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File: 32 KB, 205x300, Starshit troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5026588 No.5026588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a shitty pro-war, xenophobic, fascist book written by a pedophile redneck. It's a projection of the author's wet dream: to see a totalitarian USA genocide the communist China. It goes as far as to put little boys as soldiers without a single hint of satire (unlike its movie adaptation).


>> No.5026600

yeah its great isnt it

>> No.5026604

... and then he read Stranger and it shocked his eyelids.

>> No.5026608

lmao nigga you krell as fuck
how the fuck you say that

>> No.5026618
File: 137 KB, 800x1337, Joe Haldeman_1974_The Forever War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Starship Troopers as teenager
>Love it, read it 3 more times
>Join the military
>Nothing like the book

Goddamn it, should have read this first.

>> No.5026628

You also weren't fighting a war against giant bugs from outer-space dumbass

have you read any more literature that talks about the retarded bureaucracy that the military is?

>> No.5026643

Interestingly enough it's relatively progressive racially as the main character is Filipino but Heinlein only gives his race a passing mention midway through the book.

>> No.5026652

>It goes as far as to put little boys as soldiers

Did you mean to post the cover to Ender's Game?

>> No.5026664

I agree that it's pro-war, xenophobic and fascist. I disagree that Heinlein shared in those point of views. Read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.5026714

>not being pro-war, xenophobic, and fascist

~Let me just put more flowers in my hair~

>> No.5026938

His frend he was talking to in the scene was Fillipino. The scene you are reembering is Rico asking him what language he was speaking, Tagalog. Then Rico reminices about his parents speaking spanish at home.

>> No.5026956

>pro-war, xenophobic, fascist
>not a satire of the atmosphere of USA at the time
Shit son, I have no face what your retardation.

>> No.5026965

Please elaborate.

>> No.5026991

You are absolutely correct OP. And something very important needs to be observed: in between all the monologues and theorizing Heinlein forgot to write a story. People should not laud it, its just a shitty essay.

A good counter argument to Starship Troopers would be Joe Haldermans The Forever War

As is often pointed out, Halderman saw combat during his military service whereas Heinlein rode a desk during his military service.

>> No.5026994
File: 554 KB, 1280x720, budokai tenkaichi opening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heinlein loved The Forever War and wrote to Haldeman to tell him how good it was
>Haldeman was inspired by Starship Troopers

You niggers gotta stop trying to make these two sound like they're writing from opposite points of view.

>> No.5026998

I think you should remove yourself.

>> No.5027018
File: 53 KB, 625x418, 1402236531015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(unlike its movie adaptation)
i find it hilarious how the movie painted a more realistic, but also more reasonable and desirable picture of space-fascism. also how it ended up being a movie about the iraq-war, before the iraq war.

>> No.5027021

Are you comparing the Bugs to China?
What would you do if big ass Chinese spiderpeople were about to come eat your family? Vote about it?

>> No.5027049

But Heinlein was a well known fucking nutbag hippy. This one has puzzled me since I was a young man, and I only recently hit upon the trick.

Yes, it is a nutbag military power fantasy for teenage boys, BUT, Heinlein is cleverer than that.

Consider, if you will, the mirror-image of the bug/human society. The humans are divided into two castes, warrior and worker (and, presumably, Politicians). The humans put their warriors through a rigorous selection process, and death is likely or at least highly possible. The humans are willing to throw men away in battle to achieve objectives.

You could even write SST from the viewpoint of a Bug warrior caste member. Growing up in Bugnos Aires, he never really know what he wanted to be until pupation, but he decided to join up as a Warrior and go and fight the humans. He lost some buddies along the way, et cetera, et cetera.

We are the bugs. The bugs are us. All we can do is fight, and fighting is noble, but we're not different, or better - and this brings us in line with something like Nietzsche, or the RadTrads, not just standard issue fascism.

>> No.5027056

It comes up in the book that, I'm sure. Most people seem to misremember the film as the book anyway.

>> No.5027064

The movie is not realistic or reasonable. It's a hilarious satire.

