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/lit/ - Literature

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4958682 No.4958682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


From this following list of philosphers, which ones are the most relevant to study to understand the succession or philosophy to it's present day

>> No.4958693

Depends which area of philosophy you want to understand the succession of.

>> No.4958701

I'm not really familiar with philosophy in general, does this mean i have to read absolutely all of those to understand each and every school that would enlighten me to the succession of philosophy till today?

>> No.4958704

Machiavelli (if you feel like it),
Descartes, Spinoza and Leibiniz
Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume and Rousseau
Kant and Hegel
Schopenhauer, Stirner, Marx
Nietzsche, Heidegger, Wittgenstein

These are the bare bones if you want to follow a succinct course of western thought. Of course, you're greatly encouraged to branch out along the way.

>> No.4958713

So if i ignore the rest it woulnd't damage my attempt to understand the general flow of western philosophy? I just don't want to miss something which will pile up as the evolution of philosophy goes

>> No.4958788


>> No.4958821
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The rest is just intellectual leisure

>> No.4958936

>The rest is just intellectual leisure

good one.

>> No.4958945

Thanks man I'm gonna copypaste this on a .txt file. What books should I read from each of them?

>> No.4959015

bumping for this

Can some other anons agree with this list?

>> No.4959026

Don't forget the presocratics. Early Greek Philosophy by Jonathan Barnes (basic), The Presocratic Philosophers by Kirk and Raven (less basic).

Hellenistic schools. Cynics, Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics (aka Pyrrhonists, Outlines of Pyrrhonism/Skepticism by Sextus Empiricus).

Neoplatonists have a strong influence on the subsequent western tradition, often covertly.

Francis Bacon.

These are some commonly overlooked but important sources.

>> No.4959039

Was it part of your plan that philosophy looks ready to die?

>> No.4959068

>Joxe Azurmendi
Ever heard of him? I'm basque and I hadn't

>> No.4959071

Presocratics > Plato > Aristotle > Hellenistic > Early Christianity > Scholasticism > Rationalism > Empiricism > Kant

>> No.4959165

stirner is a joke, otherwise seems fine

>> No.4959170

throw Russell in their too

>> No.4959180
File: 39 KB, 200x414, BhagavanVishnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This and Siddartha gautama with selected discourses of Bhuddism

Schopenhauer will be pleased

>> No.4959223

Stirner, Marx
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche
Husserl, Heidegger
Wittgenstein, Russell ...

>> No.4959285


in a sense was quite serious though

Poor Vico. so ignored

>> No.4960604

This is all you need to learn philosophy.


>> No.4960713

If you want to understand eastern philosophy the discourses of the Buddha aren't really that good seeing as they're kinda religious as opposed to purely philosophical (not to mention, they're not actually written by him anyway but hundreds of years after his death).

I would suggest the diamond and heart sutra instead. From there I would move on to Dogen and Nagaruna.

Some understanding of Hinduism will also considerably enrich one's appreciation of Buddhism.

>> No.4960838

commodius as fuck

>> No.4960883

why don't you just read it all yourself and then try to work out who is relevant? you'll have a lot more insight into philosophy

>> No.4961048

This is pretty good if you're not overly intelligent. No wonder he doesn't interact with academics.

>> No.4961069

This comment is pretty good if you're not overly intelligent. No wonder he has to post on 4chan.

>> No.4961097

Do you agree with Flynt?

>> No.4961110

>implying he's not too intelligent for the academics so he just makes badass electro-billy funk music



>> No.4961121

woops, forgot violin strobe

>> No.4961185

Everytimes someone ask how to get into philosophy, people manage to tell him that he must read everything from pre-socratics to modern time.

This seems a little overkill.

A book should be recommanded which is both rigorous and wide in strokes, with the understanding that it's probably biaised (better if explicitely so) and that, upon completion of this first reading, further study of particular philosopher would be advised if the reader was so inclined.

I bet OP doesn't speak french, but in the off chance, I'm currently reading this and it's great:

>> No.4962190
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>> No.4962200

>no Augustine or Kierkegaard
I understand skipping Aquinas, but this is too much.

>> No.4962204

>all these people saying Nietzsche

If you really want to read a load of childish nonsense there's better places to go.

>> No.4962209


So i figure there really isn't an objective list with the most cold hard philosophies huh

>> No.4962261
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>Western philosophers
Is someone implying that there is such a thing as non-Western philosophers?

>> No.4962286

No Pascal

No Husserl

No Adorno

fucking anglo-centrism

>> No.4962300

oh my goodness they're all so cute. is there a book that conveys their message in this cute sort of quality?

>> No.4962322

>Sun Tzu

>> No.4962377

Can't get any more summerfag than this.

>> No.4962391

oh, sorry
>jackie chan

>> No.4962396

You must make your own judgements and choose your own path, there is no correct school of thought.

But a life dedicated to mathematics, literature and love is a good life

>> No.4962638

Learning philosophy is literally a life-long journey. It's not an undertaking in which you'll reach an "ah-ha", realizing that you're "finished." Start somewhere and then just go from there.

>> No.4963028

So everything is subjective and i can pick whatever philosophy i want..because all of them are true?

Sorry, this is really confusing for me to understand

>> No.4963259

Whenever I see this I wonder if ever is going to be updated with a (former) /lit/izen?

Who knows, at least one of us idiots might just make it big someday.

>> No.4964349

It's pretty obvious that these are in chronological order. So why Beauvoir and Sartre set in like 1850?

>> No.4964353

I take that back, more like 1900

>> No.4965607

No Sartre....

>> No.4965611

Am I the only one here who genuinely enjoyed Finnegan's Wake?

>> No.4965622

Adorno was a hack who could only think in binaries.

>> No.4965642

Read Oxford companion to philosophy and Blackwell's anthology of philosophy side by side.

>> No.4965692

Yo OP, check me out alright, check me out.

Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Kierkegaard, Mill, William James, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Freud, Lacan, Sartre, Popper, Quine, Foucault, Rawls.

>> No.4965712

>Nietzsche and Marx
Trashed. Nietzsche did nothing to advance any field and Marx had no clue about social classes.

>> No.4965718

>Baiting this hard

OP wants to study significant philosophers. If you don't actually think they're significant, you're retarded. But then again, this is bait.

>> No.4965719

Nice sounding adages != philosophy. What did those two ever accomplish in any fields of thought?

>> No.4965726
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>real philosophy

>> No.4965729

Not very significant in serious thought, especially Nietzsche who wrote nothing of any real value. He was a glorified Sunday columnist. Marx is just for what not to think, as he was wrong about everything.

>> No.4965763

>Is someone implying that there is such a thing as non-Western philosophers?

What are your definitions of "Western" and "philosopher"?

>> No.4965780

Western European
a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.

>> No.4965797
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>posting shit

>> No.4965804

Nice rebuttal, kid.

>> No.4965805

>especially as an academic discipline
that's an academic, not a philosopher

>> No.4965821
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>the two are mutually exclusive