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5027418 No.5027418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's with humanities departments these days turning into indoctrination camps? The two last classes I've had, modernist fiction and late victorian fiction, have both actually been feminist theory classes under a different name and all my other classes focus on it as much as possible given what they have to work with. I never thought of myself as a /pol/ type but I'm really starting to think that feminism is a social cancer.

Universities were a place that were supposed to make you think and challenge ideas, now it's more of a place where you aren't allowed to disagree with some absurd crackpot conspiracy theories invented by middle class women with too much free time and a massive chip on their shoulders.

I can't be the only one who has encountered this. It's really making me hate literature anyways.

>> No.5027430

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.

>> No.5027564

cry more

>> No.5027613

welcome to the new age of multiculturalism and globalization, where everyone says words like diversity and equality but don't actually mean it.

>> No.5027639

what makes you think they are feminist theory classes?

>> No.5027651


I can see how, at a superficial glance, one might come to your conclusion, but even the slightest honest, nuanced exploration of topics often dispels that conclusion.

>> No.5027662

>honest, nuanced exploration of topics
>in an American liberal arts class
Son, that bait was too thick to swallow. Try again.

>> No.5027668

>Tips fedora

>> No.5027674

>I never thought of myself as a /pol/ type but I'm really starting to think that feminism is a social cancer.

What I absolutely love about the standard /pol/ narrative when they're raiding a board is the conclusion "I'm really starting to think /pol/ is right, everyone!" as if that will somehow make your cause more relatable because in theory you're a neutral source.

My advice? Start using this board not to make threads about fascism and how "SWJ" and "political correctness" is ruining your universities and poetry clubs and just use for recommendations, you guys need to read more and learn better literary devices.

>> No.5027685

Because we look at everything in terms of the "male gaze", the patriarchy, and how males assert their dominance over everything? About how gothic novels are exclusively about penetration and dicks and homosexuality and "feminizing" their subjects to assert some strange power hierarchy? This is literally all I learn. I didn't go into literature to learn about dicks and how every time a woman somewhere is slightly uncomfortable it is because of men.
I'm in canada by the way.

>> No.5027704

To be fair, that is pretty much what gothic lit was all about. Annoying as it may be, gothic lit is just all about dicking.

>> No.5027707



please use more specific terms

>> No.5027710

can you guys imagine how sad it must be to refuse higher education knowledge because you must stay true to the values an anime board taught you

>> No.5027713

Just say "for fucks sakes we let them in combat now, shut the hell up."

>> No.5027715

No. Gothic literature was just about monsters who sometimes embody perceived social evils and romantic ideas about the 'other' or foreigners. They are really very simple and don't really deserve to be studied in my opinion.
To say that they are about dicks and homosexuality is just being a faggot about it and regurgitating the usual feminist/queer theory formulas and making exaggerated claims by deliebrately seeking out convenient phallic symbols.

>> No.5027724

Because to justify its transformation into a massive society-sprawling business that absolutely everyone has to pass through, it has to be more complex than simple instruction, because simple instruction would cause people to go "why am I paying $80,000 for four years of this?" and actually creative an alternative industry of private tutoring etc.

So it becomes an INSTITUTION!!!, which pretty much opens the door for anything: rituals, entire ritual frameworks (15 year undergrad->PhD tracks), cultlike behaviour, and people who live their entire adult lives within the system, so that they necessarily have to infuse it with ideology, because that's what people do. And that draws in more cultists, who want the excitement of being a smart university guy with social justice ideas that the proleplebs have to listen to, which reinforces the institution.

>> No.5027726

Are you really complaining because I used the word everything? Okay faggot, we look at every book as if it just presented new situations for females to inevitably be victims of some big bad terrible male dominance and oppression. Every fucking book.
If it isn't women, it's also the gays and the colonized.
Every fucking book

>> No.5027728

anime image boards are natural. you'd have to be brainwashed to not listen to an anime image board

>> No.5027731

“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”
― Oscar Wilde

>> No.5027732

Men suck is not knowledge. It is baseless propoganda.

>> No.5027733

and there's no chance that could be a valid interpretation?

>> No.5027735

You have some more thinking to do if you think any aspect of our culture and its institutions doesn't involve propaganda in some form. You don't see it when you agree with it.

>> No.5027739

That's not an argument.
It's also ridiculous and wilde was obviously just piggybacking on freud's theories

>> No.5027744

>Universities were a place that were supposed to make you think and challenge ideas

wrong, universities have always been indoctrination camps. if they are working they are never seen as such. so, todays indoctrination methods are beginning to fail. thats all.

>> No.5027746

I'm just going to say it: Oscar Wilde's idea of wit was nothing more than a clever turn of phrase, immediately followed by another clever turn of phrase espousing the opposite point of view to the first phrase. In the end, this is not witty.

>> No.5027747

I don't personally think so and the point of this thread is that I dislike being in classes where this is what I am learning because I disagree with all of it.

>> No.5027751

you mad?

>> No.5027752

Humanities was always an indoctrination camp, its just that for you petty-bourgeois type its easier to make conservative indoctrination seem neutral.

>> No.5027753

Considering he wrote one of the best gothic novels of all time- yes it is.

>> No.5027758

Oh please. You can read shakespeare without loving or demonizing gays because it makes statements that are philosphical, not political. Feminists obviously have an agenda and are pushing it in universities. Shakespeare is agenda-less.

>> No.5027759

>men suck

Well someone is well-versed on that feminist theory he hates so much.

>> No.5027760

i assume you disagreed with feminism before taking these literature classes. if so,

>Universities were a place that were supposed to make you think and challenge ideas

but you're not doing this? instead of just shutting it out, actually engage with the material

>> No.5027763

You have absolutely no angle do you lmao

>> No.5027764

That's not a feminist perspective, that's the basic critical theory aproach to literature.

>> No.5027769


something tells me you don't really read very closely

>> No.5027771

Fucking typical. "Everything is propoganda! So you have to swallow mine and aren't allowed to complain!"
Kill yourself.

>> No.5027772

Nothing is "agenda-less", you think and spout ideology whether you do it consciously or not. A particular Shakespeare book might not care anything worth analyzing on the paradigm of queer theory but feminist theory embraces everything because gender is universal.

>> No.5027775

You mean they're reading centuries or decades-old literature and analyzing through the lens of contemporary thinking? Color me shocked!

