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/lit/ - Literature

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5030854 No.5030854 [Reply] [Original]

As most of you know, each day we get at least 5 threads asking about to get into philosophy.

I propose that we make a /lit/ approved reading list for philosophy which we can put on the sticky to help out all those new to philosophy.

shall we start?

>> No.5030857

Wikipedia does a pretty good job. We don't need a /lit/ approved anything.

>> No.5030882

Fuck philosophy.

get rid of all the philosophy threads and start a /phil/ board

>> No.5030890

As I recall, moot said it wouldn't happen on a /q/ thread last year.
This - /lit/ is incapable of agreeing on even the most minute statements anyway.

>> No.5030891

There is a philosophy board on 7chan. I wish all these pseudo-philosophy fags would go there.

>> No.5030892

I think it would be better to rename /lit/ to Literature and Humanities/Social Sciences/Whatever, and leave /sci/ to Science, Math and Exact Sciences

>> No.5030896

BBC's" Sea of Faith" is a great introduction to the philosophy of religion

100/10 i recommend it to everyone

>> No.5030900

I once read (western) philosophy can be reduced to Plato, Descartes and Hegel, in a way that every other philosopher is merely developing or rebelling against one of these.
Based on this I propose this list of readings:
Pre-socratics (emphasis on Heraclitus and Parmenides)
Critics of Plato: Aristotle, Nietzsche
(some Christian scholastics?)
critics of Descartes: Hume, Kant
critics of Hegel: Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard
this list is incomplete, you can help expanding it

>> No.5030902

this, of course, for only pre-20th century philosophy.

>> No.5030905

/lit/ is for literature and not philosophy
While I really don't care whether philosophy threads stay on /lit/ or not (although le nietzsche fedora is getting old) a sticky thread on philosophy would be going against what the point of the board is. Basically this board isn't for philosophy, you should be happy to have them on here at all, so deal with the "how do I get into philosophy"

>> No.5030910

>you should be happy to have them on here at al
We're not happy, because the anons that discuss it are veritably stupid.

>> No.5030911


Yeh was about to say you gotta throw some Wittgenstein or if pre 20th C at least some St Augustine in there

>> No.5030913


>> No.5030918
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This is a pretty solid canon.
Start anywhere and you'll have a good time.

Could probably be boiled down to essentials, tho.

>> No.5030920

So do you just want everyone that isn't deemed smart enough to talk about philosophy banned from here forever?
>i dont agree with people, they cant talk about things i like!

>> No.5030924

>i dont agree with people
holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.5030927

Was thinking about throwing St Augustine and St Thomas Aquine.
I'll make another thread tomorrow, I'm pretty sure if I come up with the ideas first instead of asking people to do shit for me it will go better

>> No.5030936
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>> No.5030943

>We're not happy, because the anons that discuss it are veritably stupid.
Speak for yourself. You are not the sole person who talks about philosophy
>holy shit you're retarded
You completely dissected my argument and made me look like a complete fool. Truly I congratulate you on opening my eyes to the ignorance I have lived in.

>> No.5030949

“I freely admit that it was the remembrance of Anon which, just now, first interrupted my dogmatic faggotry slumber and gave my investigations in the field of shitposting philosophy a completely different direction.” -- Anon

>> No.5030950


it's a solid list but

drop nietzsche and kierkegaard
they're meme philosophers

drop the pre-socratics
i mean why bother?

drop descartes
hume will get you through

>> No.5030953

>meme philosopher
kill yourself

>> No.5030955 [DELETED] 

>drop descartes
>the father of science

no don't drop him

>> No.5030956

You must feel proud after managing to think up such great post, I don't think I've read a more constructive and rewarding answer anywhere else. It's almost like you opened your heart and poured pure wisdom out. I bet your mom must be really happy to have such gifted child, who contributes with compassion and insight to such enormous extent to this community.

I think you need to celebrate this milestone among posts. I suggest you call down your mom to your basement room and let her see what a wonderful and beloved person we all think you are. She will most likely become so happy that she'll go buy you a new box of kleenex for your celebratory self exploration; perhaps even give you a helping hand.

Great work, Anon.

