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/lit/ - Literature

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5022714 No.5022714 [Reply] [Original]

>250 word essay due tomorrow
>still browsing /lit/

>> No.5022717

turn in a picture about your subject. A picture is worth a thousand words right; boom extra credit.

>> No.5022721

That's less than a single page, you moron. Just go write the fucking thin, it will take you all of 30 minutes- less if you're allowed to do an intro and conclusion to the tiny thing.

>> No.5022751

250 words is a fucking paragraph, not an essay. are you in 2nd grade?

>> No.5022755

how do I sage?

>> No.5022761

Shit, my parents died trying to help me write my 100 word essay due last week. It was cool because I got an extension because of the funeral and everything, but now it's due Friday and I have no idea what the heck I'm going to do.

Good luck OP, you'll need it.

>> No.5022763


>> No.5022770


lurk more

>> No.5022774

put Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ in the email field.

>> No.5022778

is this a meme now?

Ok OP, you should
xd XXXD xD :p

>> No.5022779

this is some joke eh?

>> No.5022790

Reddit, please, I thought you got over this months ago. It will never stop. You being a retarded shithead who types x's is infinitely worse than board/website jokes, and you will never prevent people from posting memes.

>> No.5022793

I have a negative five word essay due yesterday. HOW do you write negative words.!?!?!

>> No.5022797

You already have

>> No.5022811

.sdrawkcab meht etirw tsum uoY

>> No.5023700
File: 90 KB, 500x700, h65 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german oral exam in 4 hours
>bumping shit threads on /lit/

>> No.5023716

> 100 words
I've read posts on 4chan that were longer than that.

>> No.5023718

You guys don't understand the depths of the problem here. This is an internet meme. A copypasta. the person who needs to write the 250 word essay doesn't exist.

Can't you see how hard it would be to write 250 words on anything when you don't exist? also, this thing is like three years old. So now we have someone who doesn't exist, who has a 250 word essay that's due three years in the past.

this is a real problem. solutions welcome.

>> No.5023729

>50 word essay
>due next year
what do I do?

>> No.5023962

I didn't realize high school was so easy these days.

>> No.5023964

I don't think you get it

>> No.5025541

>you will never prevent people from posting memes
le meme defener face

>> No.5025546

write one letter of it every day man

>> No.5025554

>graduated uni a month ago
>don't even have an updated resume
>sleep on my mom's futon in the living room
>haven't read a single page today
>still shitposting on /lit/

>> No.5025583

the life I want to live

>> No.5026026

type heaven into the email field

>> No.5026043

"sage" in email
it's pronounced SAH-gay btw

>> No.5026057

is this a new le epick maymay?