>> No.5027777

i don't really think analysis of the male gaze is really propaganda. men write about women in their books, so why not look at how they write about women? how has that changed in literature? what particular aspects of how men talk about women are prevalent in these particular genres, etc.? it is a lot more finely nuanced than "men are evil"

as i said, you should engage with the material. university isn't supposed to test your ideological resolve; it's supposed to test your intellectual flexibility

>> No.5027778

Oh? So literature is 100% learning about how straight white males are the problem with everything?

>> No.5027779

Of course you are allowed to complain, but the whole "why have unis become indoctrination camps" falls flat when they have always been those.

>> No.5027781

>straight white males are the problem with everything

here we go!

i think you should drop out of higher education. it's not for you

>> No.5027787

I'm just going to say it: you and OP are utter idiots.

>> No.5027788

These threads are the best argument against the notion that everyone should have a college degree I've ever seen.

>> No.5027789

Nah, but in contemporary literary critique literature is not seen as sacred cow beyond political and ideological bias, the academia wishing to uncover the narratives and biases various works of literature hide in them.

Why do you get so angry when straight white men are questioned or made responsible for their acts? Surely you have an ability for self-critique?

>> No.5027790

Men are evil is the conclusion to the analysis. I'm not saying that the "male gaze" should be banned, I'm saying that it's all I'm getting and it's problematic because it part of an assault specifically structured to make women out to be victims and men to e oppressors

>> No.5027791

>Universities were a place that were supposed to make you think and challenge ideas

The irony of this is huge

You've been presented with an idea and paradigm that might actually make you think and challenge your ideas, but you don't want to because your internet-meme FEMINISTS ARE CANCER mentality is on the way

Universities ARE places that make you think and challenge ideas, YOU are the problem bro

>> No.5027793

The academic idea of "the humanities" is elitist and ignorant. Don't worry about it too much, just play along.

>> No.5027794

Ugh. Just leave.

>> No.5027795

> it part of an assault specifically structured to make women out to be victims and men to e oppressors
Ah, so there is a crusade or a conspiracy against men, who are the true victims?

>> No.5027798

>Men are evil is the conclusion to the analysis.

confirmation bias? it's clearly your own personal interpretation of how the texts are being discussed. do you have any more specific examples? because your non-committal weasel words aren't helping your case any.

>an assault specifically structured to make women out to be victims and men to e oppressors

do you realise how silly this sounds?

>> No.5027803

In the classroom at least, yes. This can't really be debated given the content.

>> No.5027806

You probably picked the two most misogynist periods of fiction to study, OP. Maybe you should read more pre-Enlightenment fiction.

>> No.5027808

So your issue is that there is a secret conspiracy aiming at mocking your gender and thus you in Canadian literature class? Who do you think is behind it, and why do they do such thing?

>> No.5027809

>In the classroom at least, yes.

how? did you write some late victorian fiction?

>> No.5027811

That doesn't justify making every class about feminism

>> No.5027814

Nice comeback!

>> No.5027816


do the world a favor and read relevant books of lit theory rather than get tangled in the culture-wars when you are just a student

you will just make enemies and waste time

just gfto 4chan and go to the library

do your own research

>> No.5027818

Why should the use of basic literary critique be justified? Were you bothered when every class in high school was about symbolism?

>> No.5027823

No. There are university teachers deliberately making their courses from a specific political viewpoint and shutting off all others.

>> No.5027824

are we being trolled

>> No.5027830

>a political viewpoint

>> No.5027835

I'm not angry because people are using feminist theory. I'm angry because every class if fucking feminist theory

>> No.5027836

>going to University

l0l, that's socialist occupied territory

>> No.5027837

So you wish them to be completelly apolitical and/or acknowledge every political stance?

>> No.5027839

except the ones that aren't, right? like the ones about colonialism and homosexuality. your overuse of the word "every" is telling

>> No.5027843

they know exactly what they are doing OP
they are cynical manipulators / indoctriaters.
they don't have that old liberal view of education that it's about forming a complete human being, or whatever, no; education is about enforcing the party line - this is exactly how they think and they think it is 100% justified

it's over mang, it's fucking over

>> No.5027844

Pro-tip: Universities have always been indoctrination camps, it's just that the reigning ideology changes over time.

They have never been free wonderful places and you were never supposed to think and challenge ideas. This is all a myth. Why would you assume the authorities to back an institution detrimental to them?

Either get some degree that will get you where you want to be in life or drop out and read books yourself.

>> No.5027846

To me it seems more like critical theory than feminist theory.

What other schools of literary critique do you want them to use? Structuralist one? Deconstructive? Jungian? Existential? Hegelian?

>> No.5027847

colonialism was justified and homosexuality is an abomination - why do I never hear this (the truth) at University?

>> No.5027848

No, I wish to enter a victorian literature class without having to talk exclusively about dicks. Surely there is more to learn from books than dicks and how awful it is to be a woman because men exist?

>> No.5027850

>Pro-tip: Universities have always been indoctrination camps, it's just that the reigning ideology changes over time.

this is how socialists think, "there is no objective truth, just whatever the people in power call truth", and they use this diabolical logic to justify teaching kids it's OK to fuck like an animal before their wedding day.

>> No.5027852

I would love those examples, yes.

>> No.5027853

Every Scientist got together and voted on a change of Truth, sorry. Are you subscribed to the Science mailing list? Don't you believe in Science? Are you some kind of creationist?

>> No.5027856

>What other schools of literary critique do you want them to use?

Classical, Aristotelian

>> No.5027857

You just said that you talked about gays and colonials. What else do you want? Obvious social critique of the time or perhaps their prudish manners?

>> No.5027858


>> No.5027859

seriously though stop saying "everything" "exclusively" etc

>> No.5027861

what is wrong with fucking like an animal

>> No.5027863


u mad?

>> No.5027865

It's just something you know is intuitively wrong, you feel it from the inside.

>> No.5027866

the only thing i feel while having sex is pleasure man i think thats just you

>> No.5027867

I'd like to give you a spiritual reason but I don't think you'd understand, so I'll give you a material reason: people that fuck like animals cannot hold a marriage together, and marriage is essential. I know the socialists are trying to prove otherwise though; they believe that we should fuck whoever, and that when kids are born they should be owned by the State, not by the parents.

