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File: 58 KB, 660x486, Took+Err+Jerbs.+Source+Louis+CK+subscribe+for+more+Louis+Szekely+born_53c663_5021521 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5031352 No.5031352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's the book equivalent of Louis CK aka untalented hacks destroying their respective medium who deserve crucifixion.

>> No.5031355

Stephen King

>> No.5031359

expand on your hatred of Louis CK op

>> No.5031363
File: 34 KB, 300x400, 1402860026139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's unfunny
He's untalented
He's a bad writer
He's overrated
He's cancerous

>> No.5031367

no he's not

>> No.5031370


>h-hes b-b-bad!!

Good debate.

>> No.5031371
File: 135 KB, 417x560, Louis fedora 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Louis enjoying 4chan I see.

>> No.5031372

Why would I take your opinion on comedy seriously when you think the fedora meme is funny?

>> No.5031373
File: 20 KB, 506x200, louis-ck-quotes-farts-laugh-506x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you enjoy the comedy of Louis CK

>> No.5031374


>> No.5031377
File: 110 KB, 600x399, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I take YOUR opinion on comedy seriously when you think Louis CK is funny?

>> No.5031378

>no u
okay guy

>> No.5031379


I wouldn't say that, I've never actually watched or heard any of his specials, but I do enjoy almost every interview or radio show he's been on. Convince me, why shouldn't I?

>> No.5031380

No dude a lot of people like Louis C.K.

Because he's usually pretty funny.

You're in a minority.

But a literary equivalent of Louis? Maybe Kurt Vonnegut: irreverent, abject, puts the human body in your face. To boot, there's a small group of detractors fancying themselves the arbiters of taste who think he's juvenile and "not real literature."


>> No.5031382
File: 14 KB, 203x249, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Louis CK fans

>> No.5031384

You seem to like these epic meme images, perhaps you'd fit it at 9gag or reddit.

>> No.5031385

Steven King

>> No.5031387
File: 47 KB, 716x320, 1401534761786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5031388

Louis C.K. know what's going on. He's all shock humour, and there's not much effort needed with shock humour, but he's effective. It's like South Park killing Kenny every episode, because every kid has something like that hanging over them and needs some control over it. The only thing is, he makes a mockery of human decency for our being able to take comfort in such things. Solipsism. Big scary daddy plays peek-a-boo. No comedian is any different, because we don't laugh at anything else. He's good.

>> No.5031389

its a joke you fucking tosser

>> No.5031390

Steven King

>> No.5031392

ITT: OP desperately trying to discredit Louis CK for unknown reasons seeing as this is a literature board.

Fuck off back to /tv/ or whatever cesspool you came from.

>> No.5031393

Um no

If you check again I used the conjunction "because," not "so" which is making an entirely different argument


>> No.5031395

A not funny one

>> No.5031398
File: 26 KB, 479x720, 1393960319148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That whole post

>> No.5031402

I watched some of his old videos, where he tried making jokes about existential shit the whole time, and though he'd pick on things that'd make you go "Yeah, what the fuck is the deal with that," he'd never make you laugh, and so never was a comedian. That's the art -- getting laughs. He gets them. Popularity is the mark of being a good comedian. Heck, it's the mark of being a good anything.

>> No.5031404

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who is aware he's a stammering mediocrity and at the worst, a plagiarist. In comedy everyone "bites" off each other but I've seen entire bits of other peoples acts just cut up and smelling a little different.

He was never terrible he was just never great, and he found his niche to spew his bullshit to.

>> No.5031406
File: 130 KB, 719x1000, 1402929240327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not understand basic economics
>I do not understand politics
>I do understand society
>I do not even understand comedy
>Hi I'm Louis CK

>> No.5031412

Said by two masters of the art.

>> No.5031414

Hey louis C.K here I'm kind of like George Carlin in his "prime" you know where he stopped being funny and he just became a bitter rambling sheep herder there to collect a check?

I will contine to make terrible sitcoms aimed for 20something stoners because unfortunately that's really only who I can entertain. and obese women of course, they love a balding ginger man talking about farting and eating ice cream.

>> No.5031415


What has he stolen?

>> No.5031418

Seriously, the critic is always pathetic unless they have some goal-oriented criticism outside of "hurr my taste is good, not urs". Don't do it.

>> No.5031419

So we're 31 posts into the thread and the best argument against Louis CK was a fedora tip

>> No.5031420

Which is fucking hilarious in itself.

>> No.5031422

That was a dumb carry-on from my post about South Park, anon.

>> No.5031423
File: 34 KB, 600x553, 1402616337315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrolling past the thread, saw this post.

He panders to an audience who's humour is in direct conflict with that of an intelligent demographics and by pandering to this anti-intellectual lowest common denominator audience bracket he has gained popularity, and as such a rapidly deteriorating quality of work as necessity no longer dictates that he be witty or clever or genuine in what he says or does.

He chose the easy path.

>> No.5031427
File: 25 KB, 429x410, 1392569261236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this thread

>> No.5031429


Okay, but what has he stolen?

>> No.5031432

>"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. This gate leads to destruction!"

Are u srs right now, anon?

>> No.5031433


All those words to say fucking nothing, impressive.

>> No.5031436

>He panders to an audience who's humour is in direct conflict with that of an intelligent demographics

What the fuck is "an intelligent demographics" and do you think that you're a part of it?

>> No.5031438

He hasn't stolen anything, just continued the successful thing that is comedy.

>> No.5031439

>He panders to an audience who's humour is in direct conflict with that of an intelligent demographics
How so?
And why is that relevant in comedy?

