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5004865 No.5004865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that made you think differently?

>> No.5004989

Brave New World
Bhagavad Gita

>> No.5005011


>> No.5005032

White Noise

David Icke but just in a "question everything" manner

The first book George Carlin wrote when I was 10 "redpilled" me on euphemisms and political correctness

Probably Brave New World because I did tons of drugs at the time I read it and began tapering off pretty shortly afterwards.

>> No.5005034

Franny and Zooey.

>> No.5005780

yeah the bagavad gita is a good one for that

>> No.5005783

The cat in the hat.

>> No.5005982

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.5006004
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>> No.5006032

King James Bible

>> No.5006035

every book thet ive ever read has to some extent or another had an impact on myself and thus on my thinking

>> No.5006037

You mean "The Life and Times of Fabulous Elliot"

>> No.5006047


>> No.5006186

Holden rejected getting laid.

>> No.5006269

The power of habit

>> No.5006321
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>The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
>The Power of Now
Important historical religious texts didn't have much of an effect on me, but these two books really helped me grasp concepts of spirituality.

>Body By Science
>The 4-Hour Body
The concept of the minimum effective dose when it comes to diet and exercise.

>How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
First time I really "got" basic economic principles. Also made me realize that most political issues are just economic distortions caused by forced redistribution of wealth.

Any recommendations for other books like these would be appreciated, too.

>> No.5006328
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This book made me become a logical thinker.

>> No.5006457


>Bhagavad Gita

Lol try harder, the Gita didn't have anything that would change your perspective, the wisdom is in the upanishads

>> No.5006460

The drunkards walk

>> No.5006486


Also Debt: the first 5000 years

>> No.5006646


>> No.5006824

Such a useful and discussion provoking answer. Why don't you try /sci/ STEMfag

>> No.5006869

american psycho

made me buy better clothes

>> No.5006879
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>> No.5006930

u mad

>> No.5008454

>not understanding basic economic principles
Nigga I knew that shit when I was in 10th grade

>> No.5008462

>The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

That was what made me understand why everyone hated Alan Watts. Probably the second worst book I've read.

>> No.5008503

Starting Lit Inspirations
- Works of Salinger
- Essays of DFW
- Aurelius Meditations

Later Inspirations
- Plato's Dialogues
- Borges Labyrinths
- Mann The Magic Mountain
- Kierkegaard's Either/Or
- Artaud's The Theater and It's Double
- Bachelard's The Poetics of Space
- Sun Tzu's The Art of War
- Situationist International Texts
- Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet and reading about his life in general

>> No.5008508

He never specified when he read it so far all you know he could have too

>> No.5008530
File: 61 KB, 222x338, NickCohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still very liberal but this changed the way I look about that part of the left who thinks America is the root cause of every evil in the world, ie. Chomskyites and Assangists...

>> No.5008555

This book looks like a load of neo-con bullshit from what I'm seeing of it

>> No.5008582

You'd be totally wrong. Unless you're the sort of moron who thinks that Christopher Hitchens is a right-wing neocon "sheeple."

Nick Cohen is one of the best left-wing journalists in Britain today who writes about a wide variety of domestic issues. He's very critical of David Cameron's conservative government on almost every issue as am I. He just also happens to be a critic of the childish, morally relativist pseudo-left who thinks that American foreign policy is the root of all evil in the world.