>> No.5027869

I didn't even say there wasn't an objective truth, I just reminded you of the obvious notion that a large and expensive enterprise doesn't exist without some interests being involved. If you want free inquiry, do it yourself. Don't expect someone who's livelihood depends on what he says to give you an honest approach.

inb4 le epic trolled, you sound like a parody of /pol/

>> No.5027871

> Aristotelian
The one developed for analysing plays and epic poems based on how virtuous they are and how well they confound to the moral background of the society?

>> No.5027872

>people that fuck like animals cannot hold a marriage together,

1) is there any proof of this claim?

>marriage is essential

2) why is marriage essential?

>> No.5027873

>marriage is essential
>he doesn't want state raised children and huge philosopher king orgies

read more plato faget

>> No.5027874

>people that fuck like animals
is there any other possible way

>> No.5027877

Personally I think the free market should decide who gets what child. It's more efficient that way. True capitalism doesn't exist until the family unit is destroyed.

>> No.5027878

Yes, that is still the greatest form of literary analysis.

But there is an essential difference between a University that aims at the noble but fails due to human weakness, and a University that brazenly aims at the ignoble because "to aim at the noble is futile".

>> No.5027880

well you do need to know at least basic feminist theory to be a complete human being.

>> No.5027882

>1) is there any proof of this claim?

There's empirical evidence that shows a tendency.

>2) why is marriage essential?

Too complicated to address here.

It's a turn of phrase that means promiscuity.

>> No.5027883

Stop being pedantic

>> No.5027884

mate guarding and envy are pretty primitive too. you can get rid of that and keep the promiscuity, and still have a family of some form

>> No.5027885

>owned by the State, not by the parents.

parents don't own their children lol

>> No.5027887

Guarding and envy are primitive, promiscuity is not primitive, it's an abberration. Punishing the promiscuous is primitive.

>> No.5027891

marriage is only essential for hereditary claims

>> No.5027893

> Yes, that is still the greatest form of literary analysis.
Then why don't you use it for your own analysis and speak of that in the class?

>> No.5027896

I studied English literature in one of the most theory-ridden departments out of any American university. I decided to major in English because I developed a passion for the novel during my freshman year of university. I was also really interested in reading social and political theory, so at first I really loved the department I was in and the way they would approach literature. But a few years in I got really burnt out. Literature courses were no longer about reading and appreciating works of art, but about turning those works into excuses to talk about feminism, oppressed minorities, colonialization, structuralism, whatever theoretical flavor of the month. Novels were just instruments used to explain theory. It really started to get on my nerves. Even philosophy classes were turning into this. Kant and Hegel were "sexist" because they only talked about "men" and not woman. They were racist because they talked about European enlightenment ideals. It started to make me truly sick to my stomach the way my highly esteemed professors were completely instrumentalizing works in order to push their own agenda.

This is why I think there are declining enrollments in literature programs. Students are voting with their feet. They sign up for a course on Dickens, but they get a course on structuralism. They sign up for a course on Shakespeare and they get a course on Derridean deconstruction. Literature just becomes an excuse to talk about other things. One of my English professors once told me that he didn't even like reading novels or poetry, and that I could go into the graduate program without even having to read any novels if I didn't want to.

Literature departments have destroyed whatever value literature might have for young, university students. They turned literature into an excuse to talk about some kind of social or political wrong-doing. It's a very shallow way of going about discussing literature.

And it's getting worse and worse every year (see the nonsense about trigger warnings).

>> No.5027900

>i wanted to talk about themes like in high school or a book club

>> No.5027907


>Novels were just instruments used to explain theory.
>Literature just becomes an excuse to talk about other things. One of my English professors once told me that he didn't even like reading novels or poetry, and that I could go into the graduate program without even having to read any novels if I didn't want to.

Former literature grad student, can confirm. Plebs trying to defend the contemporary academy because /POL/ MUST BE STOPPED! ¡NO PASARAN! don't understand just how cynical and corrupt an enterprise modern literary study has become.

>> No.5027911

>(see the nonsense about trigger warnings).
what nonsense? trigger warnings are just a way to warn people if discussion of rape, violence, etc is incoming so that if they have ptsd related to rape, violence, whatever their ptsd isnt triggered. what's wrong with that?

>> No.5027914

You can read milton and ask why he'a doing this here, why he decided to put this there, and what he's trying to establish by structuring the narrative in such and such a way without sounding uneducated or having to refer to stale and false theories meant to strengthen a certain agenda like 'equality'

>> No.5027916


>> No.5027920

>perceived social evils
>ideas about the 'other' or foriegners
mysterious men coming over here, dicking our women

Have you ever read any Gothic Lit? Dracula even has a bit about New Woman

>> No.5027923

Go back to tumblr you sensitive snowflake.

>> No.5027928

>But there is an essential difference between a University that aims at the noble but fails due to human weakness, and a University that brazenly aims at the ignoble because "to aim at the noble is futile".
People can't even agree on what "the noble" is.

I can understand that you're disillusioned, but trying to cope with that by trying to construct some sort of golden age myth where things were as they should be won't help. Which is essentially what is wrong with any reactionary thought: They encounter life as imperfect and conclude that it imperfection is a recent problem rather than inherent. It's easier than coming to terms with the fact that it's never been perfect.

>> No.5027934

i've never used tumblr, it's an awful site. tell me what's wrong with warning people who may have PTSD that there may be triggers relevant to their condition

>> No.5027936


the problem is contemporary lenses have become the only lenses. universities should encourage individuality and exploration but the current environment is just the opposite, it's stifling and narrow in its scope.

>> No.5027941

>false theories

Why are the theories false?

>> No.5027942

Because we shouldn't need to accommodate every nut that's afraid of a few words. These aren't peanut allergies.

>> No.5027946

do you know what ptsd is? try reading a book about it

>> No.5027947

I wanted to actually talk about the books we were reading. How they fit into literary history. How they can enlarge or enrich human experience. How the reader's aesthetic relation to them can tell us something about the human condition. Literature professors don't know how to do any of that anymore, so they revert to the "pick a critical lens" mode in order to justify their continued employment. It's how they try to keep relevant.

Thanks. In grad school things only get worse.
>I want to write my dissertation on how newtonian mechanics changed the gendering of objects in Milton's Paradise Lost using a Marxian understanding of class struggle.

