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File: 29 KB, 338x425, quentin-tarantino2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4994299 No.4994299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about tarantino as a writer?

He writes great dialogue and is really good at building up tension before some violent shoot-out, but I'd like to see him try to grow and branch out. Try some new things.

>> No.4994301

His dialogue has become a parody of itself in recent years.

>> No.4994307

"Warm black dingus"

>> No.4994315

He's good, but childish.

>> No.4994335

I don't get the hype.
Django Unchained was fucking terrible; a mish-mash of shit.

>> No.4994339

>I don't get the hype.

Carry-over from Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

>> No.4994341

He's doing the shame shit again and again.

I don't mind that he is a borderline-autistic asshole, but please, write something original and get out of your comfort-zone.

Only 20-something students like him now

>> No.4994342

I didn't see any merit in either.
All they were to me was meaningless transgressive violence.

>> No.4994343


>> No.4994351

He has a good eye, the scene in inglorious bastards where the farmer sits down with waltz is brilliant and subtle. The best part is when waltz whips out this big white horn to smoke out of while the farmer has a standard corncob pipe.

>> No.4994357


As a director he's grown visually but he just can't seem to develop as a writer.

>> No.4994363

That's hardly brilliant or subtle. It's not even particularly imaginative. A high-ranking Nazi officer having better stuff than a poor farmer? It would be absurd if anything else was the case. It's a fun and well put together film but it's not exactly high art.

>> No.4994381
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There's nothing subtle about that scene.

>> No.4994387

Racist, plagiaristic cunt.

>> No.4994388

i find his films overrated in the extreme

>> No.4994394
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I'll forever love him for this scene.


>> No.4994402

You mean the scene that everybody loves? Not very patrician of you. I personally like the scene when the end credits signal I can leave the auditorium.

>> No.4994404
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Apparently he's trying two new things.

>> No.4994405


How euphoric.

>> No.4994473

Actually, that scene is shit, and the only people who like it are degenerate weirdos

>> No.4994491

you are so hip

>dont forget to like the dude's fb page

>> No.4994532


>> No.4994570

Tarantino's dialogue always seems like it was written by a teenage boy who had just discovered swear words. He can do interesting scenes (the bar scene in IG, the warehouse torture scene in Reservoir Dogs) but his dialogue is unbelievably clumsy and juvenile.

>> No.4995515


This. Pulp fiction was a masterpiece. He should go back to crime genre pieces exclusively. and begin to like godard again.

>> No.4995546

Even though you are right, isn't immaturity and what-seems-like-amateurism what we go for so often? I mean Tao Lin on DFW are a tad far from Wilde's prose for example, and yet...

>> No.4997626

I couldn't finish Pulp Fiction for this exact reason.

>This is a FUCKING good milkshake!

jesus christ so corny

>> No.4997632


I laughed way more than I should have, ya turkey.

>> No.4997640

Vincent isn't exactly the height of refinement, it's hardly out of character for him to be crude and juvenile.
some people curse a lot.

>> No.4997652

You are talking to an autistic, fat 19 year old who has never had a real friend and hates everything anyone likes by default.

>> No.4997672

>projecting this hard

>> No.4998040

I think Inglorious Basterds is his best because it's probably his most restrained violence-wise, and spends a lot of time build suspense and plays around with that with little intercuts like Goebbels fucking his French handler for 2 seconds etc. Didn't get a good reception because the underlying message of "maybe the way we depict heroes and villains esp. in war films is juvenile and masturbatory" didn't sit well with Murricans OR progressives because nazis bad

Django is all kill whitey and its such a caricature that your garden variety progressive cant help but love it because guilt. I think it's definitely his laziest production and uses cartoonish violence as a crutch it's so prevalent with no downtime - it means nothing, we become desensitised. Not to mention the abortion of a third act pacing wise, the whole coming back to the mansion was awful.

His lower-class day to day dialogue is pretty unmatched in comparison to his contemporaries but it's good because its a slick caricature rather than accurate or realistic it's this hyper-real amalgam to borrow from Bauldrillard

>> No.4998070

Basterds is by far his best film imo, it's like the apogee of his creative achievement, and I don't think he'll ever come close to making something as good again. It's one of my favorite movies. It's just so bloody good. The narrative, the suspense, the characters, the atmosphere - everything is almost perfect.

