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/lit/ - Literature

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4973017 No.4973017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was just curious, what is everyone's major here?

Mine's electrical engineering

>> No.4973020


>> No.4973021

I major in masturbation.

>> No.4973025

>going to college

hey everybody come check out this frickwad

>> No.4973029

very nice

>> No.4973030

I major[ed] in English and history, working in online publishing now.

>> No.4973037

Can into STEM so Law, eventually.

I'd like to be in political science, history, or philosophy, but noooooooooooooo.

>> No.4973044

Mining Engineering

>> No.4973049

This may be a dumb question but what kind of job can you get with a philosophy degree?

>> No.4973050

quantum theology

>> No.4973051

quantum masturbation

>> No.4973053

my cousin majored in masturbation

>> No.4973054

Philosophy professor I guess. There's nothing wrong with aspiring to that if it really is what you want and you have what it takes to face the competition. But yeah, it's not a very lucrative business.

>> No.4973081

On its, just philosophy professor. If you plan to go that route you have to publish a lot, and expect to teach at a much worse college than the one from which you graduated. Basically it's not worth it if you don't live and breathe philosophy and can't see yourself doing anything else.

As a second degree or minor it compliments a wide variety of more practical degrees, since philosophy is THE degree to hone a direct, clear writing style. If you work in a STEM field this is a major advantage.

>> No.4973088

International Relations

>> No.4973113

>tf CS

if i didnt need to support myself i would be majoring in one of the many fields of libarts i find interesting

>> No.4973176

CS too.

Just like you, but i wont be majoring in any field, i would just go and paint , draw or write 24/7.

>> No.4973188


>> No.4973201

Physics and maths double major.

>> No.4973205

English. I'm too depressed to actually make anything of myself so I might as well study what I enjoy.

>> No.4973206

I'm thinking about electrical engineering, how ez is it to find a job after college?

>> No.4973209

Biomedical Engineering

>> No.4973212

>tfw you realise that the only non-bullshit STEM subjects to do at undergrad level are maths and physics

Tell us your subject if it's something other than maths / physics and your thoughts when you realised that you wasted any chance you had at being an intellectual.

I'm going in to my masters year of chemical engineering. I have never done anything which couldn't have easily been learned by a maths/physics student in about 2 days. Engineering is an utterly bullshit subject. I can't believe /sci/ respects it.

When I say bullshit, I don't mean they make it up. I mean that there is no point studying it if any of it can be learnt in almost any order and maths/physics will give you the tools that you will actually find useful

How the hell can people justify doing something other than maths/physics at undergrad and then going to Grad level and above? EVERY* single research paper I've seen when doing chem eng research could be understood better with a better knowledge of physics or applied maths. I've never seen a paper where I think, "Great, my previous chem eng courses and general engineering courses set me up to understand this in-depth compared to someone doing maths/physics!"

I don't want to conflate the above paragraphs with my lack of love for engineering students, but I've posted the following thought before: the only reason engineering is seen as a hard subject is because tards pick it while thinking it'll lead to megabucks. In places where everyone is equal (e.g. Oxbridge, where all student go in to it with the same/perfect grades), engineering has zero reputation for being a particularly difficult subject.

* zero exaggeration

>> No.4973216

>I'm too depressed to actually make anything of myself

Stay that way.

>> No.4973221

I probably will, thanks.

>> No.4973236

Got pushed into "humanities and social sciences", realized what a retarded program I was in, realized I didn't enjoy school, stopped going. Electricianhood here I come.

>> No.4973267

English and Philosophy double major here. I was debating studying Physics because I really like calculus but my god are the people who study physics at an undergrad level completely insufferable. To an extent all undergrads feel as if what they are studying is the most important thing anyone could ever study but with physics students that shit is turned up to 11 and they seem to lack the social literacy and good sense not to be so ostentatious about it.

But I like English and Philosophy just as well so it wasn't a hard choice. Plus I don't have to be studying my ass off.

Anyways I don't know why it's always a debate between STEM and non-STEM. If you're only interested in one or the other you're probably a philistine.

>> No.4973277

Criminal justice

>> No.4973278

You can become a lawyer. Philosophy majors score high on the LSAT

>> No.4973282

Chemical Engineering.

I have no life.

