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4993449 No.4993449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some novels that focus on hikikomori and/or NEET people?

>> No.4993470

>no shit bucket or piss bottles
0/10 wannabe neet

>> No.4993474

See that large plastic container? Yeah, there's your toilet.

>> No.4993475

notes from underground
the windup bird chronicle

>> No.4993478

Crime and Punishment made me ponder my NEET existence, and where it may lead me to.

>> No.4993519

The Metamorphosis

>> No.4993710

Salinger - western hikiko-what-have-you prototype

>> No.4993718
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that was a really good story. Though I don't think that most NEETs transform into a huge bug-like cockroach

>> No.4994761

Oblomov, notes from underground

>> No.4994773

A man asleep
a rebours

>> No.4995437

Anything in particular?

>> No.4995527

>a rebours
My nigga.

>> No.4996191


>> No.4996195


it's coming mate don't worry

>> No.4996200

Taxi Driver

Everyone needs to watch it to understand why fedoras are a threat to society

>> No.4996207

a disgusting creature surrounded by its own filth, it's an effective metaphor.

>> No.4996228


*threat to criminal scum

being NEET doesn't make you a fedora anyway, nor is Travis a NEET

>> No.4996230

Jesus, how can people live like that

>> No.4996237

um, he is employed
as a taxi driver, i think

>> No.4996245

>doesn't realise that most events in the movie didn't happen because Travis is an unreliable narrator
c'mon, son, up your game

>> No.4996254


More like why vets are a threat to society

>> No.4996263


>> No.4996320

He's neither NEET, nor hikikomori.

>> No.4996336

More like why alienation the capitalist society produces is a threat to society.

>> No.4996355
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>> No.4996356

More like why society is a threat to society

>> No.4996363

deep man

>> No.4996370

Less Than Zero.

>> No.4996371

that's me


>> No.4996392
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Welcome to the N.H.K.

>> No.4996409
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I just learned that in asian culture that people who are still living with their parents carefree are known as "parasite children".

I really wonder why us in the USA have not adopted the "parasite children" phrase yet. We also need the "herbivore men"

>> No.4996431

>herbivore men
>not the best way to live

>> No.4996474

Ask tumblr, I'm sure you'll get all of those and maybe also some saprophyte genderqueers.

>> No.4996516

Hey, I'm not knocking it.

>> No.4996528

Is there a similar trend in the US? Or have American Males not embraced the future yet?

>> No.4996530

My Twisted World

>> No.4996543

every time i hear this shit i think of the kanye album

>> No.4996549

It's called /r9k/

>> No.4996553

Steppenwolf by Hesse

>> No.4996563

>not some of the most carnivorous men out there

They lust for women so fucking hard they're almost the opposite of herbivore men. I think /a/ as the board you meant.

>> No.4996570

This Elliot Rodger slaying has drummed up some stuff about the Mens Rights Movement and that's actually where I heard about the Asian Herbivore Males and Parasite Children. Whether the MRM are actually Western Herbivore Males is still in question for me.

>> No.4996587

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.4996600

I don't understand what the fuck eating grass has to do with being asexual.
Why do the japs always have to be silly?

>> No.4996618

herbivores don't eat meat

>> No.4996716

Aren't MRA's supposed to be pro-rape, tho? I'm pretty sure that I read an article on Jezebel about how MRA's are rapists.

>> No.4996783

They have a much more narrow definition of rape that effectively precludes informed consent.

>> No.4996799

Feminists think everybody that's not one of them is "pro-rape"

>> No.4997162

Taking an extreme example and using it to define an entire group of people is intellectually lazy.

>> No.4997171

NAWALT is lazy too

>> No.4997182

No, it isn't. I'm pointing out a fallacy in your logic, what lazy about that?

>> No.4997186

I'd like to see the opinion polls that show that a large majority of feminists believe that everyone except them is pro-rape.

>> No.4997199

It's a stock argument and a strawman. Nobody believes every single feminist is like tumblr feminists, but the generalization exists because they're not "a vocal minority" as those same tumblr feminists would like to make you believe.

>> No.4997203

Whatever, m8

>> No.4997222

>It's a stock argument and a strawman.
>Feminists think everybody that's not one of them is "pro-rape"
Oh, the bitter irony of the so-called Men's Rights movement.

>> No.4997227


No good ones. Like stories about young children; inevitably boring because the subjects are boring.

