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File: 141 KB, 1024x682, Bourgeoisie 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4960274 No.4960274 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the successful/bourgeoisie hated so much by leftists and pseudo intellectual professors

>> No.4960286

bourgeoisie in what sense?

It means a few things.

>> No.4960288


0/10, try harder Republican.

>> No.4960303

I personally hate the lower class with delusions of being bourgeois, which includes most americans and OP. They take pride in beating their chests to fight off invisible communist from undermining their vaguely defined values

>> No.4960316

As a leftist, I confess that I hate the bourgeoisie because I can't stand the concept of a constitutional monarchy and because a 17th century French merchant molested me as a child.

>> No.4960360

As a literate, I dislike the bourgeoisie because they are the most boring of people.

They are basically the enemy image of every literary movement ever, so there is that aswell.

>> No.4960372
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>I can't stand the concept of a constitutional monarchy

What could be better than an absolute monarchy?

>> No.4960381


>> No.4960512

in hating people who are wealthy, who they believe to be materialistic, they themselves turn out to be the most materialistic of all, judging people by their wealth rather than personality. it's an incredibly vague buzzword anyway.


>on /lit/
>"as a literate"

you should try being less redundant, doesn't help your claim

>They are basically the enemy image of every literary movement ever

right, because rednecks and ghetto blacks are so much more in tune with literary culture. most people are the "enemy" to literary movements because most people are anti-intellectual, no matter what class

>> No.4960522

The thing is, the bourgeoisie has a whole hell of a lot more power than the poor people. That power also makes them partly responsible for the poor remaining ignorant and poor.

>> No.4960577

>>on /lit/
>>"as a literate"
>you should try being less redundant, doesn't help your claim
I was being redundant intentionally, just to stress that I don't see myself as belonging to any politicial direction.

>right, because rednecks and ghetto blacks are so much more in tune with literary culture. most people are the "enemy" to literary movements because most people are anti-intellectual, no matter what class
We don't have rednecks or ghetto blacks where I live, but that's besides the point entirely.
You didn't really get what I meant: many literary movements (that I am a fan of) tried to define themselves by being not the bourgeois/contradicting the ideals and morals of the bourgeoisie: often because the parent generation was bourgeois, or the bourgeois represented the "old world" or the "old style". Poor people being poor? Who cares about them? The wealth not being "in tune" with literary culture, that is what drives literary movements!

>> No.4960581

why do librals always want me to do all that booklearnin?

only reason i failed college cuz they hate jesus, do you agree y/n

>> No.4960633


you're contradicting your own views by showing contempt towards the lower classes

>> No.4960636


>> No.4960649


but there's nothing to say these poor people wouldn't remain ignorant in a position of power as well, or that they wouldn't be just as "oppressive" as the current bourgeoisie. stop being so brazenly optimistic about human nature.

>> No.4960650

I do not dislike those who desire a calm repetitive stable life, because I desire days when I can just sit back and chat with a bunch of my friends. What I dislike is discouraging people from behavior that is not damaging to the individual in an obvious sense.

>> No.4960664

I didn't say it's purely their fault. I said nothing that would indicate that another group of people would necessarily do better
than the current bourgeoisie, or that the poor are ignorant simply because of the rich, so I don't see any brazen optimism.

>> No.4960681

Because the merchant mentality leads to a life not worth living.

>> No.4960730

Decadence is a scourge that has rotted any semblance of organic solidarity in our society. The modern bourgeoisie is the embodiment of decadence, and unlike its historical predecessors, it is not the intelligentsia, the leading force of society and culture, but a sagging tumor of overbearance and toxicity ego-centrism.

>> No.4960736

Toxic, that is.

>> No.4960741

>human nature
does not exist

>> No.4960751
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>and because a 17th century French merchant molested me as a child.

>> No.4960822

Which leftists are you talking about? Marx was rather fond of the bourgeoisie. They have accomplished more than all the Feudals and the Slavers.

>> No.4960844

> The modern bourgeoisie..., unlike its historical predecessors, it is not the intelligentsia, the leading force of society and culture, but a sagging tumor of overbearance and toxic ego-centrism

Interesting. Who in the modern world plays the role of the old bourgeoise?

>> No.4960931

no one, obviously.

>> No.4960932


Coming from a Marxist view, they are hated because they oppress others. That being said, it is not the individuals that are hated but the society which lets rise to such a structure or human manipulation and ownership

>> No.4961001

I'd have to go with jealousy?

my best friend is super leftist and unironically marxist, I think he doesn't like the bourgeoise just to fit in with the movement and to seem counter-culture.

>> No.4961625

Because their parents didn't give them their allowance this week.

>> No.4961666

It's simple.
Class animosity.
"Fuck you got mine." produces "Fuck mine get that."
They want them to be brought low because low social stature is link so deeply with poverty in their mind. The scandals are like a woolly mammoth being brought down for the tribe to enjoy. Who does not want upward social mobility? Naturally, there are a limited number of places among the aristocracy and when one is removed, another must take it's place. May the best man win. Everyone thinks they're fighting the good fight, but they are only picking sides for themselves. If they aren't out to get more, they're out to protect what they've been lead to think somebody else is after.

>> No.4962230


>> No.4962262

Because the bourgeoisie embodies the most pedestrian aspects of plebeian culture, and the most obnoxious aspects of aristocratic culture, while discarding the rest. They have a neurotic obsession with work for work's sake, equating it with character even when it is useless or even harmful; and their leisure culture is a crystallization of the nouveau riche into some perverse value system, they can't appreciate art except as a way to emulate aristocracy.

>> No.4962271

You forget that many rightists hate them also. See fascism and monarchism.

>> No.4962298

The bourgeoisie are a resented class because this is their society - the aristocracy has had its day and the proletariat hasn't yet. So naturally resentment is aimed at them from both sides, for all the flaws of our society are by default the fault of its ruling class.

>> No.4962321

I try not to limit myself to the left-right dichotomy, but a lot of my thought would place me on the right and I dislike what the bourgeoisie represents in this day and age.

>> No.4962324

>doge meme
Just give up you commie shit.

>> No.4962348


>> No.4962355


>> No.4962356


also underage

>> No.4962360
