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4977095 No.4977095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the 'family' slowly disintegrating?

Surely /lit/ can relate. How many of you relate to your parents not in a strongly emotional way, but viewed them more or less as people who happened to occupy the same living space as you? Growing up, did they shape your growth? I know I myself can't relate to them on a deep level, unfortunately, having spent much of my youth detached and plugged in to electronics. My education and growth was first and foremost affected by the internet and television, I spent little time in the so-called father-son or family activities that comprised much of my father's youth. I suppose this means that while I might avoid any possible negative influences their attitudes could have and better foster an interest in learning, I feel like I've missed out on something, and I harbour no interest in starting a family of my own. This all spurious mental ejaculate, but I'd like to know if anyone else shares in this alienation.

>> No.4977100

This is nothing new

>> No.4977119

The "family" you're talking about is cold war era nuclear family propaganda. It might exist for some people occasionally but they're the minority.

>> No.4977131

The family has been dead for 30 years now

>> No.4977143

Can we pinpoint an exact date?

>> No.4977156

Personally i have a great relation with my parents, so I don't think so, at least in the middle class here in my country (Mexico).

>> No.4977164

*at least not

>> No.4977166

Are you stupid?

>> No.4977168

I don't think so, why?

>> No.4977177

I'm feeling the same, OP. Never been close to my family. I feel like a stranger to them.

>> No.4977195

my parents drunk and fought all of the time, so yeah, I get you

>> No.4977200

My parents were high and never really got along, at least the fights were never too bad because they were too stoned to get too upset.

>> No.4977220

It definitely varies from person to person. As for myself, I am very close to my father and brother, possibly due to my mother dying when I was very young so my father put in the extra effort to make sure my brother and I had a good childhood. He encouraged me to do activities but never pushed me, and is possibly the smartest man I've ever met. It's incredibly depressing seeing him age as Alzheimer's runs heavily in my family, but I still talk to him all the time

>> No.4977234

My parents have been married almost 30 years now. My father is a doctor, so fortunately he made enough money even in this age that my mother could stay at home full time to raise me and my sisters. He and she both always encouraged us to pursue our dreams, and we always ate dinner together around the table at night, where we talked about whatever subject happened to cross our collective mind.

I would not have traded my youthful experiences for anything in the world. I love my parents, I shall be faithful to them always, and when they die I shall mourn them thoroughly.

>> No.4977278

Divorce is disgusting.
You can't control if your parents did it, but if you do you should kill yourself.

>> No.4977281

That's quite a harsh view. What led you to develop it?

>> No.4977305

I like some of my family, but the rest I've distanced myself from, and in turn some of them have forced others to distance themselves from me. I've had ones from that side of the family come and try to get me to reconcile with my father, but I simply have no interest in him.

One of the things they always say is how you have to stick with family and how family is everything, but I don't get that mentality. Why are we supposed to stay with people we are very closely linked to by blood? What about adopted people? They'll usually try to say the 'family is who you care about,' but if I don't care about a family member then are they really family? It's just a big mixing pot of emotions with very little objectivity to it. Surround yourself with people you want to be around, and for those you don't want to be around, go with risk vs. reward and then decide if you want to cut them out.

>> No.4977329
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>One of the things they always say is how you have to stick with family and how family is everything, but I don't get that mentality. Why are we supposed to stay with people we are very closely linked to by blood? What about adopted people? They'll usually try to say the 'family is who you care about,' but if I don't care about a family member then are they really family? It's just a big mixing pot of emotions with very little objectivity to it. Surround yourself with people you want to be around, and for those you don't want to be around, go with risk vs. reward and then decide if you want to cut them out.

>> No.4977362

My parents have discharged their parental duties to the utmost in terms of sending me to college, buying books, music, etc. but we never talk. I talk to my mom occasionally but my dad seems pretty well near incapable of dispensing advice or anything particularly fatherly. I envy you.

>> No.4977419

>mfw americucks can't name all their kinfolk
>mfw amerishoots can't even name their forebears seven generations back

No wonder you all are such a shameless lot.

>> No.4977443



>> No.4977487

The whole dads pretending to give a shit about their kids as anything more than cheap farm labor was a recent development and I'm guessing it will be short lived.

>> No.4977542

Ahmed, no matter how much you may wish it, you will never be British. Go help your wife plan your trip outside the country to get your daughter's clitoris chopped off.

>> No.4977546


Not him but I also experienced divorce and its nasty no matter how you cut it. I still sometimes alternate between absolutely hating them and alternately sympathizing with one or the other.

I hate it, never'd wish it on anyone

>> No.4977571

>mfw americlaps call daddytimestwos "grandfathers"
>mfw ameritards call femaleparentbrothers "uncles"