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5032626 No.5032626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any reason you have for not comitting suicide is nothing but an instinct for survival that you've rationalized to feel better about yourself.

Comitting suicide in this world makes perfect sense.

>> No.5032634

Too much pleasure to be wrung dry.

>> No.5032636

why don't you commit yourself to spelling better

>> No.5032638

you're wringing the pleasure dry?

>> No.5032642

Fucking do it you imbecilic asshole and spare us your moronic drivel. /lit/ will be better place without you.

>> No.5032649

quite the opposite

>> No.5032650

who talks like this

>> No.5032655

>pleasure to be wrung

>> No.5032660


>> No.5032664


no point to commit suicide, you'll just be born again, probably in some even worse form.

Being disintegrated, being nothing in particular, like the time before you were born obviously didn't prevent you from being born. What makes you think disintegration after death is some sort of safe haven?

Clearly you haven't thought about this much OP

>> No.5032666

God is dead.

>> No.5032669

No matter how much you suffer in this life you cannot know what happens in death.

How can you make a rational decision based on the unknown?

>> No.5032677

>what happens in death
You phrased this wrong, since post-death there is no you to be the receiving end of the events, that's the whole point, the negation of existence.

>> No.5032685

>What happens in death.
You fucking die and stop being.

Stop being edgelord Mc.PhilosophyDropout thinking there are ghosts and afterlife.

>> No.5032688

>You fucking die and stop being.

Oh, like the time before you were born?
Cause that lasted forever right

>> No.5032690

maybe it makes sense to the world, but it doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.5032697

I like to go to funerals for the free food.

>> No.5032700

After you.

>> No.5032704

i go to funerals for the macaroons

>> No.5032708


>> No.5032709

^What this guy said. I will eat the last triangle sandwich.

>> No.5032712

Still trying to get pussy, don't knock my hustle

>> No.5032716

People don't have instincts, you uneducated buffoon. Go look up the scientific definition of the word 'instinct'.

>> No.5032741

What do they have then?

>> No.5032760


yes death is like the time before you were born.

And look what happened....

>> No.5032789

Ape, everyone else in this thread completely gets what op means by 'instinct', definitions in common discussion aren't shaped by 'sciency' dictionaries, it's shaped by consensus.

>> No.5032832

>you fucking die and stop being

Oh ok i didnt realise you had proof

It is also my opinion that you cease existing.
But I have learned not to trust opinions born of ignorance.

>> No.5032917
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If you kill yourself you meet the benevolent creator of the universe, and He then grants you another life in which your every desire is fulfilled. You'll finally get everything you want and deserve.

>> No.5032928
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Grabbing the first qt I can find and raping her also makes perfect sense in this world.

But there are consequences for that, just like there are consequences for offing yourself.

one of which is that you will never get to rape a qt when you're dead