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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 480x640, 48247709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
499754 No.499754 [Reply] [Original]

Sasha Grey, queen of /lit/

>> No.499757


>> No.499764

Double Meh

>> No.499765

sacha grey, pretentious cum dumpster

>> No.499767

Implying Sasha Grey should be the queen of /lit/

>> No.499770

is that you in the picture? damn ur hot

>> No.499822

Wow so no one here watches porn I guess?

>> No.499827

If anyone takes a picture of themselves with such a pretentious look on their face and with a book like that only to show people that she might be educated deserves to get fucked by multiple men at the same time.

>> No.499833

Fuck porn. I get off by reading.

>> No.499839
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>No one watches porn

>> No.499841

While having it video camera'd and then distributed across the nation in video stores.

>> No.499845

/tv/ is ----> way.

>> No.499846


I do and it's glorious. She can root a cock like very few others.

Getting fucked by multiple men at the same time is a privilege; you're just jealous anon.

>> No.499848

She can sure take a dick in the ass. I like her work.

>> No.499857


It is funny to me that someone who takes dicks for a living is able to climb such a high horse at the same time.

>> No.499860
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>> No.499868

I actually respect her in a sense (Yes, I said it). I mean she's a cock-sucking pornstar. But she's articulate and can be intelligent when she speaks out on ideas...

>> No.499872

Such a contradiction.

A woman that has made a career degrading herself for the enjoyment of sexless men, is so pretentious that she feels superior because she reads silly shit like studies on existentialism.

>> No.499874


Pun intended no?

>> No.499875

She provides a service and with great quality. Which is more than can be said about you.

>> No.499879


You don't know what I do, kid, and you would be wise to shit the fuck up now before you get yourself in trouble.

>> No.499880

>A woman that has made a career degrading herself
She doesn't do anything degrading.

>> No.499883

I find the lack of tits disturbing.

>> No.499885
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I found your picture.

>> No.499887

You live in your mom basement and have done nothing with your life. Fuck you idiot loser.

>> No.499888
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>> No.499890

I'm glad that /lit/ supports sexworkers being autodidacts.

But for Christ's sake, get that whore to University, her taste is pre-undergraduate.

>> No.499916

The look on her face in OP pic makes me want to spit on her.

So conceited.

Otherwise she is a fairly attractive lady. Though I do not like the idea of such a slutty female.

>> No.499921


Some men get paid to spit on her.

>> No.499940

Wait, isn't this woman a porn star? I think I fapped to one of her videos a few days ago.

>> No.499942


Pornography is inherently degrading. It is an entire industry of objectification.

While I enjoy seeing girls in the nude, I can also admit that it is not some empowering thing. The girls are treated like shit while they make it and looked down upon by society after being seen in the movies.

But then, my personal tastes do not include the promiscuous.

>> No.499945

>Though I do not like the idea of such a slutty female.

Get over yourself. There is nothing wrong with being a slut.

>> No.499952


I did not say there was, just that I do not like them.

>> No.499953

>Pornography is inherently degrading.
Meaningless words.

>It is an entire industry of objectification.

>> No.499956

You hate gay people too?

>> No.499961


That's sort of an... odd leap of logic there.

>> No.499966

You don't like someone because of their sexuality and sex life.

>> No.499970


Nice strawman, retard.

My personal sexual tastes preclude promiscuous women so you make the assumption that I am both hateful of women and homophobic.

Good job.

>> No.499981

Nice straw man. You say you don't like a type of people so I ask if you don't like this other type of people then assume I am accusing you of not liking them. You know what a question mark is idiot?

>> No.499984
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>> No.499989


Statements do not require a question mark.


>> No.499994

whats wrong with the pussy?

>> No.500000

Questions do idiot.

How is this not a question?
See, not a statement. A question retard. You get what I am saying idiot? Does it go through your fat skull?

>> No.500004
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>> No.500008

You mother fucker....*sniff*

>> No.500011

Rage guy is now a meme.

>> No.500013

you whiny little bitch

>> No.500021


God, this has got to be the single most retarded, whiny GET in the history of 4chan.

>> No.500023

Who gives a fuck about gets on this board anyway.

Entire board is babies.

>> No.500025
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You are a failure.

Have pride at winning an internet fight you needlessly started.

>> No.500029


Nice loaded question. Fallacious logic working well for you?

>> No.500030

I care

>> No.500032

500000 SHIT!

>> No.500034
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I dunno, I liked this get.

>> No.500035
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>> No.500039


>> No.500044

Oh, Sasha. She thinks people will treat someone who drinks their own pee as a serious actress.

>> No.500057


Does she also eat her own poop?

Because I am willing to overlook the hundreds of cumshots she has taken in the ass for that.

>> No.500063


I don't think she's capable of love, so she probably hasn't eaten any poop.

>> No.500066
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>> No.500075


Women. They never love you enough to eat poop, amirite?

>> No.500079


Bitches and whores, mon frere. Bitches and whores.

>> No.500105

Just so you fuckers know, the book was a gift that a fan sent her. She took the picture and mailed it to him as an acknowledgment. All you morons saying, "Look at that smug undergraduate existentialist look on her face" are greasy twatbeard manbabies who don't get laid and hate all women as a result.

