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5027140 No.5027140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never inherit a large New York / London / Vienna apartment / house from your parents along with a very large sum of money
>you will never spend your time in independent coffee shops with like minded patricians
>you will never have a private education
>you will never do a degree that is 100 % useless outside of academia
>you will never never have a real job and live off your inheritance

>you will never live...


>> No.5027147
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>being a privileged shit-stain on society

>> No.5027168

>>you will never inherit a large New York / London / Vienna apartment / house from your parents along with a very large sum of money
No I won't

>you will never spend your time in independent coffee shops with like minded patricians
I do from time to time

>you will never have a private education
I did
>you will never do a degree that is 100 % useless outside of academia
I'm doing classics
>you will never never have a real job and live off your inheritance
Here's to hoping!

>> No.5027169

I laughed because you're a faggot like Oscar Meyer in your picture there. I mean seriously though, I have more respect for Stephen King than I have for Oscar Wilde because at least Stephen King works for a living. What does Oscar Wilde do? Thats right, nothing because he's dead. And why is he dead? Well. Time periods aside, Oscar was a randy little faggot who was only concerned with saying "smart" things and sucking all the dicks.

Really consider the fact that Oscar there would probably be one of those bug chaser queerboys you hear about these days. I mean really, are you so blind as to not see how he'd want to catch AIDS just to be on the cutting edge?

In fact, why haven't you gotten AIDS yet OP? Are you too busy fantasizing about conversations you'll never have in literary bars about how Herman Melville is the last respectable American writer?

I don't know much about you, but I know I don't like you so far.

>> No.5027191

But OP, I am doing all of that.

>> No.5027382


tell us more

>> No.5027383

i feel like women get off on being twisted pieces of shit

>> No.5027384

i sort of agree with you

>> No.5027385

like they have a choice

>> No.5027391


>> No.5027398

how's your relationship with your mother?

>> No.5027399

i had a breached birth

>> No.5027403

I spent my 100k inheritance I got when I was 18 in 3 years on three trips overseas, a new car and drugs

I don't feel it yet but I assume regret will come at some point

>> No.5027407

fun fact, i've literally been googling 'mommy issues' for the past half hour

>> No.5027415

srs tho, men make the world, women are just playing the game. What is the deal with women having no problem doing it front of dogs and cats and shit is what I'm wondering. Ever seen Marley & Me? Or House M.D. does a piece on it too. It reminds me of my old dog who loves getting rubbed in front of my young dog, as if he's saying "Haha, fucker!" Check ur privilege, supreme gentlemen. We did this.

>> No.5027417

conspiracy theories are fun

>> No.5027419

My mother loves when I tell stories about fighting, lol. I swear, last Christmas she goaded me and my father like fuck because she wanted me to fight him, and then she watched with like crazy fucking sexual interest as I obliterated my room door.

>> No.5027426

Where's the conspiracy theory, fucktard? It's blatant and thoroughly documented psychology. Even the bible did a bit on it with its "Woman has fallen furthest" (Can't find the exact quote of that; anybody?)

>> No.5027432

Life is so crazy.

>> No.5027434

Your persecution complex.

>> No.5027440

That's dumb as fuck, mate. I love both women and dogs. And again, male psychology complements that females psychology perfectly, it is its maker. Claim the world as your own and be surprised and offended that physically lesser beings play up to your game rather than be exterminated? Well, that's retarded.

>> No.5027443

You get some beautifully independent women, too, but they're generally really fucking sad and make me sad.

>> No.5027446

i love witches

>> No.5027452

Beta males doth project, though. The Supreme Solipsistic Fucktard, for example. Remember the Boston Bomber and all those chicks saying he was hot, too? Well, what do you expect? That's what they gotta love to love life, and so they do. Every last one of us is the Bostom Bomber, or potentially the Boston Bomber, from the female point of view. Life's crazy.

>> No.5027455

srs, god is testing us....he's being all like "ok u guys be god, and let's see how godly u are"

and we're fcking failing and all going to hell

>> No.5027460

All of that is why homosexuality is a sin, btw.

>> No.5027466

You sound feminine.

>> No.5027469

You sound like a dumbass who hasn't a clue what's going on.

>> No.5027491


u mad?

>> No.5027492

Honestly for me it all boils down to
>you will never be a classically educated guy with articulate school friends who becomes and intellectual and has correspodence with other like-minded figures

What's the equivalent of this today? Be a fat slut from Harvard who's really into social justice, and get retweeted by Laurie Penny?

>> No.5027502


>> No.5027508

No, sorry. And I get all the girls, too. U mad?
(That's an incredibly female thing to do, btw. Make the person mad in order to feel in control of them, in control of their madness. Because male aggression is death. Bitchass games, lol. I'm gonna have to rework that with my recent theories as regards "It's a trap," though. Actually, I may have just done that.)

>> No.5027511

What don't you understand?

>> No.5027514

>Beta males doth project, though. The Supreme Solipsistic Fucktard, for example. Remember the Boston Bomber and all those chicks saying he was hot, too? Well, what do you expect? That's what they gotta love to love life, and so they do. Every last one of us is the Bostom Bomber, or potentially the Boston Bomber, from the female point of view. Life's crazy.

that part

>> No.5027518

They cover that bit about the "umad" in Elementary btw (which is a flagrant ripoff of House M.D.), with the female Moriarty. Man, there is fucking nothing left for me to do. But at least I am in the know and not embarrassing myself every day.

