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5003251 No.5003251[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes for good comedy? Does it need to be subtle? Does it need to make you think?

>> No.5003256

it needs to be funny

>> No.5003258


>> No.5003311

whatever Amy Schumer is, be the opposite and you will be the funniest person around.

I think a good mix of subtle and not-so-subtle is needed. If everything is subtle it can get quite boring, and the same goes for everything being in your face.

>> No.5003434

Women aren't funny.

>> No.5003457
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>it ripped my vagina right out my asshole

>> No.5003481

Good comedy speaks truth to power; it punches up rather than down. Or it challenges and inverts common assumptions. Social satire or education are great uses of the form.

Comedy is supposed to provocatively juxtapose unlike things.

Subtle or unsubtle, if it makes you think it's doing its job,

Playwrights have been entwined with political discourse for like, ever.

>> No.5003490

Why did the mods just delete the language learning thread but this is still up

>> No.5003509

I don't know, I reported this one, too, when they deleted my completely legitimate history thread

>> No.5003531

They deleted my mass shootings thread but "top 5 albums movies books" thread is still fucking up. We were having good discussion.

>> No.5003541

I think you mean off-topic discussion, your discussion didn't seem to be about books whereas "top 5 movies albums books" features books prominently.

This isn't /phil/, /hist/, or /discuss/, it's /lit/
What you posted belongs on /pol/, that's where we talk about mass shootings

>> No.5003557

>he's a backseat mod

>> No.5003559

If reporting hideously off-topic threads such as the Assassin's Creed Thread and the Thirty Years War thread is being a "backseat mod", then yes.

>> No.5003572

Will your dissertation on it be out soon, or do I have to wait?

>> No.5003595

There isn't much to say, besides "you can enforce a rule full on, not enforce the rule, or be an arbitrary hypocrite and choose when it's time to enforce the rule"

>> No.5003598

>you should discuss on /pol/

At that point I might as well not bother at all.

>> No.5003600

But why? That and /b/ are the appropriate boards!

>> No.5003605

Comedy is all about subverting your expectations.

>> No.5003623


>> No.5003624
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fart lmfao

>> No.5003650

>I shit while I'm walking
>my legs were crippled
I sense plotholes

>> No.5003663

crutches, obvsly

>> No.5003874
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the only time a woman is funny is when she's obese and slips on a patch of ice

>> No.5003880


For goodness' sake keep a supply of antibiotics and splints at hand in the presence of such edge.

>> No.5003881

I have some women friends who I think are funny.

>> No.5003885

That's not edgy. In fact, it's a fairly mundane sentiment. The fact that it makes you mad does not mean it's edgy

>> No.5005411

Women are truly not funny, they only appear to be funny because standards of male comics have decreased. Compare Henny Youngman to Louie C.K. and you get the idea.

>> No.5005428

Dead pan, everyday slice of life kind of comedy.
The subtle and intelligent kind

Obnoxious and obvious kind are stale are overused

>> No.5005454

Coming from someone who usually is the one arguing against all the sexist sperglords on 4chan all the time, yes. Women are just not funny. Like, not at all. I don't know what psychological difference causes this, but women straight up do not know how to be funny. It's bizarre.

>> No.5005460

Humor is the one thing that you really can't learn. Either you're funny or you're not. And people who have the capacity to be funny will retain that capacity their entire lives, and people without it will never truly obtain it.

>> No.5005877

>I have some women friends I want to bang so I laugh at their jokes
You know it to be true.

>> No.5005928

I don't know, I used to laugh with girls, now it's usually just chuckles at something stupid they're telling about someone else.
I don't think I've had a legitimate burst of laughter with a girl in the past 10 years, and I'm 22. I think it's because I like theatrical and exaggeration in humour, which takes some confidence to try and one up eachother and just blurt out whatever comes to mind, which some might now have.

>> No.5006281

i would agree about women not being funny if my sister wasn't the funniest person i've ever known. i know a dude who says that white people are just not funny and always make him cringe
shit it's just who you know really, but if there is a trend it's definitely because men and women are conditioned to be more and less outgoing respectively

>> No.5006290

Where did you get this outlandish idea?

Are too.

Being funny is about being transgressive in ways that don't cross taboos too heinously.


>> No.5006302

What's the point of investigating what makes for a good comedy when we have found the end of humor?

>> No.5006310
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> this was broadcast in US television

>> No.5006317

>tim and eric
not even kaufman, at least?

>> No.5006336

would Brad Neely stuff be considered 'post-ironic'?

>> No.5006350

He's pretty sincere though, so maybe.

>> No.5006402

>I don't think I've had a legitimate burst of laughter with a girl in the past 10 years, and I'm 22.

Hang out with women more.

>> No.5006517


I've met some women in my person life who've really made me laugh, but the recent crop of comediennes (as in the famous ones) don't really do it for me. People like Schumer and the Broad City broads (now THAT's a joke, Schumer) just seem to ascribe to a well-trodden, firmly male style of anatomical, sexual humor. It's nothing new at best and at worst, it's cringe-worthy aping.

>> No.5006557

Louis CK is the only good comedian left. He has no need to be subtle. He lives the life of your average dude in his mid-40s in a large city and speaks his mind. Life is the joke.

>> No.5006577

I have hung out with plenty. Though I've obviously known more men than women. I find a lot of girls aren't very outspoken to begin with, though. But then when they do, there's usually a guy just talking over them.
Obviously I know these are generalisations, and there are plenty of funny women and plenty of unfunny men out there, but this is just what I've noticed.

>> No.5006587

I've came across profiles like this. Yes, once in a while I click the info button... shit is a major turn off. I just want to fuck you. Not hear your attempt at grotesque humor done in the worst way possible. I mean, if I met the girl and she had all these problems really, that would be different. I would be down to fuck then but I doubt she is truly the girl of my dreams. Too many trolls.

>> No.5006590

Women are funny in a different way. A large part of everyday humor is at the direct expense of others - something which, frankly, isn't in a woman's nature, at least not as much as a man's.

>> No.5007200

>at the direct expense of others - something which, frankly, isn't in a woman's nature, at least not as much as a man's.
Top kek, women are the most vicious at putting others down and talking shit. They do it all day, it's their sacred calling. Their variety is just really mean spirited and lacks humour. It's defamation instead of banter.