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4962127 No.4962127 [Reply] [Original]

I'm nowhere near being a snob, especially with literature, but did anyone else try reading game of thrones and abandon ship shortly after?

I think I made it to chapter 5 before deciding it was a waste of time.

With all the great works in fantasy out there, it's kind of insulting when people praise this show so much.

To me, game of thrones is like sex and the city with dragons.

Does anyone else agree that Martin is a hack and his writing lacks depth and detail?

On a side note, I hear that this guys a staunch communist. Any truth to that? I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded lol.

>> No.4962135

I don't know about him being a commie, nor do I care. Similarly, I couldn't read his books but I find the hbo show to be top-notch.

>> No.4962137

It feels like the sex and brutality is meant only as a vessel towards hollow drama and an appeal to the prurient interest which is what keeps people interested.

>> No.4962141

>With all the great works in fantasy out there

heh heh

>I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded


>> No.4962147

>game of thrones is like sex and the city with dragons.
GRRM got most of his writing experience doing the scripts for soap operas. Trufax.

>> No.4962150

lacking depth i can get behind but the series really doesn't want for detail

>> No.4962183

Did the dragons actually come?

>> No.4962192

>Have you watched GoT?
>I tried, but I didn't like it
>You should read the books, they're much better
I've heard this exact snippet of conversation like 5 times. Why the fuck would you read the book of a show you don't like? There's like a million books to read, why take a chance on the one that something you DON'T like is based on?

I'll never understand this logic.

>> No.4962219

The first book had this feeling that Martin spent too much fucking time at a ren fair.

>> No.4962228

>Unemployed/student kids who will never amount to anything disparaging old author fart
>He's living it up with a multi-million dollar fortune he made exploiting the fantasies of the plebbish side of that very demographic

didn't ask for these feels

>> No.4962239

>unemployed music studies student will never amount to anything
>this guy gets on howard stern, tours and makes bank off of plebs

>> No.4962243

Are you saying you are the maker of the linked video? Or is it the guy who got on the Howard Stern show?

>> No.4962245

the guy who made the song for the video

>> No.4962248

oh christ you dense faggot: the guy who made the music for the video was on the howard stern show, etc. ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT ME TO ELUCIDATE ON

>> No.4962249

wow. how do i into exploiting idiots with shit grade art? should I try post-modernism?

>> No.4962250



>> No.4962251

No. That sounds like a good idea, but you can't trick them. You -actually- have to be transgendered, disabled, biracial slime to really hit it big. Good luck.

>> No.4962253

Even you like fantasy then I find it hard to believe you didn't like this series.
>sex and the city with dragons
1/10 try harder mate
>lacks depth and detail
no, he has tolkein level world building in this series

>> No.4962256

>he doesn't like what I like, he must be a troll
>literally everyone likes GoT

>> No.4962259

you forgot:
>can't even spell Tolkien

>> No.4962263

The books are hit or miss, depending on the chapter.
The show has some great moments but tends to be pretty boring most of the time. They concentrate on the useless stuff too much.

>> No.4962265

tolkien apologists right here

>> No.4962266

I don't like tolkien either
What now bitch

>> No.4962267

>implying Martin is the new standard for fantasy and not pulp fiction trash
keep living the dream buddy

>> No.4962270

implying pulp fiction is trash
hating it because it's popular just like asoiaf
never change 4bland

>> No.4962277

Pulp Fiction as in trashy literature, not the movie.
Some people should leave /lit/.

>> No.4962329

>With all the great works in fantasy out there

>it's kind of insulting when people praise this show so much
The show's pretty fun. And there certainly aren't many 'great' fantasy shows on TV (or films for that matter).

>Does anyone else agree that Martin is a hack and his writing lacks depth and detail?
Most of /lit/ would agree. Although
>lacks detail
isn't a very good criticism. Detail =/= good.

>> No.4962376

>implying this isn't a subtle communist hate thread

On a unrelated note my next door neighbour is a spitting image of Martin.

>> No.4962381

Tell him to hurry up and finish his fucking book.

>> No.4962383

No! Tell him to die, the nerd rage would amuse me

>> No.4962395

More importantly, did they wear a condom?

>> No.4962397

>implying i need to be subtle to hate on communism

>> No.4962404

who on this planet isn't the spitting image of georgey rr martin. genes don't get much plebber than that.

