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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 640x480, oh ehhe wow ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022837 No.5022837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your philosophy? How did you find meaning, God, purpose?

How ought you live life according to that philosophy? Is everything permitted? Is attachment good/bad? Are you a pseudo-buddhist?

>> No.5022870

Stirner then Nietzsche. Not even joking.

First realise all ideology is false and only what I want matters, then create my own custom ideology out of bits and pieces that work and that I like.

>> No.5022871

>How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
There is meaning, God, or purpose to be found.

in light of this truth, we have no rational choice other than to maximize our pleasures and minimize suffering.

>> No.5022872

>there is NO meaning...
fuck me

also 10/10 filename OP

>> No.5022876

Find the void that is making your life incomplete. Fill it in and be cool about it, don't be an ass.

>> No.5022882

That photo makes me profoundly sad

>> No.5022883
File: 24 KB, 568x319, henry-miller_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one day you will catch your gf reading naked.

>> No.5022915

What is that book she's holding?

Raised Christian, later found sense in taoism yin/yang concept. Paired away the Christian mythos and drifted in an agnostic state with what turned out to be something very close to Epicureanism. Also liking Stirner concepts

>How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
There is no meaning but what you make. And I choose love
>How ought you live life according to that philosophy?
Be happy, but not content. Helpful but not a doormat.
>Is everything permitted?
If it suites your purposes.
>Is attachment good/bad?
Sometime so, sometimes no.
>Are you a pseudo-buddhist?
Not my label. I don't believe in reincarnation. "Nirvana" awaits us all.

Why sad?
(My back was killing me today. Made me real sad for quite a while)

>> No.5022916

Is there a /lit/ related story behind this pic??

>> No.5022925
File: 12 KB, 220x303, 220px-Si_Léon_Chestov_noong_1927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a strictly coherent philosophy, every time I try to narrow it down I run across contradictions and inconsistencies.

The closest I have to a philosophy, if you'd call it that, is like what Lev Shestov spoke of in "All Things are Possible" and "Penultimate Words".

Whenever men speak of having answers to life, you can find another man who claims the same yet contradicts everything the earlier man had professed. Everything is right and wrong at the same time, and everyone is free to follow whatever creed they should wish and it will always be "right" so long as they never expect anyone else to be convinced of it.

It sounds like moral relativism, except that I am also part of this whole mix and have my own views whether I want them or not. Everything is permitted, yet there are things I would prevent if able.

There is no objective meaning in anything, but you may find meaning in anything you wish to.

I find that morality and ontology and telology and such are all rather similar to aesthetic taste, most people will follow roughly the same course yet there will be extreme outliers and no one person's tastes will exactly accord to any other's.

If there's any "strict" creed which may account for all of this, I suspect it would look something like Chaos Theory. General patterns emerge, yet the specifics vary so much that they defy definition.

>> No.5022926

>There is no meaning but what you make. And I choose love

What is love? Like man on woman love?

>> No.5022933 [DELETED] 

Some whore posted it here a while back. I don't remember who. Might've been a trip but if so I don't think she still posts.

As for OP's question, I am a firm believer in the schizoid-occult techno-nihilist anti/post-humanist buddhizt paradigm. The intuitive understanding of this idea came to me in a moment of anamnesis induced by a quantity of 20mg of a synthetic phenethylamine known as DOM. I was underneath a bridge with a friend trying to create three-dimensional with spraypaint and geometrical gnosis when I saw my holographic lover and she reminded me that everything was going to be alright...

>> No.5022940

Some whore posted it here a while back. I don't remember who. Might've been a trip but if so I don't think she still posts here anymore.

As for OP's question, I am a firm believer in the schizoid-occult techno-nihilist anti/post-humanist buddhizt paradigm. The intuitive understanding of this idea came to me in a moment of anamnesis induced by a quantity of 20mg of a synthetic phenethylamine known as DOM. I was underneath a bridge with a friend trying to create three-dimensional graffiti with spraypaint and geometrical gnosis when I saw my holographic lover and she reminded me that everything was going to be alright...

>> No.5022941

>Some whore posted it here a while back.

how rude!

>> No.5022951

Like me/world love.

>> No.5022967

Anonymous brought it in from /b/ or /soc/ or something.

>> No.5022974

>What is your philosophy
I don't have any. You shouldn't pick a philosophy, you should analyse yourself to see who and what you are, then you could link certain qualities and principles to certain philosophies, sure, but what's the point of that? If you need to force yourself to do certain things because you feel you need to belong to a certain philosophical school, you're wasting your time, and you've basically become religious. (wether it's God you hold as the ideal truth or Epicurus' ideal, mangle your mind and body to suit it, and you've become religious)

>how did you find meaning?
I enjoy life.
Not worth mentioning
I am. That is my purpose.

>> No.5022986

>you should analyse yourself to see who and what you are

OP's question already includes this option...

>I am. That is my purpose.

That isn't a purpose. A purpose has a task or responsibility associated with it. Unless your purpose is to maintain your survival, your I-am-ness....that might be a purpose

>> No.5022994

>you're wasting your time, and you've basically become religious

if you have no religion then you have no purpose or meaning in your life, you have no knowledge of what you are and what you ought to do.

If you knew yourself better you would know what matters and what matters would become your religion.

>> No.5023003

>What is that book she's holding?
I have a Jack London book with the exact same cover, assuming the front is covering her left breast.

>> No.5023027

There is no meaning or purpose other than one you create.

The world is shit and the best thing you can do for yourself is to take whatever little enjoyment you can out of it.

>> No.5023029

>There is no meaning or purpose other than one you create.

This still leads to despair and anxiety since you know it's just make believe.

It's like the placebo effect, you need some Other to tell you it works, and if you believe them then it becomes concrete. But you can't placebo yourself

>> No.5023031


my lifetime philosophy is what I call "art of moderation" I just came up with that name after years of practicing it.

Art of moderation is about balance in all things, carefull evaluation of facts, stoicism, drive to self perfection and not being invasive like trying to persuade others to follow my principles.

>> No.5023032

It looks like that 8ree chick.

>> No.5023033

why use this image? it's depressing

>> No.5023039

>Art of moderation is about balance in all things, carefull evaluation of facts, stoicism, drive to self perfection

sounds totally banal and mediocre.

>> No.5023045

>But you can't placebo yourself
Says you.


>> No.5023048


I just added "not trying to please random strangers on the internet" to art of moderation principles.

>> No.5023049
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come on anon, read a book with me for once

>> No.5023054


yes I was aware of that study but didn't feel like qualifying my post too much...

the point still stands though, you still know you're the one who is "making the meaning" which kind of nullifies it

>> No.5023056

tfw even castration cannot liberate the mind

>> No.5023062

My task is to be. My responsibility is to keep on being.

I do have a purpose, that is to be. And to hopefully keep being.
>what you ought to do
Yeah, does anyone? nobody knows what to do, people just acquiesce with some made up system of morals and call themselves noble for following them.

I've been told I know myself very well, and I know what matters. Living is what matters, and that's what I'm doing. Is living my religion?
Sure, I have some subjective morals, sure I have traits of aestheticism, epicureanism, stoicism, most likely some christianity, probably even islam. It doesn't make me anything, it doesn't make me a part of anything. People choose to be part of imaginary communities to support their imaginary morals in their imaginary noble life. They label themselves for various reasons, none of them appearing noble to me.

