be nobel-prize winning but i found it rather dull
it doesn't take a lot of time to read though

>> No.5039582

That's on page 157 for me, and in the Spanglish he uses. Did you just paraphrase or are there versions of FWtBT that did away with the 'translated from Spanish'-idiom?

>> No.5039604


also i guess it kind of depends on the editiion

>> No.5039726
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Moreover, by absolutizing transcendence under the aegis of the disjunction between the two faces of death, biological and ontological, Heidegger effectively deprives himself of any means for explaining how transcendence comes about.

>> No.5039751

Damn lolita is so good.

>> No.5039765

Such dramatic weddings of gods and goddesses, as we shall see presently, were carried out as solemn religious rites in many parts of the ancient world; hence there is no intrinsic improbability in the supposition that the sacred grove at Nemi may have been the scene of an annual ceremony of this sort.

>> No.5039791

"I believe he is listening, and I don't like the look of him"

>> No.5039842

Tony Blair's A Journey:

The orange order chap was quite shaken.

(ten points for guessing what we being discussed in this context)

>> No.5040279

In 'The Photographic message' (1961) Roland Barths famously declared that 'the photographic image... is a message without a code' (Barthes 1961, 17).

>> No.5040302

Oh Heidegger!

>> No.5040306

Maria said nothing but lay there, trying to make her head rest lightly.

>> No.5040313

"I'm just a little baby made of cummy cum cum!" and he cried as he crawled, and as he crawled alas did those murky white stains escape his knees and palms and drag their putrid forms across the very same path.

>> No.5040377

The second form of transfinite induction is clearly the appropriate structural induction for our constructor-form definition of the ordinals.

>> No.5040406

An unwelcomed infant it was, poor thing!

>> No.5040671

No, keep going. I want to see all the funny fedora pictures you have saved on your computer.

>> No.5040680

Women were screaming and naked children and one old man tottered forth waving a pair of white pantaloons.

>> No.5040878

>Now, please come up as soon as I call your name.

>> No.5040924

Husaři se zvonícími ostruhami začali slézat z koní, šávle se jim zachytávaly za uzdy a oni sami zatím nevědeli, co přesně mají dělat.

>> No.5040935

Která kniha?

>> No.5040943

vojna a mír, svazek 1

>> No.5040947

Pohltit zvlnění kulhat bambule práce bobová narozena autorem klas okrást vzlykat?

>> No.5040956


>> No.5040962

Gobble wobble hobble bobble job bob dob lob cob rob sob?

>> No.5040963

"A crew would be turned loose in the town on shore leave, some of its members perhaphs charged with this errand or that; and when reassembled it would be almost sure to lack one or more men."

>> No.5040978

"Close the door, somebody."

>> No.5041026

"What kind of Wandervögel idiocy is it to run around all night in a marsh calling yourselves the Society for Space Navigation"

Also how the fuck did I just open to page 162 of this book immediately

>> No.5041031

Total war broke out between the U.S. and the USSR and a huge number of missiles were launched between the continents like schools of flying fish.

>> No.5041035

The Crying of Lot 49 doesn't have 162 pages, so I'll select an excerpt from the nearest book.
>It was pretty clear that there were some major sexual insecurities and maybe even homosexual-type ambiguities that Dr. Gustafson was subconsciously trying to hide from himself and reassure himself about, and one obvious way he did this was to sort of project his insecurities onto his patients and get them to believe that America's culture had a uniquely beautiful and alienating way of brainwashing its males from an early age into all kinds of damaging beliefs and superstitions about what being a so-called 'real man' was, such as competitiveness instead of concert, winning at all costs, dominating others through intelligence or will, being strong, not showing your true emotions, depending on others seeing you as a real man in order to reassure yourself or your manhood, seeing your own value solely in terms of accomplishments, being obsessed with your career or income, feeling as if you were constantly being judged or on display, etc.

>> No.5041231

"Ni eau bénite, ni pèlerinages
Aux lieux sacrés, ni mages, ni prières
N'ont pu, hélas, me redonner la vue"

>> No.5041241

do you count the sentence the page is already halfway through as the first sentence, or do you start with the first full sentence?

>> No.5041272


I counted a sentence that started on the previous page as the first sentence, but the majority of it was on 162.

>> No.5041307

From V.
>Cavities in the teeth occur for good reason, Eigenvalue reflected.

>> No.5041368

>Even the glow on Iinuma's rough-skinned, pimpled cheeks, mottled and unhealthy as it was, had something shameless about it that seemed to taunt Kiyoaki with Miné's devotion--Miné who was leaving with Iinuma, ready to share his fate.

>> No.5041397

"omelette du fromage

>> No.5041404

I lay down, and slept again.