And unlike children, NEET are unsympathetic.

>> No.4997229

>a vocal minority
I like how they always say that about themselves. Yeah, Salon, HuffPo, Jezebel, hundreds of thousands of people on tumblr and every other college student in the U.S.A. is this group of five "crazy extremists" on the internet and talking about them at all is verboten

>> No.4997234


Ah, no. He was a productive member of society until he got ill.

>> No.4997250
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>implying I adhere to that
Anyone who calls themselves an MRA has been duped. "MRA" is just the bad word tumblr feminists use for people who actually spend time arguing against them.

>> No.4997254

Anyone who seriously thinks that extreme feminists control the whole feminist movement is either insane or just plain lying.

So what are you? A conspiracy theorist, or a liar?

>> No.4997263
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a human can survive wherever there is electricity. to dispose of human invaders, cut off power. they will quickly succumb to boredom and seek shelter elsewhere from the material world.

>> No.4997269

And yet you're defending him?

Well, do you think that it's perfectly a-okay to get a girl blitzed and then fuck her while she's passed out?

>> No.4997281

>If you're not with us, you're insane or a liar!
So what's your moderate feminism like?
I'm sure it's not some crusade against nebulous concepts like rape culture and male privilege.

>> No.4997282
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>tfw you've only left your house 10 times in the last 5 years

>> No.4997283
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sounds good

>> No.4997286

I enjoy reading books, defeat that!!

>> No.4997297

MRAs/tumblr feminists get out. This isn't your forum, please head back to your containment board.

All others remember to report and hide.

>> No.4997307

>If you're not with us, you're insane or a liar!
Again, you're taking an extreme position and using that to beat an entirely different group of people over the head with.

MRAs confirmed for uninterested in facts or logic. Or preventing rape for that matter, since it's the only way they can get any.

>> No.4997314

shit. Thats not possible?

>> No.4997317

It's completely possible. Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.4997327

Tao Lin is probably the author you're looking for.

>> No.4997329

Drugging a person then fucking their passed out body is equivalent to using violence to get in their pants, I think.

>> No.4997330

>feel when you've been in your house longer than some inmates spend in prison for drug offences

>> No.4997331

>get a girl blitzed
Interesting formulation. Unless you mean dosing her diet coke there is no such thing.

>> No.4997334

>rape sux!
yeah fight the patriarchy

>> No.4997336

Not the other guy but I find it interesting that you even left your house at all. were you forced to?

>> No.4997341

I like the part where you paid attention to the rest of the post, m80

>> No.4997342

>actually thinking they'll get serious discussion concerning feminism on 4chan

Please just go to the jezebel comments section if you want to talk about this shit. Either you're saying things that people agree with and feel no need to +1 or you're just getting trolled.

>> No.4997348

You're quoting the troll for fuck's sake.

>> No.4997351

I have a cousin in med school who said that there's very strict laws surrounding paperwork. You gotta make sure that a patient hasn't taken morphine or whatever in a while before signing a contract, or something...?

I'm guessing that the same legal concept also applies to sex.

Both MRAs and feminists seem to be rich kids though.

>> No.4997361

>you're just getting trolled
>implying that I'm not the troll
>implying that virgin PUA geeks aren't the easiest fish in the 4chan barrel to shoot
>implying that they won't keep responding to me

>> No.4997369

So buying a girl's drinks means that you get to rape her, that's very interesting MRA/PUA logic you got there.

>> No.4997371

I only know what either of these things are because of feminists raging about them on 4chan

>> No.4997383

>"Here, have a beer!"
>slap her with a brick
>fuck in the ass
This doesn't seem like a normal progression

>> No.4997385

>Waaah, people with different opinions post on 4chan! Why can't I have my echo chamber?!

>> No.4997390

But that's what you're doing when you buttrage that everybody that isn't you is a PUA/MRA faggot :\

>> No.4997397
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It's just tumblr logic. Hide and ignore.

>> No.4997398

>"hey, I'll pay your tab"
>"hey thanks"
>- three hours later -
>"she's passed out cold"
>"time to get to work"

People on MRA/PUA sites actually brag abut doing this.

>> No.4997410

There's no such thing as 'getting a girl blitzed' is my point unless you deny her agency. You're not a misogynist, are you?

>> No.4997415

Who's the one complaining about "feminists raging" on 4chan, hmmm?

of course, rape isn't important at all. Let's hide and start talking about negging!