>> No.5023064
File: 47 KB, 467x319, reading literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that self-denial

if you're hungry you should eat, if you are sleepy you should sleep. When you are curious you should inquire...

>> No.5023066

Protestantism + Stirner for now

>> No.5023068

>I don't have any. You shouldn't pick a philosophy, you should analyse yourself to see who and what you are
>I don't have any
>you should analyse yourself to see who and what you are
>to see who and what you are
you obviously believe in essences and you even ought! disappointing

>> No.5023071

>you still know you're the one who is "making the meaning" which kind of nullifies it
How so?

Even assuming that "making meaning" is on par with the placebo effect, it's known that a patient's understanding of the placebo effect does not prevent its effectiveness.

Further, why assume that you cannot imbue meaning into anything? Are you so worthless that you require the direction of others or some higher power? It's only meaningless if you consider yourself empty, without any worth.

When an author writes a book, is it worthless because it came from the author and not some other source? Is that book worthless because if others find meaning within it, it is only because they chose to find it there?

People are clearly capable of imbuing meaning into whatever they like, be it the books they write or paintings they create, music they compose, philosophies they propose... or the philosophies they follow, the music they enjoy, the paintings they view, the books they read.

>> No.5023072
File: 15 KB, 275x183, butler feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ i once said to a friend that whenever i see a real qt qt i feel really weird and depressed but i couldn't explain to him why
it seems some other people in this thread also know this feel, why bros WHYYY

>> No.5023073

>I'm afraid to label myself and have responsibility


>I do have a purpose, that is to be

To be what? Just to be?
That isn't a purpose since it requires no intentionality or choice.

To be dead, that requires a choice.
To be a good person, to be a painter, to be christian, etc... those things require choices and intentionality.

>> No.5023076

Honestly my philosophy is understanding that I do not understand much, and that every situation is an opportunity for growth. We can always learn something new.

>> No.5023079

I never said I don't have morals or any values whatsoever. I don't see your point.
Unless you mean, if you have any sense of subjective morals you have a philosophy? well, in that case, if you were to watch my whole life and be able to read my thoughts with it, that would be my philosophy.

>> No.5023083

>it's known that a patient's understanding of the placebo effect does not prevent its effectiveness.

Placebo is just a metaphor, the point is that
the magic of a trick is negated when you know it's just a trick--specially when the magician is performing the trick on himself!

If you want to be autistic about the placebo effect you should realize that the one study doesn't negate the fact that every other study still uses placebo control groups who aren't told it's a placebo since that could interfere with the experimental results.

>> No.5023090

That's an interesting spin on my words.
Is this projecting? are you affraid to not have a label and feel you don't belong or something?

>Just to be?
Well, yes. I am just being, after all.
It isn't a purpose. There is no purpose other than to be.

To be dead doesn't require a choice. To kill yourself, maybe. I've been dead for near eternities, didn't have any say in the matter. Life is the only thing that even allows choice, so it's a silly thing to say.

I never said I don't make choices, nor that I don't want to be a good person. But I'm not a good person to any ideology or religion but my own being. Like I said before, imagined communities, especially religion, only have people calling themselves devout followers to claim the reward after death and feel noble or self fullfilled in a scary world by ''being muslim or christian'' If you were to actually check who was really christian, stoic, epicureanist, muslim, buddhist, etc. You'd find that it is an absolutely unachievable goal.
The only christian was Christ himself. The rest are just pretending along.

The only ''religion'' I follow is myself. And I wouldn't really call that a religion.
This doesn't mean, like I've already said, that I'm not influenced by anything, it means that I'm not anything but me, following me, always contemplating the justness of me.

>> No.5023096

>the magic of a trick is negated when you know it's just a trick
what is the "magic" of your "purpose"? is having some sense of direction and principle not the benefit we seek?

>every other study still uses placebo control groups who aren't told it's a placebo since that could interfere with the experimental results.
this is a retarded argument. show me the studies that actually test to see if foreknowledge prevents the placebo effect and show that it does, not just a precaution taken by researchers

>> No.5023100

She was/is a camwhore, you dullard. She never posted here.

>> No.5023104

god you're so stupid but it's not even entertaining anymore

>It isn't a purpose. There is no purpose other than to be.
are you enjoying your blatant contradictions?

>I've been dead for near eternities
no, you haven't. you have not existed for near eternities to "be dead" for. you've existed for 20, 23 years tops you have been dead for none of them.

>But I'm not a good person to any ideology or religion but my own being
you cannot ignore the philosophical assumptions that underlie "your own being''s conception of what is "good."

>imagined communities, especially religion, only have people calling themselves devout followers to claim the reward after death and feel noble or self fullfilled in a scary world by ''being muslim or christian''
*tips fedora*

>> No.5023105

please respond

>> No.5023110

it's because you (we) are pathetic and lonely and every cute girl you see is a reminder of the fact that you will never be with a girl like that

>> No.5023125

>the magic of a trick is negated when you know it's just a trick--specially when the magician is performing the trick on himself!
Never seen a magician decide magic was worthless because he knew the tricks. Deciding to imbue meaning for yourself ≠ fooling yourself.

>If you want to be autistic about the placebo effect...
Not really, it was your analogy not mine. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

Look, if you want to bumble through life convinced that everything is meaningless and you can't do anything about it that's fine by me. Enjoy your despair and anxiety, you've chosen to have it.

But pretending that people cannot contrive their own meaning is comical when evidence to the contrary is everywhere around you. The nature of that meaning is a separate question, but that people may have it is without doubt.

>> No.5023131

>show me the studies that actually test to see if foreknowledge prevents the placebo effect and show that it does

the study you posted is laughably misguided here is why:


Sorry but revealing the placebo effect either weakens the effect or nullifies it.

>> No.5023153

>Deciding to imbue meaning for yourself ≠ fooling yourself.

Contriving a purpose where there is none is fooling yourself.

>Never seen a magician decide magic was worthless because he knew the tricks

When the magician is his only audience his one trick won't surprise him.

> if you want to bumble through life convinced that everything is meaningless and you can't do anything about it that's fine by me. Enjoy your despair and anxiety, you've chosen to have it.

I never said that. There is meaning, it's just not found by waving your wand and "imbuing" some earthly thing with "meaning" -- this is a silly trick for fools.

>> No.5023156

do you want a name for this world? A solution for all of its riddles? A light for you, too, you best-concealed, strongest, most intrepid, most midnightly shitposters?— This world is the will to topkek—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to topkek—and nothing besides!

>> No.5023162

>I never said that. There is meaning, it's just not found by waving your wand and "imbuing" some earthly thing with "meaning" -- this is a silly trick for fools.
>There is meaning

Oh, alrighty then. Enlighten us.

>> No.5023181

Meaning already exists. Meaning has meaning, silly. Duh~! Why else would you search for meaning if it didn't have meaning? This is some basic shit. In the Tarot the Fool becomes the magician. What does this mean? Well, it's obviously some form of equivocation. Meaning that meaning is not always meaning what you think is meaning. Or is that amphiboly? I dunno. I lost my objet petit a somewhere. I pulled it out of my head earlier like a rabbit from a hat but then I got distracted by my own assistant and... hmmm... I don't remember. Sorry.