Claw of the Conciliator

>> No.5041414

"everyone stared at him in shocked silence"

>> No.5041520

ah good old neon

>> No.5041578

I'm reading Swann's Way... there is no 6th sentence. There are two sentences, and neither of them are contained on the page.

>> No.5041597


>> No.5041612
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Gr8 ruse friend :^)

>> No.5041613

Never was such a fellow for photography. Snapping away with a camera when he should be improving his mind, and then diving down into the cellar like a rabbit into it's hole to develop his pictures.

>> No.5041673

For, whether it's asked in joke or in earnest, we must allow people to ask the question, is the female of the human species naturally capable of taking part in all the occupations of the male, or in none, or in some only?

>> No.5041676

For, whether it's asked in joke or in earnest, we must allow people to ask the question, Is the female of the human species naturally capable of taking part in all the occupations of the male, or in none, or in some only?

>> No.5041680

Seriously what the fuck happened here, not samefag.

>> No.5041682

'You need to try again,' be heard a voice like
Mohammed's say to someone.

>> No.5041692

it's an illustration of a nobleman posing.

>> No.5042073

women are worthless

>> No.5042574

I put the shotgun in an Adidas bag and padded it with the entirety of her dildo collection.

>> No.5042824

>There are others.

>> No.5042882

>Notes From Underground
>book ends on page 130

>> No.5042907

Reading Sam Harris' Lying. 100p essay, no p162 :c

>> No.5043656

They shan't make a clatter with theme here, cried my father hastily.

>> No.5043658

its catcher in the rye

>> No.5043659

As one issue of Mujeres Libres proclaimed on its cover, "She is not a better mother who holds her child close to her heart, but she who helps make the world a better place for him [sic]."

>> No.5043662

Carrier's formulation is a counterfactual theory very similar to Nozick's.

>> No.5043668

Nihil Unbound? Did anything past chapter 3 make any sense to you? All I got was absolutely pretentious sentences with relatively simple content. Had to drop the book around this sentence:
"Accordingly, where dialectics invariably orbits around the relation of relation and non-relation as apex of reflexivity -- which is also the apex of idealist narcissism, since it converts every 'in-itself' into a 'for us' -- the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance exemplifies an reflexive and hence non-dialecticizable disjunction between objectifying transcendence and unobjectifiable immanence; one which embodies the non-relation of relation and non-relation."

>> No.5043676


and now i fucking know. Cunt.

>> No.5043695

For in this long digression which I was accidentally lead into, as in all my digressions (one only excepted) there is a masterstroke of digressive skill, the merit of which has all along, I fear, been overlooked by my reader,--not for want of penetration in him,-but because 'tis an excellence seldom looked for, or expected indeed, in a digression;--and it is this: That tho' my digressions are far from fair, as you observe,―and that I fly off from what I am about, as far and as often too as any writer in Great-Britain; yet I constantly take care to order affairs so, that my main business does not stand still in my absence.

>> No.5044827

"Por lo general, de nada."

>> No.5044862

Quelque mois après, si mon grand-père demandait au nouvel ami de Swann : « Et Swann, le voyez-vous toujours beaucoup ? » la figure de l'interlocuteur s'allongeait : « Ne prononcez jamais son nom devant moi ! -Mais je croyais que vous étiez si liés... »

>> No.5044886

Cette aventure, sans avoir les suites que j'en pouvais craindre ne laissa pas de me rendre sage pour longtemps

>> No.5044941

Solace I should give you?

>> No.5044993

He could hear the dwarves shouting up at him from far below, but he could not answer, only hold on and blink.

Book: The Hobbit

>> No.5045213

Whoever you are, defend yourself; for I am going to hurl at you the sling of a terrible accusation: those eyes are not yours... Where did you get them from?

>> No.5045215

"Maynard was ataggering towards them, and the cask was dripping; small sparks of blue fire going up as the droplets struck the ground to meet the catching tinder of dry grass, and then the thickets were going up ahead of his feet, smoke rising in one thin collumn after anouther blown into spreading curtains."

>Women in charge of avoidong run-on sentences.

>> No.5045219

>Reading Notes from Underground
No can do, OP

>> No.5045442
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"Es war für Deutschland nur ein Glück, daß der Krieg im Jahre 1914 auf dem Umwege über Österreich ausbrach, die Habsburger also mitmachen mußten; wäre es nämlich umgekehrt gekommen, so wäre Deutschland allein gewesen."

Translates roughly to:

Germany has been in luck that the war broke out in 1914 with detours in Austria, forcing the Hapsburgs to join, if it was the other way around, germany would have been alone.

>> No.5045462

"However, the three curves are identical only if they are horizontal."

>> No.5045491

He looked at my glass.

>starship troopers

>> No.5045523

That is, we know not just the yield on bonds available today but the yields that will be available on bonds next year, the year after that, and so on.

