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4965468 No.4965468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. So, I've been reading house of leaves by mark z. Danielewski. I was looking at the various editions that exist and found out that the true first edition was not actually printed.
Mark released the book on the internet originally, missing a few chapters and unedited. After the book achieved a cult following, it was released on print. This is edited, has all the chapters, and is considered the second edition.
My question, does anyone have the original work released on the internet? The official first edition?

>> No.4965477


Pretty sure Danielewski took down the chapters before he put the book into print. So I doubt anyone has them.

>> No.4965494

Well, I heard that the chapters were available for download, which is how they were passed around and how the work achieved it's cult status.

>> No.4965534

Self bump

>> No.4965540

Finished it 30 mins ago. WHAT THE FUCK. Help ;__;

>> No.4965568

Trying to comprehend this book is like trying to understand another dimension.
"This is not for you."
We should have never picked it up in the first place.

>> No.4965573
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lulz you are the gayest faggot.

le hipster nephew.

>> No.4965579


>> No.4965599

>That penguin gravity's rainbow filled with errors
>Next to House of Leaves and "for your generi relative" display
>People will buy their 15 year old kid this book

That's pretty funny

>> No.4965652

Holy shit, where is this from

>> No.4965687

Looks like Barnes and noble.

>> No.4965705

Gravity's Rainbow is puerile shit

If you read it past the age of 19 you should fucking hang yourself

>> No.4965708

Looks like someone never did the Kenosha kid.

>> No.4965716

I knew this comment was coming and I'm happy that you decided to step up to the plate and be this guy. Are you generally that necessary autistic dude who shows up? Also describe the feeling of compulsively having to post such an obvious comment that anyone saw coming miles off. Is it a sort of pain...? I really must know.

>> No.4965723

This post reminds me of Pynchon in that it's much longer than it needs to be and it has no content.

>> No.4965724

are you the same anon who insults pynchon every time he is mentioned

how buttmad are you be real

>> No.4965735

>see several disapproving opinions of an author I like, on a literature forum that commonly talks about him, over several months or even years
>naturally conclude they are all the same person, a diabolical golem of essentialist pynchon-hate that i must destroy by proving MY opinion is correct
>i am not the buttmad one though

You're so buttmad about that vacuous hipster garbage that you're delusional. Now that's buttmad.

>> No.4965737
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I promise to remove the hook if you don't bite me

>> No.4965739

you're obviously the same guy who posted this>>4965723 which is pretty damn funny

>> No.4965740

no im pretty sure this is over the last like 48 hours

how many threads about him have you posted in

be real were you the retard in the COL49 thread?

>> No.4965742

So is this really all Pynchon detraction boils down to? It's too long? Obviously some parts of the novel were challenging or puzzling - but I was able to read it without any annotations. The plot wasn't even that complex everybody was either trying to stop or launch a rocket... Why do people find that so difficult?

>> No.4965748

Sherlock? Is that you? Did you hack my computer?

So the nature of your delusion is actually just that opinions contrary to yours must naturally be so rare that more than one or two in a 48 hour period is evidence of a conspiracy?

You misread the post. Namely by ignoring half of it, and responding erroneously to the other half.

Pynchon is an underread, overrated, Franzen-tier kitsch Americana artist. Sorry if that upsets you because the only real literature you've read was in excerpts from an anthology for a 101 course.

>> No.4965754

i like how you still won't answer my question about whether or not it was you in the COL49 thread in the last 48 hours

>> No.4965757

pynchon's fans are high hippies and it's hard to read when you're high

also the plot isn't really about trying to stop or launch a rocket

>> No.4965758

I like how you think some other random guy in some other random thread having an opinion similar to mine is a caper that you're close to solving because I don't dignify it with a response.

>> No.4965762
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Careful, you're encouraging it.
You've gone from accusing other's of being mad in a long winded manner to this stupendous display. I'm on quite a roll here. Shall we go for some more fun, Tom?

>> No.4965770

you type like you/him


>> No.4965774

I do NOT type like me.

Nah, not me. For whatever that's worth.

>> No.4965778

well why do you dislike pynchon anyway