>> No.4997418

>going home with a guy because he bought you drinks like a good prostitute
>don't touch me filthy boyim

>> No.4997429

So, what? You can't deny that taking advantage of a drunk girl to rape her is wrong, so you quibble about semantics?

Stay classy MRAs.

>> No.4997434

can you fucking faggots and women shut the fuck up about how bad rape is? rape is amazing. proof god exists. if we didn't have rape even less men would get laid, and ultimately the individual experience of a man is infinitely more valuable and worthwhile than that of a woman, as history has shown.
everything the world has was built by rapists, so shut the fuck up and take some dick.

>> No.4997436

If you say "no" because you don't want to continue, the other party isn't allowed to say "too bad, you said yes two hours ago"

>> No.4997444

This is why I'm glad that my state is shall-issue.

>> No.4997447

I just don't think it's the same crime as smacking somebody with a bat in central park at night and banging them while they scream for you to stop, and shouldn't carry the same stigma.
I think it's bad and should be discouraged, but it's not the same. It's like the difference in plucking a wallet off some passed out bum, and robbing somebody at gun point. We have different legal terms for that, one's robbery and one's petty theft.

>> No.4997453

The guy getting called an MRA by a raging feminist?

>> No.4997458

It's still theft and, our system lets such "petty thieves" off easy. They should be busting rocks in the Arizona sun with the gun thugs.

Same with rape. The main problem with our society is that no one's getting punished properly anymore. A is A and rape is rape. Letting some punk kid off with a slap on the wrist encourages him to commit worse crimes.

5 to 10 on a chain gang.

>> No.4997459

cant be bothered to read the thread but have you guys heard of those mouse population experiments that should social breakdown at high pop. density

check it out, theres a vid on youtuve as well

>> No.4997463

>cant be bothered to read the thread
you aren't missing out

>> No.4997470

>a raging feminist?
again, lies by an MRA uninterested in facts. Look closely, you'll see that I'm wholly uninterested in the paper-thin tumblr agenda. They're useless.

>> No.4997472

>They should be busting rocks in the Arizona sun with the gun thugs.
So I assume you've got not problem with America's ridiculously huge prison population?

>> No.4997476

Or Arizona's dwindling rock population

>> No.4997478

But the problem is two-thirds of the time it isn't rape, just the girl regretting it afterwards.

>> No.4997485

[citation needed]
You can't give consent if you're drunk. Rape is rape and it ruins lives.

Not a bit. I'd like to see them put to work, that's all.

>> No.4997492

So we should obviously disregard all rape cases and assume that all women who have been raped are secretly lying, as many MRAs do online.

>> No.4997498

If you're of the mentality to fret over something as trivial as 'waah i couldn't consent because i was drunk! rape!' your life was 'ruined', meaningless and void from the get go.

>> No.4997506
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C-Can we get back to the whole point of this thread?

>> No.4997507

Those are some excellent opinions. Shame that you've been unable, up till now, to back them up with hard facts.

So do you honestly believe that rape, in some instances, is perfectly okay and justifiable?

>> No.4997514

It's dead. sagebomb it and make another one in a few hours.

>> No.4997516

Prudes like you should be hanged

>> No.4997519


>> No.4997521

I don't need fact. It's an absolute derived from my own personal experience.

>> No.4997527
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With hilarious things like this?

>> No.4997528

>I don't need fact
An MRA who doesn't need facts!
It looks like the truth has come out at last.

>> No.4997530

So what do you think of legalized dueling?

>> No.4997536

sure, why not?

>> No.4997539

Conservative moralists trying to backdoor sexual morality. It's going to backfire hilariously, as women will will simply come up with more creative excuses to be sluts. As they tend to do when feminists try to oppress women's sexuality.

>> No.4997541
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>implying facts exist

>> No.4997543
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>> No.4997547

uh oh pomo

>> No.4997550

>arguing against the morals that served as the bedrock for the United States of America

>> No.4997554
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>> No.4997556


Well those morals must sure have been a pile of shit, just looking at the USA that they produce.

>> No.4997558

>backing the morals that built the single most hideous, destructive nation that's every plagued this earth

>> No.4997562

If you reread the post, there's no argument. It's just what will happen.

>> No.4997565
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>> No.4997569


>> No.4997570
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>> No.4997575

You're bumping the thread, you have to sage it.