>> No.5045603

I've never read a book that long. If in author can't wrap up their story in less than 100 pages they're being a pretentious git.

>> No.5045619

That one out of eleven women will develop breast cancer is a much cited statistic.

>> No.5045627


>> No.5045656

"Most of the time I could tell they were frightened and this pleased me greatly, enabled me to maintain a strong, pulsing erection for the duration of the phone calls, until one of the girls, Hilary Wallace, asked, unfazed, "Dad, is that you?" and whatever enthusiasm I'd built up plummeted."

>> No.5046105

The little boy learns that he must act like a boy, do things, prove that he is a boy, and prove it over and over again, while the little girl learns that she is a girl, and all she has to do is refrain from acting like a boy.

>> No.5046148

How does it emanate from the past as such?

>> No.5046166

First seen, them unexpected joy surprised,
When the great ensign of Messiah blazed
Aloft by angels borne, his sign in heaven:
Under whose conduct Michael soon reduced
His army, circumfused on either wing,
Under their head embodied all in one.

>> No.5046933

You could go through even the most respected authors' works and find a line that would be embarrassing to put next to their faces. In fact, it would make a great thread

>> No.5046942

He's a moron.

>> No.5046949

>They don't know that I have built my financial empire on the very principle of kaleidoscopes and catoptric instruments, multiplying, as if in a play of mirrors, companies without capital, enlarging credit, making disastrous deficits vanish in the dead corners of illusory perspectives.
Regret typing that out.

>> No.5046986

>I found her back in the corner sitting in the lotus position, staring at a tiny table completely covered with a white silk cloth that reached to the floor.

>> No.5048273

the great shark hunt is what's in my bag as well.

>> No.5048293

sounds like d.h. lawrence

>> No.5048299

dope, looked it up.

joyce's portait

>> No.5049119

Duke: Five for a buck, that's like . . . five hamburgers for a buck.

(Fear and Loathing)

>> No.5049449

That's an actual non-ironic quote?

That is shit writing. Doesn't matter how fancy the wording or even how intelligent the actual meaning may be, if it's unintelligible to the majority of people it's failed as a means of communication.

>> No.5049454

Wow Spoilers

>> No.5049506

For nearly a year, he gave Walter upbeat reports on how unexpectedly well her kids were taking to him and he to them, and how great Ellie was to come home to, and how uninteresting women who weren't Ellie had become to him, and how he hadn't eaten so well or felt so healthy since he'd lived with Walter, and (this really set Walter's alarm bell ringing) how fascinating the insurance business turned out to be.

>> No.5049537

The Man Who Was Thursday
>'Whatever all this pandemonium means, I suppose the police station will help us.'

>> No.5049540

The salesman was dressed in robes of finery only a cut below those of Lucius Malfoy, and spoke with exquisite, oily politeness to both Harry and Professor McGonagall.

Hint: It isn't by J.K. Rowling.

>> No.5049712

it's blank

>> No.5049720

Happily it grew no worse, for otherwise, it may well be believed, the resourcefulness of our administration, the competence of our officials, not to mention the burning-capacity of our crematorium, would have proved unequal to their tasks.

>> No.5049722

One cartoon which contained a facetious Japanese butler diverted him enormously, though he claimed that the protagonist, who to Antony appeared clearly oriental, had really an American face.

>> No.5049737

>Don't be silly. It's liquor or that medicine, one or the other. If I haven't got it I can't work.

>> No.5049794

Some people would like to have a little peace rather than the ever-sounding disharmony of bloodletting.

>> No.5049795

It is a striking and generally recognized feature in the behavior of paranoiacs, that they attack the greatest significance to trivial details in the behavior of others.

>> No.5049809


>> No.5049815

oh shi...
oh wait, phew, that's Freud.
oh wait, phew 2, that's a typo too.

>> No.5049820

The man looked all right, just wanting to be helpful, so it seemed.

>> No.5049850
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>> No.5049853

"The shadow hand continued past the names."

>> No.5049861
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I read that book too.

>> No.5049878
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My Kindle has page numbers.

>> No.5049889
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He was telling a dirty joke in a loud voice.

>> No.5049891

I have a copy of American Psycho. Here's the requested sentence:

"Fucking one of them with a condom while the other sucks my balls, lapping at them, I stare at the Angelic silk-screen print hanging over the bed and I’m thinking about pools of blood, geysers of the stuff."

Seems about right...

>> No.5049897

Perhaps not.

>> No.5049916

And I resolved to believe him from the bottom of my heart.

Book: The Windup Bird Chronicles

>> No.5049921


>> No.5050615

"He was destined to learn his own wisdom apart from others or to learn the wisdom of others himself wandering among the snares of the world."