>> No.4973349

This, and get some paralegal work experience. Proceed to rape selling your labor on da market

>> No.4973362

Just had a spergerous - albeit brilliant in a prairie-sense of breadth of learning - that switched from physics to Art-stuff for graduate studies. Hare brained described him and his course design, -- it's a shame, he could be dropping tons of knowledge if he structured the rambles.

>> No.4973363

Computer programming, but I'm heavily considering switching over to mathematics with a minor in either comp sci or econ.

>> No.4973368

Economics and politics. Been feeling depressed all year because it's not really what I wanted to do but at least if I play my cards right in the future and specialise in the economic side of the degree, it'll probably turn out lucrative enough. I've been watching Wolf of Wall Street tonight and it has been reassuring me a little bit. Midway through the year I was thinking of dropping the joint major and going English/philosophy instead, then I realised that if I had to endure those types of classes for four years, I would probably end up hanging myself. /lit/ is all I need for that sort of education.

>> No.4973383


It depends on if you know how to sell it and it's strong points.

>> No.4973396

Math / Applied Math double major. Did I make a mistake? I think math is really interesting and engineering wasn't that challenging from the few classes I took. If I wasn't worried about being financially stable I'd major in Math / Philosophy, although the idea of "Philosophy Degree" sounds a little absurd.

>> No.4973416

What's wrong with Chemistry? The just chemistry none of this chemical engineering crap (i.e. do stupidly simple chemical reactions but on a big scale). I mean I'm a maths undergraduate at the moment but I strongly considered doing chemistry and because of the way my uni works was able to do some first year undergrad chemistry and it wasn't too bad.

>> No.4973426

The people who suffer the hardest, or for the longest time give us very detailed explanations.

>> No.4973428

I majored in Classics, super fun times, Classics majors are the best.

>> No.4973473

i'm currently studying physics at undergrad level. letters and philosophy were always my first choice when i was younger but the environment that you describe is the perfect opposite here where i live. people in my faculty are quite nice and low profile with a wide interest in music, art and literature, and are very passionate to what they're studying, otherwise they wouldn't last because it takes so much dedication. i have not yet met a philosophy/letters student who wasn't a pretentious obnoxious and utterly boring person ready to debate each and every possible argument with cheap logic, denostating any other person for not seeing "the poetic" which of course exists exclusevely for those who've spent years dedicating themselves to grammar. professors included. it' truly a pity.

>> No.4973480

you planning to take drugs and scream to people until your barbie wife doesnt't even want to fuck you anymore?

>> No.4973516

See >>4973278

I majored in philosophy, minored in classical studies. Just graduated law school last month. Philosophy students tend to score higher than almost any others on the LSAT.

>> No.4973518

Although like any other statistic, the numbers are kind of skewed for various reasons.

>> No.4973541

A job at Burger King

>> No.4973882


I know a Philosophy major who works for a think-tank in Washington now but he was extremely bright.

I think if you're smart enough it doesn't really matter what you major in.

>> No.4973906

i have an english degree with a writing emphasis

>> No.4973918

Hey Dad, didn't know you browsed 4chan.

>> No.4973920
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Dual major in Computer Science and English

>> No.4973930

Electrical Engineering too

>> No.4973940

engineering is VOCATIONAL but even so yes it is as hard as everyone says, how about you try doing a real engg discipline before complaining though - chem and civil don't count

and seriously why would anyone ever think engineering was going to make you an intellectual?

>> No.4973952

is /lit/ just engineers trying to be cultured?

>> No.4973953

Law and international politics

>> No.4973960

English. I'm thinking of joining a metal band after graduation as a singer, though.

>> No.4973975

english and sociology double

>> No.4973980

My major is French with an Arts degree. It's a mixture of studying French culture, literature and the language itself. That mixed with a minor in sociology was interesting enough but I wish I had chosen theology instead. 3 years after studying sociology and my professor was right, I still can't define what the fuck it is.

>> No.4973995


>> No.4973998

I'm in my twelth year of college now. I have enough credits to graduate with a BA in philosophy, psychology, literature, eastern european culture, religious studies, studio art, art history, criminal justice (I had a big SVU phase at one point), and maybe one or two others. Personally, though, I don't really feel ready for grad school yet. To get a PHD you really have to break beyond just studying the past and make an original contribution. I still haven't figured out what my contribution will be.