University is a place for your ideas and pre-conceived notions to be challenged and criticized, not for them to be babbyed by your professor cum social worker.

>> No.5027949

>I can understand that you're disillusioned, but trying to cope with that by trying to construct some sort of golden age myth where things were as they should be won't help.

I'm not doing that. I'm perfectly aware that old Universities were full of nepotism, favouritism, careerism, politicking, and other corruptions; it's just that AT LEAST they had the pretence of "higher learning", of "noble truth". They had the right ideas even if they failed in executing them. It's like the difference between a society where promiscuity is regarded as evil but people constantly fail to be faithful to their spouse, and a society where promiscuity is lauded and being unfaithful to your spouse is seen almost as matter of course, "it's just human nature".

>> No.5027950


>thinking "oh no someone looked at me funny in the checkout line because i'm 150 pounds overweight and dress like a cartoon character because i'm a special snowfl... i mean, i'm a genderqueer pansexual" is a psychological trauma comparable to the real-life PTSD experienced by soldiers and disaster victims

tumblr pls go

>> No.5027953

>meant to strengthen a certain agenda

or just because it's a useful paradigm in which to analyse language and how it constructs/reinforces social status

nah it's a conspiracy

>> No.5027957

People need to learn to go through life witnessing things that will make them uncomfortable. The world is not a "safe space," to take a term from the SJW milieu. Just like agoraphobics need to get out in public and learn to interact with others, so do people with traumatic experiences need to learn to get over them, to have them not keep them down and weak. Get out there and put yourself in uncomfortable positions. It won't be pleasant at first, but it will make you a better person in the long run.

>> No.5027959

what the fuck are you talking about, youre arguing with a strawman dude

>> No.5027963

This board is worse than /mu/.

>> No.5027965

>Get out there and put yourself in uncomfortable positions.

that means having these things forced upon you unexpectedly? please

>> No.5027967

OP, you will enjoy this essay on the corruption and careerism of American academia (and this is by a guy whose degree was in frickin *computer science*!):


>> No.5027968

>It's how they try to keep relevant.

it's how they try to keep lit courses open

>> No.5027969

>that means having these things forced upon you unexpectedly? please
welcome to real life, bud. get out of your mom's basement and maybe you'll get a taste of it ;^)

>> No.5027970


poster who's never encountered an actual academic trigger warning "activist" detected

>> No.5027974

those people only exist on the internet.

>> No.5027978

actually real life involves some people posting with trigger warnings since it like literally actually exists irl

>> No.5027979

is it you?

>> No.5027982

I dont know why youre dispelling the idea of trigger warnings based on stupid college students, lol

>> No.5027986

>real life involves
>some people posting

nigga there's more to real life than chinese cartoon forums

>> No.5027988
File: 1.92 MB, 400x300, 1396412325316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cat = /pol/
>pictures = university
>optical illusions = feminism

>> No.5027996

no shit?

>> No.5028000


nigga you obviously didn't go to oberlin

>> No.5028005

>leftish post
If it's b8, no need to splerg on a extended critique and psychological reconstruction & demolition. Way to shit post.

>> No.5028012

Implying the New Left (feminist) paradigm isn't hegemonic. You hipster cunts don't even take your Zizek at face value.

>> No.5028015
File: 9 KB, 350x490, ohgodpleasekillme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading through this thread

>> No.5028016

Harold Bloom's face is a manifestation of the collective response of intelligent people to Finnegans Wake

>> No.5028018


Because ink shouldn't be wasted on printing "trigger warnings" about peaches for this motherfucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wwG0ZLzU7w

>> No.5028020


Harold Bloom called the book "Joyce's masterpiece", and wrote that "[if] aesthetic merit were ever again to center the canon [Finnegans Wake] would be as close as our chaos could come to the heights of Shakespeare and Dante."

>> No.5028023

I never said he was intelligent.

>> No.5028026

i never said anything about peaches, rather actual trauma.

>> No.5028037

>believing something you saw on Maury

>> No.5028041


YOU never did, but many of your allies haven't gotten the message.

>> No.5028046

So you prefer hypocrisy?

>> No.5028051

> It's like the difference between a society where promiscuity is regarded as evil but people constantly fail to be faithful to their spouse, and a society where promiscuity is lauded and being unfaithful to your spouse is seen almost as matter of course, "it's just human nature".

i would prefer the honesty of the latter.

>> No.5028059
File: 234 KB, 800x1000, Kojima was right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5028081

I'm sorry they don't know it's all about syphilis, tb, opiates and class warfare, OP. This is why people today see vampires as a social metaphor for love and self sacrifice not heroin. Personally, I blame Buffy.

>> No.5028089

>There's only one reading

>> No.5028136
File: 8 KB, 175x175, bloom040223_4_175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harold Bloom's face is a result of the prevalence of the school of resentment

>> No.5028163


best post in this thread. good luck getting the hipster cunts to reply with anything other than semantics.

>> No.5028219

>Read most of this thread

Holy fuck no wonder Pol Pot & co killed all of the professors and intellectuals.

>> No.5028231

>University is a place for your ideas and pre-conceived notions to be challenged and criticized

But god forbid you have to look at literature through a feminist or any socially critical lens, wouldn't want to challenge your WASP maleness.

>> No.5028239

what are you trying to say?

>> No.5028251

Dramatic faggot pls. Fat dykes control the instruction of english at every level. I have to say I honestly am impressed that a bunch of skinny jewish whiners and fat unshaven dykes will mental illness have managed to brainwash this many people. Marxist scum really nailed their infiltration techniques and I guess most people really are retarded.

>> No.5028260


>> No.5028271

the triggers are Used for sufferers of PTSD. reading something never causes triggers.

>> No.5028272

But god forbid you have to look at literature through a racist or any socially conservative lens, wouldn't want to challenge your SJW privilege-checking mindset.

>> No.5028279

but they treat it as if it is the only one.

>> No.5028282

who invited /pol/?

>> No.5028283
File: 32 KB, 720x540, 1000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach it, brotha.

Save yourselves, my /lit/tles! Keep your love for books alive and get out before it's too late!

Related: google 100 reasons not to go to grad school

>> No.5028317

>Anyone disagrees with feminism
>It must be the neckbearded fascists from /pol/!
How is that not the same attitude you guys criticize about them?

