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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 520 KB, 1200x677, sony pockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
501298 No.501298 [Reply] [Original]

I love my eReader.

You should get one if you enjoy reading in your downtime, /lit/.

>> No.501302

you're fucking pretentious if you use an eReader

>> No.501307
File: 34 KB, 374x400, ereader 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I most certainly am.

You wouldn't believe the amount of pussy I pull with this thing.

>> No.501308

Lemme guess.
and it's yours.

>> No.501318
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Obvious marketing is obvious.

>> No.501336

Benefits of owning an eReader, other being fucking God-like for simply possessing one:

- Makes your dick bigger
- You gain the ability to always pull exact change for a purchase out of your pocket
- You will secrete a pheromone that causes everyone to love you instantly when they meet you.
- You can crush walnuts with your ass cheeks
- You will speak every language that has ever existed fluently
- Mind control powers are now yours
- Most eReaders include a working lightsaber

>> No.501346
File: 19 KB, 500x400, cyclops_1280-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I used to be fucking loser until I got my eReader. Now I can kill shit by looking at it." - Cyclops

>> No.501355
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>> No.501357
File: 24 KB, 550x414, penissculpture..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I touched my eReader to a pebble and it turned into this.

>> No.501366

There there, Anna.

The Passion of Joan of Arc is only a movie.

>> No.501376

I actually bought a Sony eReader today. It's currently charging, but I have some questions.

1) How do I edit author info? It's weird to have my professor's book, which I even own legally, be listed under the name of his secretary.

2) Will this thing read .doc files fine? The software on the computer claims it needs to launch my Word (well, Tofu) on my computer to read .doc files, but will the reader itself be able to read these files?

>> No.501385

Only good comment in this thread.

>> No.501386
File: 89 KB, 657x361, 1270000189279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go download Calibre. Add the book to your library. Edit the information. Convert the .doc to an epub format. Send it back to your Pocket Book. Enjoy a vastly improved reading experience.

>> No.501387


I chuckled.



>> No.501396


I don't know about author info changing because I never gave a shit to try it out.

Go ahead and download Calibre for managing eBooks and shit. It is free and does an awesome job of converting files to whatever file type you want for your reader. I personally recommend using ePUB files when you convert, they just have nice text sizes.

>> No.501399

In all seriousness, I cannot fathom that there is a samefag who, for no other reason than tech obsessiveness, starts this thread every day.

I don't care if you're paid, anon. It's fine. But I want you to know, I'm onto your tricks.

>> No.501406


I ain't paid shit. I just like getting anti eReader faggots bent out of shape, really.

>> No.501418


*squints eyes*

faaaaaaaaaaair enough.

At any rate, I bought a Sony eReader, so I guess you win, or something.

I like it so far. I'm not going to use it until it's fully charged, so. Downloaded Calibre; currently converting my bookses.

>> No.501429


OP here, I got one too and it really is a great device for casual reading and having your books on the go. I ain't trolling about that in the slightest, but I make the thread for trolling purposes, mainly.

About to go and read some more of the Codex Alexandra stuff now and will bump this thread back into existence in a few hours just to get back on front page again.

>> No.501444

Rented out a Kindle from the school library, was nice for the train ride home for spring break...but I couldn't see myself spending that much on one. After they come down in price, probably.

>> No.501789



Why don't you have one of these beautiful little bastards, /lit/?

Too much of a pussy to read on a man's machine?

Women don't need to touch this device or else you might suddenly sprout balls.

>> No.501809

If you dont' want an ereader, you're a faggot.

>> No.501830

I'm on manybooks downloadin' some awesome shite. Life ain't bad.

My only gripe right now is that 1) I already own the Pevear translation of The Idiot, and I'm 200p into it so far, but 2) I can't just download that translation for free, so I've got the Eva Martin one now.


>> No.502013

OP here.

What the fuck is this doing off page 1?

>> No.503458

OP returns

C'mon paper fags, make the switch to the superior reading experience.

>> No.503480

I want one but they're too expensive. I'll get one once there's a decent e-reader that's reasonably priced.

>> No.503501


Stop being a broke fag. $150 for a device that literally makes it so you can have millions of books for free is a steal.

>> No.504020

I like my eReader, but still prefer a hefty book from time to time.

Hardcovers > eReader > Softcover

>> No.504038

Incorrect use of 'literally'.

>> No.504048

I use a Kindle. Love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, the ability to display a word's definition on screen if you don't know what it means. Comes in handy.

>> No.504049


You wouldn't need that if you'd stick to your reading level.

>> No.504328

I use a Kindle. Love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, the ability to shed tears of sadness is all that separates me from the basest animal.

>> No.504333
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>> No.504338

I use a Kindle. Love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, the ability to dig straight down is, within class Mammalia, unique to echidnas.

>> No.504649

What's that?, OP returns to keep thread alive again?

God damn! Going for 24 hours of this shit.

>> No.504696

I use a Kindle. Love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, the ability block out the time I was raped at knife point prevents me from foundering into the abyss of depression and alcoholism, although to this day I cannot find men stronger than me attractive.

>> No.504711


I am weak as pea soup.

Let's fuck like rabbits.

>> No.504713

I use a Kindle. Love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, sometimes i get pimples and i squeeze them and everyday they get bigger and rounder and more red and the skin gets all taught and shiny red, and i try to stop fucking with them but i can't and tiny, string-thin worms erupt from them and wave like sea grass, sprouting from the pustules that cover my arms and legs.

>> No.504727

I use a Kindle. I love it.

The little features are what make it worth it. For example, whenever I masturbate to unforgivable pornography, the Kindle always makes me a strong drink to help ease the pain of my soul dying a little more each time.

>> No.504763

back to the front page for you, Demon.

>> No.505564

OP returns for another glorious bump.

>> No.505723

Back to page one, fuckers.

>> No.505740

I like my Pocket reader.

>> No.505750

Sage for viral marketing.

>> No.505802


Is it?

>> No.506577


>> No.506590

Paper, now get the fuck out.

>> No.506597

I'd love one.
They're £200 for the Sony ones

>> No.506598

I was in one of my classes (college lecture, so no one knows who the fuck anyone else is) when i whipped out my kindle.

suddenly, this really cute chick was all over me asking me first about the kindle and then about myself. we ended up going out for some coffee after our class. i told her about what kind of model i had and let her play around with it (HUEHUEHUE).

our next class period i saw her with the exact same kindle and she never spoke to me again.


>> No.506609

cool story bro