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/lit/ - Literature

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4965037 No.4965037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Movies that are better than the books that they are based on/inspired by. Go.

>> No.4965050
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>> No.4965052

no classic literature can be surpassed by as puerile a medium as film.

>> No.4965057

Children of Men

>> No.4965063

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.4965124


>> No.4965129

Requiem For A Dream
The Godfather
Apocalypse Now

>> No.4965132

Being There

>> No.4965137

The Great Gatsby

>> No.4965143


This has to be troll, right?

Right? >>4965137

>> No.4965150

>2001: A Space Odyssey

maybe not better than the book but definitely rivals

>> No.4965154

Better: Goodfellas
Close: Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.4965159

Fight Club. Don't get wrong, the book is great, but the movie is even better

>> No.4965166

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4966824

2001 wasn't based on the book. The novel was based on the movie script.

>> No.4966832

The Painted Veil with Edward Norton.

I'm serious.

>> No.4966844


>Apocalypse Now


>> No.4966853


>> No.4966864

Somerset Maugham is a fucking boss. Loved this book, haven't seen the movie. Will watch.

>> No.4966873
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>> No.4966879
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>> No.4966892


>> No.4966907

It was more of a collaboration than being based off of the script.

>> No.4966940
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>no classic art can be surpassed by as puerile a medium as literature

>> No.4966966
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Not a movie, but close enough

>> No.4966991

Also agreed. I like King in a lot of ways, but he has no idea what makes a good film. Nothing demonstrates this so vividly as his disapproval of Kubrick's Shining and approval of the later made-for-TV version (though the latter was at least better than I expected it to be).
This anon's right, but the film is still definitely better than the novel(ization). Clarke was just not much of a writer.

>> No.4966995
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>> No.4967062

All of Kubrick's last 7 films are based off some work of literature, either directly or inspired by.
Most of them surpass the original work. Kubrick himself said that to make a masterpiece of cinema, you can't start with a masterpiece of literature, which explains why most films that try to adapt great works don't fare so well.
Tarkovsky's films.
What about Visconti's 'The Leopard'? I haven't read the novel but I understand it's very good.

>> No.4967117

>>4965037 I found the Lord of the Rings trilogy to be that kind of books.
Movie was as good as the books and after some while the books get pretty tedious and feel rather fit for a movie than for a book.

>> No.4967133

With the exception of Lolita, everything Kubrick did

>> No.4967182

But Barry Lyndon is surely debatable here?

>> No.4967461

>doesn't realize how fucking based Heart of Darkness is


>> No.4967486


While Apocalypse now is a fine film, by ditching the frame story it loses the most powerful aspect of the book. It's just an adventure to the world of crazy, only to come back to sanity and burgers when it's done. There is no realisation that burgers, too, were once not to be had.

>> No.4967491

I thought fellowship of the ring was the best both in books and movies, can't really be bothered by big battles and shit

>> No.4967565
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I think the Hobbit book is much better than the movie, and I liked the first half of return of the king book better than the movie. I personally prefer the fellowship and two towers movies as well by a wide margin.

lol i really tried to like the lotr books, but I received minimal enjoyment out of them considering how long they are. I saw the movies first and maybe this threw off my expectations.

>> No.4967626

I heard some podcast about this, or something like a podcast, about how the two wrote the movie script and the novel at the same time and sometimes one would inspire the other and vice versa. I like that, for some reason. It makes the story unique. After reading the book I was able to appreciate the move much more. I think the two go as a pair, a sort of oddity. Oh hey a SPACE oddity!

>> No.4967642

What is the consensus on this? Majority of people I have asked say the same thing.

>> No.4967655

The Thing from Another World (1951)
The Thing (1982)

>> No.4967656

The series *would* be better if it weren't so cheap about the sex scenes...some of the worst softcore porn inserts I've ever seen.

>> No.4967674
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>> No.4969443

Doctor Zhivago

>> No.4969516


>> No.4969599

I haven't read the book but if the movie is better then holy fuck, it must suck hard.

>> No.4969626

This is also correct

>> No.4969642
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