>> No.4962414

I can imagine such a day. After a 14 hour slumber he awakens, slipping into his XXXXXL house-gown. His immense girth wobbles towards the kitchen, he seizes a mountain of lemon cakes and, much akin to a goblin of legend, he creeps gleefully to his eati- uhh 'writing' desk. He guzzles down about 10 in the space of 2 minutes, he noisily attempts to regain his breath and for about 2 hours clutches his breast filled chest and breathes violently, his eyes wet with tears. He eventually resumes his citric feast, but he cannot regain his breath, still chewing beyond his control, he collapses to the ground. His crushed hard beating rapidly, pulsing and fighting to maintain his life. He dies with lemon cakes surrounding his fat rolls caked with sweat. The news spreads quickly and the ass-devastation reaches levels yet unheard of by man. D&D take the wing and complete the show. Mass suicides take place throughout the globe and literature is once again saved for a further 1000 years.

>> No.4962440
File: 264 KB, 320x230, George-Costanza-clapping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stunning, stunning

>> No.4962457

>To me, game of thrones is like sex and the city with dragons.

To me, it's like a fantasy soap opera with dragons. 9 episodes out of 10 it's just people making thinly veiled threats and perpetuating DRAMA over a glass of wine or some naked bitch. Occasionally shit goes down to keep viewers interested. Usually some bad CGI does the trick.

>Does anyone else agree that Martin is a hack and his writing lacks depth and detail?

I think he's on par with most artists of the genre. Depth and detail are what he excels at, even excessively so. I don't think you've read the books at all. What he sucks at is pacing and keeping his narrative interesting. You have to force yourself to read the last two books.

>On a side note, I hear that this guys a staunch communist. Any truth to that? I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded lol.

Who gives a fuck? You're perpetuating author worship with that kind of shit. Nothing about writers matters outside of the scope of their work, with few exceptions.

>> No.4962465

>That hardly makes sense

>> No.4962499


Guy, it does make sense.

>> No.4963059


Are you serious? You mean I shouldn't care if someone is a commie?

Communisms responsible for more deaths in the last hundred years then all religions combined.

Lemme guess, your a widdle wiberal and claim to act tolerant yet would be throwing a shit fit if the author was a pro gun republican or tea partier.

Is that true nancy boy?

>> No.4963079

Nope of course not.

I started reading it when it came out and then stopped reading after book 3.

The main reason I stopped reading is because it takes that cunt and his shitty publisher way too long to put that trite tripe out.

Bullshit like finally getting the next release and you find out they split the book and you can only get book 2 part A unless you order from overseas and wait another fucking month, so they can make twice the bank on one book.

Plus he killed all the good characters so its boring as shit anyway.

>> No.4963104

This shit is getting stupid. Before the show became popular, /lit/ was recommending these books in every fantasy thread and it was widely regarded as one of the best in the genre.

>> No.4963116

>trite tripe

You must be real proud of yourself for coming up with something so clever

>> No.4963139

why so mad?

It was always too lords and ladies. Too much of it is focused on gossip and inane factional politics.

The first books was good it started out ok book three was barely passable he has written it to death all the promise is gone.

>> No.4963141


Yah I remember that. Why do you think this reversal happened?

>> No.4963143

I will agree that the first book is tedious as shit.
but it's an alright series.
it really picks up in book 3 but it starts to meander and fuck around in 4 and 5

one overrated book I can't stand is fucking Dune.

>> No.4963147

because the show is awful softcore bullshit.

>> No.4963205


Try telling that to my wife or any girls that watch GoT.

It's hambarrassing to listen to them talk about how great it is.

>> No.4963214


Right on, OP. I tried watching the show, made it through 3 episodes, got fucking tired of the immature sex scenes that bring nothing except EDGINESS.

There's nothing of value in that show. I got baited by the wall thing, but I suspect nothing new comes about this until the end.

It's bait.

>> No.4963218

Obviously because the show became popular and a bunch of people /lit/ would consider "literary plebs" started reading the books. By association the series must then be of inferior quality and aimed at the lowest common denominator.

>> No.4963291

No, I'm a sensible person, who judges material and not shit that doesn't matter.

If GRRM's position on the political spectrum influenced his writing in any way, shape or form then that piece of information might be worth knowing, but it does it.

You're a naive, immature pseudo-intellectual /pol/tard and your only approach to debating is to project as hard as possible. Promptly kill yourself, you'll never amount to anything.

>> No.4963307

but it does not*

>> No.4963475

can someone please post part from the book with onomatopoeic sound of fanfare

>> No.4963520

>Does anyone else agree that Martin is a hack and his writing lacks depth and detail?
No, just the insufferable hipster-tier garbage that infests /lit/ do.

>> No.4963525

Oh, look, a strawman.

>> No.4963713

You probably just can't handle it being a fantasy series that barely gives a few words per book to fill its magic quota.

>> No.4963732

>no, he has tolkein level world building in this series

That is completely and utterly false.

>> No.4964408

Glad I wasn't the only one. I think I made it a few chapters farther in than OP, but it's one of the very few books I've ever walked away from.

