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/lit/ - Literature

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4959280 No.4959280 [Reply] [Original]

>most books cost like $10
>book is a textbook
>now costs $200

>> No.4959291

because you'll buy it anyway

>> No.4959295

Because higher education is a scam.

>> No.4959300

>Not being in a grorious nation with free education.
>inb4 smug juvenile picture of Milton Friedman.

>> No.4959303

Because America only wants the rich to be educated.

>> No.4959306

just use dover books. High quality selection of classics and cheap as fug.

>> No.4959309

Because fewer people will buy it.

>> No.4959315

>take canadian history class
>tutorial is just looking at random scholarly articles on canadian history and commenting on them historiographically or whatever
>nothing to do with class/lecture content
>like really random too, the week we're talking about ww1, it's about "gendering in school athletics ca. 1920" or something, never one on topic
>ergo, could just be random fucking articles taken from JSTOR
>no man we need these two books, one for pre-confederation and one for post-confederation
>literally 80% of the articles are available on JSTOR anyway of course
>each book costs $105

I'm onto you, professor. I know you were getting your dick sucked by the editor of those pieces of shit.

Meanwhile in another class,
>prof hands out syllabus, says we have to buy three books
>when he hands it out he says cross off two of the books, the two expensive ones, because he wants to save us money
>hands out a supplemental syllabus with readings all from books freely available via library site

>> No.4959316


>see posts like this online and feel better about having a dead end job and zero social mobility
>go outside and interact with people in the real world
>no one gives a fuck about anything but money and regard you as a loser if you don't have a "good job"
>men dedicating their lives to the dollar and women cheating on their husbands for men with more money

>> No.4959317

These are the two sides of it. Plain old supply and demand.

>> No.4959321

i always buy the cheap international paperback and chinese knockoff editions. thank you based stem

>> No.4959334

Move to a decent country that has free education.

>> No.4959338
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>never went to university
>buddy is still going
>one of his professors says there's one book he needs
>can't do exam without it
>book is out of print
>"I'm sure you'll find it at the library. It has to be there."
>goes to 5 different libraries to no avail, including the biggest library in the area
>place is seriously hueg
>goes to a used bookstore with me
>finally finds it, by total chance
>it has to be bought together with 4 more books
>€200 used

>> No.4959343
File: 43 KB, 645x773, 1300574251052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had a buddy

>> No.4959356

Maybe if you buy expensive textbooks and let people use them for free one of them will become your bud.

>> No.4959388
File: 162 KB, 241x228, n67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know how to pirate shit
>prof going on about how she's so sorry the text is $80
>already have the pdf open before she's finished the sentence
>unbelievably cute girl next to me is like "IS THAT THE TEXTBOOK???"
>spend rest of the semester sharing book from my laptop
>leaning over on me constantly
>mfw every time I search something I pray she doesn't see my url autocomplete to femdom porn

>> No.4959398

Just delete your fucking history,
ya tool.

>> No.4959402

But then I don't have all my favourite links organised and ready to go. I don't want to bookmark all that shit and have to click it like some kind of fucking pleb.

>> No.4959412

let her accidentally see it, but just long enough to keep her guessing if that's what she actually saw

>> No.4959424

>not using two browsers

>> No.4959472

I have Safari for regular things and a "hidden" Firefox for unacceptable things. No problem in several years.

>> No.4959506

Agreed. I saw it in a movie with brad pitt once.

>> No.4959523

That's why I buy the international versions from even more discounted book store

>> No.4959526

>1st year cs
>Only 1 textbook required
>Written by lecturer who waives his royalties for students
feels good

>> No.4959528

I just steal them

>> No.4959534

Here in Finland you still have to pay for textbooks.

>> No.4959541

> Study in LSE
> Largest social sciences library in the world
> Never worry about textbooks

>> No.4959551

>Because fewer people will buy it.

But textbooks have a guaranteed need and are probably bought in numbers that rival some other big sellers. All STEM fags are gonna need the standard texts on physics, linear algebra, multivariable calculus, etc..

It's price gouging really.