>> No.5023183

the first rule of philosophy is there is no meaning

>> No.5023185

objective meaning doesnt exist and has never existed

make your own meaning

>> No.5023187

first rule of philosophy is don't talk about philosophy
second rule of philosophy is if you have to talk about philosophy make sure no one understands you

ignotum per ignotius *tips pileus*

>> No.5023196

The problem with communication, I suppose.
To be is not a purpose, is what I'm trying to say. There is no purpose, just being. That's it. I don't know how to phrase it in a way you'll understand.

>you have not existed for near eternities to "be dead" for
Really depends on what you call dead, doesn't it?
Dead is not alive. When you aren't alive, you're dead. I wasn't alive before I was born, I was dead.
I could see how this would be confusing for someone who believes in an afterlife or a soul, but then, I don't, so it works for me.

>you cannot ignore the philosophical assumptions that underlie "your own being''s conception of what is "good."
Never said I wasn't ''philosophical'', I said I don't belong to any school, neither does anyone else, they just imagine themselves to be, or want to be a part of the imagined community.
This really shouldn't be that hard.

>*tips fedora*
And there you go, you've ruined every single bit of credibility you had left.

Enjoy your ebin maymays, /b/rother

>> No.5023199

>*tips fedora*
seriously kill yourself

>> No.5023200

I'm admittedly not that widely read, so you can mock me all you like.
But honestly, I'm getting more and more apathetic. So I suppose nihilism? I honestly don't believe we have any purpose. The universe is completely relative and anarchic.
Curious if you guys think I'm an edge master, or if you have any recommended reading?

>> No.5023210

nihilism is toxic

create your own meaning

>> No.5023213

No meaning, no rules, no god.

>> No.5023218

You're probably right. I'm just tired of everyone around me. I'm tired of me. I'm aware of the fact that everything is constructed, even the language I use to convey meaning to you. Nothing has any importance. Shit is crippling.

>> No.5023222

create your own importance

>> No.5023224

Can you give me an example? How have you incorporated this into your life?
I have considered this in the past, but it never lasts long enough to mean much to me.

>> No.5023228

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

I don't see the point in any personal philosophy more complicated than that, honestly.

>> No.5023235

read nietzsche

>> No.5023236

>M-hmm. Well, it's nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

>> No.5023237

its not as simple as that and you know it

>> No.5023238

>And, finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy, which, it seems, is the only way, these days, to get the jaded, video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment? Bollocks. What they want is filth: people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats. Where's the fun in pictures? Oh, well, there we are. Here's the theme music. Goodnight.

>> No.5023245

Why not?

>> No.5023250

because theres this thing called life that gets in the way

>> No.5023254

I don't understand. The quote is precisely about life.

>> No.5023255

I believe humans should wiped from the planet. I believe birth is a travesty.

>> No.5023256

me too

>> No.5023257

I agree though.
>tips fedora

>> No.5023259


agent smith pls go

>> No.5023260


>> No.5023262

that quote is a denial of real life and instead a fantasy for the common liberal

>> No.5023263

Well... Let me explain...

*cracks open lonestar and lights up a camel blue*

>> No.5023267

Or rather your mind is set to the self-defeating preposition that you will never be with a girl like that because of that one girl in your childhood.

>> No.5023268

What kind of life would be real?

Are you expressing an opinion or a brand?

>> No.5023271


We're like the fucking Elves going to the Grey Havens or some shit.

I semi agree with you though. But I think it has alot more to do with our current society.

>> No.5023273

>What kind of life would be real?
one with prejudice, suffering, anguish, inconsistencies, metaphysics

>> No.5023276

>Are you expressing an opinion or a brand?

>> No.5023278

It's most likely because, being American, as a kid he grew up with a fantasy that a girl will be given to himautomatically because he's special. So now when an attractive woman doesn't want to give herself onto him automatically, he thinks there's something horribly wrong with him because he doesn't achieve what he thinks should be obvious.

So deep and true. How's your first book going?

>> No.5023279
File: 88 KB, 500x281, hermitstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filename

>> No.5023280

>So deep and true. How's your first book going?
what is the point of saying this

>> No.5023282


are you fucking retarded. every cunt loves havin kids and being stupid. i don't know where the fuck you live but if it's majority anti-natalist, i wanna move there

>> No.5023284

>What is your philosophy?

>How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
They don't exist. They have disproved scientifically.

>How ought you live life according to that philosophy?
Apply the scientific method.

>Is everything permitted?
Religitardation and ignorance in general are frowned upon.

>Is attachment good/bad?
"Good" and "bad" are subjective nonsense.

>Are you pseudo-buddhist?
Buddhism is anti-intellectual religion shit and denial of reality.

>> No.5023286

Read Schopenhauer and Zappffe.

>> No.5023287

In regards to your first response.
I'm not American but I share this sentiment. Not just regarding women, but my life in general. I appear to be of a generation that was led to believe we were special, or destined for great things. Early socialisation has ruined my life.

>> No.5023290

I more or less follow Nietzche's philoshopy but to a less extreme level.

I believe it is important to have some aspect of conformity in what you do, otherwise you will very alone your entire life (case in point, Nietzsche).

>> No.5023291

>It's most likely because, being American, as a kid he grew up with a fantasy that a girl will be given to him automatically because he's special. So now when an attractive woman doesn't want to give herself onto him automatically, he thinks there's something horribly wrong with him because he doesn't achieve what he thinks should be obvious.

That's only a rationalization of an emotional trauma that onset earlier, no one is inherently shaped by culture or media but by their own raw personal experiences.

>> No.5023297


>> No.5023298


not subtle enough

2/10 for the effort

>> No.5023299

I know True Detective. True Detective is a brand.

Think about it some more.

Read Foucault and Buck-Morss. See, I can do this too.

>> No.5023302

>Think about it some more.
aka it meant nothing and im stupid

>> No.5023305

Except Schop and Zappffe were not deluded

>> No.5023308

>What is your philosophy?
I don't really have one, but I am probably most closely aligned with Cynicism or Pyrrhonism.

> How did you find meaning,
I realized that although there is probably some objective universal truth, it might be unknowable to us, or perhaps it isn't even a sensible question to ask. In light of that, I find meaning in the same way I gain other knowledge, through social interaction. I can't create my own meaning, but the act of socialization creates meaning.

I don't know if there is an equivalent to God or not. For a long time, I was swayed by the Spinozistic argument for the existence of God and its equivalence with nature, but Maths has progressed since then and we now understand that there can be more than one infinity and they are not equal.

I want to leave the world better (for other people, life, the environment, etc.) than it was when I came into it, even if by a small amount, when weighing all of my actions in sum total. My life and goals and desires are pretty inconsequential by comparison.

>How ought you live life according to that philosophy?

Is everything permitted?
No, but many things are in moderatiion.

Is attachment good/bad?
It's always bad.

Are you a pseudo-buddhist?
I practice Vipassana and agree with a lot of the ideas in Theravada, but I reject many of the metaphysical assumptions and do not consider myself a Buddhist. I don't follow it like dogma.

