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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.46 MB, 1577x2399, Shakespeare_SW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4963115 No.4963115 [Reply] [Original]

So every copy I found of this books seems to not load properly on my Kindle Paperwhite. The margins are all retarded and stuck on the right side and it just looks like ass.

Downloaded the second book "Empire Striketh Back" and it loads perfectly. Am I doing something wrong in Calibre or is is the file itself? Cause it seems to happen no matter what source I download it from.

>> No.4963135

Quit with the poetry circle-jerk and help me out.

>> No.4963154

Bit off topic, but ever since the Dr. Who guy did Hamlet with Captain Picard, I've always wanted to see a version of Hamlet set in space, where Hamlet, the second in command, is denied his rightful place as the new head of star fleet. I would call it "Hamlet... In Space!"

>> No.4963166

Have you tried converting it to another format, say from mobi to azw3 or vice versa?
I had the same problem with the Wolf of Wall Street and that solved it.

>> No.4963187

Worth a shot. I'll give it a try

>> No.4963193

>Pirating books
>Star Wars in Iambic pentameter

What the fuck is wrong with you mate.

>> No.4963197

eBooks are smarter and better than real books in every conceivable way. Stop being a hipster and join the 21st century.

>> No.4963212

>except for when the batteries die out
>except that it isn't a static waste of energy
>except that it's very hard to decompose
>except that it will be old in like one year
>except that it is actually harder to read in the sun
>except that it isn't DRM
>except that it will never hold a collectors value
>except that the author will never be able to sign it
>except that less cute girls will bother you and ask what you're reading

>> No.4963221

>except that less cute girls will bother you and ask what you're reading

Must be nice living in that dream world of yours kiddo

>> No.4963298

Just tried this and still have the strange margins on the right side...

>> No.4963311
File: 299 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2014-06-02 20:01:58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried playing around with these settings? You can change the margins here and use the correct output profile (= Paperwhite)

>> No.4963322

Yes I tried that with the correct output profile...guess I'll have to fiddle with the margins manually. See, when I load the book on Calibre itself it looks fine but on the paperwhite the text is just all pushed to the right side and doesn't make for a very clean read.

>> No.4963358

If that doesn't help either, I'm afraid you'll have to play around with the single html files of the book, look how the span settings are and such. That'd be very tedious I'm afraid.

>> No.4963376

Yeah was thinking the same...I was trying to find a different source of the book (torrent or otherwise) but came up with nothing. Seems like every download of the book is the same file (from what I could find around the internet)

>> No.4963391
File: 27 KB, 758x1024, screenshot_2014_06_02T20_27_17+0200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it looks like on my Paperwhite. Is that what you're referring to, or is it further pushed to the right?

>> No.4963401

Man that's what I WANT it to look like on my paperwhite but its almost like the margin starts in the center and its all pushed to the righthand side.

>> No.4963412

Try this one then, that's the azw3 file I created and sent to my Paperwhite.


Fucking spamfilter, moot.

>> No.4963433

Yes thank you man! Can't thank you enough I've been struggling with trying to fix this for a week now. Where did you find that copy? Was it in a bulk download with many authors?

>> No.4963439

No problem mate.
No, on mobilism. In my experience they mostly provide high-quality retail stuff, so it's my go-to site for English ebooks.

>> No.4963449


>> No.4963457

I downloaded the same one from Moblism...wish I knew what I was doing wrong then. Appreciate the help though.

>> No.4963468

Huh, strange. I didn't really do anything but convert from epub to azw3 and changing the margins the way it's shown in >>4963311
Anyway, glad I could help.

>> No.4963600

You know...this is really more of a /g/ thing...

>> No.4963624

Nope it's books. Book related. Ebooks...

>> No.4963636

Yea, but we're not tech support, and you've not talked about your ebook at all, except to complain about it's poetic use of aligning along the right margin...

>> No.4963649

You must be great at parties...

>> No.4963972

was just randomly looking for any threads on shakespeare and found this...so jokes on you now I have a new collection to check out.