>> No.5028324

Academics have always been hugely biased, the bias just happens to be cultural leftism now. If you want to take a good literature course I suggest French Lit because they still teach Classical Analysis which is now apparently 'outdated' and replaced by 'interpretations', because the author is apparently 'dead' and wrote the book in a state of lunacy or something and couldnt possibly have intended something specific by it so we have to analyze the book in terms of penises

>> No.5028328

well half of /lit/ is from /pol/ at this point so it's not exactly a big leap to make

>> No.5028332

I'd say it's the other way around.
Then again all this feminist shit isn't present where I am so I cannot really comment on it aside from some crazy comments on the Internet.

>> No.5028365
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This nigrah speaks my mind.

>> No.5028426

Have you read the trigger warnings proposed? They have nothing to do with ptsd.

>> No.5028447

Not that Anon, but what are some examples?

>> No.5028555
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>don't really deserve to be studied

Yeah, they're completely worthless.

>> No.5028641
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I was on-board with /lit/'s rejection of OP's rather reactionary knee-jerkism, but you can't possibly defend trigger warnings.

>> No.5028669
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I like you.

>> No.5028792

sometimes im glad i live in a 3rd world patriarchal country (with real problems). some professors even apologize when they talk about feminist bullshit too much, they realize how funny it is to talk about genders when people starve on the streets, corruption is omnipresent and moral values are fucked up by wars and isolation.
also fuck pollitcal correctnes, you cant say nigger but you can imprison them and give them weapons and drugs to kill themselves. it only gives an illusion the problem is solved. it cant be solved by nice words

>> No.5028825

What? Liberal education is shit? You don't say!

Enjoy paying off those student loans m8!

>> No.5028870

Yeah and the other half is whiney faggots who got here less than two years ago who think stating that a board exists constitutes and arguement.

>> No.5028953

>the /pol/ bogeyman


>> No.5028978

That is such a cop out, and it's not even true.

>> No.5028981

Do you even know what a Gothic novel is? The Picture of Dorian Gray is not a Gothic novel. Do you just argue for the sake of arguing without knowing anything of which you speak so confidently?

>> No.5028982

I know what you mean, OP. I took an American history class in sophomore year and the thundercunt of a professor focused more on female figures instead of the people who actually did shit. Seriously, we probably only spent like ten minutes on Thomas Jefferson but like an entire class on some chick who wrote poems or something. It was awful and I dropped that shit ASAP.

>> No.5028991

There is no winning with these people. Trust me. Logic and reason have no place within the critical theorization mindset, and the sooner you learn that the less frustration you will have. I'm convinced that the only way to combat it is to infiltrate the universities posing as one of them and then stop espousing their ideas altogether once you have received tenure.

>> No.5029026

Pretty sure that was srs invading.
I hope so anyways.
Go back to reddit

>> No.5029027

why does /pol/ keep trying to spread their bullshit on /lit/ of all places?
if it's one board who can spot bullshit and counter-troll like mad cunts, it's /lit/.

>> No.5029028

I like how one side thinks its /pol/ invading and the other side thinks its reddit
maybe /lit/ just disagrees on this stuff

>> No.5029031
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Friendly reminder:

Pic-related made Europe. He also made European literature and culture.

But in a few years he'll be replaced by womyn. After all, they're really the driving force behind culture.

>> No.5029033

It doesn't. Do you know where you are? Do you know who has occupied all of 4chan since it was made? And don't tell me that's /b/, there has always been an overarching site identity. Do you know the GNAA?

>> No.5029037

/pol/ is a spook, and is used when encountering an opinion that is observed as "off base"

>> No.5029050

the Gay Nigger Association of America?
they are from Something Awful. like 4chan

>> No.5029102

Is this verbatim from the game?

>> No.5029433

>Oh no, I shouldn't have to read works in their historical context, which was often sexist/homophobic/etc.

>PTSD isn't real because tumblr people pretend to have it for attention whoring purposes.

>Taking small courtesy measures to help people suffering from chronic mental illness engage the material rather than wig out in class because they get caught off guard and relive traumatic events mid-class = censorship and oppression.

>we shouldn't nerf the world so let's just kill everyone we think is 'weak'

University is the fascists nao?

Fuck this thread.

Fuck this thread.

>> No.5029439

Are there stairs in your house?

>> No.5029444

Shut the fuck up. There is nothing intellectually honest about the bullshit argument you're about to make.

>> No.5029453

What argument is that then?

>> No.5029470

>false equivalence
>tu quoque
>apex fallacy

Some combination of the above, based on how 'novel' the arguments are following the million different times I have heard someone ask that rhetorical question.

It's the opening to a PRATT and not really worth anyone's time.

>> No.5029475

pak cvhooie unf

>> No.5029527

Its just the natural by product of breeding the study that attracts more and more females. Its breeding out the masculine and the neutral tone because feminine side has taken over the humanities department completely.

>> No.5029548
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>> No.5029583


>> No.5029586

>"At this university, we are dedicated to diversity and equality "
>unless you are working class

The shit that passes for leftism today , Jesus Christ

>> No.5029632

i guess kinda got the better end of it.

We had to do shit like read Dante's inferno and then apply "what we learned" to a modern day situation.

I think exercises like that are pretty philistine, but I guess it could be worse.

Although I had one teacher who just had us read greek tragedy and the prompts were actually interesting.

>> No.5029668
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>not disregarding the trappings of public life

When will you learn?

>> No.5029835


Holy hell, this.

>> No.5029961

oh shit time to replay

>> No.5029977

Oh christ is that fucking babe, the pig in the city?

>> No.5029998

When did 'leftism' become the face of middle class moral snobbery instead of the face of working class capitalist struggle?

>> No.5030027

i am protected

>> No.5030036


If I had to put a date on it I'd say 1968

>> No.5030048

You've never read Lewis' The Monk, have you?

>> No.5030061

It's Piggu the Epicurean, saver of threads.

>> No.5030077

did you?

not tryna discredit you, i go there right now

i can confirm these people are real

>> No.5030078

Or racism. I don't see why that bothered people so much though. I figured out pretty fast that Literature classes weren't really so much about talking about what you thought about a book as much as they were about learning to synthesize some theoretical concept with the text that was read.