>> No.5027523

That Supreme Gentleman dude literally killed people because he couldn't get girls, dude. And he had no mom. He was beta male, relegated to even below women. Nobody thought he was worth shit.
And damn, that "my mom thinks I'm cool" thing just made a whole lot of fucking sense.

>> No.5027527

OP here. I made a perfectly good misogyny topic here: >>5027335

and you fuckers ignore it. Now you shit up my non-patrician feels thread. GTFO

>> No.5027529

Humanity is profound stupidity.

>> No.5027530

lel i keep forgetting that he actually used the words supreme gentleman

anyway this thread makes no sense

>> No.5027531

It's not even about survival but thinking you matter. Nietzsche was wrong, Will to Power doesn't do it justice at all, it's Will to Mattering.

>> No.5027532

Srs, that whole idealism bit can make a lot of sense sometimes.

>> No.5027541

And so he started talking about rivers of blood and shit, as if that gave him standing, being the maker of rivers of blood.....other people's blood. Well, I have just defined humanity.

>> No.5027548

>implying working in a cubicle is contributing to society

>> No.5027598

Well I live in Vienna, I'm rich, that is, my father is rich, I have a apartment way too big for me in the inner city, I study philosophy, but don't write any exams, and spend most of my day reading, most of my nights doing coke and/or drinking.

>> No.5027615


>> No.5027641
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i'd love to work in a cubicle, not having to deal with some shit-tier coworkers talking about dicks and tits 24/7 all year

>> No.5027645

>grow up in upper-middle-class suburban family
>rich enough that i didn’t have to get student loans thanks to good financial planning on my parents’ part, but not so rich that i’ll ever have a trust fund
>spend college hanging around with hipsters and doing all the usual hipster stuff (fair trade coffee, underground rock shows, critical mass rides, long discussions of Marxist theory, etc.)
>graduate with worthless liberal arts degree
>unable to find a job for months, finally end up working depressing temp agency secretary job
>end up going back to school (with my own money this time) to get a “vocational” degree that will actually get me a job
>graduate and join workforce, now pretty much an ordinary 9-5 normalfag citizen
>still facebook friends with my college friends and see them occasionally
>many of them are past 30 and still living the “bohemian lifestyle” as described in OP
>tfw i have nothing in common with them any more and think their lifestyle and political opinions are puerile and entitled
>feels silent majority man

>> No.5027650
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>> No.5027660

Be my mastah!

>> No.5027663

silent majority = upper middle class non-trust fund dbags?

>> No.5027683

Why are you so irate, Anon?
Our firm pays more in taxes and charity in a month than the average citizen makes in a year.
How am I a shitstain?

>> No.5027684

Silent Majority was Agnew's term for the non-vocal, middle of the road american conservative voter, contrasted to the vocal minorities of radicals on the left and reactionaries on the right.

>> No.5027694

>tfw you won't live to see a high-leisure society supported by a generous universal minimum income that will allow anyone with the intellectual ability the time and freedom to cultivate themselves leading to a re-flourishing of genuine artistic bohemian life

>> No.5027717

>universal minimum income
You really, really have no clue how economics (specifically, inflation) works, do you?

>> No.5027729

I know it doesn't work the way you think it does.

>> No.5027754


>> No.5027800

we're actually getting there faster than you think, not so much through any universal income scheme, but from giant leaps in productivity and efficiency making all the basic needs and desires available to everybody with very little effort. in my lifetime I've seen most of these things drop from major expenses to trivial cost. housing, energy and education are really the only things that have had any resistance to the universal decline in costs and increase in availability.

>> No.5027802
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>tfw you can study for free and get a ton of money each month for two more years
>Only drawback is that you have schizophrenia

>> No.5028152

should've invested. I regret it for you

>> No.5029089
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oh man, 100k dollars is a lot of money here, even more than for you yanks

i would go spend it on the best physics university these 100k dollars can afford

>> No.5029101

it's okay.
i'm not living now either.

because i'm constantly afraid of dying and that moment.

>> No.5029112

I had a private education and a degree from a top ranked school that is 100% useless outside of academia. The rest is true though.

>> No.5031144


>> No.5031161

>you will never be a bourgeois waster spending every day out of your senses on laudanum writing poetry

>> No.5031270


>you will never inherit a large New York / London / Vienna apartment / house from your parents along with a very large sum of money
My family does not own any realestate nor do I for that matter.

>you will never spend your time in independent coffee shops with like minded patricians
I spend my time in bars getting drunk on non-imported affordable beer with people I do not like.

>you will never have a private education
Got a mediocre technical college degree that took me 5 years to get (program lasts 3 years).

>you will never do a degree that is 100 % useless outside of academia

>you will never never have a real job and live off your inheritance
What is a real job anyway? If I was getting payed to shitpost on /lit/ it would be real to me and to the person paying me making it real in general.

I still enjoy my life and I doubt the joy would be any greater if I was a faggot like Oscar Wilde.

>> No.5031272

>if I was a faggot like Oscar Wilde
Maybe, but if you were a faggot like Lord Henry Wotton?

>> No.5031275


>> No.5031306

Good luck not becoming a NEET who's pursuit of base desires have left him bitter and depressed.