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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 294x400, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
503191 No.503191 [Reply] [Original]


What do women want?

>> No.503192

A good dicking.

>> No.503193


>> No.503195

Money and attention.

>> No.503199

A dick. Literally.

>> No.503202



>> No.503203
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An iPhone.

>> No.503205

Intellectually stimulating conversation with a partner interested in her as a person.

>> No.503208
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>> No.503209

stop that trolling

>> No.503211

money is the only correct answer

>> No.503212
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LOL- what are you- twelve?

>> No.503213

Men want to be content so that time goes by in a snap. Women want to feel alive so that time slows down.

>> No.503214

Women want money... who likes cock is faggot.

>> No.503217

hello friends
this is not lit-related so i reported it
good day

>> No.503218
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Their sex to expand upon geometric planes of meaning above the rancor of world war iii.

>> No.503223

Didn't you see the picture? Freud is very /lit/ related

>> No.503227



Freud's biggest unanswered question, not /lit/-related?

>> No.503229
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To be held in as high literary esteem as their husbands.

>> No.503231

Freud should be in a board called /pseudoscience/

>> No.503232

The woman in your pic didn't do a very good job of that

>> No.503239

I think that was the point of the post you are referencing.

But I disagree with both of you: more people you meet in the street will know the work of Sylvia Plath than will know anything written by Ted Hughes (by name).

>> No.503240
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"Only badly screwed housewives think psychoanalysis is of any value"

- Jean Paul Sartre

>> No.503241

>What do women want?

What don't they want?

>> No.503250
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>implying I was saying she was less popular than Hughes

>> No.503257

who cares

>> No.503266

Yeah that's basically the answer to every question ever

>> No.503274


>> No.503301

Everything, but me.

>> No.503317
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Be strong, there's someone out there for you!

>> No.503318

The more relationships i see the more its clear its all about Money, cars and free houses.

I'm still holding onto my romantic ideals tho

>> No.503319

A nice kitchen in which to make food for menfolk.

>> No.503320

I found them. Then they left me. Then I found another one. They also left me.

>> No.503323

Third time's a charm!

>> No.503338

Your life is going to be a continuation of heartbreak and letdowns until you accept that nature of people. Your ideals and expectations are towards a relationship that does not exist in our age.

>> No.503339

real female here...

men to have good hygiene and at least moderate intelligence.

also to make me feel protected and loved.

>> No.503341

No charm to be found here :(

>> No.503344

>feel protected
>provide unlimited financial support

Yeah we can parse it with whatever pretty words help you hold together that ideal you want to be.

>> No.503345

wow look at this unempowered bitch who know nothing about the patriarchy

>> No.503351

once i was walking along the beach with a friend who i deeply loved, the sky was ablaze with the warmest red sunshet... it was so romantic i thought fuck it i'll go it. She knocked mine away and frowned at me :/ style. Then she said why don't you just close your eyes and pretend 'I'm holding your hand' I grumbled something ironic but closed my eyes anyway.
and she slipped her hand in mine... [\spoiler]

Meh you brought back a faggy old memory /lit/ i thought i'd torture you with it aswell

>> No.503354

Maybe it wasn't a very good idea to get over someone by dating their lesbian lover.

>> No.503355

Women want a secure lifestyle, easy living, sexual satisfaction, and complete control.

If they have all of this in a relationship, they will still cheat because they think they can get better.

>> No.503358

This was confusing.

>> No.503359

Your ex is a manipulative bitch.

>> No.503360

sorry i'm drunk again LOL

>> No.503363

Jesus christ this. Thank you you've worded it as plainly and thoroughly as needed/possible. Saved for future copypasta.

>> No.503364

oh no she wasn't my ex. It was quite unrequited, she just liked teasing me occasionally the sadist! She was brilliant tho took me years to get over her

>> No.503365

Maybe women keep leaving you guys because you are all misogynistic and exceedingly needy. They don't like that.

>> No.503373

I don't give the slightest fuck about women anymore.

I used to, until I figured out about 90% of them are stupid, spoiled, distrustful, insane, and/or manipulative cunts.

I got tired of combing through the dumb bitch pool with a positive attitude saying, 'Oh, that was just one woman who was a little crazy. I am sure they can't all be like that.' Many girlfriends later I found out that psychosis is the norm.

I ain't perfect though. Nor do I pretend to be, but fuck that shit. I am happier alone than with some psycho skank.

>> No.503380


Or maybe women are just fucking crazy on the whole.

>> No.503381

This is the kind of person who reads Palahniuk and denies the homoerotic undertones, even though they pull at his heartstrings and stir his loins.

>> No.503390

I'd mention something about double standards with the neediness being something we should try to get rid of since we're all "equal" now.

But instead I'll note that as difficult as it is to accept that women just want a successful, independent man, at least most men can aspire towards and fill that role. Many women aren't born attractive enough to have a satisfying relationship.

>> No.503392

Solution to your woman problem..: Have sex with men

>> No.503395

Women think 90% of men are shitheads. The 10% of each group that ever actually meet get along great and have happy, healthy relationships.

>> No.503398

I'd love to be with another man, but the sex appeal just isn't there. Everything else about fostering a homosexual relationship seems ideal.

>> No.503403


>Implying all men care about is looks.

Even an ugly as hell woman with a good attitude and other redeeming qualities is far more attractive than a perfect 10 that is a stupid bitch.

>> No.503405

A dude who looks like a chick

>> No.503407 [DELETED] 

My girlfriend just wants books and me - in this order of priority I think.
She's awesome.

