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/lit/ - Literature

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4975372 No.4975372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Main character is a professor of literature

>> No.4975387
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>Main character is female
>Main character is non white

>> No.4975400

>Main character is a woman who lost her husband

>> No.4975410
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>> No.4975416

I love a good book from a professor's point of view. It's always interesting getting into the minds of people who spend so much of their time consciously thinking.

>> No.4975482

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is from the point of view of a professor of marine biology, and around 40% of it serves as a biology textbook
>pretty good book though
>muh Captain Nemo

>> No.4975489

try again, sperglord

>> No.4975501
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>I have never read Virginia Woolf
>I have never read Jane Austen
>I have never read The Rubaiyat

>> No.4975523

>taking that bait

>> No.4975537

>taking that bait

>> No.4975539

>implying Stoner was bad

>> No.4975547


>> No.4975549

>main character is female but you don't notice it till halfway through the book

>> No.4975553
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>a book within the book

>> No.4975558

>main character is a 14 year old girl with (semi-)supernatural powers

>> No.4975566

>Main character is a professor of Hitler Studies

This is basically the same as "a play within a play" - which was featured in Hamlet. Get some taste, plebeian.

>> No.4975567

>book about cancer

cheapest tier of drama

>> No.4975572
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>Book has titled chapters

>> No.4975574
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>based on a real story

>> No.4975578
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>implying that's bad

i think you want to colonize east like your predecessors, the jews

>> No.4975585
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>All of this happened, more or less.

>> No.4975587

He's talking about White Noise and that particular aspect satirized liberal arts programs.

>> No.4975610
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>character is heartbroken, and consequently bedridden for 6 months

>> No.4975615

dear lord the amount of fish and muh straits

>> No.4975617

>as i lay dying

>> No.4975627
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>> No.4975668

>eating people is wrong
>Malcolm Bradbury O.B.E.

>> No.4975674
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>main character is a writer or a book nerd
>never says anything meaningful about literature or books in general

>> No.4975692

>half the characters are black but it's not mentioned until late in the book
b-but muh le socio-behavioral race-specific identity

>> No.4975694
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>Protagonist loves books and has good taste in literature
>Other characters do not

>> No.4975738


>> No.4975745

>my mom is a fish

>> No.4975771

>Main character is Nabokov
>The book is Lolita

>> No.4975796

>The story is a reinterpretation of an ancient myth

>> No.4975812

Hey, I liked Eaters of The Dead!

>> No.4975814


>story is a modern reinterpretation of an ancient myth
>the characters keep the same ancient names

>> No.4975815

>book consists of words arranged in a specific order

>> No.4975818

>Hercules is named Urkel

>> No.4975819

I have never read Eco's Foucault's pendulum

>> No.4975826
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>> No.4975901
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>book is written in words


>> No.4975941
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>they're not words if I write them this way!

>> No.4975954
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>book is alternate history
>it's not mentioned
>or it's mentioned in an obscure or complicated manner
I'm eighty pages into Ada

>> No.4975976
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>> No.4975978


>> No.4975993

I love that. Gimmicky alt histories with a big sensationalist set-up are no fun. Give me stories where it takes half the length to figure out why the French still run Louisiana or whatever.

>> No.4976011
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>tfw I always forget that A Clockwork Orange is supposed to be a science fiction novel taking place in the future
>tfw no matter how many times I read the book or watch the movie it never comes off that way to me

>> No.4976016
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>> No.4976022

The only time sensationalist alt-history worked for me was Yiddish Policeman's Union, but that was actually written to be sensationalist.

>> No.4976025
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>bird imagery

>> No.4976027

But in that case it's still set up as a plot hook / foreshadowing. It's retarded when it just comes out of the blue for no reason.

>> No.4976029

>dis nigga for serious?

>> No.4976031

I think alt history would work a lot better as a concept if it wasn't *always* that way. The best alt history is regular fiction that just happens to be set in 1999 Austria-Hungary or Japan-colonised China or republican London.

>> No.4976032

It just doesn't. Strange and bizarre, sure, but nothing outside what was plausible or happening even around the time of the book's release.

>> No.4976038

>YA novel with super powers
>still attempting to be original with super powers

>> No.4976040

Or Estoty or whatever. Have you ever had the feeling that subtle alt-history evokes a better sense of wonder than fantasy? Most fantasy divulges huge info-dumps about worlds that are basically our own.

>> No.4976046
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It's possible to be original with super powers, anon.

>> No.4976052

>dat metabait

>> No.4976054

I have, and I sorely wish there was more of it. Ada's the only really prominent example I can think of.

>> No.4976059

>a future that seems exactly like the present
It's the most accurate sci-fi novel ever written!

>> No.4976064

>All of this happened, more or less.
>implying Huck Finn and Catcher in the Rye are not good books

>> No.4976069

>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4976076

>dfw there's a character i thought of that i really want to write a story about who's actually nothing like me but he'll still look like a self insert anyway
he's a smooth talking eccentric independent nature documentary filmmaker who's really into spiritualism. it's not as gay as it sounds, i promise.

>> No.4976079
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>Main character's first time is loveless, brief and unpleasant

>> No.4976080

But then what makes it sci-fi? I don't mean this as an affront to you, or anything, I just want to know what it is that I'm missing because I really the book and the little world in it.

>> No.4976092
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>Main character's life is brief, loveless and unpleasant

>> No.4976100

Jojo's is special. Only prolonged exposure to several kinds of drugs produces something like it.

>> No.4976103

>good characters
I could name a half dozen of what you would consider 'genre writers' who do character better than DFW, and I love most of his books.

>> No.4976104

You should make him suck a dude's dick, but in a non-gay way. Then the reader will understand perfectly.

>> No.4976105

>But then what makes it sci-fi?
The technology to re-educate alex is fictional.

>> No.4976107

>doesn't just give you a list of detailed characters and settings
>doesn't let you figure out how the characters and settings would interact, ultimately ending up with the story that the author intended

i bet you guys listen to music rather than just looking at sheets and scores

>> No.4976110

">dfw" is /lit/ for ">tfw". get with the times.

>> No.4976114
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>> No.4976115

good plan!

>> No.4976117

But his re-education essentially just conditioning. I know that the injections he was given were supposed to help incite a sickness, but I find it hard to believe that something like that wasn't already available in 1963.

>> No.4976131
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check out this funny joke i just made :)

>> No.4976132
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>> No.4976138
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>> No.4976148

Or, you know, make him fuck a woman.

>> No.4976155
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>> No.4976166
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>> No.4976176

>Implying names like Lafawnduh, Lederrick, and Shabazz wouldn't give their race away in the beginning

>> No.4976177
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>> No.4976183

too American for me

>> No.4976187

I don't think it's suck in for you, yet.

>> No.4976188


>> No.4976190
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>> No.4976195
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>> No.4976201
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>> No.4976204
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>> No.4976205

tip top lel

>> No.4976211
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>> No.4976213

Don't forget Pail Fire

>> No.4976216

The science isn't fictional, the application of the science is. To put it clearly and concretely, it's a book about what (given the truth of the behaviorist psychologist of the time) would happen if they were allowed to do what they did in the book.

>> No.4976224

Unpopular opinion, but Pnin is superior.

>> No.4976233


>> No.4976243
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>> No.4976259

>The science isn't fictional
i said the technology was.
>it's a book about what (given the truth of the behaviorist psychologist of the time) would happen if they were allowed to do what they did in the book.
it's a book about free will.