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4968618 No.4968618 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Greece in about a week from now and I want to get into the cultural mind of the people there and I want to do that by reading something greek while I'm there. So does /lit/ know what is considered canon for greeks? What are some of the best works of greek authors? What is a book that every greek has read?
I think this would be a great time to read Homers Odyssey since I haven't already but what else?

>> No.4969660

Basically anything that happens IRL is canon. I don't know of any retcons in Greek history.

>> No.4969691

why not post-classical?
Lucian is pretty good

>> No.4969700

Greeks are Turco-Slavic subhumans, nothing to do with Ancients or Medievals.

>> No.4969702

Why don't you try see a production of a classical Greek play(preferably outdoors)?

>> No.4970275

Those are always fun I've been to a couple but unless OP speaks Greek he will have a hard time understanding it

>> No.4970285


>> No.4970333

well in the odeon of herodes atticus they're staged with subtitles (at least operas). never been to the festival of epidaurus (went to the theater itself tho, great acoustics), but you need at least some greek there. why not learn some?

>> No.4970343

as for books it's zorba the greek for prose, cavafy, karyotakis, elytis and of course seferis for poetry. everyone has read zorba the greek.

as for the ancients as someone said there's no real connection and they themselves aren't that interested in the ancients if it's not among the lines of 'the unique archetypes of the cradle of western civilization: a diachronic approach to the hellenistic civilization'.

>> No.4970346

Well I speak Greek so it was no problem for me. I went to the theater near the acropolis so it was live and in full modern Greek but OP should learn some basic Greek if he can but its not mandatory.

>> No.4970363

καλημέρα! ναι, ακριβώς για το όδεον μίλαγα. είναι δίπλα στον παρθένωνα.

>> No.4970368

modern greek culture is far removed from its ancient culture, you'd be hard pressed to find a greek who has read or gives a flying fuck about homer

>> No.4970374

It's actually night. I am in the United States now but I didn't know that was the name. Thanks for reminding me it's been a couple years. I can't type in Greek with this keyboard so sorry.

>> No.4970382

hah that's alright. have a good night. it's really nice to meet someone who speaks greek here. i have an ancient greek exam now so i'll bet going, but do your best to spread the love. greece is a great place to visit & learn about!

>> No.4970384

Goodbye and good luck on your exam. Ancient Greek is pretty hard.

>> No.4970390

wtf are you talking about

reading the odyssey is mandatory in high school and secondary school. Herodotus too

>> No.4970394

Eh that's true but I think he meant that many of today's youth do not care for ancient Greeks.

>> No.4970403

yeah, and yesterdays youth for some mysterious reason is supposed to have cared more than this years youth?

>> No.4970406

Well I'm just saying that is what it think that man meant. Personally I think some children from any generation usually do not care for ancient writings

>> No.4970465

Modern day greeks are either anachronistic anarchists or gucci buying, cologne stinking idiots. Nobody reads the fucking canon. Nobody knows ancient greek.

>> No.4970538

Never underestimate the lethargy of youth when it comes to reading mandatory literature, mate.

>> No.4970592

1.Hesiod Theogony
2.Homeric Hymns

>> No.4970596

Then go for the Greek dramas.

>> No.4970642

I think the greeks are overrated, I mean, really aren't they all dead? if they were really smart, they would be still alive and not have died

Playdoh is still kinda making toys but I don't know about any of those other guys

>> No.4970663

I chuckled.

history is actually retconned all the time, though

>> No.4970666

Do they learn Ancient Greek to do it? I'm not sure how different modern and Ancient Greek are, but have an idea they're pretty different.

>> No.4970690

>do they learn Ancient Greek to do it?

actually yes

not competently though. It should really be taught more like a foreign language. Everything makes sense, its the same language, grammar structure remains, but all the words are different. You practically learn a new vocabulary, and then proceed to forget it because you dont really use it anywhere else

>> No.4970695

The 'Greeks' of literary and philosophy fame are not of the same blood as the shit-tier Europeans who now populate that anus of Europe .

>> No.4970698

funny side note: due to the odyssey being standard for all schools, some guy (probably a high schooler) went and wrote a sex version of the text in modern greek involving all the dirty details of Odysseus's sexual escapades with the women he encounters, all in similar prose and style

>> No.4970709

I'd imagine that's been done a million times... the Odyssey must be one of the most adapted stories in existence.