Strange thing is, I almost find the world he's crafted more compelling than the story he's written in it.

>> No.4964422

>"On a side note, I hear that this guys a staunch communist. Any truth to that? I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded lol."
>dismissing people as retarded for having an opinion different from popular bipartisan politics

>> No.4964445
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>can read through every single fucking book in The Black Company series
>can't read a single fucking GRUM book
What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.4964459

If /lit/ hates this guys books so much why are they in all the recommendation charts?

>> No.4964535

I heard the books are alright; I am a fan of the series, how much better are the books?

>> No.4964614

>assuming a few opinions equals the majority
>in a thread about people who specifically didn't like something

>> No.4964865

With the amount of threads I see about this guy I figure he must've struck some kind of a nerve. I think I'll pirate the first one and give it a go.

>> No.4965030

I read the until halfway through the fifth book, when I finally gave up on the books getting good. Looking back on it, maybe I was being excessively tolerant. I hated the pacing so much. Reading those books really felt like a grind, and there was no payoff, really. All the characters you like die, all the characters you dislike stick around forever and rise in rank. The whole thing is very repetitive. Just wave after wave of new characters being written in and then weeded out. It really felt like the whole series lacked really direction or purpose, other than intending to be like a history of sorts of a fictional realm. I mean, that's an interesting idea in and of itself, but after a few thousand pages of essentially nothing important, the books started to feel a little pointless.

Maybe that's an intentional statement that's trying to be deep. People are born and die, wars are fought, people rise and fall from power, cities and villages are burnt, people strive and manipulate for all kinds of goals, and it's all ultimately pointless. I kind of doubt GRRM really intended that kind of statement, though.

Really, they're fine entertainment if you're in to them, but that's all they are. There's just not that much to them, unfortunately.

>> No.4965058

Everyone's a critic.

>> No.4965078

Yeah, it's shit. It's like watching people enact medieval forums fanfics/discussions/guild threads. Good thing you noticed it fast. Now go read good stuff.

>> No.4965223

Good on you, form your own opinion. Have a nice day, anon.

>> No.4965297

>I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded lol.

So when did you lose respect for yourself?

>> No.4965319


Hello faggot leftist. Please fuck off and die <3

>> No.4965348

Would make sense he's a commie just from what I've seen of the TV series. It his leftist morality written into every facet of its soul. That little blond haired dragon cunt is such a fucking annoying little SJW Mary Sue. I have no care to read the books, I just hope that little bitch gets decapitated.

>> No.4965349

kek. i can feel your neckbeard growing

>> No.4965367

Have you ever met a neckbeard? It seems every one of the fags is some Obamalord

>> No.4965381

wow, look at you so special and edgy from those sheeple.

>> No.4965395

fite me irl, kid

>> No.4965653

It's a cool story line and looks like great fiction, but I got half way through the first book and though "nope, this is too much like real life. This is breaking my heart" and didn't continue reading.

>> No.4965713

>because the show is awful softcore bullshit.
What do you mean? There's more rape and violence in the TV series then the books,

>> No.4965720
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Woah wait what?

Can you explain please? What have you experienced in real life to mirror game of thrones?

Are you a wizard.jpeg?

>> No.4965727

>dismissing people as retarded for having an opinion different from popular bipartisan politics
Dismissing people as retarded for following a failed political ideology that's killed over a hundred million people sounds reasonable.

>> No.4965731

He means its just a soap-opera dressed up with leather and CGI trees to capture the rapidly growing pseudo-autistic market. You're like those people who watched weeds into the late seasons, basically. You just don't get it because you think nerd-shit is inherently superior.

>> No.4965741

>You're like those people who watched weeds into the late seasons, basically. You just don't get it because you think nerd-shit is inherently superior.
The fuck is weeds? GOT is the only TV show I watch. True detective was alright too.

>> No.4965752

>Be obviously teenager
>Expecting me to actually believe that

Wow kid you're sure patrician! Just one admitted television show that sucks and is all gimmick, golly!

>mfw you're in the middle of a half dozen chinese schoolgirl's cartoons that you don't include in the category of "TV"

>> No.4965771

mite just b you OP, I remember being glue to the 1st book when I read it, spending entire summer afternoons reading instead of doing other stuff.

I'm not sure what I'd think of it if I read it today. I should definitely give it a shot.

>> No.4965790

Yeah, you're right, he's a lot more detailed than Tolkien.

All the kingdoms and countries just look 2 dimensional in LOTR, and we only ever really meet the figureheads because fuck explaining how the systems work in each place.

Tolkien is based in mythology.
Martin is based in history, taking a lot from different time periods, but adjusting it pretty well to his setting.