>> No.5023309

Same. I also believe parents are the most despicable beings on the planet. What kind of sociopath would subject something to *this*.

>> No.5023312

I don't think you know what that word means.

>Being this edgy
You need a hobby.

>> No.5023314

my philosophy? 420 blaze it :D

>> No.5023315

Nothing ever means "nothing". There's always some kind of subtext stemming from a particular time or place of any given communication. You're probably not stupid, either.

And who enabled those personal experiences to occur? Even if you grow up in America, you grow up in a particular socioeconomic environment, one that exists thanks to an ideology formulated more than 200 years ago and is consumed by liberal/conservative/random-third-position divide. It's why most Americans can never really understand the concept of Christian democracy, for example.

And, of course, media is more pervasive within culture than any official state ideology.

>> No.5023323

>le sheltered suburbanite face

and I used the exact word I wanted to. sorry if it's 2deep4u. go back to looking at flowers with dumbfounded awe, you naive little faggot

>> No.5023324


>> No.5023330

Well you used the exact word in the wrong way.
Remember that irony is still just being retarded if you aren't making a point.

You are obviously just so stuck up your own ass it's impossible for you to see the importance of anyone else. So fuck off and grow the fuck up.

>> No.5023340

>Well you used the exact word in the wrong way.

"Travesty is an English word used to denote generally (a) an absurd or grotesque misrepresentation".

Nah, I used it correctly. Also,


>You are obviously just so stuck up your own ass it's impossible for you to see the importance of anyone else. So fuck off and grow the fuck up.

I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Considering you're still in a state of childlike wonder in your little bubble of optimism, it's you who needs to 'grow up' (as absurd as the notion is.). Read more books, you dumb cunt.

>> No.5023346
File: 54 KB, 640x750, ellul face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having this much edge

>> No.5023352

>How do you find meaning?

When I don't know the meaning of a word, I look it up in a dictionary.

>> No.5023354

How are you this asinine?

Yes, there is no dialect where travesty is used meaning the thing that you think it means. It's not a matter of prestige, it's a matter of you not meaning what you think you mean.

I'm not optimistic. In fact, the world is filled with stupid little shits like yourself constantly trying to ruin it for everyone else. Does it follow that you should be gassed? No, it doesn't. The idiocy of attributing negative value to humanity is on par with that of humanism's outlook. I am no humanist. I just realize how stupid antinatalism is. You're out of your depth, kiddo. Why don't you go read some more Church of Euthanasia you can parrot or go masturbate to effigies of Schopenhauer's hair some more?

>> No.5023355

>lacking this much of an argument

>> No.5023361

>baseless insults and no argument

optimism, everyone.

>> No.5023366

>This much reading comprehension
As expected of a troglodyte who misuses "travesty" and then argues about it.

>> No.5023368

>"Travesty is an English word used to denote generally (a) an absurd or grotesque misrepresentation".

>Birth is a travesty

>Birth is an an absurd or grotesque misrepresentation.

Not him, but how are you struggling this much? You're on a fucking literature board.

>> No.5023370

>Not him

Misrepresentation of what, shitlord?

>> No.5023373

Alas, what you're really doing is just branding yourself as an enlightened one and constructing social capital for yourself in your head rather than actually discussing humanity at all, in any way whatsoever. So you're really in no position to criticize who you describe as "optimists", or anyone else who takes their opinions seriously.

>> No.5023374

>trying to ruin it for everyone else

There's nothing to ruin, you massive pleb. It was fucked from the get go. Maybe one day you'll go outside or read a newspaper and realise how fucking pathetically detached from reality you are.

>> No.5023375


I hate to agree with that dude, because I'm on your side of the argument with regards to antinatalism. But how exactly is birth considered a representation of an argument. It doesn't make sense

I would have gone with "birth is an abomination" or any number of other words that make more sense.

>> No.5023378

lol, literally 2deep4u. fuck off back to /b/

>> No.5023381

Reading through these kinds of threads always makes me realise how much you lot would flame famous writers if they would post their ideas here, how you would discard them as ''le edge'' and ''muh fedora'', it's both hilarious and melancholy.

>> No.5023383

Yes, perhaps any dialogue or time that you spend with others is.

Other people can be happy and have fun. That's the beginning and end of what I mean.

People who are fucking depressed all the time ruin fun and enjoyment and hope.

>> No.5023385

Just going to chime in here and say the best people I have met have all been depressive pessimists with resvoirs of empathy and compassion, whilst the most obnoxious and hate-filled people are generally also optimists. Yes, this is just my personal experience, but I know I am not alone.

Ok, back to pointless shit-flinging from both sides.

>> No.5023388

If you hate life so much, why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.5023393

So someone can't be stupid and/or have stupid opinions if they're famous? Interesting.

>> No.5023395

>"Travesty is an English word used to denote generally (a) an absurd or grotesque misrepresentation".

Try reading it again, and think harder.

>> No.5023400

This argument has been annihilated a thousand times over for centuries. You actually don't read, do you? If not, then why am I arguing with you?

>> No.5023404

You are so fucking stupid.


>> No.5023406

>the best people I have met have all been depressive pessimists with resvoirs of empathy and compassion

This has been my general experience, too. That said, I know of a few good optimists. Naive, maybe, but good.

>> No.5023412

Well, that is a hyperbole if I've ever seen one.

Considering this is board where people discuss and admire authors in between chanting either 'Nietzsche a shit or Nietzsche a God', it's interesting how so many of the acknowledged authors' opinions would be discarded as infantile bullshit by a vast community of nobodies. It tells you something about the userbase, I suppose.

>> No.5023414

I don't know why you're arguing with me. Because you used a word wrong and you're insecure in general?

>> No.5023415

I figured out, if Diogene was bad motherfucker and i am bad motherfucker why dont i become a cynic?

>> No.5023417

Optimist/pessimist is a false dichotomy. You guys are only obsessed because you're obsessed with meaning.

>> No.5023420

>Because you used a word wrong

not possible bro. read more

>> No.5023423

Materialistic determinist. Schopenhauer Skinner. Each day I inherit the actions I committed yesterday and with enough reflection I see that free will is an illusion. I can never do an action I wasn't forced to do by some characteristic. Personally i find it depressing. I grew up wanting a harp in heaven

>> No.5023424

>It's not possible for me to be wrong
This is the type of faulty reasoning that leads people to the hubris necessary to think they are in a position to judge every other human unworthy of existence or think that their suffering means that everyone is.

>> No.5023426


>"a mockery, a parody"

NOW we are getting somewhere. Come on, keep using that tiny brain, I am sure you will get there eventually!

>> No.5023428

so much irony

>> No.5023432

Keep trying! The more you post, the more your ass pains are evident for all to see.

Allow me to redirect you to my comment on irony:

>> No.5023433

This is the type of faulty reasoning that leads people to the hubris necessary to think they are in a position to judge every other human worthy of existence or think that their happiness means that everyone is.

>> No.5023434

I'm not happy. Happiness isn't an attainment. It's an activity.

>> No.5023436

>Keep trying! The more you post, the more your ass pains are evident for all to see.

