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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 1600x900, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4998649 No.4998649 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4998652

Because I don't know what it is, OP.

>> No.4998657

I do, you fucking shill.

>> No.4998659

A minimalist text editor. Very customizable.

>> No.4998665

Thanks, but I think writing in my notebook with a pencil is even more customizable than that.

>> No.4998667

What are you going to do if you want to publish what you're writing?

>> No.4998669

So is vim.

>> No.4998670

Used it for a little bit but it was underwhelming so I stopped.

>> No.4998672

What do you expect?

>> No.4998674
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>> No.4998680

Something that beats MS Word on fullscreen, which is nothing.

>> No.4998695

MS Word wins all :S

>> No.4998696

I have a load of notes and visual references that just looks annoying.

>> No.4998823

So patrician

>> No.4999050
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>> No.4999136

Is it free? Is there a link?

>> No.4999152


>> No.4999161
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>> No.4999163


Why not use an offline minimal writer like FocusWriter. That way there's no way jews like OP can steal your hard earned words.

>> No.4999164

>for windows

>> No.4999171

I use draftin, easier to get people to read it/edit it/add something/remove.

Suck it

>> No.4999173

>using special writing programs

You guys are one step away from those tards who use typewriters to feel more authorial

>> No.4999179

Word Processors are objectively shit. Any program used for writing shouldn't lag when you go above ten pages.

>> No.4999184

I like this and it's focus text option, though I'm not sure why all these programs need to have a grey background. Kinda depressing.

>> No.4999193
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What the hell do you care how people write if it lets them put words on the page more easily?

I think it says something that so few writers use computers to write things. Neal Stephenson and Neil Gaiman both prefer writing on paper when composing their drafts. Think about that, that Stephenson, who's one of the foremost fiction writers where tech is concerned, prefers to write 1,000-page novels by hand.

>> No.4999196

Because it's not on GNU/Linux and doesn't respect my freedoms.

>> No.4999201

Well, grey backgrounds are more pleasing to the eye. Try to look a bright screen at night...

Muh amurrica.

>> No.4999205

That FocusWriter thing posted earlier has builds for linux and mac too

>> No.4999325
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I might check out some of these others, actually.

>> No.4999327

No that's just your computer being shitty

>> No.4999455
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>> No.4999458

Why do you hate your eyes?

>> No.4999480

My eyes are very sensitive to light, so Darkroom is actually easier on them than dark-on-light layouts.

>> No.4999522

i personally prefer darkroom

>> No.4999631
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>> No.4999640

You fucking pricks, stop making me download all these. Which one should I use?

>> No.4999641

don't be mediocre and complain about the tools you use, they're mostly irrelevant

I use evernote and google drive - probably the most pleb shit ever - and things turn out alright.

>> No.4999650

You can't make up your fucking mind? I could probably convince you that writing in your own blodd and dried human skin is better than this, and you'd believe me!

>> No.4999659

>I use evernote


You may want to, uh...


>> No.4999666


>> No.4999691
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>> No.4999698


Time to request all my data back in text.

>> No.4999700
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>Not using control version software

I hope you are not that guy, are you?


>> No.4999706

Certain colours do evoke different feelings.

>> No.4999716

My review, based on a test of copy-pasting the entire King James Bible, in plaintext:

Wordpad: Pasted instantly
Darkroom: Slight delay, but quickly pasted
WriteMonkey: Longer delay than DarkRoom, laggy when resized with text
FocusWriter: Unresponsive for five seconds before pasting

>> No.4999741

I just use GoogleDocs.

>> No.4999782

I hope this is a troll

>> No.4999789

i use git on the off chance anyone ever cares about my drafts

>> No.4999791
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>Not using LaTeX

Fuck you /lit/. I thought you knew better.

>> No.4999796

It's just the digital version of buying a really nice sketch pad, an entire set of sketching pencils, charcoal, erasers, etc. and then realizing you don't really have anything in your head to put all that stuff to use.

My writing process just consists of a journal I carry with me for raw thoughts that I then look at when I write poetry in notepad.

>> No.4999804

I use LaTeX, but when I want to create a nice PDF. WriteMonkey is nice if you don't want distractions.