>> No.4974012

I'm sorta doing the same thing, but my uni doesn't have many applied math courses. But it's known as a very practical school, so IDK.

I already have a french/spanish degree.

I have literally no idea what i'm doing with my life. I thought a math degree would challenge me, but i'm still waiting.

>> No.4974026

>twelve years

>> No.4974027

Double majoring in modern literature and film production

>> No.4974030

I burst out laughing.

>> No.4974037

I don't get it, me and my group of friends in my undergrad dept (English Lit) all got pretty good jobs when we graduated. Are people really struggling to find work so badly with college degrees?

>> No.4974041

twelve fucking years, man? How the fuck does the College still accept you??

After I acquired the necessary credits for my Mathematics B.Sc., my university practically pushed me the fuck out. Financial aid cut me off, too.

In fact, I was almost late by a day in applying for graduation and the guy told me I could've practically waited a day before commencement because they just want to kick us out as soon as we finish our credits.

>> No.4974062

why is that funny? (not him)

>> No.4974063

>How the fuck does the College still accept you??
money, lots and lots of money.

>> No.4974072
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Comparative literature.

My undergrad was English.

>> No.4974167

yeah I bet he did hehehe

>> No.4974188

Majored in English with a minor in Philosophy. In an English PhD program now.

>> No.4974191

>majors in something useful

Get a load of this pleb.

>> No.4974192

CLit eh?

Art and Design here

>> No.4974205

CS here too. I wanna go to the academic route though. Do a MSc/PhD on theory of computation maybe.

>> No.4974209

Can someone explain to me what exactly is "Comparative x"?

>> No.4974218

With a general English PhD your focus is usually in one area.

With a comparative literature degree you focus on several areas and learn several languages. It's for people who have difficulty limiting themselves.

>> No.4974219


>> No.4974220

I don't know if this is the most artfully structured post I've seen yet or someone let one of the inmates at the asylum use the computers again.

>> No.4974225

marry me?

>> No.4974274

I get that a lot, both. Top lel m8.

>> No.4974280

>professors included. it' truly a pity.
Have to wonder, "Was Socrates A Douchebag?"
I see that and tend to think, "Oh man, YES ..."

>> No.4974299
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Hello CS brethren

>> No.4974303

I have a bachelor's in Mortuary Sciences and I'm working on another degree in English

>> No.4974325
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History / Classics

>> No.4974389

I'm just finishing up my gen ed requirements and don't really know what to do. I'm at least minoring in French for sure (American here), but I don't know if I want to make it a major (additional 18 credits from the minor) since I think pairing it up with another major would be a better choice. Obviously a double major would be the best route, but I'm already over a year behind since I fucked around too much my freshman year and we'll see if I want to be in undergrad for 6 years...probably not.
Trying to decide between English Lit, Philosophy, and Comparative Lit. Considering eventually trying for law school, but I don't really know about that, obviously philosophy would be the right choice for that but as of now my only plan is to teach english in Asia for a couple years after graduation. After that, if I like teaching, being an english teacher in France sounds appealing?
I don't know. Help me plan out my life, /lit/

>> No.4974460

English and Math double major. Loving every minute of it.

>> No.4975190

I will be entering civil engineering at Michigan Tech. Unfortunately, they don't really have good philosophy, but wasn't really expecting one.

>> No.4975198

IRfag too.

>> No.4975203

English Literature and International Politics

>> No.4975243

I majored in Taste

>> No.4975247

Audio Engineering. Really fun, going to start my own sound for film company in Vancouver. Good industry if you're willing to work hard, no jobs if you're "all about the music" aka most people.

>> No.4975248

>ctrl f 'engineering
>18 results

oh lord you poor children really have drank the kool aid

>> No.4975270


>> No.4975302

physics. completely worthless though since i'm too stupid for grad school.

>> No.4975315
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>> No.4975339

Double major in tax law and public administration.

>> No.4975340
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>> No.4975347

BTW, if you are interested in becoming a fraud for life, choose Tax Law.The profs actually make a very good living with fraud.

>> No.4975357

Theology here

>> No.4975369

I major in mathematics.

