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/lit/ - Literature

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4976106 No.4976106 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /Lit,

Let's post what we're currently reading and socialize whilst doing so. A more light-hearted thread for once :P

>> No.4976121
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How do we socialize?

>> No.4976124


Doing what we do best, talking about literature (Without the craziness that usually comes with around here, if possible)

>> No.4976136
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>> No.4976140
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Currently reading this. Almost done and I think it's great. Planning to embark on War and Peace when I'm done, but I find it a bit overwhelming. 500+ characters and god knows how many pages.

>> No.4976150
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>> No.4976158

Mah nigga

>> No.4976185
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Reading an Aristotle selections book and Nausea right now. It's funny reading Aristotle and realizing how much influence he really had on Heidegger, right down to Heidegger's terminology and his analytic method. On De Anima right now and while the parts concerning the explanation of the senses is something i just gloss over, his insight on mind/body/soul has been illuminating.

Nausea is mixed bag. Sartre's ideas on memory and narrative as a mode of justifying life are interesting. That whole Anny episode reminded me uncomfortably about my ex.

>> No.4976186

That might be the best of that series. Thursday is also dope.

I wish I had ever read Sunday...

>> No.4976209
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Come at me

>> No.4976215

My favorite has always been Monday, for it's sense of discovery and the virgin feel of a brand new adventure

>> No.4976325
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This is next on my list after this and Retribution Falls.

>> No.4976713

Are you getting the
Lightbringer sequel
Raven's Shadow sequel
Magician King sequel
Iron Druid Sequel
Alloy of Law sequel
dance of dragons sequel

>> No.4976767
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Reading pic related. Some passages are mundane but for the most part it's a great book, really emotional too.

Anyone else into transgressive art, /lit/?

>> No.4976797
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I'm 100 pages from the end of Brothers Karamazov and also reading Tonio Kroger. I plan on reading Buddenbrooks after this and also maybe a faulkner work (light in august)

>> No.4976803
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Reading through Summer Knight right now. Fourth Dresden book in three days. I'm devouring this series and loving every page.

>> No.4976805

damn i just read the summary of the cossacks and it looks pretty neat, thanks for posting

>> No.4976807

Isn't that moot as the model?

>> No.4976813

either that or matt bellamy

>> No.4976820
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muh military fantasy

there was a long depressing binge where not much happens but now (page ~350) shit's getting real again

>> No.4976862
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I have no clue what's going on.

>> No.4976995

Glen suppose to be releasing a new Black Company soon are you hyped?

>> No.4977001

Just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye earlier. I know >highschool lit and all that, but i'm not an americlap so i hadn't read it.

>> No.4977011

I don't know what any of that shit is, but next up on my readlist is a bunch of Heinlen and Arthur C Larke, so.. no? Do you like sequels that much?

>> No.4977044

Still in the "first read-through" buzz phase

I'll be bleeding hype when I'm done though

>Also mfw Blade only pretended to defect
>mfw that explained pretty much all the weird shit Croaker was doing

>> No.4977052
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forgot my face

>> No.4977682

>Do you like sequels that much?
As someone who is planning to read the Promise of Blood sequel soon you are sure one to talk.

>> No.4977694
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what are /lit/'s thoughts on giving up on books?
not on pic related, I'm loving Portrait

but I was reading The Day of Creation by J.G. Ballard and it got worse and worse and 50 pages from the end I bailed and moved on to something else

>> No.4977700

>what are /lit/'s thoughts on giving up on books?

>giving up
>being this pleb

>> No.4977704
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I just finished this today.
Not sure what I'll read next, perhaps the sequel.

>> No.4977706

If something is so poor that you can see no possible way for it to be worth finishing, why trudge through page after page when life is too short to not spend reading /lit/ you find interesting and worth exploring
I did expect that response though

>> No.4977725

Ask your mommy for your autism meds and try reading his post again, champ.

>> No.4977797

>50 pages from the end

At that point you might as well finish it.

>> No.4977941
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Just finished part one.

Nastasya Filippovna <3

>> No.4978035
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Just got to about halfway through this one. Really good and I think I might pick up IJ when i finish.

I'm also about 50 pages into Gravitys Rainbow but that is slow going.

>> No.4978041

All the women in the novel are prime waifu material.

>> No.4978054

i thought that book was ok until he became the "genius god" whatever, it just seemed pathetic to me, was it good after that point?

>> No.4978080

I was tempted to give up Nausea with like 50 pages left but it feels weird to not finish a book that's "important." In the end, it was worth it. Sartre sort of redeemed the book at the end.

On a related note, I haven't read the second part of Dead Souls yet. Gogol's narrative style was getting a bit much for me really. I'll get to it eventually though.

>> No.4978106
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Jumping into this one, any advice or comments that I should hear before I begin?

>> No.4978110

oh god the memories of embarrassment when i was pretending not to read these in a secluded section of my library. i never checked any of them out but ended up making it through to saturday.

i was in high school.

>> No.4978112
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bretty gud so far

>> No.4978118
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>not aglaya
that blush when reading the prince's letter in the very beginning of part two
also for some reason i imagine colia to look like armin from SnK

>> No.4978122

nope just read it, it's pretty straightforward

>> No.4978125
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This dude sure loves his lolis

>> No.4978127

I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. Holden pisses me off

>> No.4978136

You should read Less than Nothing by Zizek next.

>> No.4978138
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On my mothers recommendation; it's one of her favorites.

Currently about 200 pages in. Until now the plot had been quite gripping, but it's sort of slowed down with all the exposition. I'm expecting things to pick up again once Dantes gets his affairs in order.

>> No.4978141


How'd you feel about it, foreign anon?

>> No.4978181

Just got to part 2. Its been a wild ride so far.

>> No.4978433
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Just finished reading The Border Trilogy. I liked it, but not as much as Blood Meridian. What should I read next?

>> No.4978943
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I just started reading again after a 2 year hiatus. Knausgaard is very easy to read, described on another thread as airport tier, which is fair enough. Really evoking memories from childhood in that Proustian way.

V was a /lit/ recommendation and is heavy going at times. New vocab every few pages but very engaging. Each chapter has an entirely new voice, its either schizophrenic or genius.

>> No.4978956
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What's that?

>> No.4979421


Since you preferred Blood Meridian, McCarthy's early stuff. Suttree and Child of God specifically.

>> No.4979478

Yeah. It kinda makes me want to visit Caucasus, even tho I bet it's a shithole today.

>> No.4979524
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The Divine Comedy, a great read for anyone really because you can approach it purely from a plot standpoint and get enjoyment even from a casual read, but if you'd like to read deeper into the characters, ideas, and allusions than there's plenty of depth there to delve into. I feel some guilt because all the notes at the end of each canto feel almost like spoonfeeding, but nevertheless the constant meshing of Aristotlian thought with Christian philosophy is really fascinating, especially given that I'm also presently going through Aristotle's major works. On Metaphysics at the moment, though I've only just begun it.

>> No.4979525
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The poetry's good, she was really personable when she read at my school. Dorian Gray is good as well, but I fucking hate Dorian and Henry (I'm only 60 pages in).

>> No.4979536

>Hating Lord Henry

For what reason?

>> No.4979815

He's such a fucking empty-headed oh-so-clever d-bag.

>> No.4979835
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All I've read for several years are shorts and collections of shorts. This is my first try at a real novel in a good long while.

I think the last one I read was 'This Side of Paradise.'