>> No.4997586
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Huh, I'm pretty sure I saged.

>> No.4997602
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>> No.4997608

If you're raped, wouldn't you prefer to be passed out?

Checkmate feminists.

>> No.4997609

sage doesn't work anymore, I think... just don't bump it, the thread is already dead

>> No.4997615
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>> No.4997621
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>> No.4997644

>You can't give consent if you're drunk. Rape is rape and it ruins lives.
Stop getting drunk to the point that you can't control yourself. Is that too difficult for the modern day degenerate whore?

>> No.4997646

Whoa. I don't even have yellow fever, but those two are really fucking cute. I'm hypnotized.

>> No.4997647

This would be a better solution than simply punishing them all harshly based on "he said she said" evidence.

>> No.4997651
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>> No.4997655
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>> No.4997659
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>> No.4997663

Wow, good to know that MRAs deep down want to just be able to get away with rape.

>> No.4997664
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>> No.4997671
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>> No.4997680
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>> No.4997682
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>> No.4997684
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>> No.4997688
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>> No.4997690
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>> No.4997692
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>> No.4997695
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>> No.4997698
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>> No.4997699
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>> No.4997703
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>> No.4997704
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>> No.4997708
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>> No.4997710
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>> No.4997713
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>> No.4997715
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>> No.4997718
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>> No.4997723
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>> No.4997724
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>> No.4997726
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>> No.4997730
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>> No.4997731
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>> No.4997732
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>> No.4997734
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>> No.4997735
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Me on the left.

>> No.4997738
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>> No.4997741
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>> No.4997744
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>> No.4997746
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>> No.4997752
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>> No.4997757
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>> No.4997760

This. Government is basically inevitable for any large group of people. Anarchists are deluded to think that not calling it a government makes it any less so.

>> No.4997761
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>> No.4997762
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>> No.4997766
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>> No.4997774
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>> No.4997777
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>> No.4997780
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>> No.4997782

Closer to anarchy the better, m8, unless you want to go to jail for getting drunk and screwing a girl

>> No.4997786


isn't that what the fucking guy in >>4996716 did? jesus christ

>> No.4997787
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>> No.4997789
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>> No.4997793

We live in the best of all possible worlds

>> No.4997796
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>> No.4997798
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>> No.4997802
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>> No.4997803

Hypocrisy is okay if you're one of the good guys

>> No.4997807
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>Cola! Cola!
Seiga best hag

>> No.4997809
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>> No.4997810
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>Marx more popular than Bakunin
>best of all possible worlds

>> No.4997812
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>> No.4997820
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>> No.4997822
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>> No.4997825
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>> No.4997828

All that matters is that you're here with me right now :)

>> No.4997830
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>> No.4997831
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>> No.4997836
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>> No.4997837

actually I'm alone in my room :-DDDDD

>> No.4997841
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>> No.4997848
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>> No.4997853
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>> No.4997859
File: 585 KB, 1411x2000, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997866
File: 434 KB, 1411x2000, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997868
File: 451 KB, 576x3024, 1366434669806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997874
File: 537 KB, 1411x2000, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997878
File: 806 KB, 1315x1681, 1394425221516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's you excuse?

>> No.4997882
File: 652 KB, 1411x2000, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997883
File: 603 KB, 647x1000, 1398366224293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997889
File: 779 KB, 1411x2000, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason! But I fear the afterlife.

>> No.4997896


>> No.4997897
File: 560 KB, 1411x2000, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997902

Why not just take drugs? I had a very lucid experience of my waifu while on mushrooms the other day.

>> No.4997905
File: 174 KB, 1411x2000, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997906
File: 55 KB, 848x480, 1396323075938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sick fuck!

I kill for pleasure!

>> No.4997908
File: 305 KB, 1411x2000, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997913
File: 72 KB, 640x480, get_in_the_car_nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997915
File: 80 KB, 1411x2000, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997918
File: 73 KB, 492x360, FUCK YOU ♂.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997920
File: 238 KB, 1413x2000, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moral of the story the best way to a woman's heart is free pizza and coke.

>> No.4997923
File: 156 KB, 1199x898, 1402380013125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4997924
File: 360 KB, 1600x900, get_bent_kazumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4999232

Popular Hits of the Showa Era
Not directly NEETs but srsly fucked dudes who kill for fun. Plus it ends with them using WMDs.