>> No.4975392

just finished my pure maths degree

no jobs unless you want to do finance

guess it's grad school then

>> No.4975401

computer science and electrical engineering

>> No.4975403

wittgeinstein was an engineer too

>> No.4975404

Random office job, just like all social science majors who don't actually read theory.

>> No.4975418

and thats why he's a logician instead of a philosopher

>> No.4975426

he's not thou
and >logic not a part philosophy

>> No.4975434

I didn't go to college, but if I did, all this engineering would worry me.

Is there not going to be an over saturation of engineers? Or do we really need them really badly?

>> No.4975436

>Is there not going to be an over saturation of engineers?
Of course, there already is in some first world countries.

>> No.4975442

software engineer

>> No.4975453

Chemistry major here, your statement sounds like someone who never understood his chemistry courses. Not sure what sector of chemical engineering you're in, but every single research paper I've looked at, physics would have done nothing to improve my situation, except physical chemistry. Physics has no applicable place in organic chemistry, a small place in biochemistry, a larger place in analytical chemistry, and a good place in physical chemistry, but nothing that you don't pick up in a pchem course. My point is, chemistry is on par with math/physics. It belongs in the very same boat.

>> No.4975454
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>Mfw I have no major because studying something for more than 2 hours gives me physical pain and I have a shit tier attention span
>Mfw doing a non payed internship in a house for the elderly, doing all the paperworks and stuff, loving it
>Mfw they just said to me that they can't hire me despite the fact that they absolutely love me and said that I'm very efficient at the job, but unfortunately I apparently need a degree to staple and copy sheets.

Fuck this world

>> No.4975459

You ever try bringing that up to an engineering major? They flip their shit, and go off about how the humanities are the scourge of higher education.

>> No.4975478

Economic Geography, doing a Master's either in Local Economic Developement or Urban Plannin.

>> No.4975493

History. Starting history of conflict in the next two years, thinking of a social history master.

>> No.4975510

ur so cool

god, people like you are part of the reason i would drop my fucking math major if i wasn't two classes away from finishing the requirements

>> No.4975519

engineer just means 'making stuff''. a lot of things involve making stuff.

>> No.4975525

you seem fickle if you let assholes like taht get to u

>> No.4975533

>still being in college

is this 2007?

>> No.4975542

i mean, that wasn't the main part, it was mostly that math sorta felt useless.

>inb4 300k starting
i live cheap, that won't change soon, i don't need the money

ugh, honestly college seems useless, but my parents are gonna be hella proud when i graduate, and i'm not really good at anything besides academic shit

i could sell out and buy the folks nice things, idk

>> No.4975570

I majored in History, working as a park manager now. I'm going back for my MLIS next year.

How do you like working in publishing? I've considered it, but did not look further into it.

>> No.4975577

I'm finishing a bachelor degree as an Electrical Technician.

It's not the same as Electrical Engineering but alot like it.

It's called Rafeindarvirkjun here in Iceland.

I might take some degree in Audio engineering too.

>> No.4975586
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>> No.4975593


>> No.4975608

>implying you will be getting a high-paying job right out of school

>> No.4975616

same, automation more specifically.

>> No.4975624

I am currently majoring in Psychology.

M-muh pseudoscience.

>> No.4975634

What do you think of it and what do you want to do with it? I've thought about studying it because I'm really interested in it, I don't really want to become a psychologist though, I just want to know stuff.

>> No.4975640



>> No.4975647
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Dual Neuroscience and English

>> No.4975649

been touching on this in marketing class and jesus christ how horrible it is

>> No.4975696

Liberal Studies

>> No.4975700


>> No.4975703

not a "major" since I am from post-commie country , but I study general medicine

after three years (and 4 years ahead) I have to say I did not expect it to be so demanding.

>> No.4975704

Interpretive Dance.

>> No.4975708

My Psychology classes were some of the only classes I actually looked forward to. The only problem though,besides the marketability of a psych degree, is that a large majority of the people in my class seemed to have been spawned from tumblr.

If you can deal with a some irritating classmates, and the competitiveness that a Psych major entails, go for it.

Also, with a psych degree you can go for counseling, social services, or you can teach. I plan on taking some Bio/Chem/Physics courses so I can try for medical school, so I can either shoot for being a psychiatrist, or fall back on the med school training/psych degree.

