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5014720 No.5014720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite author?
What's your favorite book?
What's the worst book you've ever read?
What's the last book you've read?

>> No.5014794
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>Who's your favorite author?
Dante Alighieri.
>What's your favorite book?
La Divina commedia.
>What's the worst book you've ever read?
L'univers, les dieux, les hommes of Vernant; I really love mythology and all and I've read many books about the subject but this is really really bad.
>What's the last book you've read?
Amorum Libri - Boiardo

>> No.5014804

Fervor de Buenos Aires, Borges
Ficciones, Borges
Short stories of Mark Twain (I suggest The Art of Authorship to everybody here)
L'Avalée des avalés, Réjean Ducharme
Journal, André Gide

Whenever I run out of steam and can't decide who to read next, I turn to Biblioteca personal by Borges, which was a column he wrote before passing too soon to finish its 100 promised articles. Today, you can find the list online of books he recommended through it, although it's so much more than just the list. His positive criticism is the best criticism I have ever read, roping in biographical and historical references often and literary allusions only when necessary into concise, curious single-page résumés of Voltaire, Gide, and authors I would have never heard of otherwise, such as Eça de Queiroz and Dino Buzzati, and it's where he writes:

Que otros se jacten de los libros que les ha sido
dado escribir; yo me jacto de aquellos que me fue dado leer, dije alguna vez. No sé si soy un buen escritor; creo ser un excelente lector o, en todo caso, un sensible y agradecido lector.

Though others vaunt the books they have been gifted to write, I vaunt of those I've been gifted to read, I said once. I don't know if I'm a good writer, I think I'm a great reader, or at least a sensitive and grateful reader.

To which Bolaño responds elusively in the introduction to Entre paréntesis:
Soy mucho más feliz leyendo que escribiendo.
This is another great book of writing where you'll find gems like Literatura + enfermedad = enfermedad, a review on the cult-novel Ferdydurke, and a million other little tidbits like book thievery and bookstore friends, how to write a short story, and the importance of lucidity, despair and virtue. I would definitely pick this as another of my favourite books among the few but enjoyable ones that I've read.

>> No.5014811

You again ?

>> No.5014816

Dude what?

>> No.5014831

>Who's your favorite author?
Gloria Tesch
>What's your favorite book?
Maradonia and the Seven Bridges
>What's the worst book you've ever read?
the bible
>What's the last book you've read?
The Geometry of Random Fields

>> No.5014841

I enjoyed the bible.

>> No.5014847

are you gay

>> No.5014875

>Who's your favorite author?
Evelyn Waugh
>What's your favorite book?
Don't Quixote
>What's the worst book you've ever read?
Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol
>What's the last book you've read?
Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon

>> No.5014877

Is inferno any better?

>> No.5014886

Who's your favorite author?
>Friedrich Nietzsche

What's your favorite book?
>Thomas Bernhard: Frost

What's the worst book you've ever read?
>Uwe Johnson: Mutmassungen über Jakob (Speculations about Jakob)

What's the last book you've read?
>Ortega y Gasset: Revolt of the Masses

>> No.5014904

>Ortega y Gasset

>> No.5014924

Do you only read authors you know you agree with? I doubt I agree with Nietzsche in many aspects, nevertheless he is the author I like to read the most...

>> No.5014931

Michael Ende
Mirror in the Mirror or Steppenwolf
Die Entzifferung der Schmetterlinge
Lords and Ladies

>> No.5015003 [DELETED] 

>Who's your favorite author?

>What's your favorite book?
crime and punishment

>What's the worst book you've ever read?
percy jackson: the last olympian (actually all the saga is shit)

>> No.5015008

>Who's your favorite author?
James Joyce
>What's your favorite book?
>What's the worst book you've ever read?
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell, technically a play but watevs
>What's the last book you've read?
Cúirt An Mheán Oíche by Brian Merriman

>> No.5015013

>Who's your favorite author?

>What's your favorite book?
crime and punishment

>What's the worst book you've ever read?
percy jackson: the last olympian (actually all the saga is shit)

>What's the last book you've read?
the last fligh of the flamingo

>> No.5015029
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>Who's your favorite author?
Richard Yates, Richard Adams, Tao Lin...

>What's your favourite book?
Watership Down

>What's the worst book you've ever read?
I'm not sure, I only buy books I am interested in in the first place, I never really "disliked" any of them.

>What's the last book you've read?
Eat When You Feel Sad, by Zachary German

>> No.5015591

Leo Strauss
Hite Report on the Male Sexuality
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Social Contract

>> No.5015613

Dostoievsky, man.
Brothers Karamazov
50 Shades of Grey
The Fault Under Our Stars

Don't, don't judge me, please. I need to read shit to know why is shit. Gonna read the Old Man and the Sea today to get the bad flavor out

>> No.5016194

>The Fault Under Our Stars
Can you please give me a quick review (without spoilers)?

Also please be honest

>> No.5016208

>to get the bad flavor out
you mean just worsen your pleb palette.

>> No.5016220

>Who's your favorite author?
Thomas Pynchon

>What's your favorite book?
If on a winter's night a traveler

>What is the worse book you've ever read?
either Liber al vel Legis by Crowley or Sex Drugs Einstein and Elves by Clifford Pickover

>What is the last book you've read?
Carpenter's Gothic by Gaddis

>> No.5016248

>Who's your favorite author?
Probably Noah Cicero, I don't even care what that says about me.
>What's your favorite book?
100 days of solitude maybe
>What's the worst book you've ever read?
Don't really know, can't put one down. Maybe Choke?
>What's the last book you've read?
Stuart Murdoch - Celestial Cafe

>> No.5017035

favorite author: lemony snicket
favorite book: book girl and the famished spirit
worst book: the fault in our stars
the last book: book girl and the wayfarer's lamentation