Yes, maybe an author didn't care about the symbolism that you are discussing in class, or the political agenda being discussed, but it is a valuable skill to be able to relate the text to the theory, and the theory to the text.

>> No.5030086

i think what people are asking for is a bit excessive

but i also think that if someone's been raped or had their friends blown up by an ied and survived it themselves

they sorta have a right to know if flashbacks are probable when reading something

or do you think your sheltered ass life posting on 4chan knows what's best for rape victims and veterans

>> No.5030095

No one "deserves" protection from the pain associated with their private grievances. It's absurd and condescending to people to treat them as if they can't face the truth without a "warning."

That, to me, is the most disgusting thing about feminism and SJW schools of thought. Feminist thought treats women as if their lives are defined in terms of their victimhood and inferiority. Women should live by their individuality and the positive aspects of their character, not past grievances or bitterness about the supposed evils of man.

>> No.5030099

>Feminist thought treats women as if their lives are defined in terms of their victimhood and inferiority.

the hell are you talking about

>> No.5030108

>tfw I wish I would have taken a /lit/ class as one of my humanities but I know they could consume a lot of time and distract from other classes
I ended up to doing religion and history of art as my two required humanities
Trying to maintain my 4.0 for as long as possible lol

>> No.5030116 [SPOILER] 
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Probably the whole "I need Feminism" spiel going around lately.

>> No.5030119
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this is perhaps the most unattractive thing a girl can say

>> No.5030138

Hey OP. I think we may have gone to the same school. And I think I remember hearing that all modern literary theory comes in one of three forms, that there is only essentially one of three different lenses, at present, that you can use to analyse a book. You've either got the Freudian-Psychological alley, the Marxist-Socialist alley, or the Nietzschean-Post Structuralist alley. All of these aim to dissolve or critique things found in traditional literature and its narratives. Hence feminism et al. in your lit class

>> No.5030139

agreed. this one is particularly good:


>> No.5030148

>never indicative of stds
Sometimes I want to bludgeon people with a medical dictionary.

>> No.5030178


>> No.5030179
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>> No.5030182

Best post.

>> No.5030191

dude i wrote a paper about how paradise lost was an vaginal allegory and got an A+

>> No.5030234

Why do you throw out no true scotsman fallacies every time YOU are asked to self-criticize?
Why do you hold modern people accountable for the sins of their fathers?

>> No.5030241

If its a supposed conspiracy against men its sexist, if its a supposed conspiracy against women its called patriarchy and taught in uni.
Just because /pol/ are a horde of idiots doesn't mean that their enemies are infallible

>> No.5030247

And this is where the pro-feminist poster starting using a samefag to sockpuppet a strawman to knock down

>> No.5030250


This is the most annoying thing to me. It's making an enemy of people, thinking the problems you realize as deliberate when it could be teachings that misunderstand or devalue ideas. Making them out to be deliberate enemies does nothing but make relations worse.

>> No.5030262

Its all society now not just education, there is no common cause anymore now that the theater of war has gone and its all just globalized spooks.

everything is agenda based now.

Its an almost post modern element, nothing is normal anymore everything has some kind of symbolic meaning even when it doesn't.

See the advert for that britains got talent show?
the shitty white rap kids get in because they have an "anti-bullying agenda". Euro song contest? the woman with the beard or whatever wins for her the "trans whatever agenda".

shits gone to far, its actually turned into discrimination. anti-normal, anti-hetero, anti-male, anti-white etc. I'm not all completely /pol/ but as mad as they are you have to admit they do have some fair points.

/pol/ doesnt raid, many people just frequent multiple boards

the politically incorrect is just the standard backlash to the hyper politically correct

>> No.5030272

lol "discrimination"

>> No.5030280
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Just go through the motions and don't get spooked. The problem here is ideology in general.

>> No.5030281

I think he just means the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things.

>> No.5030287

>Taking small courtesy measures to help people suffering from chronic mental illness engage the material rather than wig out in class because they get caught off guard and relive traumatic events mid-class = censorship and oppression.
Pls post links confirming that anyone with ptsd ever wigged out in class

>> No.5030308

it has always been agenda based, you just came of age recently and just started to critically perceive the zeitgeist

>> No.5030330

That sounds like a swell place to learn.
Where do you live thirdworldbro?

>> No.5030331

yeah do you get what I mean?

this hyper anti-discrimination shit is bunk, its gone so far its come all the way around to discriminating against those non discriminated against.....

the special treatment and specific hand outs just create incentives to remain so.

society places value in the able for a reason, it creates incentive for people to be as able as possible.

>> No.5030403

flashbacks are not triggered by reading

>> No.5030406

You're going to have to post this

>> No.5030641

Yes they are, you moronic fuck.

>> No.5030768

Why don't you just read literature independently if you were uninterested in approaching older texts through the eyes of your peers and the zeitgeist.

I think in the same sense that the internet is being discussed in literally every program, it only makes sense that a program involving the broader human experience would entail re-examining it through that of the contemporary reader. If you want to learn about form rather than content, then pursue linguistics or another language, otherwise just go to the library and think for yourself.

>> No.5030777


>> No.5030782

>le WAH WAH meme

>> No.5030783

Bullshit. This discourse of "EVERYTHING IS PROPAGANDA" is just a shaky justification for pushing your own personal propaganda.

>> No.5030788

>If you don't agree with our propaganda, get the fuck out!

And OP is revealing Academia's political and ideological bias.

Academia seems very incapable of self-criticism unless it's furthering feminist narrative.

Why do you get so angry when you're called out on your ideological pathology?

>> No.5030791


>> No.5030793

No. This is 4chan, not your university classroom.

>> No.5030795

The feminist discourse that it's not a political viewpoint is hypocritical in light of the fact that they claim all texts are ideological.

>> No.5030801


>> No.5030802

>turning into
>always been

>> No.5030806

I hate to put it this way, but feminist views are the current Geist in the west

>> No.5030807

Google the "march through the institutions" OP.

Read Adorno and Marcuse.

Understand that leftists took the idea of institutionalized power and cultural hegemony and appropriated these ideas as tools for themselves to use. Leftists are in favor of cultural hegemony and institutionalized discrimination when it favors their value systems.

>> No.5030811
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So how is Melmoth the Wanderer about dicking?

>> No.5030815


>> No.5030826

The concept of trigger warnings came out of mental hospitals and rape crises centers.