>> No.4975722

what's that?

>> No.4975728

that's actually pretty brilliant

>> No.4975740

You all found what kind of pretty good jobs?

>> No.4975754

Mining engineers are the fucking scum of the earth.

>Stay in their heated/cooled office all day
>When they get bored, scoot out in their little golf carts and zip down to where people are doing actual work
>Scoot back to office

They're all like 400 pounds, too.

>> No.4975758

Why do you dislike mining engineers so much?

>> No.4975763

No one here goes to college.
Hardly anyone here actually has a job.
If they say they are in published, they're lying.
If they say they are in college, it's satire.
No one here is slightly intelligent at all.
They all live in their parents house, with or without a part-time job, have no friends, never do anything with anyone, and wonder why they are so fucking
>muh depression
all the fucking time. They never applied themselves and they believe being some
>muh existential crises
is heroic. This causes narcissism which in turns, to them, justifies their failure as a human being. It takes all responsibility from them and places it on everyone around them because they are pathetic little kids who can't face the real world. So they hide in books, they hide on the internet, and they can't even bring themselves to commit suicide. Again, the reasoning not being their own, but everyone around them.

>> No.4975764

Are there any teachers here? I'm planning on becoming one because I like working with children, get along with them, and I'd like to make the education system at least a tiny bit less shitty.

>> No.4975766

Political Science and English, just graduated. Thinking about grad school, possibly an MFA program

>> No.4975770

Projecting much? It's not hard to get into college or to get a job.

>> No.4975775

Because I have to work with them.

>> No.4975781

Wondering this as well

>> No.4975784

He has rich oblivious parents who, as long as it's not affecting the families image in a negative way, they will pay all expenses. This is seen a lot, actually. I'm sure his parents tell their friends, "oh why yes, Gertrude. William is still enrolled at the University. He likes to say, oh what is it he likes to say dearest?" "Oh of course, that son of mine sure does love knowledge. He enjoys to say, 'I cannot fulfill my dream to know everything and bring prosperity to all aspects of my family if I am not able to learn everything', he's such a good man."

>> No.4975789

Is it worth majoring in medicine to become a doctor?

Not planning to have a wife, so that leaves me with clear hours for other interests, though I will ensure that my little blood sharers will run around the world in nut and run fornication way.

>> No.4975793

No...no it's not.
I did well in High School, literally the easiest shit ever. Therefore, I got into the colleges I applied for and received scholarships. It's only hard to get into college if you're one of the pathetic freaks who can't do algebra and deserve to be put in manual labor slavery for the rest of their lives at the bottom of a mine shaft as to not interfere with those who didn't find The Great Gatsby too overwhelming in 10th grade honor classes.

As for a job, stop pretending flipping burgers is beneath you. You're literally the lowest any material object can go.

>> No.4975795

How do you like comp lit? I am >>4974389 and would like to know about pros/cons compared to studying english lit

>> No.4975799

Sure, if you think it's worth getting one semester in and realizing you're still a lazy fuck who refuses to go to class and drop out after you already spent $50,000. If you think it's worth it than go ahead.

>> No.4975822

Mathematics and philosophy double major, thought I can change cause I am going into soph. year and I have a 5 year scholarship.

Is anyone here actually graduated? If so, is mathematics actually employable in banking and finance or do they prefer economics-tards?

My current plan is to finish my mathematics undergrad at the mid-tier flagship state school where I'm at and then go to the Northeast at some high-tier graduate school for math so that I can be employed at an investment bank and screw over people for cash.

Is that a viable career path or should I just do math+economics undergrad and consign myself to my shitty state education?

>> No.4975825

Ancient and Medieval History
It's interesting, dunno about the jobs

>> No.4975835


fuck my gay typing abilities

>> No.4975844

A friend of mine has a PhD in mathematics and works in investment banking, so yeah. It obviously depends on what area you want to work in, though. He's in risk management which is pretty much all mathematics.

>> No.4975868

wow, I'm pretty much in the exact same boat as you, right down to the state school.

I'm going the actuary route and taking lots of probability and stats and doing some finance independent study in prep for the exam P

>> No.4975870

No I dropped out and got a real job.