>> No.500111

is OP the same troll who's always posting her on /tv/?

>> No.500113


Ah, laissez-faire mi amour, c'est la vie.

>> No.500118


Oh, I see we have aggravated the poor girl's stalker.

>> No.500122

I thought she was the Queen of /tv/.

>> No.500129
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>> No.500130

glau is, obviously

>> No.500144


>> No.500326

You all know that the only reason you are attracted to whores is because you are too undesirable to get a girl that isn't so full of other mens semen she could open her own sperm bank.

>> No.500334

Oh great. Now I want moar.

>> No.500353


>Pornography is inherently degrading. It is an entire industry of objectification.

>While I enjoy seeing girls in the nude, I can also admit that it is not some empowering thing. The girls are treated like shit while they make it and looked down upon by society after being seen in the movies.

>implying women do not enjoy being degraded
>implying porn starlets don't love their jobs

>> No.500369

She is really really hot

>> No.500392
File: 62 KB, 460x500, this_thread_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.500462


>> No.500521

that's not a bible in her hands..
well. she can still be dunce of /lit/

>> No.500571

>Pornography is inherently degrading

No, to you it is. Some well adjusted people don't care whether your a slut that fuck five different people a week, with differing genders, or whether you haven't had sex in months.

>> No.500583
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>well adjusted


>> No.500602


...this is beautiful

>> No.500605

she looks much better in that picture than in any other picture i've ever seen of her

>> No.500610


I know, right?

Guy seems to be projecting his immeasurably low standards on everyone.

>> No.500616


I always thought of her as a bit of a butterface. She looks like she comes out of backwater eastern europe.

>> No.500617

Stupid bitch thinks she's smart. I got taught Sartre in 10th grade.

>> No.500625


Are you telling me that you would have trouble being friends with a porn star/whore/stripper/etc slut? I'm not talking about dating, but do you really find sex with multiple people, even when you are not involved at all, that terrible?

Is sex that taboo for you?

>> No.500638


Friends, sure.

Relationship, no wai!

>> No.500663

Asia Carrera's better. A member of Mensa and yet also a porn star.

No clue if she's relevant to literature though.

>> No.500678
File: 32 KB, 288x448, EnigmaticSmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she's worse. who cares if she's a member of mensa, she's only using it as lame LOOK IM A SMRT PORNSTAR LOL schtick instead of actually doing something with her brain.

>> No.500698


I don't care what a friend does, past concern for their safety. Everything I have said refers only to dating standards.

>> No.500713

I don't care that she does prons, but I can't watch it. I just hate the stupid shit she says, and when she gags on a dick. That gagging noise just makes me want to gag too.

>> No.500766

I swear this same exact thread spawned from the same exact picture several weeks ago only she was holding a copy of Atlas Shrugged instead.

>> No.500804


I can agree with that.

>> No.500838

Apparently her stage name, 'Grey' is a reference to Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.

>> No.500863


Supposedly. I would be more willing to believe that someone else made the joke and she adapted it.

Unless I see her actually discuss such things in an informed manner, I will find it difficult to believe in a well read hardcore porn star.

>> No.500949
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>shit the fuck up

>> No.500959
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>> No.500970


Slowpoking it.

>> No.500972

Maybe you're right. But people's opinion of porn is slowly changing into acceptable employment (even if it's only the pornstars opinions themselves). And considering the amount of pornstars that exist, I truly wouldn't be surprised if there were at least one well read whore out there.

>> No.500979
File: 37 KB, 240x360, Ron-Jeremy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point is invalid.

>> No.501037


>> No.501042

I wouldn't fuck this bitch with a ten foot pole.

>> No.501045

As if your pole is even five inches.

>> No.501063
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>> No.501071

How do you know how small my penis is!?!?

>> No.501084


I would if she wasn't so freakin' dirty already.

Eww. Don't want to think about her vomiting on other mens dicks while im putting my mouth on her body.

>> No.501094
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>> No.501117
File: 49 KB, 480x640, therealpicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's true.

>> No.501187


oh man i hope so. i love that book. and knowing she reads it helps me with my fantasies because in them i can now connect with her on a personal level and we can discuss our mutual interest in the Twilight Saga.

>> No.501197

/r/ atlas shrugged shop

>> No.501216
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>> No.501237
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>> No.501239


Wow! What a way to spend /lit/'s get!

>> No.501269

She has the same expression in all her pics it is a bit disconcerting.

>> No.501282

figures /lit/'s get would be used for haranguing someone in a typically childish and pretentious way.

>> No.501296
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I think I may want a bagel with my coffee

>> No.501311

People of the year all years

>> No.501375
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>> No.501446
File: 35 KB, 600x405, Brass Knuckle Revolver with Bayonet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this book. It's a pretty blithe overview with a lot of passages taken out of context. It's just passages from major works with little introductions by Kauffman. I think they try to drop you in the middle of Being and Time and expect you to know which way is up. Some Nietzsche, too. Like a college course that tries to put too many authors on the syllabus.

>> No.501451

you need to timestamp this bitch, bitch

>> No.501484

Oh man, is that a SPOON RING? I love those.

>> No.502023


>> No.502125

No existentialist is my queen. Reported.