>by pandering to this anti-intellectual lowest common denominator audience bracket he has gained popularity
Could be said about any popular artist, which doesn't make it pandering.

>and as such a rapidly deteriorating quality of work as necessity no longer dictates that he be witty or clever or genuine in what he says or does.
I haven´t seen a decline in his material at all, I think his best was Live At Beacon Theater, which is fairly new.

>He chose the easy path.
Making edgy jokes like him isn't really easy.
Making jokes about killing babies and what not can really backfire if you fuck up

>> No.5031440

Hes not funny, he panders to the American audience to get money. American comedians aren't funny, get over it.

>> No.5031442

It's chuckling it Joyce's fart jokes and esoteric knowledge of hypnotism, anon. Lousi C.K. actually has one hilarious joke about the limbic response evoked by seeing a toilet when you're in desperate need of a shit, though. That joke is definitely god-tier.

>> No.5031444

You're an idiot and you're feeling it, anon. My sympathies.

>> No.5031447

>the American audience

I don't understand why Europeans think appealing to an American audience is a bad thing. That's hundreds of millions of people. You could appeal to all the French and English and Germans you want and your demographic would still be the less significant.


>> No.5031449

Needs more death when you're appealing to Europeans, anon. We're closer to it than the Americans are.

>> No.5031495

depends on how you define good. Micheal Bay comes to mind

>> No.5031499

>looking for intellectual gains from TV comics

>> No.5031502

best post in this otherwise off topic and cancerous thread

>> No.5031543

Louis CK is the best living comedian.

>> No.5031553


and bruno mars is the greatest living musician, right?

>> No.5031560

lol @ OP samefagging the entire thread

>> No.5031902


>> No.5031911

I hope he didn't actually say that fucking unintelligent. The whole point of outsourcing isn't that the foreigner is better qualified, it is that he/she can be hired for dirt cheap.

>> No.5031921

>working in low/un-skilled labor

>> No.5032014

hes talking about regular jobs in the actual country, not outsourcing

>> No.5032036

Actually people stole from him. The Asshole Song from Dennis Leary? All Louis C.K.

>> No.5032047

Leary already had stolen material from hicks, not even steal he literally took part of his act and took credit for it.

I see bits of hicks, carlin, hell even pieces of lenny bruce he's bit off and ruined the essence of the jokes.

I recall Ron White(the whitetrash guys) saying he bought good jokes and took the teeth out of them. This is what Louis does.

>> No.5032054

Please watch the South Park episode about the Simpsons doing everything before everyone else.

There's only so many ways you can tell a joke, of course you're going to find some relation to someone else telling the same joke. It's fucking jokes. Why must we scrutinize a comedian? He's successful, people enjoy him, FX has allowed him to do whatever the fuck he wants because he is successful. Don't watch him if you don't like him.

>> No.5032057

I cringe every time

>> No.5032060

Are three different phrases too much for you to analyze?

>> No.5032068


Because I'm discontent that one of my favorite forms of entertainment is dying of necrosis and only more mediocrities are made everyday. I get it, yes jokes get passed around and maybe there IS no way to create a truly unique joke that nobody has even alluded to before but it's a systematic dumbing-down of what should be funny, what should be surreal and what should be just some unfunny retard making scrounged up faces and placing way too much emphasis on words that in the back of all of our heads.

tl;dr comedy is dying and I'm a forklift operator so my job is to complain about it, on a slow paced literature board on 4chan at noonish on my day off


>> No.5032071

Fair enough. At least you're honest.

>> No.5032080

Stefan Kyng

>> No.5032081

why does this fat bald guy make so many people mad

>> No.5032087

successful is objective good is subjective & you cant measure subjective things by specific criteria so you can't say popularity is the mark of being a good anything but can say popularity is the mark of being a successful anything

>> No.5032092

Fuck off, eh, Louis CK, I didn't need to look at the URL work of Christopher Poole to know your name, of course not

>> No.5032125

How is this stupid and retarded fallacy called? The "if you don't like smelling bad, don't get shat by birds, if you don't like having thrown an atomic bomb, don't be born a nigger, if you don't like seeing hedonist pigs, kill yourself" type

>> No.5032151

Because he's saying things that are true and unpleasant for people who don't want to admit realities that challenge their way of life he's also not as funny as George Carlin when he did it 20 years ago.

>> No.5032155

He's a fucking comedian. They don't get paid to be intelligent.

>> No.5032160

He's the best working comedian. There's still some old veterans who don't actually work anymore who are better.

>> No.5032164

Nah brah, he's just stupid. His euphoric, generic ramblings and jokes about God, and his dating midget fatties jokes don't apply outside of your USA

>> No.5032168

He's a Mexican

>> No.5032187

I find it hard to believe that no one dates midget fatties outside the US.

I mean I can just picture a little pub in the U.K. that is frequented by dwarf women who laugh loudly about being "randy little tarts" don't you? I imagine someone could be roped into fucking a dwarf, that's like one of those things a man does just so in his golden years he can whisper to the nurse in the retirement community, "Hey, I fucked a dwarf" once as she pats him on the head as he goes to sleep. Right before she goes through his wallet.

>> No.5032247
File: 35 KB, 360x422, Chris-Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Rock called Louis CK something to the extent of "the blackest, white guy he knows".

Also, what happened to Chris Rock? I've never seen him as a great but he used to be edgy as fuck. Now during interviews, shows, and movies he comes off as almost Wayne Brady level-white.