>> No.4975888

I know an adjunct professor like this, not even as bad, who is struggling to find a more permanent job because universities see that and are wondering what the fuck he was doing the whole time.

>> No.4975892

You sound like a bro. Best of luck, math /lit/eratus.

>> No.4975910

I have a Major in Humanities and right now I am doing a Post-Grad in Comparative Studies of Art, Thought and Literature.

>> No.4975921

>wow, I'm pretty much in the exact same boat as you, right down to the state school.
>I'm going the actuary route and taking lots of probability and stats and doing some finance independent study in prep for the exam P

I'm in the same boat, though I'm on the fence between Statistician and Actuary. Whichever one involves less Matlab is my preference really. I hate computer program related work.

>> No.4975925

I didn't plan on having a wife in highschool either

>> No.4975933

I guess i'm a lawyer now.

>> No.4976007

Jump through the hoops bright, or do well in the interview bright?

>> No.4976013

- Phoenix Wright

>> No.4976071

because they're bourgeois managerial class

>> No.4976125


I'm going to major in something else besides Philosophy, but I still have to determine what exactly. Thinking of Physics although I don't know if I'm smart enough

>> No.4976129

>hasn't graduated college
>thinks he understands literature


>> No.4976139

Computer Science.

>> No.4976142


>> No.4976144

>tfw want to be a barista
Do I need a philosophy degree?

>> No.4976145

I am about to transfer from com col and I intend to major in psychology. I know psychology is a popular major, but do most people in your class actually want a career in psychology or are they just majoring in it just to get a degree

>> No.4976147

Philosophy. I wish I had double majored in Mathematics, but being a transfer student from a poor family doesnt really give me much time to dick around.

>> No.4976153

you will be competing with the people with philosophy and liberal arts degrees

or you can be a business major and own the coffee shop with less work

>> No.4976162

>don't think I'm smart enough
Good luck in philosophy then, kid. You'll make it through because of how subjective a lot of the material is, but with that kind of mindset your professors and more intelligent classmates are going to know youre a retard

>> No.4976194

For a second I thought I was on /sci/. Double majoring in microbiology and earth systems.

>> No.4976198

actuarial job is the most boring area where you can apply mathematical skills

it really involves no creative mathematical thought, it's all plug n chug

exams are a cosmic waste of time and also require nothing but patience

also you'll end up sitting in an office all day and connecting to nobody

>> No.4976206

Teaching English as a Second Language

>> No.4976207

it pays well and money is objectively all that matters

>> No.4976222

Even more so than Statistician? I can't really imagine any 'Applied Mathematics' jobs that aren't devoid of creativity, most of them are made with the intention of being high level plug and chug. When I think creative math jobs the only thing that comes to mind is being a Professor at a University or Game Theory though so I'm not too knowledgable on job options.

>> No.4976236

I feel like the majority of people are either in psych with the "I want to help people" mentality, or because they don't know what major they should take, so they decide on just going with psych. I haven't seen many people with a passion for it, and I attribute that as a reason why psych gets a bad rep, because there is a lot of people half-assing it. If you actually like the subject and you are active in learning it/discussing with your professors, you'll rise above the the mediocre students.

>> No.4976289

statisticians do all kinds of cool stuff like designing experiments etc but i personally feel a lot of methods they use are essentially guessing

regarding applied maths, i have had an internship at a meteorology lab and it was the greatest thing, requiring some non-standard thinking for sure

on the other hand, actuary is just another boring office job (albeit well-paid)

>> No.4976298
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>twelve years

>> No.4976316

Music composition and Linguistics.

>> No.4976444


>> No.4976465

>regarding applied maths, i have had an internship at a meteorology lab and it was the greatest thing

That's funny, as a kid I always wanted to be a meteorologist. What did you do?

>> No.4976500

i was working with a couple of guys on upper atmosphere flows, it was mostly numerical approximations to equations for different (low density) fluids

afaik some space agencies used our data, but i never had any contact with them

anyway it was quite fun

>> No.4976524

I did my undergrad in economics and my masters in health economics.

It was alright. Plenty of jobs in health economics. It can be interesting. Valuing a human life and all. Although I'm thinking of branching out.

>> No.4976596


>> No.4976736

I have an MSc. in neuroscience and one in statistics and I'll be starting my Phd. in October. I probably made a mistake with going into neuroscience and not mathematics, but still I can't complain.