>> No.5050652

>I refer to the artful trick of writing abstrusely, that is to say, unintelligibly; here the real subtlety is so to arrange the gibberish that the reader must think he is in the wrong if he does not understand it, whereas the writer knows perfectly well that it is he who is at fault, since he simply has nothing intelligible to communicate.

>> No.5050656

>They had to report to the meeting hall and before the food was distributed the President gave a speech and the first Saturday he told them what a fine job they were doing on the line and especially praised brother Harry Black for the way in which he carried out his duties as organizer and administrator of the strike field office.

>> No.5050697

Great book

>> No.5050746

I was on page 162 when I stopped reading last.

"Marcia had no idea whose chair she had"

From Then We Came to the End

>> No.5052484

Jaime never thinks, he laughs at everything and everyone and says whatever comes into his head.

>> No.5052502

Mein Kampf

>> No.5052509

At Loudun this cataleptic rigidity, which any competent operator can induce in any good subject, was regarded by the faithful as a work of Satan.

>> No.5052598

Rivers a man could not wade or swim or even seen across were nervous-making to someone who had not seen anything broader or deeper than a Waterwood pond.

>> No.5052612

dammit OP, it goes from 158, then some chapter headings and a map, then to 164. 162 is blank.

>> No.5052863

Elric saw the runes carved into them and he was afraid.

>> No.5053524

>But much of the south lies too high above the water table for cenotes or wells to reach down.

>> No.5053543

The emperor moved to the big island on the first day of july to oversee final artillery preparations, which were impressive.

>> No.5053561

I haven't reached page 162 yet, not looking.

>> No.5053591

thanks for sharing

>> No.5053707

I do it because it's politic; I do it on principle.

>> No.5053769

The rough estimates of these riches was set at fifteen thousand dollars; my take of this more than tripled my savings, and as we left the musty basement, heading up the stairs and into the light, I felt two things at once: A gladness at this turn of fortune, but also an emptiness that I did not feel more glad; or rather, a fear hat my gladness was forced or false.

I really wish this book wasn't awful with run-on sentences

>> No.5053799
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>Obsle wiped his mouth and blinked his eyes.

wtf, what else he could've blinked with, I wonder, his anus? Also 'Obsle' is a damn silly name, even for a gay-ass hermaphrodite alien from a half-medieval planet. Fuck this shit, I'm dropping it.

>> No.5053810

"No bad thing, too, if you ask me"

well this couldn't have been more exciting

>> No.5053964

"La hachuela silbó en el aire, pero no se clavó, como estaba previsto, en la sien de Sansón."

>> No.5054044

In Dover, Bond pulled up at the Café Royal, a modest little restaurant with a modest kitchen but capable, as he knew of old, of turning out excellent fish and egg dishes.

From Moonraker.

>> No.5054126

not enough sentences on that page, so last sentence.
"Hunc ego Diti sacrum iussa fero teque isto corpore solvo": sic ait et dextra crinem secat, omnis et una dilapsus calor atque in ventos vita recessit.

>> No.5054145

> "No. I mean in general. Don't you think its dangerous for me to go around alone?"

>> No.5055796

"Sobald das Geld in Kasten klingt," Dieter recited, sighing, "Die Seele aus dem Fegefeuer springt."

>> No.5055806

Peaceful eyes.

>> No.5055812


>> No.5055813

>reading on e-books

why do plebs even bother?

>> No.5055820

"Besides, it's notoriously difficult to fence jewelry in a town as small as Imre"

>> No.5055835

You shall receive your reward, a penalty of shame, for that you used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject His signs!

>> No.5055842

Tyrell bannermen, both of them.

>> No.5055976

"At the end of the day, when his hands were worn to a pulp, despite wearing enormous canvas gloves, it seemed to Artyom that he had discovered the true nature of man, as well as the meaning of life."

>> No.5056613

I lol'd

>> No.5056628

>Don't be so ridiculous, James.

>> No.5056660

>How flat they look after all of a sudden!

>> No.5056675

In reality, of course, a very large part of the work of initial organization of impressions is done at the neuron level and what language receives is no longer the raw material

>> No.5056682


"your audience will never spot that you have, like the fallacy, covered every conceivable case"

>> No.5056704

Can't be bothered

just finished Rendezvous with Rama and I'm starting gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5056748


>> No.5057374

>The whole team was commited to taking down the Fratelli, and Carlos would gladly lead the charge, but putting this woman in the middle of a mission was not going to happen.

Whispered Lies by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love, I'm on chapter two, so far, I can't complain.

>> No.5057718
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>just look at this uncouth bumbling Terran who can't even blink his anus!

>> No.5057732

Aquelus' spending, combined with the promises made to entice people to settle in Ambergris, led to the selling of titles and, in later years, a landed aristocracy that would prove a constant source of treasonous ambition.