>he thinks this is an argument



>> No.5023438

>the point
>your head

lol why are optimists invariably dumb as fuck? it because they never grew out of the mindset of a child?

>> No.5023440

I've already made any argument you will get from me. You've posted zero redress outside of outing yourself as an actual fool.

>> No.5023443

>more empty insults and no arguments


>> No.5023444

*tips 21st century normal young person hat*

>> No.5023445

You've already gotten them. Fuck off.

>> No.5023448

Rather than make a new thread I'll ask in this one since you're discussing philosophy.

I want to read Walden to better my understanding of a film (hopefully) and I started it last night and since I've never read an philosophy is it normal to have to read it at a much slower rate? I'm not the fastest reader in the world but I'm not slow either, but with Walden I feel like I'm going too fast. Some parts I'll breeze through easily and other parts I have to read two or three times to understand.

Also, what's the consensus of Walden on this board?

>> No.5023453

I like Walden.
Philosophy in general takes much more concentration, goes slower, and you sometimes need to read it more than once.
Thoreau is pretty easy to start with though.
It's a good entry-level foray into transcendentalism, and, if your edition has Civil Disobedience as well, direct action.

>> No.5023455

make a case for any of those 3

>> No.5023457

I actually bought Civil Disobedience separately as it worked out cheaper.

The film in question is Upstream Colour if anybody is curious.

>> No.5023458

I got a travesty of an argument, and that's it.

>> No.5023460

Oh wow, you can learn, good job.

10/10 would post again.

>> No.5023473
File: 33 KB, 434x290, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

⇒What is your philosophy?
pic related

⇒meaning, purpose
Bitch, I'm GIVING meaning and purpose to other people's lives. Once they are infatuated with me, their only meaning of life is to worship my perfection and to serve me.

I'll tell you where I find God. I find him in fantasy literature for gullible children, because that's the only place where this fictional character ever belongs.

⇒How ought you live life according to that philosophy?
Nobody tells me how I "ought" to live. As a self-diagnosed sociopath I am free of morality and other psychological weaknesses.

⇒Is everything permitted?
No, you fucktard. Two identical fermions occupying the same quantum state simultaneously is obviously not permitted.

⇒Is attachment good/bad?
Other people's attachment to my person is good for me and bad for them, but what do I care about their feelings? Or were you talking about email attachments? Those are always good, especially the executables.

⇒Are you a pseudo-buddhist?
Buddhism itself is already pseudo as fuck. A "pseudo-buddhist" would have to be the ultime überfedora. As a true intellectual I can only feel disgusted by such naive denial and escapism. I don't need no infantile fantasies about reincarnation and I don't need to delude myself into believing that mediation (i.e. lazily sitting around doing nothing, NEET style) would make me a better person. Unlike you insecure fuckwits I'm not scared of the YOLO lifestyle.

>> No.5023477

I can't believe you didn't understand from the start. It's so obvious hahahaha. Autism, perhaps? I wouldn't try reading any philosophy if you can't grasp something as simple as my first post. Not that you would anyway, god forbid something questions your hilariously deluded worldview.

>> No.5023480

I believe all life should be extinguished from the universe. Luckily, regardless of what else happens, I will eventually get my way. There will be peace in the void.

>> No.5023481

>Only a
>true intellectual
>could post this many arrows

>> No.5023483

"I was only pretending to be retarded"

Read above on irony for irony's sake a few hundred more times. Maybe you will be less of an insufferable faggot afterwards.

>> No.5023485

What is your philosophy?
I don't have a word for it yet. Ontological epistemologically plural emanationism

How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
I try to intuit what /is/ occurring rather than what I hope/want to be occurring. It's working out so far.

How ought you live life according to that philosophy? Is everything permitted? Is attachment good/bad? Are you a pseudo-buddhist?
I try to accept things and then in a somewhat hermetic way make the best of them. Everything is permitted, because you can do it. Whether you should do it is another question. Attachment to what? Not really, no.

>> No.5023496

Love: a urine mirage in a desert of fear.

The machine is mankind's madness and disfigurement. Industry castrates art. The only honesty is in suicide.

>> No.5023503

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Were you? You seem legit enough to me. Although even a retard could understand the meaning of my post.

>> No.5023505

I can feel your rage. Let it flow through you.

>> No.5023507

>The only honesty is in suicide.


>> No.5023511

You've made my morning. Chuckles were had.

Have a nice life now, and try not to make it into the Darwin awards, okay anon?

>> No.5023529

epic samefag bro. run along now, adults are using words you can't seem to grasp

>> No.5023562

I just glanced over this thread.

I'm sorry but I still don't see how "birth is a travesty" makes sense. At least as I understand the word. Although our cultural arguments in favor of child birth could easily be described as travesties.

I'm not a native English speaker, can anyone explain what his intended meaning was, if it does make sense?

>> No.5023566

My philosophy is "ethical minimalism". It is where you refuse to even engage the question, by simply walking awa-

>> No.5023571

you're not fooling anyone, samefag

>> No.5023589

pedofag here

I feel the same way when I see a qt loli

it's like encountering something so sublime and precious and at the same time it dawns on you how fleeting and 'ungraspable' it is. Imagine the feeling of being a starving dog staring longingly into a glass box with a huge fucking steak in it. It's right in front of the dog, but at the same time it might as well be on the other side of the world.

It's like staring/being overcome by impossibility, because a girl that beautiful even though she's right in front of you, can't be touched or held because there's a pane of glass between you and her and it can't be broken.

>tfw fuck this gay earth and all the gorgeous qt's in it

>> No.5023602

>being mentally ill

>> No.5023618

>being american

>> No.5023638


>What is your philosophy?
Common sense. I want to live a happy life (actually hard, specially because I'm a pedo) without following any kind of sects nor hurting people. But sincerely, I'm attracted by zen buddhism philosophy.

>How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
I don't think that we have a real purpose. Your life is something without importance or transcendence in the universe, just do what you feel right.

>> No.5023641

not even close pedo scum. enjoy living a life of unfulfilled sexuality

>> No.5023659

Seriously guys. It's something that happened to me all my life. Now that I know I'm not alone I feel a bit better. Btw, I'm a pedo who like girls of my age and mature women too. I'm 21.
It's an emptiness that I've always felt. What's wrong with me?

>> No.5023664

product of modern society. you never stood a chance

>> No.5023673

Explain, please.

>> No.5023682

At the moment, my philosophy (put in simple terms) is "God is good and gives many gifts - these gifts are to be respected and loved."

To live my philosophy is to explore feelings that are pure, pure in the sense that they are righteous, unattached, and respectful of God. For instance, when I smoke marijuana and look at the lichen that grows on my window, I am truly enjoying the gifts of God, and I am doing what is right.
Attachment is no good at all, because all of existence is like an ocean - moving, mixing, destroying and creating. No one has owned anything ever.
It is important to explore the universe in a way that is totally creative and open - all lives are important because everybody has completely different perceptions (that is why life is so diverse, it allows the universe to have many experiences that are all very unique). It is a good idea to alter your conciousness in a way that is safe and spiritually beneficial. Plants can teach us things that are unteachable through language.

Also, there may be spirits that inhabit our universe, these spirits would most likely inhabit flora and other natural phenomena (maybe even all matter). When we die, we might join the spirits and live blissfully, or we might be reborn, or maybe even both.