They were used in group therapy for people who were ACTUAL rape survivors, the abused, etc. It's reasonable in this context.

Trigger warnings are not reasonable in an academic setting.

>> No.5030837

ITT: femninists vs pol
not lit worthy in the slightest
fuck off go shitpost elsewhere

>> No.5030839

>as he bumped the thread

>> No.5030840

it seems more like reasonable, disillusioned aesthetes and shrill conformists

>> No.5030844

Did this thread trigger you? So sorry. Tell me how I can check my privilege for you.

>> No.5030939

maybe individuality and exploration are only valuable when there is an atmosphere which prevents this

>> No.5030983

were fucked

where can we go from here, thats all i wonder

>> No.5031342


>implying rape/abuse survivors don't go to college to escape the hellholes that were their lives and make something of themselves.


spoken like someone who has ever had one before.

oh sure, I'll just look up something in Google Scholar and cite the myriad research studies on "do PTSD sufferers ever have flashbacks in class?".

Oh, wait, you could do that. Or you could go fuck yourself.

I don't have to justify lived experience. It's not an anecdote vs. double-blind randomized subject chi-square analyzed kind of thing.

"wig out" may be an exaggeration.
More like cry quietly and say nothing for the rest of class, not absorbing any of the material for the remaining hour of instruction hoping no one notices you losing your composure.

>> No.5031391


With all this talk about privilege, do you know what nobody every talks about? -- Rich privilege.

Poverty is a far more important factor in determining one's experience in the world than is race, gender, sexuality. Is Michelle Obama an oppressed female person of color? Fuck she isn't. She's just a rich bitch whose idea of politics involves forcing poor kids to eat more fruit and veggies.

faggots at elite liberal arts colleges need to check their rich privilege

>> No.5031405

The suckage of poverty and privilege of riches is a fucking given? Intersectionality, which emerged in the 80s, binds social justice issues like class and race etc. together when relevant.

Poor white people have white privilege but that privilege may be less than that of a middle class black person because money talks, loudly, as do the riches gained from opportunities.

Bereans re: Oberlinians get this innately.

(poor people take out loans to go to college so they can become middle class, college isn't just a middle class wonderland)

>> No.5031410


thank u anons. just trying to pass on what i learned from my experience. y'all feel free to study literature in university, but just be aware that it will be an uphill battle and you will be an army of one

>> No.5031416

>Intersectionality, which emerged in the 80s, binds social justice issues like class and race etc. together when relevant.
but the point is that they're not the same kind of categories. that unpacking your white privilege knapsack is so much fucking bullshit it's unbelievable

>poor people take out loans to go to college
not as often as you think. most poor people never have time to go to college because they have to work their shitty jobs for 60 hours a week just to make ends meet

>> No.5031421

"Nothing is "agenda-less"." -- That's an agenda; so is this post. If we want to exchange ideas, it is not helpful in any way to open such obvious infinite regresses.

>> No.5031425

Oh, no, I do realize that educated poor are like fucking unicorns. A lot of things had to go right in my life for me to be lucky enough to get a BA.

4chan kept my virginity intact, so I had no kids to support at 18 and Pell Grants and Stafford Loans seemed like a good way to get out of Bumfuck County.

I'm interested to hear why you think white people don't get preferred treatment in our society over black people or dark skinned asians?

>> No.5031435

Pretty much.
In /pol/, anyone who disagrees is suddenly JIDF or SRS.
Here, anyone who disagrees is /pol/. So /lit/ can't really criticize them when they act the same.

>> No.5031448

The only worthwhile thinker in the humanities department who by the ways shares your views on both feminism and the current state of the humanities is Jordan B Peterson. I highly recommend that you check out this lecture series by him. >>5031430

>> No.5031451

calling out 'shills' is useful to keep community order. some posts deserve nothing less than to be known as such and, preferably, ignored, although mass derision is good too.

>> No.5031454

>I'm interested to hear why you think white people don't get preferred treatment in our society over black people or dark skinned asians?
Well for starters privilege theory is a pretty dumb way of looking at the world. What is the end goal? - to make everyone equally miserable no matter their skin color or sexuality?

And no, I don't think white people really get that much preferential treatment anymore. The civil rights movement is over. The reason why you don't see a lot of black people at Ivy league colleges isn't because their black and whites get more preferential treatment, but because blacks are disproportionately poor. When factoring in a family's wealth, the likelihood of educational attainment is equal between blacks and whites.

Just because your professor told you some theory and you swallowed it up like the clueless young person you were doesn't make it true

>> No.5031457

Again, the concept of which posts are like you describe is so twisted that anyone with an opposite opinion is derided.

>> No.5031467

The end goal is to erase social constructs that lump people into antagonistic categories and create social divisions where they otherwise wouldn't exist.

"whiteness" and "blackness" aren't especially beneficial to society, and historically the color lines have been drawn in order to enslave and oppress.

Your assertions are weak considering how clueless you think I am, or professorwashed or whatever.

(I went STEM bro, social/economic justice is rational)

>> No.5031474

> The reason why you don't see a lot of black people at Ivy league colleges isn't because their black and whites get more preferential treatment, but because blacks are disproportionately poor.


You're so close

How are you not making the very obvious connection between one group being disproportionately wealthier than another group and that group therefore having more privilege than the other group

wealth = privilege in almost every sense of those words

you're practically making the "professor theory" yourself

Also civil rights are obviously not over in the United States (cf. gay people)

>> No.5031490

>wealth = privilege in almost every sense of those words
hardly. you're not going to do a damn thing about poverty if you ask rich people to check their privilege or make them nicer/more sensitive to the poor. there's no "intersectionality" because they're not even similar categories

>The end goal is to erase social constructs that lump people into antagonistic categories and create social divisions where they otherwise wouldn't exist.
but are blacks and whites really antagonistic categories anymore? are straights and gays antagonistic categories? you have a delusional view of social reality

>> No.5031497

I don't think you participate in the same society I do. I am from rural southern America.

Where are you from?

>> No.5031507

> there's no "intersectionality" because they're not even similar categories

How can you possibly say that privilege doesn't follow from wealth when that's exactly what you already said in your last post?

Debt-free education is a privilege of the very rich, who also happen to be the very white.

