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5017963 No.5017963 [Reply] [Original]

I am a poorfag, so give a lot of recommendations of any "old" author. By old I mean more than 50 years old.

I particularly love Dostoievsky and Hemingway.

>> No.5017979

It really depends in what you're interested in reading. There's a recommended list if you haven't checked that out.

>> No.5017991

I already checked, but I can't decide which thing to read first. But I will give more specifics of what I like, anyway.

>Garcia Marquez
>Herman Hesse

I really love novels. Poems are harder for me to understand, but I also like plays. I honestly love to read a lot, but don't know what else to read.

>> No.5018060

those paperbacks are ugly
should have gotten some hardbacks

>> No.5018152


>> No.5018311

And who would you rather read?

>> No.5018332

Literally anything else

Seriously, p&v ruin texts with their translations.

>> No.5018346

You need to study poetry to enjoy it, really. I made the same mistake.

>> No.5018366


Read Siddharta. It's incredibly simple, short and easy. Hopefully, it will change you too.

>> No.5018528

based Garnett

>> No.5018769

Can vouch, it changed me.

>> No.5018851


>> No.5018856

Another anon here who's not convinced about the supposed greatness of Pevear and Volokhonsky's translation work. Here's a recent article by someone far better suited than I to address problems with their work:
It overdoes it at times but is an eye-opener.

Her work isn't without its flaws, but what she accomplished in bringing Russian lit to the Anglophone world is amazing when you get down to it.

>> No.5019646


>> No.5019661

tl'dr version?

>> No.5019672 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.5021018

not OP but bump for more talk about russian lit translations

>> No.5021421

>russian lit translations
For Tolstoy I like Louise and Aylmer Maude. They were friends with Tolstoy and worked closely with him in translating his work.

>> No.5022066

great, thanks

>> No.5022176

machado de assis was comtemporary to dostoievsky, i guess you may like him

adolfo bioy casares was a close friend of jorge luis borges and also a great writer

kafka too

>> No.5022355

The vintage are the best quality editions of dosto... shame p/v translated them all (they are fucking horrible translators).

>> No.5022451

Non-fiction I think Montaigne's essays are amazing. I also like Rousseau's writings a lot. His Confessions are quite good.

As for lit, Kingsley Amis is good, Lucky Jim is a great short novel, and very funny too.

Somerset Maugham, he wrote my favorite book, Of Human Bondage, so that for sure.