>> No.5023685

My ethics have been heavily influenced by Reinhold Niebuhr, Alasdair MacIntyre, Hannah Arendt.

If anyone would like me to explain, I'd be glad to.

>> No.5023693

>believing a benevolent god created this fucking shithole

fat chance, son. an evil demon, maybe, but no god

>> No.5023694


>> No.5023696

>Dick-measuring, autobiographical threads are always top on /lit/

I'm only here to wait for the next 'Stoner' or 'Revolutionary Road'. Those were the days.

>> No.5023709

I never said that God was a being. God as in tao, dharma, nature, creation, etc.
And I'm sorry that you feel that we live in a 'fucking shithole', maybe you will learn to love it.

>> No.5023710

People often tell me I'm a very moral person but I have no idea what morals or why.

>> No.5023731

>maybe you will learn to love it.

Yeah maybe all those kids that starved to death while I typed this will do. You fucking cunt.

>> No.5023751

What's up with the no fun allowed guy in this thread?

Is it the OP?

>> No.5023775

I find it hard to have a philosophy when so much of our understanding of how the mind works seems deeply deeply flawed to me.

For example, the illusion that we are always conscious of ourselves, and every individual is of one mind, seems really wrong. People spend most of their lives not aware of themselves, and their inner monologue is this fountain of contradiction that even they have no control over.

Our language doesn't adequately convey what we are, so all the aphorisms and pop psychology in the world serves as little more than illusions. Lies we tell ourselves in the meantime.

>> No.5023788
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1399227770138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your philosophy?

>> No.5023833


Attaboy Butterfly.

>> No.5023864

>What is your philosophy?
Loving Sophie
>How did you find meaning, God, purpose?
Staring at her book covered tits.

>How ought you live life according to that philosophy?
By reading every book she's pressed her flesh against
>Is everything permitted?
No, she has been pictured with Kant.

>Is attachment good/bad?
Good, it might bring Sophie out of thumbnail.

>Are you a pseudo-buddhist?
I could not kill Sophie if she were the Buddha, so, yes, I would fail her in that instance. If only I could pay for her forgiveness.

>> No.5023897
File: 46 KB, 363x481, tfwnolegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existence has a certain novelty but overall it would have been much better if life and especially consciousness had never come into being. I consider no act so immoral as bringing a child into the world. I also believe that human consciousness would eventually lead to a willful extinction of our species if given enough time, but we will probably die off before that's allowed to happen.

We have extremely powerful biological imperatives in favor of optimism and these are reinforced in almost every aspect of our culture. Our genes want to replicate and we are designed with an inherent bias in favor of life, regardless of the actual quality of that life. We have developed an astonishing capacity for self deception and many people that on some level realize "life sucks" work very hard to maintain a veneer of positivity because of the terrible stigma associated with pessimism and so-called "depressed" people. There have been literally hundreds of studies that show depressed people more accurately assess their condition and their locus of control.

I recognize it's very bad for an organism to view its world this way and it has negative impacts on everything from my immune system to memory recall. I've made a sincere effort to embrace more optimistic thinkers but they typically come off as completely facile and talking to other people about it (including a few psychologists) engenders nothing but inane platitudes and I'm left feeling more contempt for them than when I started.

For me, it is much more important to have an accurate world view than one that makes me feel good about my situation.

>> No.5023907


Ethically, I stand aside Kant in some ways, however I think that he gives too much credit to the most people's ability to formulate anything, so I contend that, at the end of the day, you have to "do what you gotta do" without negatively affecting the whole. If you can't find a way to do this, then you shouldn't be doing it. And I stress 'the whole,' because sometimes reprimand is necessary for certain individuals in certain situations (chiding children, child rapists). However, it must be said that perfect morality can rarely manifest itself in successful people amidst such an ethically imperfect society; it's a dog-eat-dog world, so you have to back up your bark. Haven't read Stirner, but from what I've read, my principles are similar to his.

Epistemologically, I start with the principle that one must always maintain an open-mind and healthy skepticism. I believe in Heidegger's principle of intersubjectivity. I think that knowledge can only be reached asymptotically, but that that is occasionally enough for entire validation, i.e., 0.999...=1. I see the institutions of science, mathematics, spirituality, religion, and philosophy as all trying to answer the same questions; humans have haphazardly fractured the search for truth. Also, I think the nature of knowledge is congruent and dependent on the nature of ourselves; matter and thought are inseparable, therefore the thoughts of things and the things themselves are only as different as a movie clip and the live scene it portrays, which brings me to metaphysics.

I believe that all things, matter, energy, thought, radiation, gravity, are all permutations or manifestations of the same intrinsic thing, a substance gushing with simplicity and complexity. I don't want to give the thing a name, but many would refer to it as the universe, God, the aether, the greatest good, whatever. The point is that separation is simply a construction of the mind, that there exists only the projected, self-realizing compartmentalization of confused people to muddle the nature of reality, a nature shamans, monks, and even some scientists have attempted to convince people of long ago. There is no chair, table, you or me, there is only the being of those appearances at the given 'moment:" 'chairing,' 'tabling,' 'anoning,' and so forth. Change is the only constant because change is all that there is.

>> No.5023909


You're an angsty one aren't yah. That isn't really a philosophy as much as your prognosis of things as they are.

>> No.5023932


I felt like "existence is shit" deserves some explanation on how I arrived at that

>> No.5023959

Sounds like some Robert London Tales of Alienation Tale of Advent II stuff.

>> No.5023994

I think you can trace back everything you do in life to feeling good/better. I think that makes it the meaning of life.

>> No.5024131

Who's the girl?

>> No.5024153

I've been on 4chan for 8 years and I will still never understand how pathetic, fat and autistic you pieces of shit must be. Really? Do ypu really care about the identity of a random camewhore? There are thousands of nude pictures of cute girls being uploaded to the internet as I type this. I cannot fathom what posesses someone to ask this, probaby often, knowing that any answer the recieve with be utterly worthless. I know this phrase gets tossed around a lot and has lost any weight it may once have had, but I really think you should kill yourself.

>> No.5024166


lol, takes worthlessness to know worthlessness. but please, keep berating the other anon, I'm sure it makes you feel much better

>> No.5024181


>> No.5024195

Special snowflake syndrome

>Christ was a Christian
Disregarding everything you say, dumdum.

>> No.5024208

I think the point of asking for her identity is to find if she has any more pictures.

>> No.5024213

So 4chan.

>> No.5024242

I don't really have a systematic philosophy. I just try to be the best person I can be, and bring joy to my friends, wife and children. I try to give myself to others as much as I can, while trying not to impose myself on them.
Just as happiness is a subjective feeling, my goal of bringing happiness to others and myself will require different actions depending on the context.
Of course, none of us really has any idea if we are doing the right thing, but that does not mean I will ever stop trying.

>> No.5024287

I bet you're a lot of fun at parties

>> No.5024309

mmmmm that clavicle. The sexiest part on a woman's body.

>> No.5024346

You mean the part that exposes how emaciated she is? So hot. I like em deathly skinny like Cosmo told me.
Who needs healthy when you can have a frail woman that will break under my masculine will.