>> No.5030957

>getting this rustled over a play on a Kant quote
holy shit, control your autism

>> No.5030958

Is it possible to understand Home without the knowledge his work is a response to Descartes?
Who would you suggest as alternative for Nietzsche and Kierkegaard as critics of Plato and Hegel, respectively?

>> No.5030959


fight me


aristotle fathered science

did you not start with the greeks

>> No.5030960

It's a copypasta ya fool

>> No.5030964


Descartes was a mess yo. He salvaged philosophy from a slump, but he was really just setting the stage for the empiricists

>> No.5030967

>setting the stage for the empiricists


>> No.5030968


and nah yr right nietz and kierk are bros. keep 'em up

>> No.5030972


man stfu you don't know nothing about based Hume

>> No.5031024

Augustine and Aquinas for Christians.

>> No.5031093

This will never work.

People love making philosophy threads more than they love making their own semen.

>> No.5031112

I am sure posting Stark with the Greeks is a better idea.

>> No.5032122

Just sticky a post explaining why science made philosophy obsolete.

>> No.5032183
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if you want to get into philosophy, STOP trying to get into philosophy.

Stop reading and listening to Other people.

Go outside, or stay inside and THINK. Think about every fucking thing you can possibly think of. Stare at a tree for 5 hours. Close your eyes and listen to birds sing. Let an ant crawl on your hand. Watch a spider build a web. Watch the sunrise, stare at the sun, and watch the sunset all in the same day, then watch the stars and moon all night.

Find a quiet spot, and make some noise. Find a loud place, and find quietness there. Stand in a river and catch a fish with your hands.


stop reading, and sucking greek dick.
If you want to become a philosopher, first KNOW this, the only thing you NEED to KNOW about philosophy; you cant learn wisdom!

point and fact. you cant learn philosophy.

when someone tells you to start with the Greeks. Fuck that. rub dirt on your face.
When someone tells you to read Nietzsche. Fuck that. go for a walk.
when someone tells you to take a philosophy class. Fuck that!
sit in a dark room and sing a song you make up as you go.

THIS is how you "get into" philosophy.

FUCK all this shit about "you need to read this, or that" its bullshit.

When you start thinking, and find yourself thinking too much; stop thinking. start feeling.
write down what you think and feel, and then continue thinking and feeling.

Read your own writings, and then use THAT to get into philosophy.

>YOU should be your favorite philosopher

Now if your philosophy is shit, thats up to you to decide. If you share it, others will tell you. if you find a better philosophy, dont trash yours, refine it and make it better. Dont start on a base of regurgitation. Improve your philosophy with understanding and wisdom, not knowledge and learning.

>> No.5032201
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>> No.5032205

The Republic

>> No.5032217

dont act like you cannot become a good thinker by thinking about what other thinkers thought

the problem moreso is with people who do no thinking, and regurgitate thought

>> No.5032226

garbage, makes no sense

>> No.5032236

i said that.
> if you find a better philosophy, dont trash yours, refine it and make it better. Dont start on a base of regurgitation. Improve your philosophy with understanding and wisdom, not knowledge and learning.

Theres nothing wrong with philosophical discourse, between two thinkers, but to have no thoughts of your own and just reading books about philosophy and what other philosophers have thought, doesnt make you a philosopher or have anything to offer in a philosophical conversation.

People who Only think about others thoughts will never be able to appreciate philosophy for what it is, they merely break down and try to decode what others have thought. Thats just called an opinion. and despite what many people might think, nobody really cares about anyones opinion.

>> No.5032238

You "enter into" philosophy however you want to. A good start might be listening to podcasts that discuss philosophy and seeing what or who interests you, and going from there.

>> No.5032240

That flow chart is not nearly incestuous enough to be accurate

>> No.5032250

Without question, Spinoza.
Adam Smith (although it is quite ridiculous).
Also, Heidegger, Marx (would read about him though), Freud, Wittgenstein, Weber, Adorno & Horkheimer, Habermas (would read about him though), Erving Goffman, Berger and Luckmann (Social Construction of Reality), Deleuze, Foucault, Bourdieu, Butler, to name a few.

