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4991796 No.4991796 [Reply] [Original]

Cant believe some people are really defending adults who reads YA.


What does /lit/ think about this?

>> No.4991803

What do you care what other people read? The really great works were never intended for the masses anyway.

>> No.4991816

You keep making this thread because you're a fag OP just letting you know that you're a fag who should die

>> No.4991822

Read the article

>> No.4991835

for once I'm actually glad I clicked on one of these threads

7/10 OP, i had a giggle m8

>> No.4991843

I'm not going to as I don't care about anything related to this person whatsoever

>> No.4991846

It's odd that she argues *for* YA fiction while writing in an intentionally terrible style

most of that stuff about patriarchy in the history of literature is hugely over-simplistic
it's not as if YA is a revolutionary new genre prominently featuring black transwomen as authors

>> No.4991854

I thought literature's most maligned genre was like weird erotica from the 70's.

I mean as for YA novels, I read comic books and watch Godzilla movies so I don't feel like I can judge.

>> No.4991860

She is not arguing in favor of adults reading but the opposite

>> No.4991865

Jesus Christ, can we keep the fucking John Green/Fault in our Stars shit to one thread!

>> No.4991875

OP here, can someone please read the article I post?

>> No.4991884

yes, it is odd.
i wonder if there's a word for what she's doing.

>> No.4991887
File: 9 KB, 237x212, pelican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do indeed

>> No.4991888

No. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4991894

I honestly can't tell if this article is a satire of arguments defending YA by presenting them in the style of YA, or a defense of YA by making arguments in defense of YA in the style of YA, thereby demonstrating that YA can still...


>> No.4991901

>The novel was invented in the 19th century
>It was written for mass consumption and primarily consumed by women and poor people.

Does she realize that she can defend YA without lying about literary history?

>> No.4991908

Do you think she is really defending YA by making a crappy writing and the awful plot twists?

>> No.4991930

She's a YA author, so yes. That is exactly what she's doing.

>> No.4991945

i'm pretty sure she's making fun of YA adult m8

>> No.4991950

If you don't get that she's making fun of this stuff, you're stupid. But I love you.

>> No.4991958


>> No.4992002
File: 12 KB, 176x219, chloe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's making fun of the genre she herself writes. You figured it out.

>> No.4992137

Fuck off retard.

>> No.4992160


>> No.4992163

The article all but ties a sign to its balls that says 'PARODY!!!' and shoves it in your face.


>> No.4992167

>I’m a serious author...

Oh, poor Kathleen. If you were a serious author, you wouldn't ever have to assert yourself as one.

>> No.4992179

It's not really satire nor parody. It's just tongue-in-cheek.

She's not mocking YA, she's just being cute.

It's disgusting, really.

>> No.4992181

This is very confusing (and confused?) article

>> No.4992209
File: 220 KB, 294x200, 1388513740355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The novel was invented in the 19th century

>> No.4992226

I don't get it.
How can an author allow herself to be this retarded?

>> No.4992230

>If you criticize popular fiction you're just supporting the patriarchy!

This is what happens when literature departments get taken over by feminists.

>> No.4992237

>The novel was invented in the 19th century
Is this fucking retard not aware of Don Quixote or The Tale of Genji? Pilgrim's Progress? Gulliver's Travels? Robinson Crusoe?

The absolute youngest of these was published 30 years before this approximation, and the oldest, seven whole fucking centuries.


>> No.4992256

Do you guys can't into parody, no matter how obvious and usubtle ? The article is like all YA stereotypes thrown around in complete disorder, so as to better make fun of them. It's How to Make a Satire Everyone Will understand 101.

>> No.4992276

>When I awoke, the moon was bright and I was turning into a werewolf. The transformation didn’t hurt as much as my period cramps, but I didn’t know what those were, because I was raised in a religious cult.
>inb4 she was completely serious

>> No.4992278

And yet no-one has explained why she is parodying YA if she proudly advertises the fact that she writes YA herself.

>> No.4992287

Because she recognises the stylings of the genre she works in and understands why people criticise it?

I'm sure she gets hate mail every day, she wouldn't have to stretch her imagination too far to get what people don't like about YA.

>> No.4992342

I can't believe adults still play pokemon
or watch kids movies
or watch kids shows
or read kid books
it's the sign of the ultimate pleb

>> No.4992385

The shitty writing in that article is making me self-conscious about my own prose.


>> No.4992415

The Tale of Genji is not a novel you retard. Pilgrim's Progress is not a novel. Just because you think something looks like a novel, doesn't make it a novel. "Novel" is not a synonym for "large amount of text forming a coherent narrative."

>> No.4992417
File: 93 KB, 490x348, bronyhat2-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips MLP fedora*

>> No.4992451

can i still like loli and touhou videos?

>> No.4992464

That just makes you a pedophile
dude what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.4992470

>Cultural arbiters have always been the richest, whitest, most male-dominated groups. Buying into this anti-commercial mindset that heralds esoteric writing reinforces patriarchal models. The more you lobby for the literary status quo, the more you reinforce sexist paradigms.
Either I'm an idiot or this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.4992521

Self-deprecation, I guess.
Am I missing a joke here?

>> No.4992533

>cartoons = CP



>> No.4992579

>implying The Tale of Genji isn't considered one of the first actual novels ever written