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502776 No.502776 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest thing philosophy has taught us?

>> No.502779


>> No.502787

Life is a bitch

>> No.502790

Back in the days, trolling meant something.

>> No.502794
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>> No.502800


>> No.502801
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>> No.502811


Everything's impermanent.


You haven't read very much Rorty.

>> No.502814

Those aren't philosopher those are just people with old looking hair and clothes

>> No.502821
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>> No.502831

clever ways of avoiding contact with numbers and actual research.

>> No.502839


amazing how people read articles on interwebs or one merely book and thinks they understand the phylosopher as a whole.

to sum things up, he says that philosophy and science are literary genres, that they can't explain the universe. and that their we only use them to express what we think is reality (not to make sense of things).

>> No.502847

Everything is impermanent
The self is only a combination of various aggregates, neither of which is the self (body, sensations, thoughts, etc)
therefore life is unsatisfactory if you cling to either of them

>> No.502861


Actually, I teach philosophy professionally, dear.

You're summarizing Rorty in an extraordinarily hackneyed manner that only shows off how little you actually know about what he wrote. Go and re-read Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. You'll find his criticisms of "philosophy" within a proper context.

>> No.502867

The only philosophy that has served me is Descartes' cogito ergo sum and Socrate's trolling, because both made an impression on me on the importance of doublechecking my sources of information and conclusions.

>> No.502881

Lol an actual professor is posting on 4chan xD

>> No.502886

not forgetting Historian too

>> No.502891

I professionally teach philosophy also.

Quite an enjoyable profession.

>> No.502899

Philosophy has taught us that you can never escape the logic of math and science. And that relativism is a bitch.

>> No.502915

I'll bet you enjoy the shit out of that shit.

>> No.502917

hey gais i also teach philosophy!!!`

>> No.502920

He's not the only professor on here. I teach classics though.

>> No.502928

That things never turns out being as easy as you would think it would!

That said, science is to philosophy, what engineering is to science!

>> No.502935


Did I miss something, or didn't the person just said that he taught philosophy? ie, nothing about being a professor?

>> No.502942

Congrats.. you teach boring crap taht has almost no relevance any more

>> No.502945

Yeah, you're right. I made a bad assumption there.

>> No.502946

Taught it *professionally*

>> No.502949

That OP is a fag.

>> No.502951

Why the fuck are you on /lit/ then?

>> No.502953


Professionally just means you get paid to do it. It has nothing to do with being a professor. I once had a summer-job as a professional ice-cream seller.

>> No.502954

Hes also one of the most influential thinkers who ever lived..

>> No.502959

I am a professor of drinking sodas and posting on the internet all day

>> No.502961

I'm working on my doctoral degree, if that clears up any confusion.

>> No.502963


The guy posting Kant is a fag

>> No.502965

what's your thesis on?

>> No.502966


Awesome, what are you writing about?

>> No.502967

What's wrong with the OP?

>> No.502973


That's not cool. There's nothing wrong with being a fag.

>> No.502979


Broadly speaking, I'll be discussing pragmatism/neopragmatism (specifically in the work of Stanley Fish and Richard Rorty), deconstruction, and the relationship between both and certain strains of analytic philosophy.

focusing on relationships between pragmatism/neopragmatism, certain strains in post-structuralism, and analytic

>> No.502982


Whoops, a little formatting trouble.

>> No.502984

you make posts weirdly

>> No.502986

That everything - including philosophy - is bullshit.

>> No.502991

it is literally the excrement of a male bovine

>> No.502990 [DELETED] 

The greatest thing about philosophy is that it exists.

With it you could not really think the things you are thinking.

Similarly, before language and words were invented people could not really think too abstractly. Philosophy is just an extension to that.

>> No.502992

The greatest thing about philosophy is that it exists.

Without it you could not really think the things you are thinking.

Similarly, before language and words were invented people could not really think too abstractly. Philosophy is just an extension to that.

>> No.502997

you must really feel that way to post that twice

>> No.503003
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Without [philosophy] you could not really think the things you are thinking.

>Similarly, before language and words were invented people could not really think too abstractly. Philosophy is just an extension to that.

>> No.503005

Just corrected the typos back there.

But yes, without philosophy basically any and all understanding of the world and reality as we know it today plus our entire culture would not exist. Philosophy is the science of human thought.

>> No.503012

Well fuck, if a word does not exist people cannot use it. If a concept does not exist people cannot think of it.

