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/lit/ - Literature

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4962430 No.4962430 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best Spanish classics?

>> No.4962438

If you mean Spain, let me tell you i've been reading Cervantes quite a lot this year and he rekts. But I don't wanna be that guy who cream over El ingenioso hidalgo so I'd say you read this exemplary nobel called The conversation of the dogs, a god tier Picaresque about some fucking talking dogs. If you're already reading Don Quijote (as you should if you're interested in Spanish literature) the Exemplary novels are a good relief between par 1 and 2, The conversation happens to be the best one of them.

>> No.4962443

La vida es sueño
La Celestina

>that guy who cream over El ingenioso hidalgo
>about some fucking talking dogs

You try too hard to be like an American youth, it just looks said. Epic fail.

>> No.4962447

I'm not even american, but I appreciate your irrational hate.

>> No.4962463

Yes, I know. Read my comment again, because you clearly didn't understand it. (Your poor reading skills in general hint that you shouldn't be giving anyone advice on which books to read.)

But I appreciate your lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.4962467


Sure man, I wish you have a good day too.

>> No.4962468

>using epic fail after 2005

>> No.4962479
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