And I don't want to ask rich people to check their privilege/play nice with the poor. I want their obscene, unearned wealth to be redistributed.

I think the only reason you're refusing to see the connection between wealth and privilege (which practically no one on earth disputes) is because you think you have to hate mysterious tumblr boogeywomen.

>> No.5031508

I am from the northern midwest. And of course we participate in the same society. Bangladeshi child sweatshop works participate in our society too.

>> No.5031514

>our society

I honestly don't think you know the basic definitions of words.

>> No.5031515

because the whole concept of privilege is dumb. it's moral posturing at best, pseudo-politics at worst. I was blessed with genetics and a healthy childhood diet that made me grow to be 6'2". does that mean I'm privileged over manlets because I can reach items on the top shelf of the grocery store? sure, i guess that's a privilege, but's it's fucking stupid to turn shit like that into some kind of political campaign

>> No.5031518

no, you're the one who doesn't. there haven't been "different" societies since pre-modern times. we all live in one global society. that's not that hard to figure out, any businessman will be able to tell you that

>> No.5031519
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In literature I would say things really started to go down the shitter in the 50s, when the "New Criticism" cancer began to take hold.

>mfw authorial intent discounted

>> No.5031521

If society discriminated against tall people or short people, politically, economically, or violently, rather than just informing dating preferences or basketball ability, you would see it differently.

>> No.5031523

Many people from many different countries participate in a global "economy," which is still regionalized.

But a sweatshop worker in Bangladesh does not have access to the same "society" as middle-class Americans on Long Island.

I put the key words in quotations so that it would be easier for you to figure out the difference.

>> No.5031525
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>my rapist didn't rape me, my culture did

>> No.5031541

so then how do you define society if not economically?

by what kind of restaurants people go to? what kind of books they read? cars they drive"

you're pathetic

>> No.5031548

>implying manlets don't disproportionally lose fights when compared to tallfags
>implying manlets don't disproportionally get passed up for job promotions

>> No.5031619

the first thing is a reason to carry a gun

the second thing is pretty valid.

rape culture means that the rapist will be believed over the victim, or the victim will be ostracized for pursuing justice, or that men will be conditioned to be accepting of nonexistent
'gray areas of consent'. Men will simply be laughed at or ostracized for being weak, or because "men can't be raped".

There is absolutely a cultural problem with how we treat the sovereignty of each others bodies and how we seek redress for that, and there is an uneven gender divide within in which women are blamed for being victims and are hindered in seeking redress.

>> No.5031623

>the rapist will be believed over the victim, or the victim will be ostracized for pursuing justice

this is what feminists actually believe

>> No.5031630

Fuck you.

>> No.5031860

>it's not all about dicks, sometimes it's about gays
that's TWO DICKS

>> No.5032039

Okay let us just look at some trigger warnings and see if they are reasonable.


>Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advising faculty members to "be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression," to remove triggering material when it doesn't "directly" contribute to learning goals and "strongly consider" developing a policy to make "triggering material" optional. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, it states, is a novel that may "trigger readers who have experienced racism, colonialism, religious persecution, violence, suicide and more."


Are you honestly saying that genuine PTSD can be triggered from reading Things Fall Apart because sombody experienced colonialism? Morocco is the only country in the world with a colony (West Sahara), so fair fucking chance of that.

If people experience PTSD flashbacks so easily, do you believe them to be able to function in normal society at all? Would they not experience cissexism, ableism etc. wherever they look, or at least frequently enough for it to be impossible to live a "normal" life?

I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but I don't think people should be allowed to skip classes because they feel "uncomfortable" reading about something: that is way too easy to exploit and abuse. If you have a genuine diagnosis with PTSD, not a Tumblr-diagnose, we can talk.

>> No.5032241


>lived experience

"Lived experience" is just jargon. Its operational meaning is "anecdotal evidence that supports a conclusion I agree with."

I know several mentally ill people whose "social justice activism" is a transparent projection of their private, personal neuroses and disappointments.

But that's just my lived experience; clearly you'd want to see a peer-reviewed, double-blind study before considering it seriously as a hypothesis, right?

>> No.5032313

This thread proves that everyone with an advanced degree in literature deserves to die in poverty

>> No.5032329


>> No.5032339

>everyone is working class like me


>> No.5032378

Why do SJWs never capitalize? Is capitalization and grammar a cis-white-rich-hetero-literate-non-retarded-non-handicapped-straight-haired-swimming-capable-fit-male construct?

>> No.5032395

>letter inequality


>> No.5032404

These are the relevant posts:


>> No.5032412

Feminism is only possible in the western by the forced creation of a servant underclass; it's why there's so much racism and classism against Mexicans in America. White women want privilege.

>> No.5032414

Most autistic posts ITT

>> No.5032416

Check your non-autist privilege.

>> No.5032420

Autism is primarily found in men, which is why many women think it's acceptable to mock the disease.

>> No.5032425

Please check your privilege at the door, anon.

>> No.5032433

No, that would be if I called depression a disease, because that effects the female population more.

>> No.5032447

Holy shit fuck off

>> No.5032448

> the truth
What truth is there to fictional works?

>> No.5032463

>Fuck you.
feminist discourse

>> No.5032470

>I know several mentally ill people whose "social justice activism" is a transparent projection of their private, personal neuroses and disappointments.
lol so do i

>> No.5032471

>implying I don't have a trust fund and am set for life

>> No.5032483

No. Feminists rightly criticize false medical conditions such as "hysterics", I can criticize them for adopting the same attitude in mocking "fedora-tippers", "neckbeards", or other psychosocial characteristics of men. Especially now that it's believed that women are important for the social development of men, meaning that it might be women's duty to spend time with poorly-developed men and teach them social skills.

>> No.5032493

How about this: Instead of having a kneejerk reaction every time you encounter something that you might not want to, and demanding that people put triggers everywhere so you can pretend that things you have a problem with do not exist, how about you consider that comfort might not be the most important thing there is in life?

People are capable of dealing with the uncomfortable, and going through life with a mentality toward all things that is comparable to a little girl that doesn't want to eat her carrots just isn't healthy. I'd go so far as to say that it can make you completely delusional.

>> No.5032528

>rape culture means that the rapist will be believed over the victim
Innocent until proven guilty, fucker. There are far too many cases in which crazy bitches have ruined innocent dudes lifes with some made-up rape story.