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/lit/ - Literature

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4974362 No.4974362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any writers who wasted their youths doing nothing, only got into literature in their 20s and still somehow produced works of merit?

>> No.4974369

No good ones

Nor are there any good musicians, actors, or artists who did the same. If you didn't pick it up when you were under fifteen you are either fucked or doomed to mediocrity.

>> No.4974370

of course there are but i mean what is "a work of merit"?

>> No.4974372

Stop projecting OP.

>> No.4974384

I wrote fanfiction and read edgy shit when I was 13, I guess I'm off the hook.

>> No.4974390


>> No.4974406

Define: "Got into literature."

>> No.4974407

no OP

having a literary background to help you in your writing takes at least 10 years

you wont be writing anything decent until youre 30+

>> No.4974410

but the important thing is to start writing long before then

>> No.4974428

dont listen to these fags. Writing is not some cumulative effort that must be honed every day like a damn muscle. It is fucking putting words on paper. It is not a holier than thou science. Yes, usually, if you start young success will be more likely but the majority of writers are not published until they are middle aged anyway, leaving you with plenty of time to work.

>> No.4974435

Heller was 38 when Catch-22 (his first Novel) was released

>> No.4974440

Are there writers who wasted their youths doing nothing? Yes. Great writers? No.

And I don't mean they spent their childhoods "reading and writing." That's not what makes a good writer. Real life experiences and an intimate understanding of the world and the people in it is what makes a good/great writer. Don't let faggots like Bloom and Nabokov tell you differently.

>> No.4974464

bloom knows more about literature than you ever will

>> No.4974469

Go to bed, bloom

>> No.4974471


who gives a shit

i am attempting to be a physicist and writing is my hobby

i wrote stories and now i am writing a book

great authors are just authors who happened to be discovered by proper audience, rather than wrote books destined to be great

i don't expect my books to be read at all

i expect my writer part to be a bit like that crazy author guy from Slaughterhouse 5.

i do it because i like it and so should you, if you mean yourself, the same goes to any other author

if you happen to write a masterpiece, then have fun with your five minutes in this world

>> No.4974476

>great authors are just authors who happened to be discovered by proper audience
>writing as a hobby

Whatever it is your doing, it's not literature.

>> No.4974478

You have nothing interesting to write about when you're that young. Even the way you see your life is probably uninteresting.

>> No.4974509

Has he read more books than me? Sure. But he still doesn't GET IT, man. So yes, I claim to know more about literature than Harold Bloom.

>> No.4974515


>> No.4975268
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>Being autistic
>Thinking writing should be anything other than a hobby you enjoy
>Muh literature

Get to work

>> No.4975278

Vittorio Alfieri, a famous Italian tragedy-writer.
And even GianBattista Vico, but I'm not sure about it.

>> No.4975291

Franzen claimed to have no been "literary" until the age of 21

>> No.4975295

>. But he still doesn't GET IT, man.

Hell, I feel you, son.You know?

>> No.4975303

This. In his book he was a turbonerd that needed to get #rekt. That one character in his book The Corrections who was a literature professor was basically an exaggeration and parody of himself.

>> No.4975312

Tolstoy. He couldn't be bothered to give two shits about school and wasted time screwing around and gambling in europe until he fought in the war and then wrote Childhood when he was 23.

>> No.4976337

> who is Shakespeare?
> who is Leonardo Di Vinci

There are others I'm sure, just two well known ones. Shakespeare made his best work in his mid twenties. Di Vinci didnt learn to draw/paint until TWENTY NINE.

>> No.4976339

You were being sarcastic and I'm an idiot.

>> No.4976341

"n 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to the artist Andrea di Cione, known as Verrocchio, whose workshop was "one of the finest in Florence".[16] Other famous painters apprenticed or associated with the workshop include Domenico Ghirlandaio, Perugino, Botticelli, and Lorenzo di Credi.[11][17] Leonardo would have been exposed to both theoretical training and a vast range of technical skills[18] including drafting, chemistry, metallurgy, metal working, plaster casting, leather working, mechanics and carpentry as well as the artistic skills of drawing, painting, sculpting and modelling."

Are you retarded?

>> No.4976342

>Franzen claimed to have no been "literary" until the age of 21

He still isn't.

>> No.4976349


Have you read Childhood or Boyhood?