By the way I shall publicly thank moot, for without him launching /lit/ I wouldn't have gotten back to reading and writing and would have kept not noticing her - knew her since september. I mean she was nice and cute and all but yeah. That was it.

>> No.503406

Remember when you were in elementary school and girls had cooties? Well, you've been conditioned by society to think men have cooties. They really don't. Enjoy yourself.

>> No.503409
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>> No.503410


I actually agree with this.

>> No.503413

women wish they had a penis OP

>> No.503414

That's not how sexuality works. You're born with your sexual preference inbuilt. Straight men simply don't find other men sexually attractive.

>> No.503420

Are you a man or a woman? I'm curious.

You're right. I've slept with women I wasn't attracted to based on their confidence and humor. Unfortunately sex often shakes their social core and they lose a lot of their independence.

>> No.503423

I have said it before and I will say it again: the best world is a world of only homosexual men

>> No.503425



>> No.503431


And humans die in one generation.

>> No.503433

Lame gay agenda bullshit that they use so that Christians stop trying to cure them. If you think a blowjob from a guy feels any less awesome than a blowjob from a girl, you're lying.

>> No.503434

Women are kept somewhere underground and used solely for breeding

>> No.503438

Yeah, if I wanted my interaction with a lover to consist solely of fellatio that'd be cool. Men feel improper to me. In a tactile sense. The hair is also pretty gross to me.

>> No.503442

I've tried. Female blowjob is so much better. I'm just not aroused by men at all.

>> No.503445

Some guys shave their bodies

>> No.503448
File: 27 KB, 511x380, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA this guy's gay and doesn't know it yet

>> No.503449
File: 28 KB, 190x273, 080512-recruiter-hmed-3p.hmedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

Join the ranks of the faggot legion son, you know you love dicks, you know you want some.

>> No.503450

i saw some pronz of this once

>> No.503451
File: 10 KB, 216x192, 1269487042456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>63 posts and 9 image replies omitted

why, /lit/. why

>> No.503454


> You're born with your sexual preference

Bullshit, it's a social constitution

>> No.503456

Then why can't I love my fellow man? ; _ ;

>> No.503457


God wills it.

>> No.503459

Explain why gay men have wider hips if it's due to social conditioning. Go on.

>> No.503461

nuh-uh. no way that's true

>> No.503463

Sorry. It is.

>> No.503465

who can resist posting in a freud/sexuality thread

>> No.503467


>> No.503471
File: 2.23 MB, 387x251, 1238333369387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So they can bear children.

>> No.503472


>> No.503474


as if he has anything to do with what women want

>> No.503475

I suspect men with such characteristics are treated differently from other men, subconsciously by most, so they develop differently. Environmental influences have strong influences on our psychology.

Also, most studies of the physical characteristics of homosexuals are conducted poorly. They use mostly college campuses and mostly gays that are 'out.' This leads to a heavy selection bias for certain types of people.

>> No.503479


Despite what people tell you, homosexuality is a flaw. It isn't damning and shouldn't be viewed as some kind of disease or anything though.

A perfectly healthy organism will have an ingrained desire to spawn off spring to further its bloodline. When an organism doesn't have this desire it is flaw that basically guarantees no further organisms of that bloodline will be made.

Being gay is nature's way of trying to get you to leave the gene pool.

>> No.503482

he knows everything about what women want. and babies want. and everyone wants.

>> No.503483

Hai troll. You suck at humanity.

>> No.503490

Despite what your mother tells you, you are a flaw.

>> No.503491


truth hurts, doesn't it?

>> No.503493

Being gay is like being black. It's genetic, and there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.503494
File: 116 KB, 659x870, foucault (1269553941543).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about this is depressing guys.

I'm mostly resigned to women. I'm sexually attracted to them. In a sense I like the paternal, 'watching-over-them' approach to giving them attention/security, but I don't really see them as equals anymore. There've been too many situations where I've had to resign the conversations with ex's to the realm of "entertainment," too many times I've had to lie about something on her being "pretty" because I know the truth of it would only offend her and cause an argument. You can't have a logic-based argument over an emotional problem.

One time a mutual friend told me my girlfriend was in love with me completely. The only complaint? "He doesn't buy me enough things." That was a turning point.

You can listen to the optimists in this thread. I encourage it. Hold on to ideal love as long as you can. I wish I could.

>> No.503496

Women are looking for someone they can fight with.

>> No.503500

Ofttimes it's other women

>> No.503505


>> No.503509

why are some gay men more attractive than straight men then

there was a study posted in sciencedaily that homosexuals are more likely to take care of their parents and nieces and nephews, that alone justifies the survival of that trait

>> No.503516

i wish i were a homo
then i'd have a brofriend who i can play vidya with and have sex at the same time ;_;

>> No.503519


>Taking care of children and parents

Seems like a woman's role to me.

>> No.503525

Christ, that's awful.

>> No.503536

Sylvia Plath died looking hot.

>> No.503591

>thread about women devolves into a bunch of dudes calling each other fags.

This is Freud's wet dream.

>> No.503599

Something tells me she wasn't wearing a miniskirt, heels, and sporting a tribal ankle tattoo when she died.

>> No.503608


>> No.503611

No, I think she was.

>> No.503623

If you're gonna stick your head in an oven and inhale some butane, then you may as well look good like you do it.

>> No.503635

c/lit/oris here.

I want a chocolate smoothie. A dick wouldn't be bad either, but I'll take what I can get.

But I'm srs about this smoothie.

>> No.503684

I can make chocolate smoothies.

>> No.503704

What if I put my dick in a chocolate smoothie? Do I automatically win?