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/lit/ - Literature

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5021356 No.5021356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did the modern left abandon the common man? Or was it something more subtle, where they right stole the common man from under their nose?

>> No.5021361

not literature

go back to >>>/pol/ you retarded piece of shit

>> No.5021366


When the proleterian revolution ended. The proleterian class cannot sustain a revolution, if it tries it stops being the proleterian and becomes a party of leftist idealists that fail to run an office, let alone a country.

>> No.5021375

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>> No.5021377

The 'common man' is a spook. It, like the idea of a 'working class', has never existed.

>> No.5021381

Sometimes I wish /lit/ had a janitor. This off-topic /pol/ crap is killing our community.

>> No.5021403

Why doesn't /lit/ have a janitor?

>> No.5021405

Maybe he grew up and left 4chan.

>> No.5021406

because no one expects shitposters to appear on a board dedicated to literature and philosophy

>> No.5021415

/lit/ does have janitors, but the mongoloids are too busy deleting relevant threads and posts to take care of all the shitposting.

>> No.5021422

Except that isn't how it works.

>> No.5021431

Where does one go after 4chan?

>> No.5021434
File: 31 KB, 550x444, Herbert_Marcuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads worshipping Marxism
>"give me more, give me more, give me more"
>threads criticizing the left
>"oh no someone save us from /pol/"

OP. The answer to your question lies in Herbert Marcuse, he was the one who get rid of the working class as a revolutionary class after the welfare state and elected gays, women and the black lumpenproletariat as the new collective Messiah.

>> No.5021440
File: 137 KB, 720x439, 1376845011268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to sound like le edgy fedora, but the 'common man' is often too deluded by corporate propaganda to realize he's hurting himself. Try and talk to the average farmer about unemployment benefits, a service which someone in his family or group of friends has probably been aided by, and he'll spew something about "muh hard work, mothafucka" and continue to be deluded that backbreaking labor will satisfy him. I'm not implying that hard work is bad, but unless it's for a good cause, it's not going to make you happy. Basically, the 'working class' are a bunch of wage slaves too busy working and taking the master's dick down to think for themselves. Even people that have the luxury of free time to educate themselves usually are so backward that they voluntarily remain wage slaves, cause "muh American Dream" or something dumb like that.

>> No.5021458

>OP. The answer to your question lies in Herbert Marcuse, he was the one who get rid of the working class as a revolutionary class after the welfare state and elected gays, women and the black lumpenproletariat as the new collective Messiah.
Marcuse and Saul Alinsky are the ones to thank for things like this --

The funny thing about modern day leftism/Marxism is that it has abandoned its working class roots as you say, because the working class is more mobile and affluent. Marxism is an entirely bourgeois phenomena in the 21st century. Edgy autists like that Timur Dautov worm from UCL have a lot of influence, but they're all class traitors according to the old lexicon. They're almost exclusively middle or upper middle class.

>> No.5021473

I think it is you that is too deluded by marxist propaganda.

I mean.

>average farmer
>wage slave

Only if you are referring to immigrant hired worker, and these ones are very receptive to leftist politics.

>> No.5021474

>When did the modern left abandon the common man

because the poor aren't capable of doing anything
if they were they wouldn't be poor

so the left relies on feelings for squander votes