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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1390894969781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4997657 No.4997657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ femenon thread, cus fuck da mods for interferring with the will of /lit/

>> No.4997660

i'd form a union with that egoist, if u kno wat i mean

>> No.4997662

>will of the horny lonely nerds on /lit/

>> No.4997665 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1102x826, 1389169836738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your jellyness does not negate our horniness.

>> No.4997666

OP go hang your autistic self. If you are this lonely and pathetic just end it. No one will ever love you, it will never get better.

>> No.4997675

I pretend to be a girl on the internet sometimes

>> No.4997676

tits are the will of /lit/

>> No.4997677

>xDDDD can't use the 20 porn boards cuz I'm 14 LEL

Why try to make a board worse? What the fuck is honestly wrong with you? Like 80% of 4chan is porn and retardation. I sincerely hope you die in pain, soon.

>> No.4997689


Without the dying in pain bit, though. Can't wish that on anybody.

>> No.4997691
File: 53 KB, 640x482, Picture 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not her. What is the book though?

>More attractive than Grace. Yes, enjoy the ego boost. Like you need it.

Grace has much on me, and these, not opinion determined, though she's quite pretty in my view.

>> No.4997694
File: 73 KB, 467x700, 1335036386858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol woah! hahahahah there are way more jelly srs femenons on /lit/ than I thought!


>> No.4997696

This isn't even the woman in the OP

>> No.4997701


is that fisher library at usyd?

>> No.4997702
File: 41 KB, 694x1024, McjPT20_zps80fdf267.jpg~original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any girls in NYC down to fuck? Condoms and wine and dine included of course.

>> No.4997705

them eyebrows tho

>> No.4997706



>> No.4997707

I think it is. Look at the teeth, hair, and chin.

>> No.4997711

Yes it is, look at the one freckle on one of the upper boobs. It appears opposite because one picture was taken with a webcam using mirror settings, and the other with a digital camera/phone

>> No.4997712

No. Look carefully at the first one. There is a slight cleft in the chin. The second chin is completely rounded.

>> No.4997716

Always use condoms, makes casual sex relatively consequenceless.

>> No.4997720

Butter, you MUST have the ability to take better pictures, right? I mean, all the ones you post seem to be picked specifically to make you look unattractive. With a good angle and lighting I bet you could even look halfway decent. But every. Single. One. Gah!

>> No.4997721

The freckle on the boob upper boob. that's how you know it's her.

Also, the nose hole shapes match identically.

>> No.4997722

Anyone go to the library to prey on insecure middle school girls?

I swear I've deflowered more girls than this whole board combined.

>> No.4997727
File: 157 KB, 969x2282, 1397921082770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story time. Now, or you're a faggot.

>> No.4997739
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>> No.4997740
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>> No.4997742
File: 3.43 MB, 240x196, 4HIB7OH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4997743


>> No.4997765
File: 98 KB, 499x621, 1370711185060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997770


Well I think you're purty, even for a tripfag

>> No.4997784

*grabs you by the throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF??!??

>> No.4997791
File: 61 KB, 642x482, Picture 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your tits, ladies.

>> No.4997792

So getting girls is all just a number game right /lit/? If I ask enough girls there's bound to be one that'll sleep with me?

>> No.4997797

If you're that shit then just look for fat girls

>> No.4997799

lol that is definitely a post-op shemale.

>> No.4997805

It's a game all right but it's rigged. They have underground communication networks so if you just go around asking random women they'll know you're not going to get serious/give them the credit card.

>> No.4997806
File: 63 KB, 642x482, Dongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I think that must be it.
I'd think your goal a little low, but meh.

>> No.4997815

No. It's a clementine

>> No.4997818

I just haven't been laid in a really long time and every time I have been laid I've been drunk enough to not really know what the heck I was doing to get them interested. Twice my dick didn't work because I was so drunk but I still got it in and I like to think that counts

>> No.4997823

You look like a girl I'd want to talk to in a literature class, but wouldn't have the guts to. On a side note, I've been a shambling mass the past two years. I hurt myself over a woman I loved.

>> No.4997824

I could be stumbling/throw up drunk, and I can still get muh dick hard.

You suck.

>> No.4997829

fuck you faggot that just means you can't handle your liquor

>> No.4997833

Says the guy with whisky dick.


>> No.4997835

Um this is GIRLS ONLY thread. Please leave.

