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5024354 No.5024354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this book /lit/.

What do you think about some of the "Utopian" ideas in the book, like capital punishment for the crime of theft? What is a true Utopian society?

>> No.5024503
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>What is a true Utopian society?

thanks for asking. once i have achieved world domination, the capital will be named lordland. i've already started on a bill of rights for the place. beware, there is capitalization

Citizens of Lordland will be known as Lordlanders, or Lords for short.

1. Lordland's aim is, above all, to advance civilization, by any means necessary. Nothing is more important than Lordland's civilizational advancement. Not equalism, not capitalism, not religion, not secularism, no ideologies will ever be more important. This is the first and most fundamentally important of The Principles of Lordland.

2. Lordland is a land, society or group of Immigrants. No founding members will be born in Lordland. Those who are born here must go through the same immigration process when they turn 14 as everyone else. The process is known as The Lordhood. Only after The Lordhood does one become a Lord with full rights, privileges and ability to serve in the various positions of Lordland professions. For Lordland-born persons, failure to pass The Lordhood the third time leads to The Plebbing for beings born in Lordland. For non-Lordland born legal immigrants, failure of The Lordhood three times will result in The Plebbing. The Plebbing is removal from Lordland.

3. Lords answer neither to gods, nor men, nor other beings, they answer only to the First Principle of Lordland.

4. It takes only one Lord for Lordland to exist. There will be no "different schools of Lordland", no right, no left, no center. Lordland is absolute or not Lordland at all.

5. Lordland will never be a welfare state. It will be a land where every Lord has to earn their survival, survival of only the fittest.

6. These Lordland Principles will not be amended or added to ever except by Pretty God Sack of Money Emoji !!ArfwX2Zd2yp. Any Lord that tries to do this shall be executed. If a Lordland society does this, they are no longer Lordlandian.

7. The screening process of Lordland will ensure that most of the principles relating to crime and punishment need never be used, however, there are always exceptions. In these cases they will serve to maintain Lordland Ethos.

8. Based on The First Principle of Lordland, the CMVG is defined as The Civilizationally More Valuable Gender, and CLVG is defined as Civilizationally Less Valuable Gender.

9. The Principles of Lordland are based out of the heavily-researched, proven, and universal truths that following these Principles will lead to happiness for both CMVGs and CLVGs.

10. Voting rights must be earned in Lordland. Vote are weighted from 1 to 10, 10 being given to the individuals with the highest contribution and ability, 1 to individuals who demonstrate ability accepted as extraordinary by Pretty God Standard. This right is re-evaluated every year.


>> No.5024512


11. The Civilizationally Less Valuable Gender will never be allowed to vote or influence decisions in any Lordland society. This includes, as examples, government, judiciary, military, media, education, entertainment or any organizations etc. This is out of respect to The Principles of Lordland. They are not expected to ever truly understand and be what a Lord is, and shall be a part of Lordland for reproductive purposes only. Unless able to pass the tests to be Lordlanders, they shall not be given the rights of any CLVG Lordlanders, limited as CLVG Lordlander rights already are.

11b. There may be some CLVGs who actually are valuable to the civilization. If they feel this to be the case, they must appeal before the Council of Lordland. If the Council deems them to be valuable, they must take a second test that ensures their viability as being truly valuable members. They will be afforded some but not all CMVG rights, and they will still be labeled as CLVG.

12. Lords getting any sort of aid from Lordland where their contributions are less than their consumptions will have no voting rights or have their voting rights rescinded. No more than 2.5% of the voting-age population may be made out of non-voters and every 2 years, the ones who remain in the 2.5% for 2 years or more should can choose to be executed or go through The Plebbing.

13. A major Maxim of Lordland when interpreting laws is, The Law is the Law but it is subservient to being Right. If any Lordlander can prove in their interpretation that the Law is being wrongly applied and an alternative is right and it agrees fully with the Laws of Lordland, the Lord must have his day. This will not change any Principles of Lordland but will be applied only to the case in question.

14. Every CMVG Lord will have 4 Square Kilometers of land for himself when they reach level 10 on Voting rights, 3 Square Kilometers on level 7 and 2 Square Kilometers on level 5. There will be no community living structures and the maximum occupancy of any 4 Square Kilometres of land will be 10 human beings for a maximum duration of 16 years, limited to familial ties. If a man has wealth and wishes more property, he should buy it outside of Lordland. CLVG will not hold any landed-property or incremental-wealth-generating property.

15. The population density of Lordland will always be 1 man per 4 Square Kilometers, at maximum 10 per 4 Square Kilometers. If the population limit is reached immigration will be stopped until more land is found, captured, or taken in the name of Lordland.

16. Children will always be in the custody of the CMVG in the event of separation. CMVGs will have complete dominion over their families and no outside interference will be tolerated. Repeated outside interference gives the CMVG leader and his family the right to a Duel-to-Death with the offending party. This duel cannot be refused.


>> No.5024516


17. Lordland will be led by an elected council, the Council of Lordland. There will be 1 representative per 25% of the population. These members must be Voting Rights Level 10. In any kind of emergency, the members of this council will hold absolute power. If one of the council is killed, dies or is evicted, the whole council will be killed (if foul play is proved) or evicted.

18. No Lords will be part of politics for more than 8 years. A perfect ruler is one who is selfless and exercises power only to maintain and advance the civilization over which he rules, never for his own good. He is an embodiment of and subject to these Principles.

19. Lords with the power to vote will vote on EVERY measure brought forth and put to vote, every day, every hour if need be. Devices will be provided coded to the specific DNA of the voting Lord. All Lords have to be in agreement. Those who are in disagreement must reason out whether their stand is right or wrong according to The Principles of Lordland. Those who do not change their views even after being proven wrong will be executed.

