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/lit/ - Literature

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4964066 No.4964066 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate university with B.A. in English Lit
>sell out my soul and find a job at a multinational integrated media company
>move to new city for work
>first week of work
>see a qt3.14 co-worker reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
>have I finally found a friend???
>strike up conversation about Objectivism
>I say it's a terrible ideology and that reading Rand makes me feel slimy
>She asks me what books I would recommend
>I say if she enjoys reading massive books to read Moby Dick
>She says she will read him next, but wants a specific book
>mfw when she thought Moby Dick was the author

general public pleb stories thread

>> No.4964081

>move to new city for work
You fucked up, let me know when you start praying to Allah

>> No.4964098

Was she not a native English speaker or something?

>> No.4964101

Excellent strategy. Start things off by criticizing someone's reading material, and berating them.

You're going to go far in this love game.

>> No.4964107

>I know something other people don't
>Those people must be plebs
This is like people feeling superior for knowing the capitol of Malawi.

>> No.4964109

You sound like a massive asshole, OP.

>> No.4964116
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>moby dick

>> No.4964123

Not OP but DAMN
Why so many people on /lit/ are always defending the stupid people OPs encounter and criticizing OPs for having a sense of superiority over said individuals.

>> No.4964127

It's M. Malawi is written with a capital M.

>> No.4964129

>B.A. in English lit

As opposed to what? A B.S.?

>> No.4964133

>why are people on /lit/ not being cunts?
well I guess this is actually an appropriate question

>> No.4964137

Yeah really. This is a guy with a B.A. in english lit we're talking about here, he could walk onto any job on wall street with those kinds of creds. Fuck, he might very well be president or god emperor some day.

>> No.4964158


>> No.4964173

>>I say if she enjoys reading massive books to read Moby Dick
wow you're a retard. surprised you aren't an objectivist

>> No.4964196


Because certain people on /lit/ have decided that the worst-type of person in the world is an English graduate with a superiority complex. You cannot be worse than this type of person to those people.

Whether these are business or STEM majors who also have a superiority complex, or simply self-deprecating English majors themselves remains to be known.

>> No.4964242
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>Because certain people on /lit/ have decided that the worst-type of person in the world is an English graduate with a superiority complex. You cannot be worse than this type of person to those people.
People on /lit/ aren't being cunts because they are cunts?

>> No.4964249

i believe he said that you cannot be worse than the worst.

>> No.4964255

>Not having a B.S. in English Lit.

That's where you went wrong OP

>> No.4964342
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I can't understand you people, I've always been taught to believe in the things you impose and tolerate inferior people but never did, even when i tried.

I've always felt that when there are two or more people interacting on any level; be it professional or just informal, one of the two is superior to the other- which one it is is determined by various factors: prior success, or intelligence, or a database of information in your brain, or even physical traits and so on.
Which of the two or more people interacting is superior they often evaluate within eachother by socializing - talking to eachother.

While the evaluation between the two or more is ongoing, when there is a, so to say, a lead in the score - it must be aknowledged.
And people here all jump off their seats to say that OP is a fag for aknowledging his lead in the score.

People are not equal.
Stop trying to make it happen.

OP had a lead in the score in the informal battle of the brains that we - people are fighting every day.
There is no blue ribbon for all participants, there are no points for second place.

Strive to be the best, OP; and when you encounter inferior people don't be afraid to point it out.
When you are the inferior - Strive to be the best.

>Be Übermensch

>> No.4964348


>> No.4964358

It's the opposite for me.

>reading Stoner during lunch-break
>co-worker is sitting at the same table as I, says:
>"haha Anon why are you reading a book about some depressed drug addict"
>I say:
>"It's not about a drug addict; it's about a...(I briefly tell him)"
>"Yeah, right. Like I'd believe that."
>"Here, you can read the back. I'm not lying."
>co-worker looks at watch and says he has to go; I don't think he heard me

>> No.4964378

Do you ever feel bad for reading and thus being sort of asocial during your lunch break?

>> No.4964405


Sometimes. But this is assuaged after I remember how brusque they are. I'm at a new job, so I'm hoping they'll warm up to me.

>> No.4964414

What sort of job, if you don't mind me asking?

I work in software engineering sort of stuff, so this is anything but the case. To remain social I have to be the one making the effort, which is hard for me since I'm inclined towards keeping to myself unless people initiate conversation with me.

>> No.4964426

Why are you assholes reading at lunch? I eat. Then i talk about titties or baseball or some shit with the other idiots i work with.

>> No.4964428

I don't know any sport stuff at all. But yeah, I try to be social during lunch, but alot of my coworkers are 2srs and just code at their desk while eating instead of taking a break .

