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5016225 No.5016225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cultural marxism

>> No.5016236

Oh look, This thread again,

Art is about more than just pretty Pictures, you Troglodyte fuck.

>> No.5016243


>> No.5016247

WOOO YEAH! Art was so great when it was just representation therefore a dead thing.

>> No.5016257

I prefer the art at the bottom

>> No.5016258

Cultural Marxism is a position where different cultural subgroups are seen to be in similar situation as proletariat in traditional Marxism, and that historical development will also cause them to experience similar progress: first they seek for an united identity and then revolt, becoming now the new, accepted class.

It has nothing to do with shift of art from painting to environmental art.

>> No.5016264

Top is awful
No creativity whatsoever

>> No.5016266


>> No.5016285


If any of you actually believe the bottom is art, then it's no wonder you ended up on 4chan. This truly is the place where anti-intellectuals go.

>> No.5016291

I take issue with the misuse of the term "cultural Marxism."

>> No.5016294

This board is entirely driven by it's need to be petulant, subjectivist contrarian faggots that any sane person would punch in the face after conversing with them and their retarded attitudes for 10 minutes.

>> No.5016301

I'd like to hear your definition of art, and what you think justifies it.

>> No.5016303

OC pls don't stel

"If you must explain it, it is not art; if you can't explain it, it's either art or religious."

(religious used as a noun)

>> No.5016309
File: 140 KB, 508x477, 1402434384399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ pls go.

>> No.5016310

Modern art is
1. Tool for money laundering
2. Created by the CIA during the Cold War

Cultural Marxism is what destroyed American society.

This is fact.

>> No.5016311

I really think this comparison is unfair. The equivalent of the art in the top today is not found in the conceptual stuff below but in movies like Transformers or Pacific Rim. The bourgeoisie has splintered and changed since the days of Delacroix. Such minimalism is only the ideal of a minority, a great many members of the growing technocratic middle class would prefer webcomics or videogames.

>> No.5016315

>all modern art is american expressionism

>> No.5016316


That is not ART

>> No.5016318

>no creativity

The picture is dumb, but you outdid it

>> No.5016320

protip: cultural marxism doesn't mean modernism

blame capitalism if anything

>> No.5016322
File: 73 KB, 583x750, salvador-dali-dream-caused-by-the-flight-of-a-bee-around-a-pomegranateone-second-before-awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dali was the last great painter in my opinion.

It probably doesn't help the reputation of the artistic world that many modern pieces are used ad mediums in sophisticated money laundering operations all over the world.

>> No.5016324

OP reminds me of something from the man in the hight castle.Baynes talks to a nazi artist and through the conversation the truth emerges

'Afraid I do not care for modern art,' Mr. Baynes said. 'I like the old prewar cubists and
abstractionists. I like a picture to mean something, not merely to represent the ideal.' He turned
'But that's the task of art,' Lotze said. 'To advance the spirituality of man, over the sensual. Your
abstract art represented a period of spiritual decadence, of spiritual chaos, due to the disintegration
of society, the old plutocracy. The Jewish and capitalist millionaires, the international set that
supported the decadent art. Those times are over; art has to-go on — it can't stay still.'
Now Baynes could see the airfield itself, hangars,
parking lots, the autobahn from the city, the houses. . . very lovely view, he thought. Mountains and
water, and a few bits of fog drifting in at the Golden Gate.
'What is that enormous structure below?' Lotze asked. 'It is half-finished, open at one side. A
spaceport? The Nipponese have no spacecraft, I thought.'
With a smile, Baynes said, 'That's Golden Poppy Stadium. The baseball park.'
Lotze laughed. 'Yes, they love baseball. Incredible. They have begun work on that great structure
for a pastime, an idle time-wasting sport — '
Interrupting, Baynes said, 'It is finished. That's its permanent shape. Open on one side. A new
architectural design. They are very proud of it.'
'It looks,' Lotze said, gazing down, 'as if it was designed by a Jew.' Baynes regarded the man for a time. He felt, strongly for a moment, the unbalanced quality, the
psychotic streak, in the German mind. Did Lotze actually mean what he said? Was it a truly
spontaneous remark?

>> No.5016327

All Modern Art is not laundered through the means of the US alone

The CIA during the cold war had access to the whole world.


>> No.5016330

protip: modernism IS cultural marxism

>> No.5016332

I know which shitty article you're referring to and it specifically mentioned American expressionism

>> No.5016349
File: 118 KB, 1020x374, 1324270132913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5016352

>posting in Arial
Fucking modernist jew commie degenerate

>> No.5016365

I don't know what shitty article you are referring to and I don't care what the one you talked about mentioned you stupid fucking ignorant troglodyte cunt.

