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5021143 No.5021143 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize all intellectual pursuit is ultimately circular and leads back to ignorance

>> No.5021147
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>when you realize all you have is time

>> No.5021151
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>this is what philosophers actually believe

>> No.5021152

I don't see how it is circular but I share the sentiment that you will probably never have a truly greater understanding of everything than you do at this moment.

>> No.5021165

>what is education

I'm so sorry to hear about your disability. Really, I pity you. Every day I'm learning something new. Every day I gain new knowledge and I'm furthering my understanding of the world. It fills me with excitement and joy. How sad must your life be, if you reject all knowledge?

>> No.5021181

What is knowledge?

>> No.5021201

what is love?

>> No.5021205
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>posting yoba outside dvach

idi na khui suka nyemcy yebanniy, tvoie persiki eto govno

>> No.5021206

Doesn't every scientific discovery lead to myriad questions?

>> No.5021214
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>tfw intellectual pursuits are still valuable for that very reason so that you may become conciousness of it and dwell in socratic ignorance and get off Mister Bone's Wild Ride

>> No.5021221

Do you really think a rhetorical question can cover up the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.5021236

this is why I struggle very hard to either pursue personal development or be a bread and circus pleb.

What do lit

>> No.5021252

become a real life shitposter

>> No.5021328

explain please. how is it that when you learn something and keep learning you return to where you started (not knowing what you learned)?
This makes no sense

>> No.5021343

It might be bait, and I don't know what it belongs on /lit/ but

the act of thinking and actually analyzing something makes it worth it, even if you come to the same conclusion you had before

>> No.5021373

The more you know, the more you know you don't know.

>> No.5021599

If I know all the thing's I can know and that I also deem worthy to know, i something something
I don't need to know everything only what I find worthy to know in the time I have.

I'm making myself confused here...

The more you know, the more you know that you don't need to know more, all the really important shit we already know, just a few important "the fuck is this" left to understand anyway.

>> No.5021609

>mfw when I realized this at about 16
>mfw now I can just enjoy life and have fun
>mfw when I have not even one face

>> No.5021702

yes that's true, but the more you know the more you know so you don't get back at where you started.
you guys scared me a bit with your stupid shenanigans

>> No.5022829

He's right you know. Newton's formulation of mathematical laws of physics led to a mad dash to quantify what was previously a conceptual venture. Michelson and Morley's proof of the nonexistence of the aether led to Einstein's relativity and the explosion of cosmological exploration. The discovery of the electron, and that the atom isn't the final building block, led to electromagnetism and quantum physics. In science, answering one question always leads to several more. Kurt Gödel proved that we will never have a complete understanding of mathematics, and that we'll have to continue developing further systems of math to understand the systems that precede it.

>> No.5023431

Congratulations you've reached Philosophy 101: Plato

Unfortunately you seem have taken it a bit too literally.