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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 409 KB, 590x333, literay life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5000835 No.5000835 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me how to live the literary life.

>> No.5000854

Be terribly excessive in some respect and channel your excesses into writing
being talented with words is helpful

>> No.5000915

kill yerself

>> No.5000929
File: 49 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read you hapless technoweenie.

>> No.5001053
File: 94 KB, 586x708, wassat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We talkin' "Literary life" or "/lit/erary life"? If the latter, basically be a NEET (which does not mean don't have a social life) just don't work and pretend you know what you're talking even when you don't. I'm fairly well versed in this so if you need pointers....

>> No.5001076

Buy a bike.

>> No.5001112

Read a lot.

>> No.5001168

By the way, is this supposed to be someone in particular? I see this photo used a lot during lit life discussions and a few Oblomov threads. But I just can't fathom Oblomov looking like an English lesbian.

>> No.5001198

In two months I will no longer be able to relax all day, reading books and taking walks whenever I please.

>> No.5001212

Live off a combination of family money, government handouts, and oddjobs.
Read a lot, particularly french and german poetry, literature, and philosophy.
Leave the house only to go to cafes, bookstores/libraries, and on leisure walks.
Write your shitty poetry.
Have one (or two at most) good friend who is either a complete pleb who hates literature but allures you in someway or another neurotic, literary life living person.
Always shitpost on /lit/.

>> No.5001234

I hope you like sucking dick, because you'll have to do a lot of it

>> No.5003489

I feel shame for my life now. This is apt.