>> No.4976789

im starting to get that feeling as well anon

>> No.4976798

>philosophy, psychology, literature, eastern european culture, religious studies, studio art, art history, criminal justice
well theres your problem
next time round pick something in the sciences

>> No.4976809
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Fine art, multimedia.


>> No.4976814

hi Jonathon Peirce Ouzariman

>> No.4976817

Pure Math and Physics, will probably do grad school in Physics

>> No.4976821

Think you want to give me a warning of the toughest pure math courses? Pure math major freshman here.

>> No.4976825

yeah just about every job now even if simple office admin type shit requires you to have a degree

>> No.4976827


>> No.4976847

It varies depending on person. Personally, I found abstract algebra (groups, rings, fields, representations etc.) much easier to understand than, say, measure theory, PDE, etc. but lots of people I knew seemed to feel the reverse. I have bad geometric intuition, though.

>> No.4976853

i want to quit and start philosophy or english lit instead but

>> No.4976869

Not American but doing my last year of uni next year and I've found Topology to be particularly challenging but most of the topology I've done has been focused on metric spaces.

>> No.4977025

do you hate poetry now or love it more?

>> No.4977031

vaporwave best genre

>> No.4977035

why not double-major? If you add English lit, you get the benefit of reading fiction in those classics while learning (gasp) the historical context in your history classes.

>> No.4977038

I major in smoking dank and fucking your mother

>> No.4977291

I dropped out of high school.

>> No.4977311

I dropped out of high school because I'm hardcore.

>> No.4977350


I drop lil punk-ass bustas like you.

>> No.4977354

The biggest pro for me was that I don't really care about English/American lit very much, and I care a whole lot about French and Japanese lit. It's stupidly difficult to get into specialized courses just for those, so comparative lit was my obvious route.

If you're already planning to teach English overseas, I'd pick an Asian language for one of your comp lit ones, and teach in that country. It's excellent experience and looks great for any future teaching positions. That's if you're talking about grad level stuff, I can't quite tell if you are.

>> No.4977369

Ausfag here, majoring in music, minoring in philosophy. It's a bit difficult given that a major/minor combo with music and another subject only gets you musicology units in 2nd and 3rd years instead of aural, harmony and performance units in addition to that, which is what a music specialist double major gives. For first year you get musicology, harmony/aural and performance units though. Not sure whether I'm going to drop music and just do phil or vice versa, or finish both degrees in what would effectively be a triple major.
I can't really understand why anyone would major in an arts subject and just go into business after that. Wouldn't it be more effective just to get a more business oriented degree then?

>> No.4977930

I feel the same. The main reason I want to go to Asia to teach is to travel and gain experiences etc etc but my interests truly lie in French and Russian lit and I'm fascinated by the Italian language and culture as well (havent read too many great Italian authors). I'm also into studying the arts in general so comparative lit seems like a good choice to me, I'm starting to lean more towards that as of the past few days

>> No.4977973
File: 126 KB, 500x489, 1367201523992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw not contributing anything to the world
>mfw not giving a fuck

>> No.4977991

Linguistics and English

that's a pretty ace double major

>> No.4978033


>> No.4978087

Theater and English

Currently working at a children's theater for the summer.

>> No.4978095

You can teach English in European countries as well. Not as many jobs, but there definitely are some. If you haven't seen it before, an ESL job board:


>> No.4978117
File: 53 KB, 600x450, two-toed-sloth_744_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I teach elem ed, summer has nearly arrived for me!

any questions? It was my first year.

pic related, its me not giving a fuck about my job for a few months after tomorrow

>> No.4978119

Political Science, going for law next year.

>> No.4978129
File: 509 KB, 441x586, 5ydhyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double major: computer science and philosophy.

>> No.4978873

Well, how do you generally feel about it? Is it hard, does being surrounded by little people who know nothing about the world bore you? I don't really have any too specific questions, sorry.

>> No.4978875

Pollysci with a minor in english.

Currently a 2L in lawschool.

>> No.4978888

Double majoring Biblical Studies and Archaeology.

>> No.4978908


>> No.4978937

English lit.

Meh, I enjoy it. No fucking idea what I'll do for a job.