He mayn't of paid attention to school, but he read and had many philosophical insights at a young age.

>> No.4976353

>mayn't of


>> No.4976364

delillo i think

>> No.4976369

>experience makes a writer great
this is just fucking retarded shit that bukowski fanboys believe. 90% of writers have 90% less life experience than 90% of normalfags

>> No.4976378

I don't know how school is in Russia, but it's little more than a daycare, as I know it. They group people together according to age, like a daycare, and give easy-peasy assignments that do little more than occupy the youngsters.

As I look back, it seems the whole kit and kaboodle could have been condensed down into about 5 years, and I would have come out knowing and having studied the same amount of material. Sadly, the crap lasted 12 years and most of it was being detained while the rest of the 'tards caught up.

>> No.4976407

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is right now.

>> No.4976412

when did Pynchon wrote his first book?

>> No.4976421

he was in his 20s, but he'd probably read a lot of shit before that

>> No.4976425

He published V. when he was 26.

That fact is actually dizzying. V. would be a remarkable achievement at any age, but to do basically as a youngster is nothing short of incredible.

>> No.4976469


murakami started in his 30s i think
joseph conrad late 30s or 40s?

>> No.4976482

well shit.
i guess it's mediocrity for me.

>> No.4976503

delillo's first book came out when he was 35 if that makes you feel better

>> No.4976517


Shut the fuck up uneducated poor piece of shit

>> No.4976547


>> No.4976574

Conrad started in his late thirties, and he didn't even spoke english up until his lat>>4976469
e 20s.

also, yes, his books were indeed originally written in english

>> No.4976615


hesse knew by the age of 13 that he is either going to be writer or nothing at all

>> No.4976624

everyone thinks they "GET IT" but most of them are getting different things. the only way to know if you "GET IT" is to put yourself out there and see how many people respond.

Bloom "GETS IT" for a lot of people.

if he doesnt for you...well then you dont "GET IT"

but I bet a lot of people are in the same boat as you. and i bet you apply yourself and come forward, so will the others who "GET IT". and you'll start a new "GET IT" movement.

till some kid thinks you dont "GET IT"
and then you are unseated.
and humiliated.
and die alone.

>> No.4976630

So I guess you fucking plebs have never heard of Raymond Chandler? He got into writing in his late forties.

>> No.4976635

That's called anecdotal evidence and it means jackshit.

OP, I'd assume that being introduced to literature and writing regularly from a young age is a giant advantage for those who did grow up that way. If you didn't. So what? Don't compare yourself to others. There's always someone better, or more prepared, or more attractive, or more intelligent, or whatever. If you sit around comparing yourself to others you will be paralysed. Compare yourself to yourself. Focus on improving. READ! WRITE! FOLLOW YOUR DREAM! -- You may fail. But you'll still be a significantly better (in every way) person and lived a TRUE and HONEST life, following dream. The worst case scenario is not so bad.

and hell... you might succeed.

>> No.4976646

>That's called anecdotal evidence and it means jackshit.

it's from his best friend that wrote books about his life.
also as evidenced by his life hesse tried to kill himself around that time and soon started working in a bookstore (after being a mechanic) where he discovered his love for romanticism. he hated romanticism before that and in the end novalis turned out to be his favourite author.

google it, faggot

>> No.4976658

i didn't read him so not that much.
but i doubt i will write anything.
i'm not that good.

>> No.4976666

Yes OP there are tons. Don't listen to the children on 4chan who are bereft of knowledge and shitpost answers to serious questions

>> No.4976686

Conrad didn't write untill his 40s.

>> No.4976696

dude you don't know anecdotal evidence means.
I wasn't disputing that "hesse knew by the age of 13 that he is either going to be a writer or nothing at all"


omg anon here was born retarded!

>> No.4976746

You should read Calvino's early stories if you want to see how good they were early on: in his 18s, Calvino produced better short stories than most writers in their 30s.

>> No.4976834

I started writing when I was 5. Stopped at 10 and picked it up again at 18. Startet writing "seriously" (my idea of what writing seriously was) at 20. Now I'm 25 and writing for real this time. I got the same doubts as you, eight wasted years is just too much...

>> No.4976843

Pls stop writing, for the best of you.

>> No.4977256

Tee hee

>> No.4977382

>Eragon fan