Similarly if any philosophy did not exist you would be a shitty monkey living in a cave thinking of how make fire with stick while painting the walls with your ape faeces.

>> No.503040

>If a concept does not exist people cannot think of it.


so, in your world, concepts float around like ghosts waiting to be caught by minds, which then use them? And these concepts are the bases of thought, without which we would still be apes?

>> No.503043

We don't know shit.

>> No.503052

You know how we have science and SCIENCE ?I wish we had the same for philosophy. I wish we would have philosophy, which is about understanding and communicating things in simple conversation, and then we have PHILOSOPHY which involves old people with beards, fancy words and a general fuck you to syntax or being eager to communicate.

It would save a lot of time to have this distinction, because one is useful and the other is shit.

>> No.503059

We are literally apes.

>> No.503061

We are literally monkeys.

>> No.503062
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>>503059 wrong use of "literally" on literature board

>> No.503065

That wasn't wrong at all.

>> No.503070
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We are literary apes.

>> No.503072

But what separates us and the rest of the apes is out ability to philosophy.

>> No.503074

the distinction exists already. there is good philosophy, then there is bad philosophy.

incidentally, the most useful yet most controversial distinction

>> No.503076


So are you saying people who don't Philosophize are apes?

>> No.503079

Yes. I refer to people who don't philosophize derisively taking into question their humanness

>> No.503081

You write bad.

>> No.503083


>> No.503089
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It was. This is an ape. If you say that you are literally an ape, then you must be this. If you are not this, then you are not an ape. The word "literally" doesn't exist just to insist on whatever sentence you want to insist on.

>> No.503091


So do you become an ape when you sleep?

>> No.503092

Yes. I am a part of whatever group that that belongs to called "apes". I did not use the word incorrectly.

>> No.503094
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>> No.503098

Why do you hate biology?

>> No.503101

That we do not truly know anything.

>> No.503103


There's two subjects to study at the academics. There's philosophy, and then there's bad philosophy.

>> No.503104

"An ape is any member of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates, including humans."

Straight from teh wiki

>> No.503119

Oh, you have my apologies then. My dictionary disagrees with it, but wikipedia is usually right.

>> No.503131

Wikipedia is up to date on all the sciencey shit whereas your dictionary is old and gay

>> No.503136

Philosophy is the science of human thought. In other words science of all sciences.

>> No.503146

Your thinking of neuropsychology numbnuts

>> No.503152

Is your dictionary pre-Darwin? What the hell?

>> No.503157

The science of human thought is 'cognitive science.'

>> No.503162

ITT people fapping to their philosophy degree not like they can use it for much else

>> No.503167


Philosophyfag here. Working at a consecution atm.

>> No.503173

Well, yes. But in a different sense. Neuroscience/psychology is the science of human thought, philosophy is the science of doing human thought. Which is quite a large distinction.

>> No.503174
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> implying you need a degree in philosophy to enjoy philosophy, as well as appreciated the people working with it

>> No.503180


I wouldn't say that. Philosophy of mind is, well, the philosophy of mind. But there's so much more within philosophy, so that alone is just a tiny bit.

>> No.503181

No you don't understand.

>> No.503182

I use what I learned in my education in philosophy in most elements of my life, thank you very much. It's been something I'm very thankful for.

>> No.503184

well played

>> No.503185


> Evovled logic, analysis of argumentation, ethics, who in their right mind would need that?

>> No.503190

well I do fine without that last one.. >:D

>> No.503196


You're probably an ethical egoist without knowing it, if you say that. ie, you do in fact follow an ethical path.

>> No.503198


Philosophy deal with the ideas of human mind. It is the science of thought. In fact if you boil down all of the sciences you get philosophy. Philosophy deals with the ideas, concepts, thoughts, theories, world view, ideology, logic, morality, basically everything that dictates the human society and behaviour of people. The human mind.

>> No.503215

Actually I just act randomlyh. You could say I'm a pretty random guy xD

>> No.503221
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>> No.503224

philosophy has taught me that life is art. that intellectualizing something can be done in an infinite number of ways- and if not infinite more finite than man will ever understand. that men can construct a spiderweb of ideas the same way a man builds anything. all this while thoughts of don quixote never leave my mind.

>> No.503225

It has taught Sasha Gray that not everything is a butt plug.


>> No.503228

There is much more to the human mind than 'ideas.' We as human beings make mistakes in thought all the time. We make decisions blindly and make up explanations for why we did so later. Even philosophers are slaves to the mass of gray meat in their heads. Cognitive Science analyzes your ideas and the processes that give you those ideas. It's a science that determines why you think one thing and say another. Philosophy is a study of the conscious part of the human mind. There is much more to the mind than that.