*takes deep breath*

His other movies mostly are mediocre to decent, but the one thing he always does well is dialogue, so I agree with you there too. His films are all about style and that's what makes him worth watching, in most cases.

>> No.4998122

bitch has man hands

>> No.4998469

Pulp Fiction was only pretty good though. The man is a fucking mess too and his politics seep way too much into his work now.

>> No.4998474

In what sense? Unless this is a /pol/ thing and IB and DU having anti-Nazi and anti-slavery themes is bad to you or something.

>> No.4998489
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Not the guy you're talking to but I don't think IB had anti-nazi sentiments...

>> No.4998494

It's anti-Nazi but not anti-German.

>> No.4998531
File: 418 KB, 1449x1011, Tarantina a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That should let you know I think he's a multiculturalist scumbag.

>> No.4998535


You've not been paying attention. Apart from Hitler, every Nazi is a God-tier bro: honor, class, integrity, courage. Every Jew is a scumbag, every ally is a scumbag. The theater scene should have been more obvious to you: Germans laugh at violence on the screen, YOU laugh when Hitler gets killed. Get it now?

You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.4998543

I hope to god my sweet-heart Cristoph Waltz doesn't play the oldman

>> No.4998545

It's anti-war in general, rather than pro-Nazi. The heroine and protagonist, Shoshanna, is a Jew with a black lover. The only 'good' Nazi is the guy in >>4998489's picture, unless you count Zoller, who while a decent person at heart is also a spineless 'nice guy' who thinks Shoshanna owes him sex because he did her a favour she didn't ask for. And regardless, just because the Basterds themselves are sociopathic anti-heroes doesn't somehow elevate blatantly villainous characters like Hans Landa. The point of the film that you don't 'get' is that people on both sides of the war can be good or bad, and it's war itself that's the real villain - the characters to root for are the ones caught in the middle, like Shoshanna and the farmer who shelters her in the opening scene.

>> No.4998558


I can only hope this scene triggers white consciousness.

>> No.4998658

Holy shit I've never read something so edgy

>> No.4999638

>He writes great dialogue
He doesn't and he never did.

His dialogue feels forced as shit and has no purpose or substance whatsoever.

>> No.4999647


Are you implying that you can write better screenplays?

>> No.4999683
File: 93 KB, 251x245, i was born.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes obviously.

>hurr you can only criticize if you can do better

pls m8

>> No.4999685
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>> No.4999686


>> No.4999690

I can't play anything but piano, but I can tell you when a guitarist is shit. That's a terrible argument and you should feel bad for lowering discourse to this level

>> No.5000788
File: 777 KB, 1279x540, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first his writing was funny at least, but it has turned into pretentious stuff (i.e. Inglorious Basterds) that isn't fresh anymore.
He's just the Weinsteins' spoiled child. If it wasn't for all the 15-year-old-minded guys who mumble about 'MUH COOL DIALOGUES AND POP REFERENCES' he would be considered what he really is: a John Carpenter tier filmmaker and not that kind of Film God everybody tries to shove up our asses. And hereby I declare that I've enjoyed a lot some of his films, but I'm not gonna worship him just because some friends of mine have a Pulp Fiction poster in their bedroom wall.

>inb4 hipster fag
>inb4 OMG you're such a hater

>> No.5000877

Yes, I also like IB the most out of his films, I thought it examined cinema much more carefully than some of his other movies that are often hailed for their superficial self-awareness like Pulp Fiction. Despite all his juvenile antics I believe there is an intelligent man buried beneath the race-fetishism and ultraviolence, or at least a conscious one. He really wore his love for Godard on his sleeves with Basterds and I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of Godard either but I think he made a fun little commentary on American bloodlust that was loud and direct while not being too preachy or obnoxious.

>> No.5000894

>John Carpenter Tier filmmaker
Yeah hot opinions there
>not that kind of Film God everybody tries to shove up our asses
You mean Kubrick?

