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/lit/ - Literature

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5030274 No.5030274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the idea of forcing your way through books that are nearly impossible to you?

For example, if someone doesn't know anything about German, philosophy or economics maybe it could be good for him to tank his way through Das Kapital with the assistance of a dictionary, a philosophy encyclopedia and online databases ready to assist him?

>> No.5030292

Adversity is always good for the mind. It stretches and helps it grow.

>> No.5030348

My thoughts exactly. I picture myself finishing the book after weeks of struggle and immediately thinking to myself "I must re-read this right now because I have no idea what just happened" but you learn some shit you know?

>> No.5030601

Why would any of that be bad?

Either he learns something new, or he wasted a little bit of free time that otherwise would have been spent watching TV or jacking it.

>> No.5030604

someone who doesn't know anything wouldn't much better off having read kapital

>> No.5030606

>tfw the local bookstore had Das Kapital in a 3 volume set

My backlog is so huge /lit/... Wat do?

>> No.5031120

It's not really a big deal. Either way, it won't hurt you--whether you finish the book or not.

>> No.5032496

Why don't you learn some German and follow a few philosophy and economy lessons first? It will make the reading easier, you will learn more things along the way and it might even take less time altogether.

If difficulty is what you're interested in, read Finnegans Wake or something. Das Kapital isn't meant to be nearly-impossible to read.

>> No.5032514

Why do you have to be such a special snowflake? Why can't you just read half of the wikipedia page and then spout simplistic opinions like everyone else does? In the end nobody is gonna notice the difference anyway. I bet you also own one of these soft felt hats so many posters on this board love to tip.

>> No.5032572

Embrace your backlog, for it is the intellectual equivalent to the philistine's hope for love, children, and whatever else normalfags hope for.

>> No.5032603

>implying fedoras aren't randian laissez faire capitalist libertarian anarchists