>> No.503235


You need to look up what rules a process must abide by to be labeled scientific. Yes, philosophy showed the existence of subjectivity, the need for objectivity, and the method to best assure that objectivity. But philosophy itself does not abide by the rules of science.

>> No.503238

No. This is where where the concept of logic kicks in.

>> No.503247

Surprise! The mind does not work through logical processes.

Some cognitive scientists claim that the mind is built around syllogisms, but most people have different premises and so come to different conclusions. They're all correct, according to logic.

>> No.503248

Logic is a bunch of bullcrap that doesn't have any real applications

>> No.503255

No.. wait... what?

>> No.503270

>The greatest thing about philosophy is that it exists.

>Without it you could not really think the things you are thinking.

Okay - but I could say this about anything. The thoughts I think depend on a wide range of cultural advancements - in every field. A sophisticated understanding of the nature of existence may depend on philosophy, but an understanding of process might depend as much on the development of the microprocessor.

>Similarly, before language and words were invented people could not really think too abstractly. Philosophy is just an extension to that.

And I'll let Internet philosopher tell me this - without evidence. The human brain has always been as complex and structured as it is today. Even if there was a time in human language "before language", I speculate there was an equal or nearly-equal ability for abstraction. Maybe the forms of that abstraction (how they divided the world up for understanding) may have been different, but I think it's ridiculous to claim without evidence that there was no abstraction before language.

>> No.503272
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/lit/ talking about philosophy is like taking a dump.
It's shit at the end.

>> No.503273
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>> No.503277

Logic is the study of the methods by which people reason. There are a wide variety of logics, all of which are dependent on domains of application and/or initially stated conditions. Logic is about the structure of argumentation.

It is absolutely content-free.

>> No.503278

ironic that you are posting this from a computer

>> No.503279


What is that from?

>> No.503285


The movie A Serious Man.

>> No.503286

Logic is not the study of how people reason. It is a discipline that studies methods of reasoning.

Human brains don't reason. Thoughts bubble up and out, and we try to construct explanations for those thoughts after the fact.

>> No.503289

>Human brains don't reason. Thoughts bubble up and out, and we try to construct explanations for those thoughts after the fact.


>> No.503294

Oh look, Freud is back in a different guise.

>> No.503298


Sigh. "The study of the methods by which people reason" is not the same thing as "the study of how people reason." I never said that logic was "the study of how people reason." You're telling me that I'm wrong and repeating what I already said to reinforce your point. Either learn how to read or stop being contentious.

As for your latter point, that may or may not be the case.

I contributed to this nightmarish train wreck of an alleged discussion because it's annoying when people pull out "Yeah? Oh, yeah? But LOGIC." to try to win ridiculous arguments.

>> No.503299

>Human brains don't reason

What are you babbling about?

>> No.503306

Or you could take a class where people do research on this, and see that this is the case. People always think they know the reasons for why they have done something, even if the researchers have constructed a situation in which people were manipulated into acting in that way.

Our thoughts are little batches of neurotransmitters flitting between synapses in our brain. Our consciousness filters these batches and brings salient stimuli to our attention. Logic, as any of your philosophers would have it, isn't the governing process of our thinking.

>> No.503314


I'm not agreeing with this or disputing it. You're fighting air, dude.

>> No.503343

>Logic, as any of your philosophers would have it, isn't the governing process of our thinking.

You are quite correct. But that doesn't imply that humans never reason or do logic.

>> No.503347


>> No.503350

Obviously. But people saying Philosophy is the science of human minds are wrong. It's a small subset of the science of human minds.

>> No.503815

The greatest thing philosophy has taught me: I exist.

Everything else is a little fuzzy.

>> No.505460

OK. Prove to me that you exist.

>> No.505563

ITT: We develop all of philosophy from first principles

>> No.505571

Philosophy hasn't taught me shit.

It has made me realize all kinds of shit I didn't before though.

>> No.505599

Yeah it's kind of like, you realize a thing, and then you wonder how your whole brain worked and how you were even able to think before you came to that realization

>> No.505614

Like when you find out God doesn't exist

>> No.505615


Philosophy has taught me that getting that degree in Philosophy was a transcendental waste of time.

>> No.507055


>> No.508154


>> No.508166

Philosophy doesn't teach anything, it is where thoughts go to mutate and die