20. The Perfect Ruler known as The One True Lord will have complete control of the Judiciary, Government and Military branches. It will be in the image of Pretty God, as in His thoughts and ideas.


keep in mind utopia is unattainable, but this is the next best option

>> No.5024645

Well on the down side the book was spectacularly dull, but on the plus side you get a golden bowl to shit in. So I recon that pretty much evens out.

Was a bit surprised by the slavery, until the explained that the slaves there like better than they would do at home anyway and so like being slaves, which made it even less convincing.

> tfw you read several utopias recently and can't remember which ideas were from which anymore

>> No.5025719

Do your own homework or at the very least contribute to the "discussion" beyond raising it

>> No.5025734

at least you have a trip so i can block you

>> No.5025743
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>Those who do not change their views even after being proven wrong will be executed.






>> No.5025825
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>they must be executed to destroy all possibilities of retaliation

>> No.5025827

wow i hope no one saw that

anyway >>5025743
at that point they are being a disturbance and thread to lordland. they must be executed to destroy all possibility of retaliation

>> No.5025831

>attempts to create a utopian society
>proceeds to act like a power-mad tyrant

>> No.5025840



>> No.5025847

they will not be sought after, in the manner of stalin. they'd have to vocally express their dissent, like in a protest. we'll secretly have our own nsa, to track anyone talking shit about lordland. once they engage in anti-lord behavior they will be eliminated

utopia is unattainable. i have merely set the grounds for the next best situation

>> No.5025855 [SPOILER] 
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>they will not be sought after, in the manner of stalin. they'd have to vocally express their dissent, like in a protest. we'll secretly have our own nsa, to track anyone talking shit about lordland. once they engage in anti-lord behavior they will be eliminated
>secretly have our own nsa to track down anyone talking shit about lordland
you know, pic related had a kind of 'secret nsa' too....

>> No.5025863

>Lordland's aim is, above all, to advance civilization, by any means necessary.

>The Civilizationally Less Valuable Gender will never be allowed to vote or influence decisions in any Lordland society.

Great "society" you have there champ.

>> No.5025866


That first one is a secret police. a la 1984 and Hitler's Germany.

You're actuallly not making a Utopia, You're doing Dystopia. Don't you get it?

Anyone who tries to seize enough control to create Utopia fucks it in the very seizing of that control. It's like the heisenberg uncertainty principle (although this is kindof changing) there is a limit to what you can know. You can't have Utopia because you can't have the trifecta of morality, happiness and freedom. It can't exist.

Also, on the topic of police states, the Government should not have the right to take up arms against the people nor the people arms against the governemnt. Governance should not necessitate violence.

>> No.5025898

you made that too easy

like i have said three times now, utopia is unattainable. the next best thing is a society where nobility and integrity rule over all. as my personal dominion it should be the most advanced civilization possible. it has basically one rule, the first one, and deviance from that rule, especially in the case of dissent, should be squashed

i don't think i'm as evil or hitler or stalin but they seemed to be doing something right before they crashed and burned. if need be, they should be emulated to an extent

>> No.5025937

>hitler and stalin seemed to be doing something right

>> No.5025941


nobility and integrity cannot be attained with maintenance of control. Try feudalism.

> as my personal dominion it should be the most advanced civilization possible
This is distilled autism.

You're saying that progress is important and that being advanced is necessary without defining what they could conceivably be.

My diagnosis? You'll never amount to anything. There'll be other who come after you who have essentially the same ideas because it's a 13 year old's wet dream of power. Peter Wiggin, minus the ability.

You want feudalism in meritocracy, based off of a state of martial law.
All citizens at birth are members of the military, raised in a military environ from day 1. That'd get you your scientific progress, your nobility, your military might and if the meritocracy is effectively manipulated, your integrity.

>Thinking Hitler and Stalin are unilaterally evil.

It's like you didn't read my post. They're totalitarian orwellian dictators. The name means less than the position they occupy.

>> No.5025998

>You're saying that progress is important and that being advanced is necessary without defining what they could conceivably be.

there's no need to at the moment. the place doesn't exist and most likely never will. if it ever came to that, the ideals of 'progress' and
'advancement' could easily be fleshed out at later time

>You'll never amount to anything. There'll be other who come after you who have essentially the same ideas because it's a 13 year old's wet dream of power.

i don't know about *anything*, but yeah this is definitely a pipe dream. however, if everything goes right, i should be able to become a scumbag american politician

this 13 year old wet dream would be very effective in a small, selective city or country such as lordland

>You want feudalism in meritocracy, based off of a state of martial law.
feudalism in meritocracy, yes. martial law, no.
i could implement that rule only if it was proven to be effective. if anything i'd probably just copy the swiss model

>They're totalitarian orwellian dictators.

and they did it in a much too overbearing way. i'd analyze their mistakes and downfalls, and avoid them. the only thing that resembles them anyway is the tracking of dissenters, and the 'secret nsa' is only there to preserve peace, not establish harm

>> No.5026030

>the 'secret nsa' is only there to preserve peace, not establish harm
Anon, this isn't freedom. This is fear.

>> No.5026064


Oh my God. You're an idiot.

>> No.5026106

well its secret so there will be no fear initially

>> No.5026141


Initially. There would be fear, and then distrust of the government because of the lie.

>> No.5026151

You realize Utopia literally means "A nonexistent place" right?

>> No.5026187


You do know words mean "whatever the current zeitgeist dictates they mean," right?

>> No.5026290 [DELETED] 


>> No.5026295 [DELETED] 


*tips fedora*

>> No.5026302 [DELETED] 


>> No.5026559 [DELETED] 
