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/lit/ - Literature

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4960758 No.4960758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my dad made fun of me today for being uncultured, at first i got all mad but then i realised like oh wait, i really am a stupid, uncultured piece of shit. so yeah, decided to come to you guys. im a girl,18 years old, i enjoy a bit of light reading to pass the time but i dont think ive ever read anything important. can you guys help me out on where to start?

>> No.4960768

Have you ever had a dream where your dad wants to castrate you?

>> No.4960773

couple of times yeah, how did you know?

>> No.4960778

>'light reading'
>'to pass the time'

goddamn, you want to be 'cultured'? then fucking invest yourself in literature, you cunt. check the sticky, borrow/buy 2nd hand and get with reading. start with classics. everything after feels easier. don't disregard critical theory.

>> No.4960783

Start with Greek, Indian, Chinese myths, and the Bible. Or any collections of ancients myths for that matter. Robert Graves' Greek myth seem to be really good. Then read the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad and/or the Odyssey. That should be a good start.

>> No.4960784

Your dad's a cool guy

>> No.4960791

jesus christ. kill yourself

>> No.4960795

hahaha youre such a jerk but okay thankyou.

>> No.4960796
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>im a girl,18 years old,
no girls on the internet.

however start here pic related

>> No.4960799
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>don't disregard critical theory.

holy fuck what?
Look if anyone is going to bother with critical theory you have to realized that critical theory is the tool the left uses to destroy civilization.

>> No.4960800

you must act quickly before it's too late...

>> No.4960802

>Expecting anything nice from /lit/, ever

>> No.4960805

Virginia Woolf

>> No.4960809

Hum, OK? So the left has been destroying civilization since Poetics?

>> No.4960811

The dad's probably /lit/

Did he call you a "pleb" op. It's a sign of affection between family members of a literary family

>> No.4960812

Start with the greeks.

>> No.4960813

You want cultured?

Yeah pick up The Iliad and The Odyssey, Shakespeare, The Divine Comedy, Faust, and Paradise Lost.

That should get you started on some culture

Inb4 no black authors

>> No.4960816
File: 162 KB, 1579x648, 1395115546985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hum, OK? So the left has been destroying civilization since Poetics?

No. Since the Frankfurt school


>In philosophy, the term critical theory describes the neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, which was developed in Germany in the 1930s

>> No.4960818

yay thats perfect, thanks so much, im excited.

>> No.4960819

Add in Don Quixote and you're set.

>> No.4960821

Evola kid please fuck off and stop trying to make people join your cult, this guy just wants to read.

>> No.4960826

Thank you for enlightening me, faggot tripfag. Tell me about yourself. What do you do besides posting on /lit/ 24/7

>> No.4960827

ay gurl, don't listen to these fags, literature is about enjoyment, no need to torture yourself, the key to enjoying torturous works is usually some sort of historical and ideological context tho, so just try and learn more of what interests you, maybe read some critical literature on the side, and enjoy the journey, more importantly, always be willing to learn, nothing shameful about not knowing something, and most boys would be happy to share knowledge with a qt3.14 who is genuinely interested

>> No.4960829
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Forget that one, thanks anon

>> No.4960834

>Evola kid please fuck off and stop trying to make people join your cult, this guy just wants to read.

"Nothing is more powerful than the literary brilliance of those who combat modern degeneracy, for they are truly god's chosen while we on the left are dribble "

~George R.R. Martin

>Thank you for enlightening me, faggot tripfag. Tell me about yourself. What do you do besides posting on /lit/ 24/7

sorry not /lit/ related.

>> No.4960839

i would tell you not to read this list because evolakid is suggesting it but it's honestly not bad

also, it's totally bizarre with some of the choices. how is the master and margarita right wing? it depicts jesus as a commie. william blake right wing? iunno.

very interesting

>> No.4960845

>Thinks all leftists are Marxists

"Muh dark souls" ~ Julius Evola on his spooks

>> No.4960848

Is evola the replacement to last year's monsieur guy?

>> No.4960851

>"Muh dark souls" ~ Julius Evola on his spooks

care to give me any examples of modern leftists not deriving core ideas for Marx?

>> No.4960852

Is Evola Sunhawk?

