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4970409 No.4970409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recently I've been thinking a lot about the income gap. What do you guys think? Is it possible redistribute wealth to the point of economic equality within a capitalist economic system?

>> No.4970412

It's widening because education is becoming more expensive. The efforts to create a majority middle class in the 70s and 80s is being wound back.

And it is possible within a capitalist economy, but not in the current incarnation. There is no incentive for people to distribute wealth fairly and all the incentive to do the opposite.

>> No.4970417

I think we need to scrap environmental protectionism policies that stand in the way of growing industries, remove the minimum wage (at the very least just for under 25 year olds, but it would work better for everyone) and privatise all government controlled industries, such as healthcare and education.

>> No.4970418

equal opportunity =/= equal outcome. 92% of all workplace deaths are men, where is the death distribution. women also work significantly fewer hours and work in more part time positions than men. maybe thats why they make less money?

>> No.4970423

Of course it isn't. Under capitalism the only change that be initiated is top-down, from the wealthy to the poor, and the only change permitted that way is the kind that will allow the wealthy to stay exactly as rich as they are. The capitalist class has no incentive to commit suicide in a way as comprehensive as wealth redistribution.

>> No.4970428

I find the greed of the poor, in demanding money be given to them, to be greater than that of the elite.

>> No.4970430


>> No.4970434

>within a capitalist economic system?
Temporarily. The wealthy will always screw it all up for their gains

>> No.4970437

I disagree completely

>> No.4970438


>> No.4970440


The greed of anyone in the poor caste is understandable.

"Hey, we're stone age physiologies divorced from the means of survival we evolved from into means of production dependent on class division and massive inequality in resource distribution. But somehow we're going to be morally blamed for not adapting to the very very very local historical cultural conditions of the current modes of production in a satisfactory way because almost nobody can think logically about human beings."

In comparison, the petulance of the rich comes off as crass and boorish.

And to OP, you can certainly fashion a better distribution dependent on political power. But there's always going to be massive inequality in agricultural societies.

>> No.4970444

You find someone not wanting to work a minimum wage job with ridiculous hours for almost no pay greedier than someone hoarding vast amounts of wealth to no logical end and refusing to be taxed properly for what they earn in case it cuts into that vast amount of wealth?

>> No.4970445

>But somehow we're going to be morally blamed for not adapting to the very very very local historical cultural conditions of the current modes of production in a satisfactory way because almost nobody can think logically about human beings."
This is just stupid. Humans are adaptive, if you can't handle the freedom of failure then I don't think you were cut out for life.

>> No.4970453

>You find someone not wanting to work a minimum wage job with ridiculous hours for almost no pay
No, I find someone doing no work and expecting the rich to finance their existence greedy. I find people who demand that people who earned great amounts of money give it to them for nothing greedy.

>> No.4970454

Because the environment is far more important than industry

>> No.4970459

If the environment was important then there should be numerous competitors investing in it. If you think an industry will destroy the very environment it sustains itself from you are an idiot.

>> No.4970460

Then you have no idea what we're talking about. The welfare state seems to be what your issue is with; and you know that's a product of capitalism? A means for your exalted captains of finance to keep the shiftless proles from caring enough about their situation to do anything. I'm no more a fan of that than you are.

>> No.4970468

>and you know that's a product of capitalism?
No it isn't. Not free market capitalism.
>The welfare state seems to be what your issue is with
No, the greedy don't have to be on welfare to demand the profits of others.

>> No.4970479

I don't think I've actually argued with Ayn Rand on /lit/ before. Do you know you're a banned topic here, Ayn?

>> No.4970486
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>Is it possible redistribute wealth to the point of economic equality within a capitalist economic system?

No way to know until we decide to kill the rich take their shit and give it to the poor. Sounds like a plan to me.

>> No.4970487

>kill the rich take their shit and give it to the poor. Sounds like a plan to me
how's high school going for you

>> No.4970489

Whatever you say, Marx, you economic illiterate.

>> No.4970491

the stupidity in this post is genuinely astonishing

>> No.4970495

That is not an argument, that is a plain and simple ad hominem fallacy.

