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5004430 No.5004430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So you have an al Qaeda splinter group successfully forming a supralegal nation in Middle East, an oligarchic, oppressive Russian state unabashedly challenging it's neighbors sovereignty, Chinese muslims bombing and stabbing on the outskirts, and so on. Why do any of you still subscribe to the vague, Hegelian-Marxist notion of teleology? The world isn't progressing towards anything and we aren't any closer to the day of salvation today than we were 100 years ago or 1000 years ago or 10000 years ago for that matter.

Why don't you give up on your childish dreams and realize that only a select few in the world are redeemable in any way? Why don't you realize that politics is a dead-end game and withdraw into the literary life?

>> No.5004440

Why do you think I'm here?

>> No.5004448

To waste your life, like everyone else here.

>> No.5004451


>> No.5004460

I'd agree with except that technology is advancing in a spooky manner

>> No.5004467
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>> No.5004469
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Askesis leading up to the hope of praxis in the face of cataclysm is the only real option.

>> No.5004585


>> No.5005514

Yeah but muh jobs and with full blown automation money would become useless and therefore those whose power is based on money will be very slow to adopt automation unles it directly increases profit in the short run

>> No.5005519

Yeah but it's like 100% certain that automation will increase profit in the short run

>> No.5005543

Can we hijack this thread and just make it about the crazy shit happening in Iraq right now? I tried to make a thread about it on /pol/, but if you've ever been there then you know it just degenerated into a bunch of 'sandnigger' jokes.

How the hell is it that an army of <8000 people has overrun so much of Iraq so quickly? Since Iraq is basically a client state of ours, does that mean we should/will get involved?

>> No.5005562


We shouldn't get involved. We may be forced to get involved, however, if their agenda is obviously anti-American. But that wouldn't make us any better than the Russians.

>> No.5005576

Can't one subscribe to the historical dialectic without running into teleology? Perhaps Marx just proposed a hopeful path, but really the course could go any number of directions. From a hard determinist standpoint we are and always have been moving toward something, the problem is just predicting what that something is and what it means, if anything.

>> No.5005582

>How the hell is it that an army of <8000 people has overrun so much of Iraq so quickly?

I'm pretty sure the answer is that they have the tacit assistance, or at least the non-opposition, of significant parts of the power structure of Iraq. Specifically, the Sunni parts (ISIL are Sunni extremists). AFAIK most of the territory they've taken so far has pretty much been Sunni territory as is, and I expect a lot of the forces that they've "defeated" have been Sunni as well. The government of al-Maliki is of course Shia.

So you could say that this is just a resumption of the civil war / "insurgency" from last decade. I wouldn't go that far because ISIL is a different group from the insurgent groups then and the structure of Iraqi society has changed - but the basic ethnic dynamics of Iraq haven't. What these new developments really indicate is something we already knew - that the structure of Iraq was a house of cards waiting to topple. And, well, it has.

We will get involved one way or another. I don't think there's any real chance of committing actual forces, there is no way that there's political will for that, not after the past 10 years. Maybe drone strikes and material support for the government and attempts to broker peace again? IDK. It'll be nice to have Iran on our side for once anyway.

>> No.5005588


And with the current political system that's all it will ever do, make a few people incrementally that much wealthier. Being on top is only attractive when it is contrasted with the suffering of as many people forcible kept in lives of squalor as possible.

>> No.5005619

Would you fucking retards stop saying "Al-Qaeda splinter group" It's not fucking Al-Qaeda. It has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda. Stop listening to western news. Holy shit, this is what got you in Iraq in the first place. Ridiculous trumped up lies "AL-QAEDA MUH 9/11 WEAPONS KILL EM ALL ITS GOOD WE GONNA BUILD EM UP AND PUTS INS DA MACDONALDS"

Fucking shit.
How many goddamn times do you ignorant fucking cunts have to be fooled before you do something and stop listening to your goddamn lying media. HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT.

