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/lit/ - Literature

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5003085 No.5003085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /tv/ here, I found this document on my computer entitled "Greatest Living Authors" I don't remember making it at all but here's how it goes:
Isabel Allende
Martin Amis
Margaret Atwood
Paul Auster
Pat Barker
Julian Barnes
John Barth
A.S. Byatt
Paulo Coelho
J.M. Coetzee
Don DeLillo
Joan Didion
E.L. Doctorow
Umberto Eco
James Ellroy
Jeffrey Eugenides
J.G. Farrell
Jonathan Franzen
Nadine Gordimer
Günter Grass
Peter Handke
Alan Hollinghurst
Michel Houellebecq
Kazuo Ishiguro
Ismail Kadare
James Kelman
Stephen King
William Kotzwinkle
Milan Kundera
John le Carré
Javier Marías
Cormac McCarthy
Ian McEwan
Lorrie Moore
Toni Morrison
Alice Munro
Haruki Murakami
V.S. Naipaul
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
Cees Nooteboom
Joyce Carol Oates
Edna O’Brien
Amos Oz
Victor Pelevin
Thomas Pynchon
Marilynne Robinson
Philip Roth
Salman Rushdie
Zadie Smith
Botho Strauss
Patrick Süskind
Mario Vargas Llosa
Alice Walker
Jeanette Winterson
Tom Wolfe

Who would you add/replace/delete? Also, feel free to discuss any of the authors on the list.

>> No.5003091


>> No.5003108

Yikes. What is it with you /tv/ guys and your 'greatest' lists? We're talking about writers here, art, not sports.

>> No.5003152

>thinks /lit/ isn't the same tier as /tv/ with its obsession with lists, and greatest, and comparative versus evaluative remarks

>> No.5003269
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The greatest one is not there

>> No.5003376

Add Kathryn Lasky.

>> No.5003459

Some of the people do not belong on that list in my opinion.

>> No.5003478

fascinating opinion.

>> No.5003494

Add James Joyce and Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.5003504

whos that

>> No.5003511


Stephen King, Paulo Coehlo, Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith for starters do not belong on that list. To be frank that is just a list of writers, a greatest list should not have more than ten on it.

>> No.5003515

>Philip Roth
>Thomas Pynchon
>Cormac McCarthy
>Günter Grass
>Don DeLillo
>John Barth
I narrowed it down a bit.

>Margaret Atwood
>Joyce Carol Oates
>Paulo Coelho
>Jonathan Franzen
>Stephen King
>Toni Morrison
top kek

>> No.5003522
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>> No.5003528

>being a google shill
why not just not use retarded fillenames?

>> No.5003534

Teju Cole will be on this list soon

>> No.5003535

kenzaburo oe isn't a girl

>> No.5003542

I'm sorry to be be bearer of bad news, but both of them are dead. Would you like a moment?

>> No.5003551

>Toni Morrison
don't let your racism and misogyny blind you Anon.

>> No.5003579

Paulo Coelho died in 2013

>> No.5003592

First Joyce and Dostoyevsky and now Coelho? Nooooooo!!!

>> No.5003594

Franzen and Morrison have both written at least one very good novel. Maybe not greatest-living-writer good, but neither of them are trash. But, yeah, putting Coelho on that list is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.5003608

no he didn't
he's also pleb

>> No.5004038

I agree that a lot of those writers just aren't great. Good, sure, maybe, but not among the best, even if you insist on having so many.

The most obvious names missing (to me) are Vollmann and McElroy.

>> No.5004079

franzen might be decent if he took dfw's dick out of his mouth for once

>> No.5004081

As has been said, OP, youre list isn't too good as it is. Perhaps Dave Eggers deserves a place on it?

>> No.5004106

I was gonna say you forgot W.G Sebald but then I remembered he died that one time.

>> No.5004127

considering william gass is the best living author, he sould definetely be on the list

>> No.5004138

They all go to "just decent" (Kundera, Coetzee, Kadare, Pynchon, Süskind, Eco) to "gross" (Coelho, Stephen King...).
Between these, you have writers in the middle, half-decent, half-gross: Rushdie, Houellebecq, Murakami...
Any solid classic (say, any book by Tolstoy, Swift, Proust or De Quincey) will destroy any author here, even the "decent" ones. Avoid them all and you won't lose much.

>> No.5004149

All of your solid classics are dead tho.