>> No.4970496
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Ayn, you naughty girl you. Stop playing hard to get. You know you want my dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.4970498

Raskolnikov tried that already

>> No.4970503

Yep, just make it illegal to own such and such amount of wealth.

>the rich will get around it

Make that illegal too. Its doable, just no politician would because of lobbying bribery.

>> No.4970504
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Sexual acts are incompatible with individual freedom.

>> No.4970509

no politician woul because it's wrong

>> No.4970513

So then why would a business owner who passes the threshold continue to operate for the year if he would just lose all his money anyway?

>> No.4970515
File: 57 KB, 425x599, marximum power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism's all about freedom, baby. That little thing in Russia was no big deal. Come on. I got the ability, you got the need.

>> No.4970517

Pass more laws xDDDDD #gomminism4eva

>> No.4970521

He could retire.

>> No.4970525
File: 14 KB, 252x318, ayn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collectivisation is explicitly anti-freedom, any form of communal living wherein the individual is expected to meet the standards of the collective is opposed to freedom.

>> No.4970528

That has nothing to do with my post. If he only had to operate his business for two months before exceeding the threashold he would essentially be retired for the next 10 months.

>> No.4970529

Some might argue its wrong that a guy can have a billion dollars when others are scrapping by.

Warren Buffet, who has 40 billion dollars, wrote an article about how unfair it is he paid a less percentage of tax than his secretary (who does not have 40 billion dollars)

>> No.4970531

Most unsexy

>> No.4970534

Yeah, or his entire life, depending on the threshold. Or he could start a new thing.

>> No.4970537
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Ain't the standards of the market count as limiting freedom too? Ayn, honey, you're so cute all worked up. Come on. You ain't got nothing to lose but your clothes. I can even invite Engels if you're into that.

>> No.4970539

Or he could distribute his money to family members and/or other, offshore accounts

>> No.4970540

if he wants to pay her taxes or to buy a bunch of homeless people homes of their own he's more than welcome to do so with his money. but for the government to make some law that would take more of his money to buy them homes or limit his earnings to some arbitrary amount is ludicrous. he's got money for a reason, and there are people that dont have money for a reason as well

>> No.4970541

..not if that were illegal

>> No.4970543

For some reason anon, people are retarded in clusters and apparently can only suck rich people off or tax them at 100%, and dammit we're not doing anything else!

>> No.4970545

The market is a non-personal entity dependent on the transaction of free, able and willing individuals it cannot limit freedom, but is rather an expression of freedom.

>> No.4970550

Well then he will just close his business when we reaches the threshold and retire for the remainder of the year while his workers are put out of a job.

>> No.4970553
File: 42 KB, 417x598, rean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market is a non-personal entity dependent on the transaction of free, able and willing individuals it cannot limit freedom, but is rather an expression of freedom

>> No.4970556

Meanwhile in the real world, Wal-mart opens stores at a loss just to kill competition in an area.

>> No.4970560

>workers are put out of a job.
>implying anyone needs to work at all
>implying we wont just distribute the wealth and everyone will be all happy and shit without working or doing anything but writing shitty poetry and growing out dreadlocks

>> No.4970561

Or someone else takes over, do I have to spoonfeed every idea for you, think for yourself. The point is anything can be legal or illegal, if wealth inequality was a priority, then there are ways to reduce it.

>> No.4970565 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 340x341, karl larks about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, Ayn, I'll go tell those kids in those Chinese and Indian sweatshops that they're free to go do something else if they want. You're such a cold bitch. I love it. How about we get together and I show you my labour theory of value.

>> No.4970567

forbid inheritance

>> No.4970568

.. to add, some governments expropriate businesses. That means, they basically steal them and they become state owned.

>> No.4970570

Takes over a private business? This is some Checka shit right here.

>> No.4970571

>i dont have a right to do what i want with my money
yeah fuck off m8

>> No.4970572
File: 18 KB, 340x341, karl larks about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit, Ayn, I'll go tell those kids in those Chinese and Indian sweatshops that they're free to go do something else if they want. You're such a cold bitch. I love it. How about we get together and I show you my labour theory of value.

