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4996970 No.4996970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw had a live interview on a national radio station
>tfw started stuttering and went completely silent
>tfw i was the only guest
>tfw the host went silent as well
>tfw the most awkward shit ive ever got engaged in


>> No.4996977
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>tfw you'll never host galaxy news radio

>> No.4996997

haha bro don't sweat, there are people who have fucked up way worse than you and they have to live with it. Just look up failblog.

There are people who fucked up way worse than you, and they have milllions and billions of dollars.

We're pond scum jiving around on a pebble in the universe.


>> No.4997015

>tfw you'll never fight the good fight

>> No.4997024
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>Have an interview with Nightvale Community Radio
>Get eaten by a fuckbeast on the way to the mic
>Come back to /lit/ to tell them about it
>They call me a pleb and inundate me with more patrician podcasts to listen to

>> No.4997181


>> No.4997185

you stutter because you're dishonest

>> No.4997194


I stutter because i have social anxiety, asshole.

>> No.4997209

>tfw FO3 was shit shitting shit

>> No.4997216
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>national radio station
>the host went silent
Didn't happen.

>> No.4997232

then why do you go out?

>> No.4997233

>stand in checkout line
>girl in front of you randomly says "the concept of value is obviously incoherent when applied to people"
>struggle to say something, finally manage to mumble "b-but d-don't you agree that some ships are faster than others? and that g-generally we will say that a shipmaker who makes faster ships is better than the one who makes average ones?"
>she says "whatever, I don't even have any beliefs anymore"
>suddenly another chick with short hair approaches and they start lezzing out right there
>realise that you are in a dream
>finally I'm having sex
>they laugh and say that I will certainly find a good girl for myself
>wake up and start crying
>go to your computer and post it on lit, while wiping away the tears

>> No.4997237

>inb4 i had a radio show
well look what happens when you try to go outside for reasons

you fucking suck at it
>tfw you're not even right

>> No.4997239


They call you for the interview if youre not anywhere near.

>> No.4997244

slaves had plenty of value
shes a dumb bitch

>> No.4997249


>> No.4997255

right. here's the secret: the source of your anxiety is your dishonesty.

>> No.4997257



>> No.4997260

>tfw you're not even right
Was it worse?

>> No.4997265


>> No.4997267


>implying dishonesty is a bad thing

Machiavelli laughs at your sorry ass

>> No.4997272

2Pac can go to hell
>oh wait

>> No.4997279

*tips fedora*

>> No.4997300

you're thinking of the wrong guy

>> No.4997328

Shit dialogue. Unnatural and stilted.

>> No.4997354

i snertled

>> No.4997504

>implying honesty is possible

The word is not the thing itself. Every statement is inherently dishonest.

>> No.4997508


>> No.4997768

Welcome to the national embarrassment club, OP. Luckily mine was in the 90s before internet shaming was big.