>> No.5000900

I honestly think that Quentin Tarantino wants to fuck black guys. The rape scene in Pulp Fiction, all of Django, Shoshana's boyfriend, this right here -- he is sexually attracted to black men. It's too much to just chalk up as harmless wiggering, I think it's pretty clear he's harboring some sexual fantasies about blacks.

>> No.5000917

Explain Uma

>> No.5000922

>John Carpenter tier filmmaker

Uh. have you not seen Starman? That movie is fucking great.

>> No.5000960

I'm not saying he only wants to fuck black guys, but there's definitely an interest

>> No.5000978

>Not a single mention of Kill Bill or Natural Born Killers
Come on fgts

>> No.5000980

so subtle you and every media hack in the reviewing business picked it up

>> No.5000994

about django.... in that escene were he gets liberated, he tricks the character played by Tarantino and another old man.. by showing him the "most wanted" piece of paper.

Now if he was tortured and got naked in the ranch, why nobody took that paper from him!?.

>> No.5001066

i enjoyed kill bill until FX started playing it 100 times a year and it just happened to be the only thing on whenever my mom wanted to watch tv in our tiny house

>> No.5001073
File: 84 KB, 450x570, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mention of True Romance either....

>> No.5001127

he doesn't write good dialog.

he's good at rambling like an autist and lifting things from other sources.

like that speech about the phrenology of negros in Django Unchained. I thought that was really interesting. Like he must have done a lot of research to write that speech-- oh wait, he just plagiarized it.

>> No.5001129
File: 124 KB, 490x554, qt3.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's into feet anyway.

>> No.5001484

Kill Bill was really good.
That's about all I have to say on that.

>> No.5001489

>Craptual Born Wieners

>> No.5001971

His first two or three movies were great.

Everything he did after that was either average or terrible.
I've never seen anyone go to shit so much in his career like Tarantino.

>> No.5002148

>no purpose
Is fucking Tarantino dialogue becoming 2deep for modern /lit/

>> No.5002214

When someone brings up Tarantino why do you immediately jump to Django Unchained?

>> No.5002216

>let me lecture you for half an hour about Superman

Apparently, that's 2deep for people?

>> No.5002220

Did that not have a purpose? It was Bill saying that Beatrix was never going to stop being a killer, which, seeing as she still goes through with her plan to kill him, he was right.

>> No.5002228

Because it's his most recent film, not to mention one of his most popular?

>> No.5002248

Yes, and besides that it took wwwwaaaaay too long, where is that 2deep4anyone as the above poster implied?

>> No.5002250

>I've never seen anyone go to shit so much in his career like Tarantino.

>> No.5002274

Anon1 was referring to how Anon2 said Tarantino's dialogue has never had substance or purpose in his whole career, which it has. So what Anon1 meant was more along the lines of
>You guys can't even see the purpose in Tarantino dialogue? What is it 2deep4u to understand basic Tarantino writing?
Not that it was actually deep in substance.
Sorry, if this is long-winded, I am absolute shit at explaining things with brevity

>> No.5002287

We're not really discussing a mediocre, derivative "movies" (not film) director?

Stay pleb lit

>> No.5002290

If there were a list of worst counter-arguments, this whole "bet ya couldn't do better!" thing would be in the top 5, I swear to God

>> No.5002303

He relies SO much on the regurgitation of pop-culture to be interesting. I can understand throwing in some references now and then, but when you do it too much, you are just shamelessly trying to get to the common denominator

>> No.5002542
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I didn't mention Kubrick at all. Go elsewhere with your logical fallacies.

I haven't seen Starman but I've watched a few Carpenter movies. Don't misunderstand me, the 'John Carpenter tier' thing wasn't an insult or anything like that. Big Trouble in Little China, They Live or The Thing are very enjoyable and funny movies.
I just think Tarantino is more like Carpenter; he's good and funny but not a 'Kurosawa tier'. I mean, look at every fucking list, ask your friends, etc. A lot of people consider Pulp Fiction one of the greatest movies EVER and it is not.
As I said, overrated, which doesn't mean necessarily bad; while some Carpenter movies are way underrated by filmfags.