>> No.4970574

I agree. Powerful governments like the United States have proven that governments can be trusted to handle large amounts of money and the power to wrest it from those who earned it with little harm happening to anyone anywhere

>> No.4970579


>> No.4970581

There's some /pol/ tier bullshit in this thread

>> No.4970583

better go run to our local fascist mod and tell him people are having a discussion

>> No.4970585
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China and india are not market economies, they are a product of Marxist labour theories. Go to post-USSR Estonia if you want to see a free market

>> No.4970588
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That doesn't constitute an argument.
>free market economics is bullshit
I kek'd

>> No.4970597

>this is what leftards actually believe

>> No.4970599
File: 122 KB, 747x1068, butt ugly marxians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, c'mon, girl. Don't blame that shit on me, that's not what I'd have done to those places. And they're part of the world market economy, ain't they? See? All this shit's linked into capitalism in the end. And you ain't gotta be so grumpy all the time. Gotta relax. Come down with me to the first workingmen's international, we'll get some drinks in.

>> No.4970601

I say this because it's one of the biggest factor for everyone to want to become rich
another solution would be to impose a limit on the amount of possesions/money one can have, and lastly, very high taxes for the rich

you mean, the money you made by stealing/cheating and almost enslaving people?

I didn't say give it to the government... at least not directly. the thing is, it should be distributed somehow.

>> No.4970602

the sad fact is that really is what they have envisioned for society

>> No.4970605

They won't know who that image contains and will still report it, bud.

>> No.4970606
File: 517 KB, 1536x2279, why am I still roleplaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State capitalism is not capitalism, Marx. When the wealth of the nation is artificially distributed to the ruling party or elite it is not a free market.

>> No.4970608

>the money you made by stealing/cheating and almost enslaving people
another mentally deficient leftist that literally cant think up a single legitimate argument. im glad you folks are so stupid, lest your shit ideas actually begin to gain popularity with normal people

>> No.4970611

>another mentally deficient leftist that literally cant think up a single legitimate argument. im glad you folks are so stupid, lest your shit ideas actually begin to gain popularity with normal people
tell me, in practical terms, how does one becomes rich.
btw, your rage shows something, I don't know what, I think it's hypocrisy

>> No.4970612

>you mean, the money you made by stealing/cheating and almost enslaving people?
By giving them jobs which they are free to leave and/or negotiate? Maybe the government should just print money for everyone and then we won't have to work.

>> No.4970618

> didn't say give it to the government... at least not directly. the thing is, it should be distributed somehow.

That doesn't constitute having a point though. You're just bitching until then, and you already seem to be implying you want to invoke the government to handle "redistributing inherence". If you postulate any form of this argument, you pretty much lose. It doesn't work. I don't like how capitalism is either friend, but apparently this is how people treat each other. Giving an enormous amount of cash to the state will result in more of what you see today.

Additionally "forbid inheretance" is laughably simple. You would have to take power from corporations and prevent people from squirreling their money in investments.

>mfw people think Warren Buffet has 40 million actual dollars

>> No.4970619

>tell me, in practical terms, how does one becomes rich.

By becoming a movie star.

>> No.4970621

>By giving them jobs which they are free to leave and/or negotiate?
top kek, good job m8
you should go out and talk to real people sometimes
do you know why structural unemployment exists?

>> No.4970622

work hard and make fucking money. not to mention that the rich are the ones that make jobs in the first place so good luck finding a job when everyones poor just like you like it

>> No.4970624
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But, shit, if it weren't these savages doing all the grunt work, it'd have to be some bunch of workers, you dig? Gettin' all exploited. Ayn, you gotta mouth on you. I love the way you talk politics. Workingmen have no country, you dig? And you've got no resistance to the proletarian dick. We've got a world to win, baby.

>> No.4970626

>tell me, in practical terms, how does one becomes rich.
If we knew that we'd all be rich. But all you have to do is own a successful enterprise or sell something, such as your labour in the form of acting.