>> No.5004152

oates, franzen, and morrison have good work tho

i guess i wouldn't say "greatest living" though

>> No.5004157
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>> No.5004172

>no Coover
>no Salter

>> No.5004194

It's not my problem. I'm still alive to read them.

>> No.5004784

>implying this shit tier writer could destroy anyone.

>> No.5004793
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>Paulo Coelho

>> No.5004802

I think the OP is just a troller attempting to rile us up. Why else would he tell us that he comes from /tv/?

>> No.5004818

>Isabel Allende

Toplel m8, coming from a Chilean

>> No.5004825

I just said that so you guys would be more gentle if I listed any writers that are generally accepted as bad on this board, seeing as I'm a first-timer here and I really only know six people on my list.
It'd be like if someone from /v/ came over to /tv/ with a "best living" list and it had Tarantino and/or Nolan on it, they would get savaged for not knowing any better.

>> No.5004837

When I was 20, Proust looked like the most boring, weak and overrated author ever to me. He was a terrible impostor with repellent prose, only good for females.
Now I'm 30 and I think he's among the greatest: constantly full of strength and fresh ideas, always with an excellent taste. But it's hard to see what's remarkable when you're too young for it.
Wait some time, read more, live more, then try again Proust, and you'll understand.

>> No.5004846

Tom Wolfe and no Gene Wolfe? lol

>> No.5004851

Never read anything by her, what's wrong with her?

>> No.5004878

On a similar vein
>Paulo Coelho
toplel. This coming from a Brazilian.

>> No.5004894

I'm 29. I like Jean Genet. Proust is terrible.

>> No.5004900

Im sure I'll understand more when I'm older but at 20 I already love Proust, I think lots of people my age do

>> No.5004902

What's wrong with Stephen King?

>> No.5004929
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>mfw I was just about to complain about the lack of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, but then I remembered

>> No.5004941

I'm 22 and there's no author I love more than Proust. That some people dislike him so much is so strange to me. I understand people not liking other authors I like, but with him I just don't get it.

>> No.5004954
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>No Ursula Le Guin

>> No.5004960

Fine. I don't like these list threads on /lit/ either. Stop forcing me to post here!

>> No.5005009

WHTH he is DEAD? I didn't know he was dead I was just about to post. Wat a nj what a shit day and the sun.


>> No.5005043

>no Krasznahorkai

>> No.5005151


stay pleb

>> No.5005159

don delilo is a god

>> No.5005190

Sounds perfect.
I don't really impose my tastes on people, nor to I listen to anything you guys say.

>> No.5006324

>Lorrie Moore
What do you guys think of her?

She's one of my favorites and I think her work (besides Bark) is amazing. But I can't help but feel a little ashamed since she seems kinda Oprah's Book Club-esqe.

Also, this new fucking house number captcha is bullshit. I did too type the fucking thing correctly! From now on I'm typing it wrong on purpose to subvert the system.

>> No.5006345
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>What's wrong with Stephen King?

>> No.5006349
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>reading the works of authors still living

>> No.5006361


>> No.5006395



It's fucking shameful that the BEST LIVING NOVELIST took this long to get mentioned.

Yes, he is better than Pynchon.
I fucking went there.

>> No.5006397

You forgot Gloria Tesch.

>> No.5006408
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>> No.5006411
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>Paulo Coelho

>> No.5006443

shifting the goalposts

>> No.5006791

I was just going to say Gabriel Garcia Marquez but.

>> No.5006807

david foster wallace

>> No.5006812

ellis tho

>> No.5009021


>> No.5009060


Also no Knausgaard.
No St.Aubyn
No Norman Rush
No Lydia Davis
No Amy Hempel
No Littell
No Tao Lin

>> No.5009762

I made your list.

>> No.5009767

fuck off troll.

>> No.5010254

No you didn't, fuck off Tao

>> No.5010259


this by a long shot

>> No.5010288

top Anglocentrism

>> No.5010296


>top Anglocentrism

This is the part where you list all the other top living authors this thread has missed out on.

I'll wait.

>> No.5010484

Thanks for recognizing the importance of understanding basic 4chan features.

>> No.5012791

is sotweed the best barth has to offer

>> No.5012827

JG Farrel drowned back in the 1970's

>> No.5013077

I think it's lots of fun. I also like Giles Goat-Boy.

>> No.5013095

>mfw I tried the eggplant thing

>> No.5014508

Oh shit. You're right...