>> No.4997840


literally trying to pick up on the butter with some sob story. reevaluate your life.

>> No.4997844

we should rob a bank

>> No.4997854

I still nurse the wounds of past loves, myself. Do your best.
Yeah. Nobody is picking up on me.

And don't drink so much anon.

>> No.4997856

who wants to have a /lit/ meet up? I'll pay for your plane ticket B-fly

>> No.4997860

aww. butterfly, is this really you?

>> No.4997865

I'll tell you right now that I will infiltrate whatever plans you guys set up for a meet and arrive at the prescribed location with a semi-automatic weapon.

>> No.4997870

post pic of neck

>> No.4997871

semi-automatic weapon of love :3

>> No.4997875


>> No.4997876

I do, every day. I realize after every revaluation that I will never have my youth back, I will always be a fat piece of shit, and that woman was the best thing to every happen to me.
>inb4 killself faggot
I would, but I have immense guilt over my family. Though their lives would go on, they wouldn't take it well. Plus, I don't want to leave them with the job of cleaning up the mess my shit body will leave behind.
In a few months though, I think things will be different. I really want to start a band for some reason. I'm a good singer, so I'm going to put my pent up depression into that endeavor.

Oh, and I pick up on Butter for the lulz. It's funny to me, maybe not to you, but I get a good chuckle.

>> No.4997877

I will not confirm nor deny.

>> No.4997885

>I will never have my youth back,
>I will always be a fat
>I pick up on Butter
Hmm? "Pick on"?

>> No.4997886

/pol/ please

>> No.4997892

>for the lulz
oh butter is such a lucky girl

what i wouldn't give to be the center of attention of a pack of grubby middle class manchildren~

>> No.4997893

Aw, thanks for trying to cheer me up B-fly. You really are a worthy subject for poetry.
I said pick up on to echo that anon's shitpost. But, I suppose pick on would describe what I actually do. Sorry, to be a dick. I don't really like anyone.

>> No.4997898


>> No.4997903

Any one else read to day?

>> No.4997904

Give yourself a trip and I will gladly fawn over you. I hate for you to have to be so broody all the time.

>> No.4997909

INB4 adams apple.

>> No.4997910

>tfw tripped up for a bit but realized I didn't have a personality or a schtick and so no one remembered me

>> No.4997911

Is this the butterfly meltdown

>> No.4997912
File: 181 KB, 140x105, 1332663537227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly I have a poem for you



>> No.4997914

read some 4chan post :^)

>> No.4997921

It's alright tripping isn't all that fun if you feel bad about people seeing you shitpost and constantly screw up

>> No.4997926

>feel bad about people seeing you shitpost and constantly screw up
That's a You Problem, tardsack.

>> No.4997927
File: 51 KB, 641x480, Picture 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read from Lucretius' On the Nature of Things.
A little from the intro to Ibsen's Emperor and Galilean.

No. I was a little sad for a bit there, but I'm okay.

>> No.4997928

Then why do you still do it? Oh right, you're a faggot. It's alright, I'm a faggot just like you. Did you finish your freshman year okay? On your way to maybe earning that doctorate, or is that still just a joke between you and your fag buddies?

>> No.4997930

>Pic 092

It was 006 when this thread started

Is that really how many attempts it takes for you to take a decent picture

>> No.4997931

You are a handsome woman, Sarah.

>> No.4997935

>tfw no qt Appalachian Galatea to sculpt into a literary übermensch in your cabin in the woods
Have you read any GB Shaw, qtfly?

>> No.4997939


>dem petite hands


>> No.4997942

It really is and I have no idea how to fix it. I used to only trip when drunk. That was kind of fun I guess.

Failed most of my lit classes because they didn't want to talk about Brave New World and Blood Meridian and those are the only books that I've read threads about.

>> No.4997945

>Failing lit classes
Looks like you'll be getting that M.D. after all.

>> No.4997946
File: 76 KB, 761x960, Qu-George Bernard Shaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as yet. He sounds like a bro. Where do you think I might start?

>> No.4997950

Yeah supporting fascism, eugenics and defending the use of gas to murder "undesirables" is something a really sound lad would do

>> No.4997951

Galatea, or Pygmalion Reversed. You really couldn't get any cuter. Are you still in love or would you have time to visit my cabin?