>> No.4970629

>everyone is entitled to a job that they want and that they believe pays them fairly

>> No.4970630

Structural uemployment is when the labour supplied is no longer needed. Do you think that businesses should keep people on if they are losing money with them? That doesn't change the 90% of people who are employed, by the way, they still have people giving them jobs.

>> No.4970633

Workers aren't exploited, they simply sell their labour. It is a mutual exchange in a free economy.

>> No.4970679

>Additionally "forbid inheretance" is laughably simple. You would have to take power from corporations and prevent people from squirreling their money in investments.
that's be cool: transfer the ownership of the companies to the workers, and if it's too much, break it and create more jobs

>By becoming a movie star.
>But all you have to do is own a successful enterprise or sell something, such as your labour in the form of acting.
I didn't know movie stars did everything by themselves, including the marketing. I wonder if they even know how to manage a camera or how to process video? or even create the software and hardware to make such job.. there is a whole industry behind, and that industry is managed by the same people who already owned lots of money, by other means
we live in a society, we are all dependent on one each other. you don't become rich by magic. you either are rich already, or become rich by sucking golden dick and/or simply by cheating and stealing. and if you don't believe that powerful people does things behind the public knowledge... then you are naïve

>Structural uemployment is when the labour supplied is no longer needed.
say that to the unemployed IT workers in the US, who are being replaced by cheap foreign labor just because big companies can do it
>Do you think that businesses should keep people on if they are losing money with them?
why does this matters? the thing is, unemployment happens because capitalists need to keep their workers scared
>That doesn't change the 90% of people who are employed, by the way, they still have people giving them jobs.
exactly my point, if that 10% didn't exist, things wouldn't be as they are. btw, you should read this:
it's not 10%, but more like 25%

>Workers aren't exploited, they simply sell their labour. It is a mutual exchange in a free economy.
most workers are forced to work for someone else. if I had my own land and could make my own food, I'd simply tell you to get the fuck with your shit, but instead, I need to work for peanuts to survive

>> No.4970687

You don't have any idea what you're actually talking about and think that "company" and "jobs" are just general catch all things because you are an empty-headed retard who wishes he could buy more X

>> No.4970693

>say that to the unemployed IT workers in the US, who are being replaced by cheap foreign labor just because big companies can do it
That's not structural unemployment, that's competition.
>unemployment happens because capitalists need to keep their workers scared
No, it happens because business owners want to make a profit and allow their business to survive.
>if that 10% didn't exist, things wouldn't be as they are
What do you suggest, genocide?
We're from different countries.
>most workers are forced to work for someone else
No they aren't, not in free countries. Nobody in my country, Australia, is forced to work. It is a voluntary exchange, labour for money.
>if I had my own land and could make my own food, I'd simply tell you to get the fuck with your shit, but instead, I need to work for peanuts to survive
You don't have to work, you aren't forced to, you just can't have everything you want without money. Sorry, but you need to realise that the world dosn't exist to cater to your every desire. You're free to buy land and live off it if you pay for it. If I had my way you wouldn't be taxed, either.

>> No.4970694

> It's widening because education is becoming more expensive.
Here in Europe the leading cause is real estate. In Helsinki, Finland, real estate prices have gone up 8% a year in the last decade (inflation has been like 23% in total and nonexistant in last five years) and so.

>> No.4970708

>You don't have any idea what you're actually talking about and think that "company" and "jobs" are just general catch all things because you are an empty-headed retard who wishes he could buy more X
ok m8, you seem a reasonable person

>What do you suggest, genocide?
I suggest capitalist-alike system, controlled by the very same people that keeps it alive. that way, they would value their own job, instead of working for leeches.
>You're free to buy land and live off it if you pay for it. If I had my way you wouldn't be taxed, either.
guess what? there are gigantic states made by the very same people who has the power, and those states enforce the current social status. you are not free to do shit.
and btw, I don't even have money to buy anything.