>> No.5024356

It's what I like, a nice clavicle;I find it sexy so don't get you panties in a wad bud.

>> No.5024366

My negro.

>> No.5024390

The pose (arms back to push out her breasts) exaggerates the pronouncement of her clavicle. Assuming someone is unhealthy because they are thin is moronic and just makes you seem like a bitter fatty.

>There have been literally hundreds of studies that show depressed people more accurately assess their condition and their locus of control.

>> No.5024395

Finding God = finding meaning and purpose in life.

Finding Jesus = finding Life.

>> No.5024469


>> No.5024490

I got some Marcus Aurelius, a bit of Buddhism, and my own special sauce

>> No.5024513


This pretty much sums me up, though it could be more well put.

>> No.5024540

you could use existence in lieu of dead.

>> No.5024544


he and epictetus are da bomb

>> No.5024545

This is the best way to go. Why confine yourself to one philosophy, when you can pick and choose the best from all of them?

>> No.5024665
File: 11 KB, 300x436, 1368480270252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing tiny, screeching goblins (actual children, that is) to the beauty of a pure loli
>mfw pedos actually believe this

>> No.5024669

>Having a philosophy, finding meaning, God, purpose
That's for weak people though.

Life and existence is just like christian sex; it's only goal is to procreate.

>> No.5024672


>> No.5024700

You aren't in /b/. Go be a pedophile there.

>> No.5024718

subject to change, but this is how i find myself thinking about most things

a thing exists as long as it can be experienced

a being is that which experiences a thing

being is not 'existing', or a human being. being is literally anything that can experience something

experience is reaction to the existence of a thing

a thing is that which is experienced by a being

a nothing is that which is not experienced by a being

not all beings experience the same things, or are incapable of experiencing the same nothings

intelligence is memory of experiences

a thought is utilizing intelligence

power is the capability of being

intelligence, life, in the traditional sense, are arbitrary scales of power of being

>> No.5025184


The integration of information is all that which is.

>> No.5025193

Laughably pathetic. Abandon the trip, Tallis.

>> No.5025983

so this is what it looks like when someone else posts their shit-tier philosophical writings... damn
will post mine soon

>> No.5025992

Stirnerist Epicureanism.

>> No.5025997

stop posting feminister she doesn't like it

>> No.5026017

>I am a firm believer in the schizoid-occult techno-nihilist anti/post-humanist buddhizt paradigm.
pls elaborate

>> No.5026032


You just responded to two people you dunce. I am the seconder poster, I was summating the first's ramblings. Please, please be more exact next time you post. I hate wasting time, but I hate leaving people uninformed more. So please.

>> No.5026102

Kill yourself, you dullard.

>> No.5026133

>I recognize it's very bad for an organism to view its world this way and it has negative impacts on everything from my immune system to memory recall. I've made a sincere effort to embrace more optimistic thinkers but they typically come off as completely facile and talking to other people about it (including a few psychologists) engenders nothing but inane platitudes and I'm left feeling more contempt for them than when I started.
>For me, it is much more important to have an accurate world view than one that makes me feel good about my situation.
But anon, haven't you realised your value judgements are just as arbitrary as the positive ones? There's really nothing more accurate or true about deeming life a shit deal than considering it a bundle of keks.

>> No.5026158



>> No.5026170

>being mentally ill

>> No.5026183

those aren't my writings, just what i happened to i typed up, paradoxical and even illogical, but anything that attempts to explain existence or being will likely involve circular logic and impossible reasoning leaps of faith to bridge concepts

when learning other philosophies i tend to only remember short statements which help provide a structure to what it attempts to explain, so this is how i naturally would like to continue expanding on my own

do post yours, this is anonymous

>> No.5026238

you see an object that interests you, that occupies your thoughts, and might even entertain your fantasies for a while, this is fairly automatic and we have little control over what pops into our heads throughout the day.

what follows might be a realization you will never possess the object, you will never interact with the object, you will never be able to experience the object again.

why? you can certainly take an object by force in many instances, why not take the object for yourself?

you are bound by morality and an obligation to society to not act on such things.

how this makes you feel is entirely up to you.

you can choose to be satisfied because moral adherence brings greater safety than your fleeting immoral fantasy.

you can choose to be satisfied because moral adherence might allow the possibility to possess the object in the future, while offering safety from immoral repossession.

you can choose to be dissatisfied because adhering to the current morality will never allow you to possess the object, or any other interaction you desire with the object.

you can choose to be dissatisfied because your immoral thoughts weigh heavily on your moral-bound character.

there isn't a single reason, but it should be obvious that restricted practices, formed around aging moral codes, can only result in unhappiness to those in disagreement with the moral codes.

>> No.5026261


>> No.5026269

Someone's been watching too much True Detective

>> No.5026279

i would explain the depression as a popular response to this dissatisfaction, instead of feeling bad or dissatisfied you feel particularly empty, hollow, numb even.

if you want avoid feeling depressed, i'm not sure it can be done.

you can change almost any emotion into apathy or depression, this is done of your own volition under many circumstances, particularly those with great trauma or impossibly hopeless scenarios, but i don't think the opposite holds true, that depression can simply be turned into happiness of your own accord.

i suggest moving to another place that is more similar to your morality, i don't think you can simply change yourself or how this issue makes you feel in general.

>> No.5026283

1. Power is good, weakness is bad.
2. Violence is sometimes the answer.
3. Inequality is sexier than equality.
4. Remove faggot.
5. Life is fucking awesome, but death is what makes it so.
6. Art is what it's all about.

>> No.5026289

this type of fascist is the worst

>> No.5026298

Maybe life will crush him and he will understand his words. After that, he could be a very good human being following them through again and again and again.

>> No.5026299

>raised Catholic, the craziest kind of Christian except maybe Pentecostals
>turn militant Atheist at 16
>go to college
>study History and Classics
>take every mythology course available
>take Judaism, Buddhism courses
>settle into peaceful Agnosticism
>don't really worry about purpose or meaning, just try to make the most of every day, try to think hard about all of my decisions, try not to let any opportunities for growth slip by

It's a very comfortable and happy way of living for me

>> No.5026301

What's wrong with what I said?

>> No.5026311

This is only what I think is my purpose, it could be a raw thought, sorry for my english in advance.

Purpose, I think is trying to live without regrets, since that is the only pain I think I can live against. Raise christian, as a lot of people, but I think people live looking for pleasure and avoiding pain. It gets hard because I find regret in most pleasures, and I am always like "I am going to do this because I enjoy it" and later I am regretting for not using my time properly, as I would like to. In other words, I am lazy. I have found some interest in taoism and other asian religions like hinduism and buddhism, even though I am not clear about them.

>> No.5026313

Catholics really aren't that crazy. They seem more same than most Christians. At least they believe in evolution, and I know quite a few churches that are extremely liberal.
Hell, I went to a Jesuit university and they taught some very interesting classes on Buddhism, and even some very heretical Christian stuff, such as the fact that the bible is contradictory, and even strongly alluded to the idea that Heaven is merely a state of mind and nothing more.
Catholics are much cooler than a lot of Christians, for sure.

