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/lit/ - Literature

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5021701 No.5021701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you regret, /lit/? Did it make you a sad introvert, like you are now? Did you read a book to relate to those feelings?

>> No.5021713

I regret not coming out earlier, and not making friends when I was younger.

>> No.5021727
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I regret being rejecting a qt 3.14 because I don't know what I want in anything

>> No.5021731

I regret being such an angsty shit in school, which caused widespread general mediocrity in everything I tried, from girls to education and has had such a legacy that it still fucks me over five years down the line.

>> No.5021746

By 'school', do you mean all through college, too?

>> No.5021759

No, I went to a mediocre British university where I somehow picked up the knack of writing and have gotten wall to wall good grades ever since.

>> No.5021767

I regret fooling around with my cousin.
I regret not fucking my cousin.
I regret not making more friends.
I regret making meaningless friends.
I regret dating within our friend group. Now it's no longer ours, but theirs.
I regret not dating her even if she was in the friend group.
I regret smoking.
I regret not going out and doing drugs more.
I regret not reading more.
I regret reading when I could've been socializing.
I regret not being there.
I regret even starting it in the first place.
I regret it lasting this long.
I regret cheating.
I regret not cheating more.
I regret not bonding with my parents more.
I regret being so authoritarian to my brother.
I regret being an emotionally stunted shit in high school.
I regret being a stoic shit in college.
I regret not seeing a psychologist.
I regret being so fucking lazy.
I regret not taking more advantage of my lazy time.
I regret being so passive.

Can't really think of anything else.

>> No.5021774

10 hail marys and 5 our fathers.

You are forgiven son.

>> No.5021789

>natural sad introvert
>read schopenhauer
>no regrets
>everything goes exactly as expected
>maybe someday i'll die

>> No.5021792

I regret not giving that girl a better chance because I was too tied to my ex still (obviously so). She was nice, we stayed up late together a few times, sent each other poetry we thought the other would enjoy. I still keeps little momento she gave me from that time.

I've seen her since, but we didn't really talk. I think I had driven her too much away by my badly hidden ruminating on my ex. Wish things had gone differently. I still think about her surprisingly often given how short our fling was.

My little fling with her rekindled my love of literature, philosophy, and poetry. I even wrote a few things about her. Glad I didn't give them to her though. Wasuch too manic then...

>> No.5021795
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>tfw scared of death
>tfw sometimes its all I can think about

>> No.5021798
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I have no regrets. They are signs of emotional weakness.
>I regret not fucking my cousin.
Is there something you should tell us, anon?

>> No.5021799
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>lying awake at night thinking about your own mortality
Fuck doesn't that just get you sometimes

>> No.5021800

Shouldn't have read Kierkegaard then

>> No.5021802

It literally sells itself, how much?
I live in the pages I read, no regrets.

>> No.5021810

You seem to be a man of dual nature my friend. See if you can turn that into something good. It certainly should give you an outside-the-box perspective.

>> No.5021816

>lying awake having epistemological crisis

I can't imagine how Descartes must have gone through day to day if he ever doubted the while benevolent God thing.