Al-Qeada here, Al-Qaeda there, send drones there, send troops here. What the fuck.

You go into a goddamn country who has nothing to do with jack fucking shit going on in the west, destroy a government who is brutal so they can keep radicals at bay, you destroy their goddamn cities and burn them to the ground, you piss off an entire nation, you pray to God about 'muh troops fighting for muh freedoms liberatin dah iraqi people from da oppressive governments', your people get shot the fuck up everyday, you don't build anything and what you do build they don't want so they blow your 'muh gods troops' up in said buildings, you don't produce a government, and the only goddamn military you leave them with before you burn up all their resources and retreat back to your 'muh murican so proud of muh troops country' is going to ISIS or their so inexperienced, untrained, and undisciplined that they are retreating when a couple hundred people roll into a city.


>> No.5005626

>thinking the iraq war was about these motives
>not realizing it was an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of sandniggers

>> No.5005642


Why can't it be both? The urges underlying the war stem from sense of cultural supremacy whites have relative to middle-eastern Muslims, and the whole point was to massacre those who would resist in order to better rule over those who wouldn't. But in order to convince the ostensibly tolerant and open-minded population of the USA to swallow a war of that sort, it has to be propagandized by portraying the target as deadly and fundamentally evil. It's like saying

>not realizing that WWII was an excuse to kill hundreds of thousands of kikes

Like yeah, that's definitely a consequence of the war and was motivated by the same stuff that lead to the war, but it's not as if there's nothing else to it.

>> No.5005644

Well, you know, it is a radical Islamist Sunni organization that was formerly affiliated with Al-Qaeda. As exaggerations go, calling them an "Al-Qaeda splinter group" is not the worst in history.

And it's not being used as any kind of prelude to putting troops on the ground. There will be no troops on the ground. The political will is simply not there. And even if it was, by the way, the hypnotic allure of Al-Qaeda as a threat has faded significantly from what it was in 2003, so it wouldn't even really serve that purpose.

>> No.5005650

Al-Qaeda is not even a fucking organization.
It's a name for a list of people the CIA has on a hitlist. It's hundreds of leaders who don't go by any official group header, and their followers, that the American government agencies named Al-Qaeda.
Anyone can be Al-Qaeda. Just like anyone can be a terrorist.

>> No.5005661

Not necessarily disagreeing. But it was at one time an organization, or at least a broad network for funding and support of like-minded groups. It was not invented by America. It was a real entity, even if a much more loosely organized one and a less important one than it was made out to be.

>> No.5005678

>So you have an al Qaeda splinter group successfully forming a supralegal nation in Middle East

With much speed a tale is spun, with less speed a deed is done. Just because a revolutionary army can conquer half of an existing country doesn't mean they have formed a successful nation. Quite the opposite: when this precipitates the collapse of the current Iraqi state, do you think the Shia power elite will lie down and take ISIS's dick gladly? What they've accomplished is turning an insurgency up a notch until that euphemism no longer suffices and it must be considered a civil war. But a civil war is a long way from a successful nation.

>> No.5005684

>being this butthurt
>caring about other nations as if they have any influence on your own daily life besides gas prices
3rd world poorfag confirmed

>> No.5005685

I agree with this.

Also, the idea of a supralegal nation is prima facie absurd by the way. It is a contradiction in terms. It is fucking nonsense.

>> No.5005687

It was an interconnected group of relative same ideologies with a common entity.
Meanwhile, the America public actually believe Al-Qeada is one group, who all know each other personally, and are conquering the entire world destroying
>muh freedoms

>> No.5005762

those are ethnic seperatists not chinese muslims

>> No.5005764

>splinter group: A group of members of a political party or of a similar organisation who have decided to create their own organisation

ISIS was at one point a loose affiliation of fighters closely operating in tandem with Al-Qaeda and then parted ways due to disagreement other their tactics. Sounds like a splinter group.