>> No.4960860

Or Stan?

>> No.4960865

you should read up on the history of the enlightenment, evolakid. the world is more compex than you would suspect

>> No.4960868


monsieur guy was an anon who shitposted left and right. at least he didn't have a tripcode

>> No.4960877

>Implying Marx invented leftist politics
r u jokin ther m8

>> No.4960936

>you should read up on the history of the enlightenment, evolakid. the world is more compex than you would suspect

>>Implying Marx invented leftist politics
>r u jokin ther m8

I said modern leftists
not all leftists ever were marxists

>> No.4960941
File: 560 KB, 1013x728, 1400755396180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a girl

The choice is simple.

>> No.4961249

God I love redheads

>> No.4961280
File: 111 KB, 726x126, Screen Shot 2014-05-26 at 1.27.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you guys help me out on where to start?
first of all, get off 4chan

don't start with lit, learn your way around cinema first and then learn political theory, then transfer into philosophy and once you have finally cultivated a personality and the ability to think critically, start reading general lit.

skip music and tv, they have nothing to offer you.

>> No.4961287

I can't even tell what this image is meant to convey.

>> No.4961291

>my dad made fun of me today for being uncultured

I hope one day I too can belittle my intellectually deficient offspring and shame them into reading some books off my shelf.

>> No.4961324

>just get started with some light fascist literature

Fucking hell m8, I blocked you. Couldn't you have kept using your trip?

>> No.4961340

>not being fascist

The fuck are you even doing here?

>> No.4961430

I came here to see that

>> No.4961463

Besides your bullshit political rantings, if you actually deeply read and contemplate the books on this list, you'll definitely gain something from your efforts.

But I don't think that diving right into complex political or philosophical works is the best way to do so. Doing a simple surface-level reading of The Leviathan or The Republic is hardly going to be useful. I would suggest reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. It's short, it's controversial, it's pretty gripping and funny at times, but there's also a lot going on beneath the surface. Make sure that when you read it, you do your research about the source material, beyond a superficial skim of the Wikipedia page. Look up scholarly analyses of whatever you read, especially if they have differing opinions. It may be difficult at first to parse more dense articles, but it's worth it in the end. You should do this with anything you read if you want to have a deep, significant understanding of the work. But most all, it's important to be passionate about whatever you're reading. This passion and interest will sustain you over the time that it takes to have truly, meaningful relationships with texts.

>> No.4961477

>Besides your bullshit political rantings, if you actually deeply read and contemplate the books on this list, you'll definitely gain something from your efforts.
>But I don't think that diving right into complex political or philosophical works is the best way to do so. Doing a simple surface-level reading of The Leviathan or The Republic is hardly going to be useful. I would suggest reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. It's short, it's controversial, it's pretty gripping and funny at times, but there's also a lot going on beneath the surface. Make sure that when you read it, you do your research about the source material, beyond a superficial skim of the Wikipedia page. Look up scholarly analyses of whatever you read, especially if they have differing opinions. It may be difficult at first to parse more dense articles, but it's worth it in the end. You should do this with anything you read if you want to have a deep, significant understanding of the work. But most all, it's important to be passionate about whatever you're reading. This passion and interest will sustain you over the time that it takes to have truly, meaningful relationships with texts.

This is completely wrong.

If someone is so incapable of understanding the books on the list I suggest they start with the greeks before moving on the harder literature such as Heinlein's Starship Troopers

>> No.4961486

He meant literary criticism, dumbass. Which is just writing about books. Which really started more with Homer, if you ask me, as the characters in it engage in some literary criticm. Poetics though, is usually thought of as the beginning of lit. crit.

>> No.4961496

We're giving suggestions to someone who self-admittedly has little to no experience with critical reading, literary analysis, or political theory. It's far more vital to begin study with proper understanding of individual works than to try and grasp a 3000 year progression of political thought wholesale. I agree that you should generally start with the Greeks, but only if you're really ready to handle them as they are mean to be understood. You could spend years just on Plato's dialogues, for fucks sake.

>> No.4961504


How dare you debase the name of monsieur guy in such a way?

he was number one.

>> No.4962264

Evolakid is an upgraded, more interesting version of /pol/.