>> No.4970713

>controlled by the very same people that keeps it alive
The business owners?
>guess what? there are gigantic states made by the very same people who has the power, and those states enforce the current social status
I would assume the people who made the state have the power. The thing is, the state is not restricting you much at all. The only way it does that is by pushing things like the minimum wage and working age laws.
>I don't even have money to buy anything.
That's the good thing about free market capitalism, you're free to go out and earn your dreams.

>> No.4970782

Education is becoming more expensive? What?

>> No.4970783

>The business owners?
liberalism, m8

>I would assume the people who made the state have the power. The thing is, the state is not restricting you much at all. The only way it does that is by pushing things like the minimum wage and working age laws.
capitalists imposing rules to themselves and to everyone else, to play a "fair" game

>That's the good thing about free market capitalism, you're free to go out and earn your dreams.
my dreams of hanging capitalists in public squares? that'd be expensive, mercenaries don't work for free

>> No.4970856

>liberalism, m8
Like John Locke?
>capitalists imposing rules to themselves and to everyone else, to play a "fair" game
At the moment we are all capitalists. We live in a semi-capitalist mixed market economy, if you live in a western nation. We all have the same rules.
>my dreams of hanging capitalists in public squares? that'd be expensive, mercenaries don't work for free
Why do you want to destroy capitalism? Do you dislike individual freedom?

>> No.4970893


>Why do you want to destroy capitalism? Do you dislike individual freedom?

I don't know about the other guy you're talking with, but I want to end capitalism because I don't agree with having the excessive freedoms of one at the cost of the basic freedoms of many.

>> No.4970906

but but anon MUH FREEDOMS THE AMERICAN DREAM SELF-MADE MAN and all that bollocks

>> No.4970908

What basic freedoms do you refer to?

>> No.4970952

Im sure thats what King Louis said right before they executed him.
You seem to be the childish one really, denying that such things happen, living in the comfortable delusions of the times

>> No.4970982
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>ctrl+f "gini coefficient" 0 results

Most of the western countries are doing fairly well in terms of income disparity. Once the US understands that basic income and/or minimum wage aren't the devil their index might also fall in line.

>> No.4970991
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All minimum wage will do is increase unemployment.

>> No.4971028

Simple statements for simple men

>> No.4971033

Learn economics, please. Start with Smith, Hayek and Friedman.

>> No.4971047

You seem to forget short-term and long-term investments. People tend to go with short-term investments rather then long term ones. If you had the options of having £10 today, or wait a week for it to become £10.50 pounds (this extra 50p a week continues on indefinitely until you deiced to take the money) I bet you most people would rather have the £10 now, rather than wait for it to accumulate over time.

Also, how do you moniterise the environment without destroying it? Companies that use wood for example replant trees, however, they are the tree type which is most profitable. You loose a bio-diverse environment in favor of a uniform one which is more profitable, as the wood is faster growing.

>> No.4971049

>Start with Smith, Hayek and Friedman
no, you should start with the greeks

also, >>>/pol/

>> No.4971077

and then upon seeing the idiocy of their espoused methods you learn to loathe liberalism and embrace glorious socialist ideals.

>> No.4971093

stop being a brainwashed ideologue, it's so embarrassing
you are like literally 17 years old and discovered babby's first supply and demand graphs


>> No.4971106

>mutual exchange
It isn't always mutual. Person A may only be able to exchange with person B, but person B can exchange with C, D, E, etc. Because of this, person B is the dominate person in the power relation. It isn't a mutual relationship since person B has the greater amount of options over everyone else.

The process in itself might be mutual i.e. Person A exchanges a commodity with person B who exchanges a commodity, but the relationship and power relations behind it might not be. Why do Economists think the two and interchangeable? A slave and a slave owner might mutually exchange, but we would not claim the relationship is a mutual one. The slave always has a choice to disobey his master, but at the cost of being beaten and tortured.

>> No.4971113

>It isn't always mutual.
Sorry, I've seemed to have contradicted myself somewhat. I suppose I meant the type of mutuality.

>> No.4971159

ITT: edgy high school liberals.

>> No.4971171

As a poor person, I think poor people deserve to be poor.

>> No.4971185

welcome to 4chan