As much as I love Tolkien, I like Martin's world better. If only the writing was a bit better and there was less unnecessary smut.

>> No.4965799

Work takes up most of my time. What little free time I do have I spend reading or browsing 4chan . I'm 22 by the way and I don't own a TV I watch GOT every Sunday at my friends house. Oh and I don't like anime (unless you count Hentai) either, I guess it's a fair assumption to make seeing as how I'm on 4chan but it's a wrong one. Why are you so aggressive about this anyway? Who cares whether I watch GOT or true detective? I also liked the books. Different strokes bud.

>> No.4965803

Is it strange that I don't like him?

>> No.4965840


We're on lit bro, let's team up and die fighting these beta commie faggots together.

I know I could get at least ten before the liberals swarm me ;___;

>> No.4965848
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If Tolkien was alive today do you think his moderniZed writing would wipe the floor with this fat faggot commie homo?

I for one say, yes. Yes he could.

>> No.4965858

GRRM is a fucking horrible writer, but I still want to know how it ends somehow.

>> No.4966759

But GRRM is a shit tier author. That it's popular doesn't mean anything. Fifty shades of grey is popular too. Would you call that a good series? Popular does not necessarily = good.

I appreciate that GRRM tries to do something new with the fantasy genre which has quite frankly been kinda stuck since Tolkien set the standards for it, but the books themselves are not that good.

>> No.4966764

>I think I made it to chapter 5 before deciding it was a waste of time.
I bet you're also one of those people who thinks they can skip books in the bible too.

>> No.4966768

I stopped reading at after Storm of Swords. I couldn't bear another Sansa chapter.

>> No.4966774

>On a side note, I hear that this guys a staunch communist. Any truth to that? I lose respect for people when I find out they're retarded lol.

m8, if this isn't b8...

No, but, he is not a communist. He might have flirted with that ideology in college but he's an outspoken democrat and a Jimmy Carter supporter. No communism to my knowledge though.

>> No.4966779

wesley willis is dead, dipshit. and you must be a pretty shitty musicologist to not understand why wesley willis is better than you

>> No.4966780

And what if he is a communist?
Do you americans still think we are in the Cold War or something?

>> No.4966782

Tolkien and GRRM despite both being fantasy authors write about entirely different things from entirely different perspectives.

Tolkien originally wanted to create a mythology for Britain, an opportunity he felt they had lost when the Normans took over. It is written like a classical mythological work that is not entirely grounded in reality. Add some Christian imagery and personal values and you got LOTR. The good guys win and the guys wearing black lose. Classic good vs evil.

GRRM writes his like a soap opera that is for the most part realistic (barring dragons and some magic obviously). Westeros is more or less medieval Europe in anything but name, and the real world is harsh and only the most ruthless person wins.

They are almost nothing alike so comparing them is futile IMO.

>> No.4966788


Would you say that GoT is 50 shades of grey + dragons?

>> No.4966790

GoT is Pillars of the Earth + Dragons

>> No.4966794


Ladies and gentlemen, here's a perfect example of a brainwashed liberal.

>ehh what's wrong with communism?
Uhh it was responsible for 200 million deaths in the 19th century

>nazis responsible for 10
Shut up you racist republican nazi! Only a redneck cracker in Mississippi wouldn't appreciate the beauty of Lena Dunham naked and gay marriage! Stupid nazi!

This is what you look like shlomo.

>> No.4966811
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>Not acknowledging that by making broad statements one can hold any economic establishment responsible for millions of deaths

Commies are gross but you're the grossest :^)

>> No.4966813
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>Communisms responsible for more deaths in the last hundred years then all religions combined.

>> No.4966819

>implying just as many people haven't died under capitalism
>implying there is no difference between "communism causing 200 million deaths" and "communists causing 200 million deaths"

>> No.4966835

ladies and gentlemen, here's a perfect example of a brainwashed /pol/ack
>ehh what's wrong with white people?
uhh they were responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths in every century

>other races have killed lots of people too
Shut you kike shill liberal! Only a fucking non-redpilled reddit transgender feminazi wouldn't appreciate the beauty of a well-dressed SS hauptmann and an anti-semitic pogrom! Stupid commie!

This is what you look like kraut.

>> No.4966837


The fedora is strong with you. Do you have any proof for the 200 million dead under capitalism?

>> No.4966839

Why don't you start one thread in /pol/ where you hate on communism and another thread here where you hate on these books. I'm sure you have enough hate inside to spew over many different topics.

>> No.4966843

>communism is responsible for death
>making a statement this utterly retarded

>> No.4967358

So right=retarded?

>> No.4967602

If we count the dumb shits taking over communism as communists during the 20th century, he is right.