>> No.5032257

This is the biggest amount of bullshit that I've read in this disgrace of a board. Do you actually think that philosophy is posting Nietzsche quotes on tumblr?

>> No.5032258

Why wouldn't Kant be on that list instead of Hegel?

>> No.5032264

Your just upset cause you never sat down with your friends, blazed a blunt and let the real deep thoughts flow. Your just a nerd who thinks quoting from books makes him smart. You never will be a philosopher.

>> No.5032265

Kant is on that list.

>> No.5032271

I meant in the top three, at the beginning of the post. It seems like Kant was far more influential than Hegel ever was, and Hegel was specifically arguing against Kantianism

>> No.5032272

>sat down with your friends, blazed a blunt and let the real deep thoughts flow.

mah nigga

>> No.5032279
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i only used Nietzsche as an example because hes discussed so frequently.. so I personally might not think that posting his quotes on tumblr is "philosophy", but im sure there are a few anons here that do.

im not in favor of using drugs to philosophize, im not against it either. ive gotten to the point where i can get "high" and euphoric(actually), just by thinking. getting sunburn and sucking down oxygen also helps with this natural high.

No better feeling than being happy.

>> No.5032283

Modern Philosophy by Francks is good for those interested in Descartes, Hume, Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke and other philosophers of this time period. He accurately explains each philosophers' take on our relation to God, the Universe, and the common-sense perceptions of these. He also gives quite a bit of background information on each philosopher.
It helped me understand the primary sources easier, as the language can be quite confusing.

>> No.5032286

Alright, that does it. This insurgence of tripfags is too much. I'm leaving /lit/. I'll be back in the fall after summer is over.

>> No.5032288


>> No.5032292

Why don't you come back in the fall before summer's over? You wouldn't have to wait as long

>> No.5032322
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I killed it. I killed it and im proud of it. Im glad its dead. I never wanted it to begin with. I hate it.

>> No.5032612

Read the sticky's Philosophy section; it's pretty thorough.

Here's a somewhat chronological coverage of figures you ought to know about:

Heraclitus, Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Stoics (Epictetus or Seneca or Aurelius should suffice), Pyrrho, Sextus Empiricius, Plotinus, Augustine, Aquinas, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Pascal, Spinoza, Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume, Voltaire, Rousseau, Kant, Bentham, Schopenhauer Hegel, Stuart Mill, Nietzsche, Marx, Sidgwick, Brentano, Peirce, Frege, Peano, James, Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein, Ramsey, Godel, Anscombe, Carnap, Tarski, Quine, Popper, Ryle, Austin, Turing, Dummett, Hintikka, Hempel, Peter Starwson, Grice, Sellars, Davidson, Rawls, Putnam, Armstrong, Nozick, Kripke, van Fraassen, Goodman, Hacker, Hacking, David Lewis, Parfit, Churchlands, McDowell, Williamson, Dennett, Fodor

The latter part of the list emphasizes analytic philosophy. Once you've reached, say, Nietzsche, you have only began to scratch the surface. The interesting bits come with the birth, and after the birth, of Analytic Philosophy, that begins its movement at about the same year Nietzsche died.

>> No.5032679

I don't mind as long as we all agree St. Thomas Aquinas sucks. And that Chesterton should never be within 10 ft of economics.

>> No.5033794


apparently you don't like Distributism

so let me give you a refresher course, we'll start with me distributing my dick into your mouth

>> No.5034067

Nietzsche and Kierkegaard are extremely important to know in more modern philosophy. They're complex so people misunderstand their philosophy a lot. Pseudo-philosophers and people new to philosophy, seem to gravitate towards them a lot for some reason.

>> No.5036360

Analytic philosophy shouldn't be overlooked. As a general philosophy resource, it should be known that as well as analytic articles, plato.stanford.edu has an enormous amount of articles about just about any philosophical subject you'd be interested in.

E.g. Hegel's views on aesthetics
Connexive logic
even more obscurer areas like the philosophy of computer science! http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computer-science/

Go to plato.stanford instead of wikipedia generally - it's way more in depth and informative. Lists heaps of citations too that you can go and research if you want to sink your teeth into the primary sources.

>> No.5036372

Start with Heidegger's Being and Time