>> No.4999808
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>> No.4999823

Yes but what do these things actually do?
They all look like the same text editors, what do these things have over Microsoft Word?

>> No.4999826

LaTeX is good for something to print or show to someone else but i don't need my shit to look that nice at first

>> No.4999829

LaTeX is a markup language and typesetter, not a text editor.

>> No.4999837

And also Markdown can be converted into LaTeX or any other format.

>> No.4999873

Just using text files themselves has enormous advantages over Word:

>not locked into one editor or proprietary format
>can use version control (git), easy diffs
>easily searchable, processable
>can use an editor that doesn't clutter the screen with needless UI

But it really depends on your needs. If you have no need for these features, then I guess Word is fine.

>> No.4999879

does it work across android/windows/firefox?

google drive works, but fucking takes forever to open my large texts on my old ass phone

>> No.4999887
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>> No.4999924

What they have over a word processor is that they are just text editors. They do one thing, and one thing pretty well instead of doing billions of things in a pretty shakey way. All they do is let you write text and they have features that are only to do with writing text. You can set colours and fonts and sizes that suit for a working document without actually affecting the formatting of the text you're writing. Getting it ready for presentation is a separate task that you do after and you can use a tool that's suitable for the format you're presenting it in.

Word processors get the writing text task and the formatting text task (and a bunch of other tasks that you're not interested in) and sort of mush them together and then you can't write without formatting it for printing so if you're planning on using your text on the web or submitting it in some other format it just gets in the way.

>> No.4999928

but I like muh Open Office with all the extra option, even simple stuff like spellcheck and word count are nice. Being able to display 4 pages on screen helps as well.

Anon, please. Software is always free if you can use Google.

>> No.4999930

It has my interests then...

>> No.4999932

looking through the thread this looks the best at least for os x

>> No.4999938

May as well just Notepad

>> No.4999941

Care to elaborate?

>> No.4999943
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Because it's nonfree

>> No.4999994

gdocs. rather slow, needs internet but it's sufficient

>> No.5000000
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>implying I want to type in my work just so the jews can steal my ideas and sell them in best selling books
>implying I will let them have my work so easily instead of just writing in a notebook like a sane person
Fuck off stupid shill OP

>> No.5000005

Oh wow

>> No.5000007


>/pol/ gets 5mil get on /lit/

>> No.5000010


>> No.5000011
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>> No.5000012

I know it's not you doing, /lit/, but congratulations with your 500000000000 replies. Dyscalculia problem here.

>> No.5000016
File: 534 KB, 250x144, 1400811114493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50,00,000th post is anti-semitic, /lit/ confirmed as the new /pol/

>> No.5000026
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>> No.5000034
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>> No.5000035
File: 49 KB, 343x344, hello there fellow gentile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally another shoah, we should get moot to ban this racist fucker.

>> No.5000036

le dubs. poasting in an ebin :^) thread

>> No.5000037


He might be anti-semetic, but he is certainly right. Putting your works in a public forum risks losing any intellectual property in it.

>> No.5000057
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>> No.5000067
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>m-muh 5 milllions

>> No.5000072

my sides

>> No.5000076

>anti-semetic [sic]

>> No.5000100
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the nazis are winning.

>> No.5000101
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>> No.5000269
File: 15 KB, 344x355, 1398342945464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a big get.

>> No.5000274

It's for windows only. It's not FLOSS. I don't need it.

>> No.5000282

For all of us apparently

>> No.5000289

jews confirmed for stealing ideas

>> No.5000290

I prefer writing by hand as well. Because when I make changes to my documents its easier to see what those changes were before I edited them. If I want to keep the changes on a computer, I have to save it to another file and the changes before that disappear unless I reference them to the document before and its just a hassle.

>> No.5000329

Can I get it to save every auto-save in a different timestamped file?

>> No.5000486
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>> No.5000579

>I have to save it to another file
no, you don't

>> No.5000597

But I want to see what the story looked like before I changed it.

So I have to make a new copy every time I make any changes so that the original version doesn't get erased. With paper I can just write my change on the original draft and see them both.