>believing that working that extra hour during lunch is helping anyone but the Man, man

>> No.4964430

What are some fulfilling careers?

>> No.4964433


>> No.4964436

>ask question, dismiss answer
You should just start making stuff up. You might as well have some fun if they're not gonna believe you anyways.

>> No.4964437


>> No.4964439

>not reading while eating

>> No.4964441

>implying a career can be fulfilling

But yeah, I've been sort of having a crisis lately since I realized the software life (or seemingly, any job I can think of except perhaps teaching) is not going to be fulfilling at all. Two (or maybe one) year(s) of college left so I guess I have till then to figure it out.

>> No.4964443


>> No.4964480


>Massive books
>Moby Dick

How did she not immediately want the D?

>> No.4964482

>>believing that working that extra hour during lunch is helping anyone but the Man, man
>i'm a lazy piece of shit who doesn't like to do anything and is only motivated by dollah signs so everyone else must be!!!
lol. reread your post and if you see how pathetic it is you might be salvageable.

>> No.4964484

>The Man's dick is so tasty!

>> No.4964486
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>implying I'm not getting paid the same
enjoy being controlled by a bourgeois morality nerdo

>> No.4964500

Any more suggestions?

>> No.4964502

Tit greaser?

>> No.4964509

>B.A. in English
Hope you like unemployment.

>> No.4964542

>sell out
How'd you get the job, OP? I'm also a bachelor of the shit arts, and am currently occupied by the state government doing work wholly unrelated to my interests. I write on my off time, but I'd like to at least make some money using my very limited skill set during the day, rather than having a degree earned on the merit of having some degree, any degree.

>> No.4964551

*having a job earned on the merit of, etc.

>> No.4964952

Nigga just write shit and submit shit I mean damn you gotta be proactive and shit.

>> No.4964962

he got a job

>> No.4966540
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>be me
>taking the train every day going to college
>usually read in the train
>another anon from my class sits next to me since lots of us have to take this train
>starts nice conversation
>try to be polite and kind
>then it comes
>'anon what are you reading?'
>answer whatever book I'm reading, Moby Dick for instance
>'HURRR DURRR why don't you read Game of Thrones instead?'


I know ASOIAF is popular and everyone loves it and I'm OK with it I even read A game of Thrones years ago but fuck why can't people think in other damn thing when they see a fucking book for christ sake they would even haven't fucking read a damn single book in the last four years if it weren't for the TV show and then I have to listen them 'HURR DURR I'm so trendy and you're so hipster and don't read books cuz they are popular'.

NO. I read popular books and whatever I like. You are the fuckin guy who only reads books just because they are popular.

>> No.4966565

is everything okay anon?

>> No.4966575

I was working in software for 2 years, decided I hated it and quit. I'm going to be starting a MSc this September and hopefully a PhD subsequent to that.

>> No.4966607
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>What are you reading, anon?
>Oh. What's it about?

I know it's just making conversation, but there's no quicker way to find out that somebody hasn't read a good book in their lives.

>> No.4966616

>be in college library late at night
>see a qt on the opposite row of tables
>make eye contact now and again
>feel nothing because I've already overcome primitive feelings such as desire and affection
>close my heavily annotated copy of Idiots Guide to the Western Canon!
>walk past her to leave
>"h-hey, excuse me, c-could you help me use the electronic scanning thing, I haven't u-used it before"
>sigh heavily and finish putting on my waterproof poncho
>walk over to the machine without making eye contact
>take the book and push some buttons and scan it without even looking at the screen
>"th-thanks, h-have you read this book"
>sigh again
>look down without moving my face
>Charles Bukowski
>tut and raise an eyebrow towards her
>stride imperialistically away
>hear her sobbing a little
>turn and see her squatting and putting the book inside her backpack
>walk into the automatic glass doors
>nobody saw

>> No.4966623

>I say if she enjoys reading massive books to read Moby Dick

You should have said "Do you like massive things? I suggest you My Dick."

>> No.4966625

What websites do you guys use to look for jobs?

>> No.4966628

Moby Dick would have been a great pen name.

>> No.4966633


>> No.4966641

>'HURRR DURRR why don't you read Game of Thrones instead?'