>> No.5026316

Lawful extreme individualism with moral egoism

>> No.5026320

no clue how

an aesthete who simply acknowledges power as something positive, though you don't explain what kind of power. violence and inequality as things which cannot be avoided in society. life as something grand only because of its transient nature.

can automatically be fascist

>> No.5026333

I know what you mean and I agree for the most part, but what makes them so crazy is the guilt complex they all have. I mean there's a reason the phrase is "Catholic guilt." They hate themselves and everyone else at the same time

>> No.5026358

unavoidable things do not have to be accepted as good or whatever. getting rid of homosexuals why? aesthetes without human sympathy are monsters

>> No.5026362

(Former) Catholic here.

Dear fucking god, you have no idea. I don't know why, but I legitimately hate everything.

Every time I write pornography I whisper "Fuck you #{namehere}" at least ten times. I mean... Christ, Catholic Guilt is terrible

>> No.5026367

>dislikes homosex

top lel, do you even forms?

>> No.5026384
File: 28 KB, 651x384, holy shit no way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh friend, I definitely have an idea. It's OK, we're both survivors. My sister has a fantastic method for dealing with crazy Catholic memories (and she actually got sent to a Catholic school back in the day, poor girl). She takes all those crazy little things and makes them fun. Like with her cat, Tiberius. She likes singing to him: "All glory and honor are yours almighty Tiberius, forever and ever. Me-ow."
I'm sure you know all those little 1-2 line hymn things I'm talking about since you've been to fucking billions of masses too lol. also.. holy shit this captcha

>> No.5026446

I am a former catholic and I don't think I have catholic guilt too bad... I know a lot of people talk about it, but I'm just not sure why catholics and not others would feel that way.
Maybe the whole, "Jesus died for you, so you better make it worth it," thing, but I thought that applied to all people raised Christian.

>> No.5026465

well then you were raised by Cafeteria Catholics. See what they do to us? I'm not even fucking Catholic and even I sneer at those who aren't "true Catholics"

>> No.5026477

is that what he meant by remove faggot?

i thought he was being silly

>> No.5026483

Thanks for making me appreciate being brought up irreligious, bros.

>tfw free from original sin

>> No.5026533

Nah, I was pretty heavy into it. Catholic school from gradeschool through college. Jesuits are hardly cafeteria catholics. I could recite a mass in my sleep, but I don't really feel guilty about fapping or any of my other "sins".
Sometimes I feel guilty about not achieving as much as I should, or I feel guilty about being lazy, but that doesn't seen too terrible.
Just overcome it!

>> No.5026565

I found out that the corporate culture of my new job is heavily Christian. I think people are going to notice soon that I don't feel comfortable praying along at the meetings, so I'm thinking about going from vaguely liking Buddhist ideas to identifying as a Buddhist so they can't discriminate against me.

>> No.5026568

Fucking solid

>> No.5026577

It's really awkward, because otherwise I Really love my new job. It's entry level into something that I might actually want to do for the rest of my life, but there are these really odd expectations that one cannot do the work without being deeply spiritual. When they say being spiritual, they mean being Christian, but they legally can't say that, so I'm thinking if I eventually come out Buddhist they can't legally do anything about it. I'm thinking I'll only stay for a year or two anyway.

>> No.5026594

They can't fire you for not praying just like they can't fire you for being a Buddhist, though they might respect you more if you act like a Buddhist. Then again, they might not care as much as you think they do.

>> No.5026619

Epistemology: Subjective probabilistic reasoning, i.e. Bayesianism. You can't know anything for certain, but that doesn't mean you should give up entirely on understanding the world.

Meaning, purpose, etc. Humanism. Preference utilitarianism as far-mode, abstracted morality. Virtue ethics for near-mode, practical morality. So for big, long-term decisions I use cost-benefit calculations and the like to see what will benefit humanity most, acknowledging my own motivational limits. For day-to-day decisions, I use virtue ethics and try to be a thoughtful, respectful, skeptical, conscientious, curious and honest person.

>> No.5026630

Yeah, I think I'll get a feel for it. The position recently separated from the Catholic church, so there are still a lot of remnants of that hierarchy, and I'm fine with that. I'm just worried that they might not be fine with me. I was hired to help coordinate medical services with a local Hispanic population, and I have no problem respecting their beliefs or the beliefs of my coworkers, so it shouldn't be a problem. In a lot of community service/work positions, there's this stigma that you can't really do the work if you aren't a strong Christian. It went as far as that when I went to a conference held by the president of my state college on community service, he, along with the other two speakers emphasized that without faith, and always faith in the Christian context, one cannot do effective service work.

I feel like displaying some sort of faith, even if it isn't the kind of faith that they want, will be more acceptable than ever letting anyone know that I just don't really believe in any religious doctrine.

I'm also nervous because my one coworker recently lamented that there weren't enough abstinence only sex-ed classes available to the community. She also held me back the other day for an hour and a half to tell me her opinion on "lazy illegals that won't pull themselves up by their bootstraps, learn English, and become citizens." I'm very concerned that the beliefs of coworkers will directly conflict with the main community health goals of the position, but I still want to be very respectful, so I'm a little freaked out and trying to cover my back, also trying to say as little as possible about any opinion that I might have on anything.

>> No.5026640

>corporate culture
>praying in business meetings

Only in America.

>> No.5026641

Most philosophers don't have what you probably mean by "a philosophy". Philosophy isn't really life wisdom, or whatever you're looking for.

>> No.5026649

It's health work, so I guess "corporate culture" probably wasn't the best term to use.

>> No.5026670
File: 162 KB, 630x419, Wall-St-bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Ba'al

>> No.5026743

>Philosophy isn't really life wisdom, or whatever you're looking for.

That's actually what philosophy always was, but a bunch of autist philosophers (and theologians) turned it into crazy systematic thought-experiments

>> No.5026766

Epictetus got it mostly right. I'd be interested to see what he would have written after J.S. Mill died. I feel stoicism is the natural counter to utilitarianism.

But basically, I've learned how to be content in the face of most situations. I'm still working at it, but it's made me pretty happy. I did some research and found that most happiness is actually internal in nature: how you respond to external events is more important than the external events themselves.

In light of that, i considered the possibility of happiness independent of external events. In such a person, no decision would be reliant on the happiness it would produce. All choices would produce the same happiness. Because of this, the person is free to choose between options independent of what produces the most happiness, and thus can value things independent of happiness. If such is possible, happiness is no longer the only intrinsic good.

Because of this, I live the good life by pursuing those things I value irrespective of happiness.

It's made me quite happy.

>> No.5026782

Say you're a Discordian, or a Satanist.

>> No.5026783

so, selfish cunt, got it.

>> No.5026791

>unavoidable things do not have to be accepted as good or whatever
It'd be pretty damn retarded to consider them as bad.

>getting rid of homosexuals why?
It wasn't literal. More like, the culture, philosophy and attitudes related to homosexuality. I regard them as dangerous.

>> No.5026795

I spent a lot of time alone in my room in high school, wondering why there was so much negativity and evil in the world, and why it seemed to be so often motivated by religion. I would sit in the dark and be terrified of the concepts of death and mortality. I eventually found peace in the idea that life is meaningless except for the things that we as individuals assign value to, and that everyone should follow the morality that let's them sleep peacefully.