>> No.4997953

fk u, man, YOU have a midget dick

>> No.4997955

Perhaps I've been misled? Haven't really looked too hard

>> No.4997957
File: 11 KB, 480x360, strasserism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true

>> No.4997959
File: 49 KB, 500x376, md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No degrees more me, just some more MD

>> No.4997961

>fk u
Is it that hard to type out the words? Give your insult some substance, damn.

>Midget dick
Maybe so, but it gets the job done. Want to get on it? If I close my eyes your asshole is as good as any vagina.

What's the last book you read, anyway? I'm actually curious.

>> No.4997963

I've always wondered what a midget dick is like. I mean their heads are sort of normal sized right? What about the head between their legs?

>> No.4997964

>on 4chan, the dwelling place of sociopaths, neckbeards and sperglords
>on /lit/, the most intellectually pretentious board
>inviting people to his cabin

Are you Ted Kaczynski?

>> No.4997970

Is there an agrarian version of Strasserism?

>> No.4997971

>MD 20/20
What are you? A two-bit whore? I bet your labia droops like nicotine-stained curtains. Reminds me of a William Blake poem.

>> No.4997975


There´s nothing wrong with eugenics

>> No.4997980

>Yeah supporting fascism, eugenics and defending the use of gas to murder "undesirables" is something a really sound lad would do

Fuckloads of people supported the gas chamber as a humane method of execution

Most Western governments had eugenics platforms contemporary with the Nazis, and huge public discourse on it, much of it supportive. Currently still active in genetic engineering debates, designer babies etc.

Depending how you want to define fascism or aspects of it, fuckloads of people supported that both before and after the war.

Why do people have such a caricatured, teleological view of history?

>> No.4997996

>Why do people have such a caricatured, teleological view of history?
Because the last century has been a major propaganda-war shitfest

>> No.4997997

Oh shush. Gassing and even castrating people isn't nice.
Genetic engineering has potential.

>> No.4997998

No I'm just trying to get butterfly interested in burlesque like any other licensed dealer in legs, short skirts, French adaptations, Shakespeare, taste and musical glasses. What are you doing for the arts?

>> No.4998000

Your post reminds me of a Bukowski poem: Repulsive, vulgar, and ephemeral.

>> No.4998003

With genetic engineering, everybody can finally be Mediterranean master race with ENHANCED PENIS

>> No.4998015

I'm a poet, and I didn't even know it.

>> No.4998039

M'lords ;)

>> No.4998043

So how much longer until /lit/ gets overrun with classic /fa/ levels of attention whoring?

>> No.4998052

hopefully not long

there's nothing of value here

>> No.4998060

There's no difference in the knowing of just who is posting all the DFW or King, or Taolin, etc. threads and not knowing.

>> No.4998064

You people will start with "harmless" picture posting. Soon enough, you'll start making chat rooms together, swapping e-mail and facebook accounts.

Eventually, they'll be a goddamn /lit/ snapchat group.

I've seen it happen /mu/ and I've seen it happen on /fa/. Don't ruin the board beyond normal 4chan shitposting.

>> No.4998076
File: 69 KB, 882x661, Anita10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking that sort of thing off the board. Instead of leaving threads like this one up? You like this kind of thread?

I post with name for the sincerity. Living out in the open. This is something to do with ego, but it's certainly not an inflated one.

>> No.4998102


>> No.4998103


Under the Volcano.

Surprised to find I'm past the halfway point. I just know I'm going to be unhappy when it ends, leaving me with another void to fill ...

>> No.4998109

Finished The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. Such a beautiful book and what a last chapter. I was going to read Huysman's A Rebours next then have myself a Proust Summer but Rilke just seems like a natural segue into In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.4998113


>> No.4998119

>but it's certainly not an inflated one.
Ha, good one.

>> No.4998123

>I post with name for the sincerity. Living out in the open.


>> No.4998135

chick bullshit

>> No.4998137

>I post with name because I have such a complete lack of identity and signficance that being a known woman on /lit/ is the only thing that gives me a stable sense of self.

Doesn't sound as nice.

>> No.4998142

>posting on 4chan
Implying you even get casual sex

>> No.4998160
File: 53 KB, 642x482, Picture 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still haven't a clue.
Can you believe it?

>> No.4998199

Are you a chicken farmer?

Because you sure know how to raise cocks.

>> No.4998205

This is basically /lit/ when hitting on women.

>> No.4998226


How about you read the fucking book? whore

>> No.4998276

>I'm always the same person