Literally nobody does that. It's faggots like you who go "hurr i don't read popular fiction i only read smart books for smart people like myself"

>> No.4966652

>'something happened to me'

>> No.4966657

>alot of my coworkers are 2srs and just code at their desk

who the fuck does that


>> No.4966661

and then, on that pretentious 'about the author', you just write 'i am sentient penis of bald-headed electro faggot'

>> No.4966664

Nope. Lots of people insist. They keep recommending ASOIAF telling me that it's awesome, I'm gonna like it a lot, etc. They don't need to since I have read A Game of Thones and I know how these books are. Then I have to listen bullshit from this kind of people like 'OMG Moby Dick is so boring, the white whale only shows up in the very last pages; it's just about whales and ships'. I shall repeat: I don't have any problem with GoT: they're good stuff for a cool TV show, entertaining and decent books and I like the idea that it can be a gateway to literature for a lot of people that weren't used to read, but I don't think they have to shave them up my ass.

>> No.4966690

>not doing your own thing

I'm at lunch right now posting on 4chins. just b urself brah

>> No.4966725

Have you ever read it though? I think you would like it a lot.

>> No.4966729

disregard plebs, adquire books and aesthetics brah

>> No.4966732

normalfag detected and i wud add manlet too

>> No.4966735

>ba dum tss
And yes, I already said I've read AGoT.

>> No.4966740

Don't reveal your power levels to muggles.

>> No.4966744

is the joke here that everyone in the world has read or at least heard of moby dick
i dont post here often so i dont know if this is a board in joke or something where you recommend books everyone has already heard of

>> No.4966748

>reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
>have I finally found a friend??
dude what

i am still waiting for that homeless person reading The Protocols of the Elders of Zion to make my firs frend

>> No.4966752

I'll tell you if you post the word Pomegranate in response to this post within the next 30 seconds

>> No.4966753


>> No.4966755

Yes, that's the joke

>> No.4966761

thanks bud i never would have made it in time
thanks bud you've helped me out big time here

>> No.4966791

>walk into the automatic glass doors
>nobody saw

>> No.4966793

What noise is "hue"?

It's the one maymay I've never understood, other than the "classic Dano" thing

>> No.4966902

There is a dumb girl in my class that uses this word everytime (as a joke). Are you her? If yes, let it be known that I want to hate-fuck you, especially your tight little hands.

>> No.4966936

he was neg'ing her

>> No.4966947

it's the sound of brazilians laughing

>> No.4966957

Something that challenges you and utilizes your innate talents.

>> No.4966963

>>She says she will read him next, but wants a specific book
you should have just thrown up on her m8

>> No.4966970

Should have just said "Melville" to confuse her.

>> No.4966996

>sitting in library reading The State and Revolution ironically as I am actually an anarcho-individualist
>chubby girl with dyed hair and body modifications sits across from me
>turn left so that I am facing the window
>she asks me what I'm reading
>flash her the cover and mumble 'Lenin'
>she asks me if I'm a communist
>say no, I'm not economically illiterate
>she goes red in the face
>I tell her to make like the Soviet Union and dissolve
>she gets up in a huffington post and leaves
>such is life in Melbourne

>> No.4967004
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>> No.4967017

>but there's no quicker way to find out that somebody hasn't read a good book in their lives.
Thats really fuckin' pretentious. It is just small talk. What would you prefer to hear in that situation?

>> No.4967024
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>I tell her to make like the Soviet Union and dissolve

>> No.4967029

>>I tell her to make like the Soviet Union and dissolve

toppest kek

>> No.4967167

>"likes" Moby Dick
>accuses others of being pleb

>> No.4967283

That's not neg'ing.
A neg is an ambiguous compliment.
It's not an insult with a smile/smirk, that's fedora-tier social skills.

>> No.4967288

please get off this board if you don't actually enjoy literature

>> No.4967294

1/10 made me reply

>> No.4967420

Thanks Anon, i almost forgot to watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones™

>> No.4967762

>sat down at the biliotheque reading Tristram Shandy
>qt asks me what I'm reading
>tell her it's called tristram shandy and its kind of avant garde
>"oh i like avant garde novels - have you ever read the nova trilogy"
>put in my headphones and stop talking to her
>3 hours later realize she was hitting on me

>> No.4967772

>"oh u like china meiville i love his book perdido street station its very kafkaesque :)"

>> No.4967805

i actually want to read china meiville at some point tho ;_;

>> No.4967833 [SPOILER] 
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i've only read the city and the city and dial h (considered his best novel) and while the premise was very good the characters were boring as fuck dial h was actually great tho

>> No.4967895

My mom did the same thing when I said I picked up Faust and she replied she's always wanted to read him. But you know she's old, she works, and the extent of her reading is one NY Times Bestseller every year and a half so I just ignored it.

>> No.4967947

>mfw I imagined myself doing all of this
>mfw not even out of character

>> No.4968243

You sound terrible