>> No.5016368

>Damien Hirst, creator of 75,000 "rotting cow with poop and maggots and two rotting birds rotting inside a rotting horse" things, half of which were created (uncredited) by interns
>friend of Tracey Emin, cartoonish dyke "creator" of My Bed, a messy bed with period blood stains and used condoms
>both bankrolled by Charles Saatchi, a Jew
>Charles Saatchi's company created this:

/pol/ is right

>> No.5016378
File: 42 KB, 520x780, 1402679342608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you here then dumbass?

>> No.5016391

/pol/ please.

>> No.5016394

The money laundering thing actually is true.

>> No.5016395
File: 215 KB, 936x685, Robert-vs-Rhaegar-a-song-of-ice-and-fire-3420624-936-685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, OP, but not all modern art is shit. Look at this romantic beauty right here. You can sense the spirit of Real Art™ embodied in it; the fucking power. I like to look at it while I'm listening to Real Music™ like the Game of Thrones soundtrack because it reminds me of Beethoven xoxo

>> No.5016400

/pol/ want's /lit/'s dick more than they think /lgbt/ wants theirs.

>> No.5016404


Please /pol/ read this before you start using terms like "cultural Marxism."

Fuck man, it drives me insane!

>a cultural phenomenon i don't like
>hurr durr cultural marxism

ah!H!HH!H!H!H!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!




you can't at least read a fucking Wikipedia article?

>> No.5016405

Does this phenomenon only extend to visual arts?

>> No.5016408

Cultural Marxism Is Responsible For All Modern Social Banes.

>> No.5016412

Jews have been funding artists since Picasso you illiterate. /pol/fags I swear open a goddamn fucking book for once. Nobody is impressed by your "recent" discoveries.

No you goddamn idiot literally every aspect of modern life has been modernist trite for at least a century even the fucking chair you're sitting on right now

>> No.5016414

Other reasons.
>i dont know anything
>what they say makes me uncomfortable
>therefore not true

I thought /lit/ was supposed to be an open minded board, not some elitist online rendition of a Starbucks

>> No.5016415



>> No.5016420

1st century = Christians
6th century = Pagans
8th century = Infidels
until the 19th = Heretics
19th = Jews
Early 20th = Jews
Post-WWII = Communism
Now = Cultural Marxism

>> No.5016426

look how mad this pleb is that he can't defend his vacuous 2deep4u "art" appreciation

maybe you should just bite a bullet and actually learn to appreciate real art? in the long run it would cost you less time/effort than defending Piss Christ lmao

>> No.5016427

What the fuck do you have against the chair I'm sitting in, asshole? It's a good ass chair.

>> No.5016432

Art is not defined as "what a neckbeard beta faggot with bad conservative taste posting on /lit/ thinks art is". Sorry.

>> No.5016436

Who are responsible for all of those?
Pagans=don't want to be jew
Infidels=created out of hatred for jews
Heretics=against jews
Jews=finally on track
Jews=keep it up the world is already getting better
Communism=Karl Marx was a jew and the Bolsheviks were majority jew
Cultural Marxism= Jew

>> No.5016440


>> No.5016454

The bottom is art as much as the top is art.

Art isn't "Well, I like it; ergo, it's art." I don't know why idiots still parrot the stupid idealism of art = good.

Don't like it? Too bad, it's still art.

>> No.5016457
File: 8 KB, 300x400, 1384564365193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw a fat neckbeard needed an anime image board to tell him that jews have been dominating all aspects academia for the past ~200 years
>yfw he thinks this revelation is profound
>yfw he directly contributes to this culture by posting le memays on 4chan on the computed jew

>> No.5016461

>Art is not defined as "what a neckbeard beta faggot with bad conservative taste posting on /lit/ thinks art is". Sorry.
- tripfag with no education in art history

>> No.5016462
File: 10 KB, 281x197, WTC-jump5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's art now? That pic you posted does not even fit on postmodernism art. More like modernism from the past century brah.

Art now is about performance and attempts to subvert the postmodern condition.

>> No.5016464

No it's not.
I have expressed why as well

>> No.5016468
File: 126 KB, 1280x1024, 12324243999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I think he's saying these are the scapegoat groups throughout history.

>> No.5016484

The above serves purely as a monument and doesn't pose any metaphysical questions. It doesn't even qualify as art, it's design. Even African tribes accomplished this much.

>> No.5016491


Dali is soooo entry-level.

>> No.5016492
File: 33 KB, 358x361, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The above serves purely as a monument and doesn't pose any metaphysical questions. It doesn't even qualify as art, it's design. Even African tribes accomplished this much.

>> No.5016498
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, img_2032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly opinion.

>> No.5016503

>people who use "cultural marxism" are also prone to anti-intellectualism and corny romantic sensibilities

Who would have guessed.

>> No.5016508
File: 282 KB, 590x590, Panic of Girls - Blondie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same person

>> No.5016514

>denies "cultural marxism", "sociology", etc.
>tries to preserve the "nuclear family" and "christian values"

That's what grinds my gears.