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/lit/ - Literature

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5024960 No.5024960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize there are actual plebs who thing their English degrees mean they can explicate literature themes more aptly than others can just like how music theory majors think they can understand music more than others

Fucking idiots.

>> No.5024963

I know this is a troll, but it's right, both for literature and music.

>> No.5024970

I don't like to jump on the bandwagon and slight people for their majors of choice, but all the English majors I met had a basic understanding of English and literature, at best.

They also almost always associate a particular book with a class that made them read it--meaning they don't really read such works outside of being made to do so.

>> No.5024971

how do you think you're supposed to understand good music without music theory?
at least with literary theory it's 99% bullshit and irrelevant to understanding literature.

>> No.5024986

I agree with everything so far.

>> No.5024995

>yfw you realize there are actual plebs who thing their English degrees
>thing their English degrees
I'm not sure if we're in any position to be casting stones, OP.

Hemingway was also a pleb.

>> No.5024997

>implying pro basketball players can't explain their game better than a Kenyan bushman.

Am I getting your position right so far, OP?

>> No.5024998

Understanding Bach is different when you can grasp the complexity of his music, something that you cannot do if you have no idea how it's written and the rules it obeys. Same for Mozart or any composer. Don't attempt to truly understanding serialist stuff if you have no idea what serialism is; don't believe you can ever understand Bach's music if you have no idea of what it is. It's not just 'feels' and muh emotional intelligence; don't get mad and loaded with ressentiment if someone understands it better than you do.

>> No.5025004

at truly*

>> No.5025019

I'm not saying an English degree isn't worth doing but clearly some English B.A.'s can't actually read and write well, nor truly understand literature.

It's pretty embarrassing, because it's like, if you wanted to just be mediocre and unremarkable, why not pick a marketable major?

>> No.5025025

>"I feel insecure and intellectually threatened, having no formal education in either literature or music."

>> No.5025033

>people who take political science classes actually think they grasp politics better than the average citizen
Plebs, all of them.

>> No.5025034


I don't doubt that there are people out there who tought those things themselves and developed a natural feeling for those things just out of sheer enthusiasm about the subject. But few of those will be exposed to things they don't have a personal interest in. Most likely they will only excel at their own little topic of interest.

There can be enthusiasts who are better then people with an actual formal education but there won't be any enthusiasts wihtout a formal education who are as well rounded as those who received one. ANd if there are they are seldom geniuses.

>> No.5025040
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1396834479336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"higher education"
>anything but sycophantic academic circle jerk

>> No.5025042

Did you revolutionize science yet OP

>> No.5025045

, dixit "NEETman", savior of true knowledge.

>> No.5025047

False comparison.

>> No.5025059

I have a pet theory that everyone too stupid for English opted for business.

>> No.5025079

Seeing the replies I regained some of my trust in Lit.

>> No.5025144

stop using words you don't understand

>> No.5025258

False rebuttal

>> No.5025303


Yes, but actually you'll see people who understand and appreciate music or literature on a "deeper" level generally tend to actively pursue studies in those fields. Not a necessity, but a common occurrence

>> No.5025332

He's right, though. Your counter-argument of "hurr, someone who never played basketball can't explain the game!" is immaterial to OP's post.

>> No.5025349

truth be told i'm a self taught musician and definitely think schooled musicians understand music better. i might have an experience built ear for what "works" but they can acquire the same as well as have superior theoretical knowledge

>> No.5025432

Funny. In another thread I saw you call Bach "autistic shit". I guess the tune changes when you want to look big.

>> No.5025470

No, I was just poking fun at some guy holding composers as gods.

>> No.5025481

>The irony.
I even agree with you to a point on the topic of this thread. You've just proved yourself on this board to be an insufferable hypocrite. It's sad, because you're no a dumb guy, but you're terrible at communicating with people. Tallis sucks by the way, and he wrote for the lower class.

>> No.5025486


>> No.5025488

>but you're terrible at communicating with people
Real life disagrees; that's just 4chan.

>> No.5026415
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, FrozenDaiquiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen Daiquiri

>> No.5026441

Frozen daiquiri indeed

>> No.5026475

I'm doing an English degree and I agree. My tutorial was discussing Thomas Wyatt "They Flee From Me" and the tutor said he interprets it as a sexist aristocrat hunting down women to sleep with, and the entire class fell over themselves agreeing. I said I saw it more of a lamentation about the lack of intimacy in royal relationships and was shut out. Like, I get that the tutor understands the subject a lot better than me, but giving the class one perspective of the text seems to be counter-productive to creating critical thinking and textual appreciation. Who knows

>> No.5026479

You just made me make myself a wack drink

1/3 pastis
2/3 gin
egg yolk
lemon juice
shake and serve

'tis good but strange

>> No.5026484

>Saying 'tis

reddit pls go

>> No.5026490

twas tasteful

never been on reddit, learned my english through reading, my accent is horrible, hence some stuff like this I might be saying that I thought would sound nice but doesn't

>> No.5026997

THING again

Pretty much this.

I find the only people complaining about others that study the humanities or the arts are folks that never went to college in the first place.

>> No.5027025


>egg yolk

What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.5027027

>you realize there are actual plebs who thing their English degrees mean they can explicate literature themes more aptly than others can
Haven't you seen the charts that Egdy&Derp made to explain how he's smarter than you?

>> No.5027034

>idiot reads hemingway
film at 11

>> No.5027036


I'm sorry you poor kids didn't go to a decent school.

>> No.5027078

I know some music theory, it definitely helps in playing and composing music but not in appreciating it.