>> No.5027081

>a more realistic, but also more reasonable and desirable picture of space-fascism

I really feel bad for you, because eventually you're going to see the true reality of the world and it's going to really mess you up because there was a time in your life when you really thought that Starship Troopers the movie was realistic.

Let that sink in while I tell you about a thirteen year old runaway in Hollywood who was convinced by a pimp that he'd make her a star, and right now she's sucking a dick thinking about how her Daddy was the only one who loved her before the car accident and now her mother only cares about her new husband, and all the while she's having a fat brown dick forced down her throat, you are sitting in a room somewhere with the sheer audacity to think a movie with space insects is a realistic deception of fascism. I hope you're a fat guy who likes eating candy bars at the gas station, because there is no other way there can be justice in the world filled with child prostitutes and sci-fi nerds who think movies with plot devices like brain bugs can be realistic.

>> No.5027413

>Read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

I'm in the middle of doing that. In fact I was about to start a thread asking "what is the edgiest philosophy ever conceived and why is it Libertarianism?"

>> No.5027786


>> No.5027805
File: 60 KB, 407x448, 1403000760414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5027810

>This is a shitty pro-war, xenophobic, fascist book written by a pedophile redneck.

Welcome to high fantasy and science fiction after WWII

>> No.5027819

Not sure i see the connection. You think child prostitutes should read more, and therefore be less gullible? you think sci-fi nerds should be more culturally sensitive, and read sci-fi by Norton and Gibson that at least discuss the plight of child prostitutes? You think the prostitute is at least providing a marketable service whereas the nerd is just involved in escapist maundering?


>> No.5027832

starship troopers is everything the OP says but you have to admit it was the "game of thrones" of its time

>> No.5027904
File: 81 KB, 375x360, 1389277391690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, its so edgy that they want people to be interfered with less.

>> No.5027921


They're edgy as fuck m8

>Oh you're poor? must be your own fault!

>Compassion? helping others? fuck that, every man for himself!

>Government is the root of all evil, if you remove it all human problems will magically vanish

give me a break.

>> No.5027932

>Compassion? helping others? fuck that, every man for himself!

That is not what libertarians think, they think people should not be forced to help others against their will. And they do have a point, its not charity if someone makes you do it.

>Government is the root of all evil, if you remove it all human problems will magically vanish

That is anarchism, libertarians do not want to get rid of the government. Even Ayn Rand, the posterchild for extremist libertarians wanted the courts, police and military to exist.

>> No.5027945


>Even Ayn Rand, the posterchild for extremist libertarians wanted the courts, police and military to exist.

In a world like that, all it takes is one ambitious military/police leader and it's all ogre.

>> No.5027948

>That is anarchism, libertarians do not want to get rid of the government.
aren't most young libertarians basically ancaps?

>> No.5027955

Nothing xenophobic or pedo about Heinlein. Not a big fan of war either, though he had a soft spot for the military, while perfectly conscious of the systematic incompetence, corruption and bigotry entrenched there. Might want to read Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.5027962

How is that different from any form of government? It does not matter how big the government is or how many laws it has if the military decides it does not want to play nice.

>> No.5027972

But Heinlein was a well known fucking nutbag hippy

Hahahahaha no. Heinlein's only "liberal" sensibility was his desire to bone every woman he met. Beyond his whole free love schtick, he was the typical far right economic libertarian xenophobe.

>> No.5027990

>Heinlein's only "liberal" sensibility was his desire to bone every woman he met. Beyond his whole free love schtick, he was the typical far right economic libertarian xenophobe.

You just described the entirety of The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress.

>> No.5027991
File: 229 KB, 505x482, 1360867147344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Starship Troopers in something like 7th grade
>thought I must have not 'gotten' it cause I thought it was just a bunch of militarist propaganda
>years later
>figure out that I was right and Heinlein was just being edgy

>> No.5028007

>Boo hoo, I have to help people!

>> No.5028011

If I tried to read this and couldn't get through it because of these sensibilities, should I read any other Heinlein?

>> No.5028017


I've only read SST and TMIAHM, but from what I can gather Heinlein uses his books as paper-thin excuses to give exposition to whatever beliefs he holds true.